2014-2015 Catalog 
    Jan 20, 2025  
2014-2015 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Financial Information

Undergraduate College Expenses


The tuition charge at Claremont McKenna College for the 2014-2015 academic year is $47,150. Tuition covers only a portion of the actual cost of the education each student receives. The College bears the additional cost through past gifts, now in use as endowments, and through current gifts. These additional resources in effect provide every student with a scholarship. Based on recent experience, tuition should be expected to increase every year due to growing costs. At the same time, CMC is committed to helping students who need financial aid through an extensive program of scholarships, grants, loans, and employment. The College reserves the right to change fees at any time.

Part-Time Student Tuition

Students carrying fewer than three courses per semester pay tuition of $7,858.33 per course, and $3,929.17 per one-half (0.5) course. These part-time student costs, for up to two-and-a-half (2.5) courses, also apply to CMC students who have received permission to study in absentia. The charge for three (3) or more courses in absentia is full tuition.

Room and Board

  • Residence Halls
    The charge for a double room in a CMC residence hall is $7,900 per student, per year. The charge for a single room is $8,875 for the academic year. The charge for a triple or quad room is $6,900. These rental charges cover only the period when classes are scheduled, and the residence halls are closed for occupation during winter break.
  • CMC Apartments
    The rental charges for the four-person, four-bedroom, two-bathroom configuration are $8,900 per student, per year. The charge for the two-person studio units is $8,875 per person, per year.
  • Board Plans
    Resident students may sign up for one of three meal plan options:
    • 16 meals/$200 Board Plus (per semester) for $6,920 per year
    • 14 meals/$140 Board Plus (per semester) for $6,560 per year
    • 12 meals/$120 Board Plus (per semester) for $6,240 per year
    • 8 meals/$80 Board Plus (per semester) for $5,820 per year

Board Plus dollars can be used to purchase additional meals during the semester at any dining hall at The Claremont Colleges, or to purchase food and beverage items at any of the snack bars at the Colleges that utilize a card reader. Students who commute may purchase meals as they choose. The CMC dining hall is closed during winter and spring breaks. See Guide to Student Life for further residential life policies.

Student Fees

Students are responsible for a variety of fees, including the following:

  • Student Activities Fee (ASCMC)
    Current students pay a student body fee of $245 per year; fees are used to support student activities.
  • Off-Campus Students Fee
    Full-time students living off-campus pay a fee of $200 per year to contribute to the cost of maintaining college facilities that are not only used by on-campus students but also by those living off-campus (e.g. the Marian Miner Cook Athenaeum, Emett Student Center, McKenna Auditorium, etc.).
  • Vehicle Registration Fee
    All motor vehicles must be registered with Campus Safety during college registration, or within three days after the vehicle is brought to Claremont. The fee for registration is $75 per semester. With a valid registration, sophomores, juniors and seniors may park in designated CMC parking lots. Freshmen are not permitted to have cars on campus.
  • Laboratory and Other Course Fees
    Students taking courses with a laboratory are charged laboratory fees; some other courses also have fees. After the final date to enter courses, no course fees are refunded. Fees amounts are indicated individually in the online course schedule for courses with fees.
  • Library Processing Fee
    The Claremont Colleges Libraries charge a processing fee for lost library books. The fee is not refundable if a book is later returned.

Other Expenses

Actual costs for a year at CMC include expenses for books and supplies, clothing, travel, recreation, and incidentals. Generally, books cost about $900 per year; other expenses vary considerably from student to student, but $1,200 is adequate for most students.


All students are required to carry health insurance. Information about insurance expectations is provided to all students through the student portal and is available from the Office of the Dean of Students. An accident and sickness medical policy is available to all full-time students to protect them against major costs. It is designed to supplement care provided by Student Health Services, which would be the primary care provider; it includes benefits for accidental injuries, hospitalization, surgery, doctors’ visits in the hospital, emergency care, and ambulance.

The College assumes no responsibility for loss or damage to students’ personal property; private coverage is advised.

Graduate School Expenses

Graduate Student Tuition, Fees, and Other Expenses

The information on undergraduate expenses, scholarships, and financial aid does not apply to the graduate students enrolled at CMC. The tuition charge for the Master of Arts in Finance program is $54,131 plus the standard off-campus student fee and applicable motor vehicle registration fees for the one-year program. Graduate students will live off campus, but may purchase a CMC block meal plan with a minimum of ten meals for a total of $80.00. This meal plan is for lunch only and multiple block meals may be purchased. For further information, including information on required medical insurance, see the Graduate Student Resource Guide. For information on financial aid and scholarships for graduate students, see the website of the graduate program.

Other Financial Information for Undergraduate Students

Payment Options

  • Electronic Check (highly recommended)
    The preferred payment option is to make an electronic check (ACH) payment by accessing the Claremont McKenna College online student account system. Authorization for other interested parties to review and make payments on behalf of a student’s account may be granted directly by the student from within the system. No service fees are charged for electronic check payments. Be sure to follow the instructions and carefully input your bank’s routing number and your checking or savings account number. DO NOT use your debit card number.
  • Paper Checks Sent via Traditional Mail
    Payment may also be made by sending paper checks via traditional mail to be delivered by the U.S. Postal Service to the address below. Include the student identification number in the memo line of all paper check payments. No cash payments will be accepted at this address.

    Claremont McKenna College
    PO Box 848142
    Los Angeles, CA 90084-8142
  • Paper Checks Sent via Overnight Courier (FedEx, UPS, DHL, etc.)
    Paper checks may also be sent via overnight courier to the address below. Include the student identification number in the memo line of all paper check payments. No cash payments will be accepted at this address.

