2011-2012 Catalog 
    Jan 30, 2025  
2011-2012 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Economics-Accounting Major

Major Requirements

The major in economics-accounting requires eleven courses, distributed as follows:

  1. Core Requirement (three courses) (see Economics )
  2. ECON 086CM - Accounting for Decision Making 
  3. ECON 150CM - Asset and Income Measurement (Intermediate Accounting I) 
  4. ECON 125CM - Econometrics , or ECON 134CM - Corporate Finance 
  5. ECON 191CM - Business Law 
  6. Electives Requirement: four courses
    Elective courses in economics-accounting are arranged in two categories according to prerequisites:
    • Level I elective courses:
      ECON 150CM -ECON 152CM , and ECON 157CM 
      Level I electives require only ECON 086CM  as a prerequisite; majors may count up to two level I electives towards the major.
    • Level II elective courses:
      ECON 149CM  and ECON 154CM -ECON 160
      Level II electives require ECON 150CM  as a prerequisite; majors must take at least two level II electives for the major.


  • ECON 101 CM  and ECON 102 CM  require completion of basic calculus at the level of MATH 030 CM - Calculus I , or higher.
  • ECON 125 CM  and ECON 134 CM  require completion of a college-level statistics course or the equivalent; students with a score of 4 or 5 on AP Statistics will have met this requirement.
  • Economics-Accounting courses (ECON 086 CM  through ECON 160, with the exception of ECON 151 CM  and ECON 157 CM ) are level I elective courses for economics majors.

Senior Thesis in Economics-Accounting

The senior thesis is a general education requirement and the capstone experience of a student’s undergraduate education. Students must complete a senior thesis in at least one of their majors under supervision of a faculty reader who teaches within that major, unless granted a special exception.

Students pursuing honors in economics-accounting are required to take ECON 159 CM - Accounting Theory and Research , or another approved advanced accounting course prior to or concurrent with senior thesis. For further information, see Honors in Economics-Accounting below.

Special Options for Majors


Dual Majors

Students with a dual major including economics-accounting must complete nine courses in economics-accounting distributed as follows:

  1. Core Requirement (three courses) (see Economics )
  2. ECON 086 CM - Accounting for Decision Making 
  3. ECON 150 CM - Asset and Income Measurement (Intermediate Accounting I) 
  4. ECON 125 CM - Econometrics , or ECON 134 CM - Corporate Finance 
  5. ECON 191 CM - Business Law 
  6. Economics-Accounting Electives: two courses:
    Dual majors must take at least two elective courses in economics-accounting, including at least one level II accounting course.

Students with a dual major including economics-accounting are encouraged to write their senior thesis on a topic in economics-accounting. For further information, see Senior Thesis in Economics-Accounting above.

Please note the restrictions on honors in the major for students with a dual major under Honors in Economics-Accounting below. For further information on dual majors and the requirements for the other discipline of the dual major, please check the appropriate sections of this catalog.

Honors in Economics-Accounting

Requirements for honors in economics-accounting are:

  • Completion of a major in Economics-Accounting
  • A grade point average of 10.50 or better in the major at the time of graduation.
  • Completion of ECON 159CM - Accounting Theory and Research , during the senior year. In years when ECON 159CM  will not be offered, candidates may complete an elective course from a list of qualifying courses available from the Director of the Accounting Program during the senior year; this course must be taken prior to or concurrent with senior thesis.
  • Completion of a senior thesis containing substantial accounting content and reflecting superior understanding of accounting analysis. Compliance with these requirements can be established through either of two methods: 1. The thesis is written under the direction of an Economics-Accounting faculty member as either primary or secondary reader. 2. The thesis is written under the direction of any other Robert Day School faculty member as the primary reader and the topic is approved in advance, and verified upon completion, by the Director of the Economics-Accounting faculty as meeting the requirements.

Students with dual majors including economics-accounting who wish to be considered for honors in economics-accounting are eligible if they:

  • Have completed all requirements for a full major in economics-accounting and are granted honors, or
  • Qualify and receive honors in both disciplines of their dual major. See Academic Honors at Graduation  for details.

Internship in Economics-Accounting

For information on summer internships in economics-accounting, see Summer Internship Program in Accounting  in Special Programs.

The Undergraduate Robert Day Scholars Program

The undergraduate Robert Day Scholars Program is designed for a select group of highly motivated seniors with excellent academic records, significant leadership aptitude, and a clear interest in leadership roles in business, finance, government, and not-for-profit organizations. Robert Day Scholars complete a required set of coursework and receive a generous fellowship toward tuition, access to networking opportunities together with and customized support from a career services specialist. For further information, see The Robert Day Scholars Program  in Special Academic Programs and the website: www.cmc.edu/rdschool/academic/scholars/.

Master of Arts in Finance

For information on the Master’s Program in Finance of the Robert Day School, see The Graduate Program of the Robert Day School of Economics and Finance .

Learning Goals and Student Learning Outcomes of the Economics-Accounting Program

For information on learning goals and student learning outcomes, please see Economics .

Advanced Placement (AP), Credit, and Placement

For information on advanced placement and credit for economics-accounting majors, see Economics .

General Education Requirement Information

For information on general education requirements for economics-accounting majors, see Economics .

Study Abroad

All CMC students are encouraged to apply for study abroad during their junior year. Students planning to study economics-accounting abroad should consult with the Director of the Accounting Program to determine which off-campus courses will be accepted for the major. Please consult the Director of the Accounting Program for further information.