2012-2013 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
BIOL 150BLKS - Functional Human Anatomy and Biomechanics: Back and Core StabilizationA two-part course offered by faculty of the Keck Science department and Western University of Health Sciences; the two courses may not be taken concurrently.
Evolution and development of pronograde versus orthograde stance; development of pelvic diaphragm; mechanical properties of disks and vertebrate (creep); passive versus active stabilization and limb movement; back pain. This course has a laboratory fee.
Prerequisites: BIOL 039L KS (or DANC160 PO or DANC163 SC); BIOL 043L KS or BIOL 044L KS (or equivalent); PHYS 030L KS or PHYS 033L KS (or equivalent), and permission of instructor. AISS may be used for the introductory biology and physics courses. One previous upper-division biology course is strongly recommended.
Offered: Every other year
Credit: 1
Course Number: BIOL150BLKS