    Wells Fargo Lockbox E20001-049
    Claremont McKenna College
    3440 Flair Drive
    El Monte, CA 91731

Monthly Payment Plan

Annual charges may be paid in 8 monthly installments (due on the 20th of August, September, October, and November for the fall semester and on the 20th of January, February, March, and April for the spring semester). The service charge for the monthly payment plan is $100 per semester. This payment privilege may be revoked for cause.

Due Dates and Delinquent Accounts

Payments are due on the 20th of each month. Delinquent accounts are subject to late charges. Delinquent payments may cause the suspension of dining hall, residence, and classroom privileges. In the event of repeated failure to make payments on schedule, the privilege of deferred payments under a Payment Plan will be withdrawn. Students who have outstanding charges at the end of a semester may have grades and transcripts withheld until all bills have been paid. A financial hold will be placed on the account and the student will not be allowed to register for the following semester.


Students who withdraw during the semester may be eligible for refunds, depending upon the time of the withdrawal. Students must give written notification to the registrar of their decision to withdraw and complete the withdrawal procedures in order to be eligible for any refunds.

Tuition, student body fees, board charges, scholarships, and grants will be prorated based on the number of days a student is registered at CMC, up to the sixty percent point of the semester. After that point, a student is no longer eligible for refunds. Room charges will not be prorated unless a new student occupant is immediately available.

Students suspended or dismissed from the College for disciplinary reasons during the semester receive no refunds.

Financing Off-Campus Study

  • Study Abroad
    CMC students participating in study abroad or international exchange programs are charged CMC tuition, room, and board fees. The ASCMC fee is not charged. CMC pays the study abroad or international exchange program tuition and fees, including room and board. CMC provides a meal allowance for students participating in programs which do not include meals. CMC also provides a travel allowance toward the cost of the round-trip airline ticket from Los Angeles to the study abroad destination. An allowance for local transportation and for international health insurance may also be provided.

    Study abroad participants must personally pay for passport and visa fees, cost of medical examinations and immunizations, and refundable security/damage deposits. On site, students pay for personal need such as books, supplies, clothing, medical charges, laundry, postage, recreation, entertainment, phone bills, snacks, and weekend or holiday travel. These costs vary considerably from site to site, and are likely to be higher than in Claremont. Students recieving finanical aid will continue to recieve their full CMC package during their semester off-campus.
  • Washington, D.C. Program
    CMC students participating in the College’s Washington Program continue to pay CMC tuition and the ASCMC fee to cover the costs of the academic program, special events, field trips, and transportation. Expenses for housing, meals, health insurance, and local transportation are the responsibility of the participants. Students receiving financial aid continue to receive state and federal aid, as well as private and merit scholarships. Students with CMC grants-in-aid will also continue to receive their grants. For students on the Washington Program, the total financial aid package they receive will include a moderate increase in aid to compensate students for the higher cost of living in Washington, D.C.
  • Silicon Valley Program
    CMC students participating in the College’s Silicon Valley Program continue to pay CMC tuition, room, and the ASCMC fee to cover the costs of the academic program, special events, field trips, and transportation. Expenses for meals, health insurance, and local transportation are the responsibility of the participants. Students receiving financial aid continue to receive state and federal aid, as well as private and merit scholarships. Students with CMC grants-in-aid will also continue to receive their grants.
  • U.S. Exchange Programs
    CMC students participating in U.S. exchange programs pay CMC tuition, room and board, and student body fee. Students receiving financial aid will continue to receive their full CMC package during their semester off-campus. Participants are responsible for transportation expenses to the program.

Financial Aid for Undergraduate Students

Claremont McKenna College coordinates a comprehensive program of scholarships, grants, loans, and student employment with funds from its own resources, federal and state governments, and other sources. Approximately two-thirds of CMC students receive aid to help meet their expenses.

Financial aid is awarded in the form of grants, student employment, or some combination of these sources. The combined aid awarded each student is called a “package.”

Students with questions about financial aid should first consult a financial aid officer; appeals may be taken to the chair of the Committee on Admission and Financial Aid, the Committee itself, and, finally, to the President.

Students applying for the Master of Arts in Finance program should consult the director of admission officer for the Master of Arts program for details on available financial support. The information provided in this section does not apply to graduate students.


To be eligible for federal financial aid, students must:

  • have demonstrated financial need
  • be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident
  • make satisfactory academic progress
  • be enrolled as a CMC student
  • register with the Selective Service, if required
  • sign a statement of educational purpose/certification statement on refunds and default

Institutional aid eligibility varies according to the program (i.e. grants, college loans, etc.); in most cases, students must meet the above standards to receive college aid.

  • Financial Need
    The total amount of aid awarded a student is based upon need; in calculating that amount, all financial factors in the candidate’s family are considered. The financial need of all recipients is reviewed each year and may be revised depending on family financial circumstances; students and parents must apply annually for financial aid.

    Financial need is based on the cost of a CMC education, minus a student’s expected family contribution. Family contribution is calculated from the information provided by students and parents on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and the College Scholarship Service (CSS) Financial Aid PROFILE. Federal aid eligibility is calculated by a formula established by Congress. CMC uses a more in-depth formula to establish family contributions for a student’s CMC institutional aid.
  • Satisfactory Academic Progress
    Continuing eligibility for financial aid requires that students make satisfactory progress toward a degree. To do so, they must meet the following minimum requirements:
    • Complete at least three (3) full courses per semester
    • Not be on probation for more than two (2) consecutive semesters
    • Maintain at least a cumulative grade point average of C (6.00) or have academic standing consistent with the institution’s requirements
    • Complete the following minimum cumulative number of courses toward the degree:
  First year
Second year
Third year

Students who withdraw from courses, either during the semester or retroactively, are not making satisfactory progress if they complete less than three (3) courses per semester. Students will not receive credit for incomplete courses until all work has been completed and a final grade posted by the registrar. Credit for repeated courses is granted only if the student previously received a grade of F.

Length of Financial Aid

First-time new students may receive financial aid for up to eight (8) semesters. Returning students who initially did not receive any financial aid but find themselves in need because of changed circumstances are encouraged to contact the Office of Financial Aid to explore eligibility. However, students who did not apply for or did not receive need-based financial aid previously at CMC are not guaranteed they will receive financial aid or be considered for financial aid in the coming academic year. Each year financial aid consideration will be determined based on the availability of funds.

Eligibility for transfer students is determined by their academic classification at entry and their expected graduation date. The CMC registrar determines the transfer courses accepted toward the degree, which determines the number of remaining semesters for which aid may be offered.

Student Contributions

Students with upper class standing are expected to contribute more towards their expenses than underclass students, because students’ earning power presumably increases as they progress toward their degree.

Off-Campus Students

Undergraduate students living off-campus may have credit balances on their account. These balances are not disbursed until funds creating the balance (a student grant, for example) are received and processed.

Financial Aid and Study Abroad

Students studying abroad through CMC who receive financial aid continue to receive all financial aid while abroad, including state and federal aid, as well as private and merit scholarships. Students with CMC grants-in-aid continue to receive their grants.

California Residents and Cal Grants

CMC requires all students who are California residents to apply for a Cal Grant. To be considered, students must submit a GPA Verification Form certified by a high school or college official no later than March 2; it must be mailed directly to the California Student Aid Commission.

International Students

Although the College occasionally gives financial assistance to international students, it rarely provides them with sufficient funds to cover all expenses. Foreign students who cannot carry a substantial portion of their expenses should not apply to CMC. Merit or need-based financial aid is not available after enrollment.

Federal Regulations and the Academic Year

For federal financial regulations, the academic year consists of two semesters, both 16 weeks in length. Classes begin on a Tuesday in both the fall semester and the spring semester, and the semesters end with the last day of final exams. Students are expected to complete an average of four (4) courses per semester, which is the equivalent of 16 semester units per term, in order to maintain their eligibility for financial aid.

The fall semester includes partial weeks at the beginning of the term and during fall break. Furthermore, because classes meet three days prior to Thanksgiving break, that week also counts toward the 16 week fall semester. The spring semester begins the third week in January following a winter break. The spring semester is 16 weeks in length, not including the week of spring break.

Financial Aid Applications

CMC strongly recommends early application for financial aid; students who apply late for financial aid are not guaranteed aid even though they already have been admitted. For further information, contact the Financial Aid Office.

Application forms for grants, scholarships, and loans are available in the Financial Aid Office.

New Students

New students admitted for the fall semester (freshmen and transfers) who have demonstrated financial need and applied for financial aid by the deadlines, are awarded the aid they need. While CMC strives to meet each student’s full need, late applicants may not receive scholarships or grants, because of funding caps and needs of “on time” applicants. Candidates should pay close attention to the deadlines for financial aid applications, which may not be the same as admission deadlines.

All freshmen candidates who wish to apply for financial aid must complete and submit the following two forms not later than February 1:

  • Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) Form
    This form must be submitted directly to the Federal Processor. Be sure to enter CMC’s institutional code 001170 in the appropriate place on the form.
  • CSS Financial Aid PROFILE Form
    This form must be submitted to the College Board. CMC’s CSS code #4054 must be listed on the PROFILE form. Further information is available from high school guidance counselors or the CMC Admission and Financial Aid Office.

    Early Decision (ED) candidates may apply for either Early Decision I or II. Financial aid applicants must file a CSS Financial Aid PROFILE by December 1 for ED I or January 2 for ED II.

    Transfer candidates for either fall or spring are only eligible for financial aid if they have submitted both the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) Form, and the CSS Financial Aid PROFILE form by March 1.

Returning Students

Returning students must reapply for financial aid for the next academic year by completing and sending both the FAFSA and CSS Financial Aid PROFILE to the appropriate offices by April 15. CMC distributes renewal application information to all students receiving some form of financial aid in mid-November. If a student does not receive renewal application information, it is the student’s responsibility to contact the Financial Aid Office to obtain the information. The Office makes every effort to communicate about application deadlines and other requirements throughout the year.


Financial aid award letters are usually sent to new CMC students within a few days of or with the letter of admission, assuming the student filed the appropriate forms by February 1. CMC tries to help students make a commitment decision by providing financial aid information as soon as possible. Returning students are notified of their renewal awards by mid-June.

Types of Financial Aid


CMC uses gifts given to the College by individuals and organizations to fund College Grants to help students with their college costs. Grants are usually available to students who demonstrate a need and apply for financial aid.

  • Cal Grants
    The California Student Aid Commission awards Cal Grants on the basis of academic ability and financial need. CMC requires all students who are California residents to apply every year for a Cal Grant.
  • Pell Grants
    Federal Pell Grants are a direct grant from the federal government to students.
  • Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants (FSEOG)
    FSEOG are awarded to CMC by the government to aid exceptionally needy students. Individual FSEOG grants vary in amount, and are awarded according to CMC’s packaging policies.


  • Direct Loans
    The William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan Program offers a variety of low-interest federal loans to help students pay for college. These loans are made and insured by the federal government. These loans have an adjustable interest rate that changes each July 1. Six months after graduation or withdrawal, student borrowers begin repayment in quarterly installments. Postponement of repayment is available for graduate studies, military service, and other approved circumstances.
  • Subsidized Federal Direct Loans are for students who demonstrate financial need; the funds are transmitted electronically or mailed to the College and released in two or more payments. A student must demonstrate need as determined by the College.
  • Unsubsidized Federal Direct Loans also are available; students may borrow within the same limit and interest rate terms as the subsidized program. With the exception of demonstrating financial need, borrowers must meet all eligibility criteria for financial aid programs. Family income does not affect loan eligibility or disqualify borrowers from obtaining an unsubsidized loan. Although interest rates are the same as for subsidized loans, the federal government does not pay interest on these loans while borrowers are enrolled in school or in deferment; interest payments begin immediately after the loan is fully disbursed, or may be added to the principal balance.
  • Federal Perkins Loans
    Federal Perkins Loans are low-interest (5 percent) loans for students with exceptional financial need. They are made through CMC’s Financial Aid Office, and CMC is the lender. Annual loan amounts range from $500 to $5,500. Interest accrual and repayment of principal do not begin until nine months after graduation or withdrawal. Postponement of principal and interest payments is available for graduate studies, military service, and other approved circumstances.

Check the financial aid website for information on federal annual student loans limits.

  • College Student Loans
    College Student Loans also are available; CMC uses these funds when needed to supplement federal programs. College loan funds may carry interest, and monthly repayment of the principal usually begins six months after students leave CMC, graduate, or cease enrollment on at least a half-time basis. CMC may postpone repayment for full-time graduate study.
  • Federal PLUS Loans
    Federal PLUS Loans are federally-sponsored loans for parents who wish to borrow on behalf of their dependent children enrolled at least half-time in college. The loan must be repaid in full with interest by the parent-borrower. Like Federal Direct Loans, these loans are made by a bank, credit union, or savings and loan association. These loans have an adjustable interest rate that changes every July 1. PLUS loans are disbursed in two or more payments and are mailed to the College.

Student Employment

Many students earn part of their college expenses through student employment, funded by the College and the Federal Work-Study program. On-campus jobs are available in such places as the Emett Center, the Athenaeum, the library, building and grounds department, and in a number of academic or administrative offices, as well as the research institutes. Federal College Work Study is a financial aid program that enables CMC to place eligible students in on- or off-campus jobs funded by both the federal program and CMC. Students must apply for financial assistance each year and meet federal eligibility requirements.

Non-Work Study Employment also is available on campus; it is funded through non-Work Study funding and department budgets. These positions are filled directly through the department. Jobs also are available off-campus in Claremont and nearby communities. Access to all on- and off-campus jobs is available through interviews.

Disbursement of Financial Aid Funds

Grants, scholarships, and loans are generally disbursed in two installments annually and are credited directly to individual student accounts. Federal Work Study and other student employment earnings are paid bi-weekly directly to the student.

Financial Aid Refund Policies

If a student who receives federal aid withdraws before the end of the semester, the College uses the formula mandated by the United States Department of Education to return these funds. Federal funds must be returned in the following order:

  • Unsubsidized Direct Loan
  • Subsidized Direct Loan
  • Perkins Loan
  • PLUS
  • Pell Grant
  • Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG)
  • Other Federal Title IV Programs

Work Study is not included in the calculation of a refund.

Short Term Loans

Short term loans are available to students, interest-free, regardless of financial need, when faced with unexpected emergencies. Repayment is required within a short period of time; repayment schedules are established with each student on an individual basis, contingent on his/her unique circumstances. These funds are made available through the Associated Students CMC Loan Fund or the Student Emergency Loan Fund.


Scholarship Programs for Undergraduate Students

  • Frank Seaver Leadership Scholarship
    The Frank Seaver Leadership Scholarship is a renewable full-tuition scholarship given to approximately four or more entering freshmen every year. This scholarship is awarded to students who demonstrate exceptional promise to become leaders intent on making a positive impact on the world. All application and supporting credentials must be postmarked by December 1.

    Students selected will receive a merit scholarship equal to full tuition (students and their families are responsible for room and board costs as well as individual personal expenses). Additionally, two monetary stipends of $4,000 each will be granted to each Seaver Scholar to use in the pursuit of summer leadership development opportunities such as internships, community service, or academic travel. Throughout their time at CMC, Seaver Scholars will be expected to participate in various small group enrichment programs, provided with the intention to further developing their leadership potential.

    Students who wish to be considered must indicate their interest on the CMC Common Application Supplement by checking the box at the top of the Supplement form.

    Candidates who are selected will be notified by the Office of Admission and Financial Aid at the same time they receive their admission notification letter. Students who are applying Early Decision may also apply for the Frank Seaver Leadership Scholarship. Early Decision applicants who are awarded the Frank Seaver Leadership Scholarship will be notified by April 1.
  • McKenna Achievement Award Merit Scholarship
    The McKenna Achievement Award is a renewable $10,000 scholarship given to approximately 15 entering freshmen every year. Students who wish to be considered must indicate their interest on the CMC Common Application Supplement by checking the box at the top of the Supplement form. All application and supporting credentials must be postmarked by December 1.

    Candidates who are selected will be notified by the Office of Admission and Financial Aid at the same time they receive their admission notification letter. Students who are applying Early Decision may also apply for the McKenna Achievement Award. Early Decision applicants who are awarded the McKenna Achievement Award will be notified by April 1.

    Finalists for the McKenna Achievement Awards are chosen from among all candidates for admission who have straight As or nearly straight As in high school, whose SAT scores are 680 or higher in each section, or whose ACT composite score is 31 or higher, and who have significant extracurricular achievement. Finalists must attend an interview program on campus in early March (at the College’s expense), and are notified of the final awards in early April.

    These awards are made possible through the special assistance of the H.N. & Frances C. Berger Foundation, the Donald C. McKenna Foundation, Harris and Ann Seed, Shirley Smith Peschka, the Alice Tweed Tuohy Foundation, and the Uhlmann Foundation. The awards are:
    • Berger Scholarships
    • McKenna Achievement Awards
    • Seed Scholarships
    • Tuohy Honor Scholarships
    • Uhlmann Scholarships
    • SUMMIT Scholarships

Academic scholarships are awarded with the expectation that recipients will perform academically at a level commensurate with their ability. To remain eligible for McKenna Achievement Awards Program scholarships, students must maintain a GPA of B (9.00) and make satisfactory progress towards the degree. The two most recent consecutive semesters are used to determine if a student has met these standards. If a student fails to meet these requirements, the scholarship is suspended until the requirements are met.

  • Interdisciplinary Science Scholarship (ISS)
    A grant from The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation funds the Interdisciplinary Science Scholarship (ISS), providing full-tuition scholarships for 10 to 13 entering freshmen every year. Designed for students interested in pursuing both a science and non-science double or dual major while at CMC, students will be asked to explore the idea of science leadership via a dual or double major such as government-biology, international relations-physics, chemistry-Spanish or one of a host of other possible combinations available within CMC’s exhaustive curriculum.

    Specifically, the scholarship awards will be focused on outstanding students from lower-income households. ISS Scholars will be selected based on financial need, academic excellence, leadership potential, and passion for science. They will be required to graduate with a dual or double major in a science and non-science discipline.

    Students who wish to be considered for the ISS scholarship should apply to CMC by submitting both the Common Application and the CMC Supplement to the Common Application. Students should be sure to indicate intended majors in both a science and non-science discipline. In addition, students should fill out the FAFSA and College Scholarship Service PROFILE.
  • National Merit Scholarships
    Each year, CMC sponsors several National Merit Scholarships and grants awards of $1,000 or $2,000. National Merit Scholarships are offered in addition to any aid based on need, with the exception of CMC-sponsored National Merit Scholarships. In some cases, other College grant aid may be reduced to coordinate with California State Grants and Federal Programs.
  • Reserve Officer Training Corps Scholarships (ROTC)
    Army Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) Scholarships are available to qualified applicants, including entering freshmen.

    Students may compete for four-year ROTC scholarships while in their junior and senior year of high school (early and regular decision cycle). The deadline for the on line application for ROTC scholarships is December 1. After December 1 and before the start of the College’s fall semester, applicants can still apply directly to the Department of Military Science and Leadership. Each year, recipients receive full tuition from the Army and a full room-and-board grant from CMC, $1,200 for books, and a tiered tax-free stipend ranging from $350 to $500 per month.

    Students on campus may also compete for three-and-a-half, three-, and two-year scholarships. Like the high school scholarships, these scholarships provide full tuition, books, the tiered tax-free stipend, and full room and board.

    Qualified students can enroll in Army ROTC at any point in their college careers, if they have at least two full years of full-time academic coursework remaining. Participation in the basic course (freshman/sophomore years) carries no military obligation, except for scholarship students. Students normally sign contracts in the fall of their junior year. Service obligation is four years of active duty or eight years of reserve duty. Students may apply for a guaranteed reserve forces duty, either scholarship or non-scholarship. Graduate students may also participate in ROTC as long as they remain on full-time status and have two years remaining at their graduate institutions. Education delays are available to complete advanced schooling, usually in medical, dental, or law school.

    Students with prior service time, prior ROTC training, or reserve training may qualify for immediate advanced program placement. Selected students also may participate in a reserve or national guard unit while in ROTC, drawing pay from both.

    All questions about Army ROTC should be directed to the Military Science and Leadership Department, Bauer Center South, room 101, (909) 621-8102.

  • Margaret Martin Brock Internship Award (Washington Program)
    The Margaret Martin Brock Internship Fund is an endowed fund whose income is available to supplement general expenses each semester for two students who participate in the Washington Program. This scholarship is awarded by the selection committee for the internship program; no application is required.
  • The Mary and Richard Butler Award (Study Abroad)
    Thanks to the generosity of trustee Dick Butler, CMC students who receive need-based financial aid and who have never traveled overseas are eligible to apply for a study abroad travel grant. The grant will be credited toward travel expenses to and from the program. Eligible students apply through the Office of Off-Campus Study after they are approved for study abroad by CMC.
  • The Asia Financial Group Exchange with the Chinese University of Hong Kong (Study Abroad)
    The Asia Financial Group has provided funding for two $2,500 semester merit scholarships per year for CMC students interested in studying at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Students approved for study at the Chinese University of Hong Kong are automatically entered for this scholarship through the Office of Off-Campus Study. The grant will be credited toward academic expenses for the program.
  • National Security Exchange program (NSEP) David L. Boren Undergraduate Merit Scholarships (Study Abroad)
    NSEP Boren Scholarships provide support to U.S. undergraduate students pursuing the study of languages and cultures currently underrepresented in study abroad and critical to U.S. national security. These merit scholarships for students with financial need provide up to $10,000 for a semester of study abroad through CMC ($20,000 for a full academic year). For further information, see Study Abroad .
  • The Robert Day Scholars Program
    The Robert Day Scholars Program provides financial support for highly motivated students with excellent academic records, significant leadership aptitude, and a clear interest in leadership roles in business, finance, government, and not-for-profit organizations. Students apply in their sophomore year to become Robert Day Scholars. Scholars take coursework in economics, finance, accounting and organizational psychology. All applicants must have completed coursework in economics and mathematics in preparation for the program but students from all majors are eligible to apply. The program is open to qualified students from The Claremont Colleges and all Robert Day Scholars receive a merit fellowship. For further information, see The Robert Day Scholars Program .

National Scholarships and Fellowships

CMC students have been awarded some of the most prestigious scholarships and fellowships in the nation, including the Churchill, Freeman, Fulbright, Goldwater, Marshall, Mellon, National Science Foundation, Rhodes, Rotary, Soros, and Truman awards. Many programs require nomination and/or selection by the College and designated faculty members serve as program advisors to assist students with the application and, where appropriate, interview process. The majority of these programs offer funding for students after graduation but a number provide funding for undergraduates. Applications for these programs are very competitive and the process is time-consuming; interested students must start the application process well before the published program deadline dates.

General information sessions as well as program specific information sessions are held at the beginning of the fall semester and during the spring semester. Further information is available from the Center for Global Education.

Scholarship Programs for Graduate Students

Significant scholarship funding is available for students participating in the Master of Arts in Finance  program. Scholarships are determined as part of the admission process to the program.

Undergraduate Scholarships and Grant Funds

CMC provides a comprehensive scholarship and grant fund from its own general institutional resources. In addition, numerous donors have established several hundred scholarships to fund CMC grants. These funds are awarded based on specific donor preferences. To learn more about specific awards, contact the Financial Aid Office. Students must complete the financial aid application process to be considered for these scholarships and grants. 

Funds provided by donor gifts include Alumni Fund Annual Scholarships, with major gifts from:


Abdlatif Y. Al-Hamad ‘60 P’89

Mohammed S. Al-Sabah ‘78 P’10

Ahmed Y. Al-Sager ‘83

Joel A. Appel ‘87

Steven J. Ashby ‘70 P’95

James. B. Bemowski ‘76 P’07 P’09M’10

Brandenberg Family

Roy Y.C. Chen ‘86

John V. Croul ‘49

A. Steven Crown ‘74

Nicholas P. Daifotis ‘79

Edmond I. Eger III ‘83 P’16

Steven L. Eggert ‘82 P’15

Frank J. Goebels III ‘79

Thomas A. Goodman ‘71 P’13

Lawrence T. Hammett ‘57 P’84

William T. Hammond ‘50

Alan C. Heuberger ‘96

Gregory K. Hinckley ‘68

Robert Y.C. Ho ‘81

Ingrid P. Innes ‘92 & Christopher J. Innes ‘92

Gregg E. Ireland ‘72

Donald P. Johnson ‘65 P’16

Michael Larson ‘80

Hyun K. Lee ‘85 P’14

Perry A. Lerner ‘65 P’89

Robert E. Lewis ‘67

Robert M. Long ‘60 P’94 P’02

John F. Lucas ‘75

H. Larry ‘65 P’90 and Kenneth A. ‘90 Maass

James B. McElwee ‘74 P’12

Harry T. McMahon ‘75 P’08 P’09

Mgrublian Family

Paul H. Nathan ‘80

Thomas B. Neff ‘76

Kenneth M. Novack ‘67

J. David Officer ‘70

Douglas L. Peterson ‘80 P’14 P’15

William F. Podlich ‘66

Thomas J. Rees III ‘74

Lowell E. Sears ‘73

Richard M. Sherman, Jr. ‘69

Cody J. Smith ‘79

Julie Spellman Sweet ‘89

John C. Spinosa ‘80 P’14

Van J. Stults ‘76

Theodore H. Swindells ‘82

William W. Thompson ‘67

Jane P. Valach ‘82 and Kenneth J. Valach ‘82

Alan J. Viergutz ‘75 P’10 P’11

Shaw B. Wagner ‘81

Christopher V. Walker ‘69


Additional scholarships include the following generous donors:

ABC Scholarship

Henry & Marilyn Adams Scholarship

Ahmanson Foundation Scholarship

John E. Allen Alumni Merit Award

Melva J. Allen Scholarship

American Cement Scholarship

Edna Ogden Anderson Scholarship

Margaret H. Anderson Memorial Scholarship

Marion Anderson Scholarship

Mike Anderson Memorial Scholarship

Frank Antonovich Scholarship

Frank Bell Appleby Scholarship

William B. Arce Scholarship

Armour Family Scholarship

Bob & Shirley Arnett Scholarship

Oscar Arnold Memorial Scholarship

Auen Scholarship

Bagnall Family Scholarship

Ned Bailey Memorial Scholarship

Baker Family Scholarship

Charles Barrington Scholarship

Mildred H. Beloud Memorial Scholarship

Katharine Corbett Benson Scholarship

Mabs Benson Scholarship

H. Norwood & Frances C. Berger Scholarship

Berger Merit Preferential Award

William G. Bergman, Jr. Memorial Scholarship

Harold Berlinger Memorial Scholarship

Robert J. Bernard Scholarship

BGI/Larson Asset Management Fellowship

Edson Biggar Memorial Scholarship

Gary E. Biszantz Scholarship in Memory of Richard L. Woods ‘56

Ensign Lee Penn Blind Memorial Scholarship

Russell S. Bock Scholarship

Hyman Bolotin Scholarship

Eldridge H. Booth, Jr. Memorial Scholarship

Stuart R. Briggs Accounting Scholarship

Joe Brock Scholarship

Brody Scholarship

Samuel & Frances Broidy Memorial Scholarship

Lamont Brolliar Memorial Scholarship

Frederic & Frances Brossy Scholarship

Carvel & Aileen Brown Scholarship

David J. Brown Scholarship

Mr. & Mrs. Hal W. Brown Scholarship

William O. Brown Scholarship

James L. Bruce Memorial Scholarship

Burnett Family Scholarship

Jeffrey S. Burum ‘85 Scholarship

August A. Busch, Jr. Memorial Scholarship

Mary & Richard Butler Travel Award

Danny L. Campbell Scholarship

Philip D. Cancellier Scholarship

Casey Family Merit Award

Castleman Family Scholarship

Ted Chanock, Jr. and Beth Chanock Scholarship

J. Francis & Helen Child Scholarship

Ronald & Mee Chow Scholarship

Leonard A. & Rose Chudacoff Scholarship

Jesse L. Clark Memorial Scholarship

Class of 1957 Memorial Scholarship

Class of 1960 Scholarship

William & Monique Coleman Scholarship

Whitley Charles Collins Scholarship

Virginia D. & Alvin R. Cord Scholarship

Cramer Family Scholarship

Bud & Mary Craton Scholarship

Rick Cressman Memorial Scholarship

Mr. & Mrs. Roy P. Crocker Scholarship

Janet Croul Memorial Scholarship

Arie & Ida Crown Memorial Scholarship

Thomas Cupit, Jr. and Ella Cross Cupit Scholarship

Nancy Nelson Davis ‘80 Memorial Scholarship

R. Reid Davidson Scholarship Fund

Dempsey Family Endowed Scholarship

Bert A. Diamond Scholarship

Michael F. Dooner ‘82 Memorial Scholarship

Geoffrey W. Draper Memorial Scholarship

Mr. & Mrs. Marvin W. Drew Scholarship

Alvin M. Dunn Scholarship

Roland and Wilma Duquette Scholarship

Edwin B. & Carolyn A. Dusenberry Memorial Scholarship

Philip W. Dyk ‘79 Endowed Scholarship

Orrin K. Earl Endowed Scholarship

Mary S. Easton Archery Scholarship

Robert L. Emett Scholarship

Emmett Family Endowed Scholarship

Herman R. Erkes & Edna E. Erkes Scholarship

Paul L. Faranda Memorial Scholarship

Pricilla Damon Fawcett Scholarship

C. Robert Feldmeth Memorial Scholarship

Edward P. & Hazel I. Finegan Memorial Scholarship

First Interstate Bank of California Scholarship

Richard J. Flamson III Scholarship

Mr. & Mrs. Douglas B. Fletcher Scholarship

Foothill Beverage Scholarship

John Frankenheimer ‘68 Scholarship

S. Robert & Jean U. Frazee Scholarship

Mr. & Mrs. Don Freeberg Scholarship

Barbara & Dan Freedman Scholarship

Friends of the College Scholarship

Andrew J. Gall Memorial Scholarship

Mr. & Mrs. Denman P. Gambill Scholarship

Robert H. Garrison Scholarship for Foreign Students

Brian & Marilyn Gerich Scholarship

George F. Getty II Scholarship

Girard Scholarship

John W. Gleeson Scholarship

Gould Family Scholarship

Edward E. Gould Scholarship

Martin Daniel Gould Scholarship

James R. & Paula K. Grant Memorial Scholarship

Richard & Charlotte Grantham Scholarship

J. Timothy Green Memorial Scholarship

Robert H. Greene Family Scholarship

Robert L. Gremore Memorial Scholarship

Robert E. Gross/Lockheed Aircraft Corporation Scholarship

Morton Alan Haas Memorial Scholarship

Susan Lynne Haas Memorial Scholarship

Leo G. Haase Scholarship

Hammett/Graham Scholarship

Mark H. & Blanche M. Harrington Foundation Scholarship

Alexander H. Harris Scholarship

Peg C. Harris Scholarship

Adam & Sophia Hartwig Scholarship

Julian & Juliette Harwood Scholarship

Albert & Marie Hastings Scholarship

Albert W. Hawkes Scholarship

John Randolph Haynes & Dora Haynes Foundation Scholarship

William Randolph Hearst Foundation Scholarship

Donald A. Henriksen Scholarship

David A. Hettler ‘82 Memorial Scholarship

Edwin & Allene Hetz Scholarship

Chinn Ho Scholarship

Sara Elizabeth Hodgen Scholarship

Margaret Bohn Holden Scholarship

Larry D. Horner Scholarship

Grayle Howlett Memorial Scholarship

Kingdon Hughes Scholarship

Earl R. Hutton Scholarship

Interdisciplinary Science Scholarship

Intermec Foundation Scholarship

Helen M. Iott Scholarship

Gertrud Jandorf Scholarship

Mr. & Mrs. Parley Johnson Scholarship

Fletcher Jones Foundation Scholarship

Jeanette D. & William H. Jones Scholarship

Jorgensen Foundation Scholarship

Marcellus L. Joslyn Scholarship

Henry Rheim Kaiser Scholarship

Christopher R. Kampe Memorial Scholarship

Peter Keady Scholarship

Henry Clarke Keates Memorial Scholarship

Karen A. & Kevin W. Kennedy Foundation Scholarship

Leon & Geraldine Lapides Scholarship

Richard and Carol K. Leiby Scholarship

Craig V. Lewis Scholarship

J.M. Long Foundation Scholarship

Lusk Company Scholarship

Melissa Lyles Memorial Scholarship

Edward D. Lyman Scholarship

Mac Alpine Family Scholarship

James Madison Scholarship

J. Franklin & Marian Maley Memorial Scholarship

Vance H. Marshall ‘72 Scholarship

Theodore J. Martineau, Jr. Memorial Scholarship

Maureen Brady Martinez ‘91 Memorial Scholarship

Vivienne Y. Massoud Memorial Scholarship

George Henry Mayr Trust Endowed Scholarship

Helen & Arthur McCallum Scholarship

McClelland Family Scholarship

Donald C. McKenna Achievement Awards

McNamee Scholarship

Donald McNeely Family Scholarship in honor of Marjorie McNeely

Ernest E. Mitchell Scholarship

Murphy Family Scholarship

Janet Myhre & Leon Hollerman Scholarship

Nathan Family Scholarship

National Association of Business Economics Scholarship

Howard R. Neville Scholarship

Robert D. Nichols ‘50 Scholarship

Gary Niemeyer-Bossabean Tigers Memorial Scholarship

Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Niven Scholarship

Mr. & Mrs. T.E. Norris Scholarship

Richard L. O’Bosky Endowed Scholarship

Eugenie Omberg Scholarship

Mark A. Orloff ‘77 Memorial Scholarship

Pacific Northwest Scholarship

Parent Network Endowed Scholarship

Lloyd “Chris” Parkson Memorial Scholarship

John M. Payne Scholarship

Russell S. Penniman, III Memorial Scholarship

Ann Peppers Foundation Scholarship

Shirley Smith Peschka Merit Award

Philip R. Peters III Scholarship

Orme W. Phelps Scholarship

Mary Pickford Foundation Scholarship

J. Roy Pinkham Scholarship

Mr. & Mrs. Russell K. Pitzer Scholarship

Polazzi Family Endowed Scholarship

Ryal R. Poppa Scholarship

Sydelle & William Price Scholarship

John Pritzlaff International Scholarship

George F. & Helen Prout Scholarship

Christine & Duane Quaini Scholarship

Laura & Calvin Rector Scholarship

John M. Redfield Foundation Scholarship

Remy-Mahoney Scholarship

Mabel Wilson Richards Scholarship

Alice Marie Roberts Scholarship

George R. Roberts Scholarship

Rockwell Management-Engineering Scholarship

Ida & John Romick Scholarship

Rose Hills Foundation Science and Engineering Scholarship

Harry D. & Helen S. Rothman Scholarship

Louis C. Rowson Scholarship

Norma M. Ryan Memorial Scholarship

Eleanor K. Sampson Scholarship

Sanyo Corporation Scholarship

Angela Schiebel Scholarship for Literature

Schmidt Family Scholarship

Ruth E. Schmierer Scholarship

Myles “Bo” Schoenfield Memorial Scholarship

Diane & Joseph C. Schreiber, II Scholarship

Frank Seaver Scholarship

Harris & Ann Seed Honors Scholarship

Mr. & Mrs. Jules R. Seltzer Scholarship

Sergy Family Scholarship

Sexton Scholarship

David & Lillian Shane Family Scholarship

Barry Shapiro ‘63 Scholarship

William French Smith Memorial Scholarship

Jerry St. Dennis Scholarship

Jack L. Stark ‘57 Endowed Scholarship

Peter B. Stark Scholarship

C.V. Starr Scholarship

Mary H. Statham Scholarship

John Stauffer Merit Award

Harry & Grace Steele Foundation Scholarship

Harry & Grace Steele Foundation Merit Award

Stohr-Runge Scholarship

Summit Foundation Merit Award

Charles B. Sumner Scholarship

Jesse Swan Scholarship

Ronald K Teeples Scholarship

William O. & Ramona Thomas Memorial Scholarship

William Raines Thompson Memorial Scholarship

Times Mirror Foundation Scholarship

Tortugateers of Prado Dam/Mara Toga Scholarship

Fred H. Trickett Memorial Scholarship

Jean Vick Trousdale Scholarship

Homer and Violet Tully Scholarship

Alice Tweed Tuohy Scholarship

Alice Tweed Tuohy Honors Scholarship

United World College Scholarship

Unocal Foundation Scholarship

Valach Family Scholarship

George Van Tubergen Scholarship

Vaughan & Bushnell Manufacturing Company Scholarship

Arthur W. Vienna Scholarship

Brian Walkenbach ‘96 Memorial Scholarship

Philip F. Walsh Memorial Scholarship

Mr. & Mrs. H. Kenneth Ward Scholarship

Dr. George & Patricia G. Webster Scholarship

Barbara & Donald R. Wheeler Scholarship

Esther & Stuart G. Wheeler Scholarship

Larry & Millie Wilson Scholarship

Lucille Wilson Memorial Scholarship

P. G. Winnett Scholarship

Philip S. Wit Scholarship

Martin L. Wolver Scholarship

Capt. J. W. & Lt. J. F. Woodruff Scholarship