2011-2012 Catalog 
    Nov 11, 2024  
2011-2012 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


Faculty Committees

The President and the Dean of the Faculty are ex-officio members of all faculty committees. Tenured (or tenure-track) faculty with administrative appointments are listed as faculty. Ex-officio members of the administration are listed as staff. Several committees have elected members and student members that will be added later.

Standing Committees of the Faculty

Standing committees are constituted by action of the faculty, report to the faculty, make recommendations for faculty action, make recommendations to the College administration on academic issues, and must have a majority of their membership drawn from the faculty. They may be chaired by the President, one of the academic deans, or members of the faculty.

  • Academic Standards Committee: faculty: Bradley (chair), Griffiths, Kumar, Obdrzalek, Thomas, Velazco; staff: De Veres, Morgan, Spellman, and Warner.
  • Administration Committee: chair to be elected; faculty: Arndt, Black, Davis, Edwalds-Gilbert, Hurley, Kind, O’Neill, Ozbeklik, Shields, Taw; staff: Appel, Gann,and Hess.
  • Appointment, Promotion, and Tenure Committee: Aksoy, Antecol, Appel, Arndt, Ascher, Bessette, Black, Blitz, Blombert, Burdekin,  Busch, Camp, Charlop, Conger, Costanzo, Davis, Elliott, Faggen, Farrell, Frangieh, Fucaloro, Gould, Haley, Halpern, Hamburg, Hansen, Helland, Hess, Higdon, Hughson, Hurley, Kesler, Kincaid, Krauss, Kumar, C.J. Lee, Levin, Lofgren, Martin, Massoud, Meulbroek, Milton, Morhardt, Morrison, Nichols, Pei, Petropoulos, Pitney, Reed, Riggio, Rossum, M. Shelton, Smith, Steele, Valenza, von Hallberg, Warner, Weidenmeir, Willett, and Wright; staff: Gann (chair).
  • APT/Executive Committee: faculty: Aksoy, Helland, Morrison, Rossum, Reed; staff: Hess.
  • Curriculum Committee: faculty: Antecol, Busch, Farrell, Gilbert, Hansen, Kind, Levin, O’Neill, Petropoulos, M. Shelton, Steele, Sutton; staff: Blomberg, Morgan, Warner (chair); students: Jeffrey and Posner.
  • Faculty Research Committee: faculty: Kreines, Levin, Pei; staff: Appel and Hess.

College Committees

College committees are constituted by the administration or as a result of initiatives of the faculty. They make policy recommendations outside the areas of academic issues and faculty personnel issues to either the administration, the faculty, or both.

  • Admission and Financial Aid Committee: faculty: Fukshansky, Filson, Hamburg (chair), Hwang, Kesler, Lobis, Lynch, Settles; staff: DeVeres, students: Dinh and Riva.
  • Athenaeum Advisory Committee: faculty: Appel (chair), Aitel, Bjornlie, Hwang, Kincaid, Magilke, Pei, Puchner; staff: Edwards, Huang, Snortum; students: DiLucci, Hughes, Mao, Merill, Pai, Petzold, and Riva.
  • Committee of Faculty Chairs: faculty: Hess (chair), Antecol, Busch, Farrell, Gilbert, Hansen, Kind, Levin, O’Neill, Petropoulos, M. Shelton, Steele, and Sutton.
  • Committee on Academic Computing: faculty: Costanzo, Gould, Huber, A. Lee (chair), Nelson, Yoon; staff: Humes; students: Khaitan and Wilkinson.
  • Institutional Review Board for Human and Animal Subjects Research: faculty: Charlop, Fucaloro, Meulbroek, O’Neill (chair), Ozbeklik; staff: Valdez.
  • National Awards Committee: faculty: Elliott, Haley, Lobis, Pitney, Skinner; staff: Beale and Wenger.
  • Off-Campus Study Committee: faculty: Ascher, Camp, Gould, Massoud (chair), Selig; staff: Mallory, Wenger; students: Galash, McDonald, and Tischenko.
  • Teaching Resource Center Committee: faculty: Aitel, A. Lee, Michon, Rentz, Valenza, Vega-Duran; staff: Bilger (chair).

Special Committees

Special committees are constituted by the administration to provide advice and counsel for various policy areas on an ongoing basis.

  • CMC Magazine Editorial Board: faculty: Bilger and Ganguly.
  • College Judiciary Board: faculty: Bjornlie, Blitz, Burton, Costanzo, Geismer, Locke, Nadon, Taylor; staff: Huang; students: Bean, Biwer, Liu, Meyer, Schiavoni, and Stern.
  • Diversity Committee: faculty: Frykman, Ganguly, Lynch, Rentz, Sweeney; staff: DeVeres, Gale, Graves, Marana, Sandoval-Dancs, Warner (chair), Wynn; students: Canela and Tran.
  • Environmental Concerns Committee: faculty: Evans, Morhardt, Park; staff: Huezo, Worley (chair); students: Bross, Gardner, Munro, and Nathan.
  • ROTC Advisory Committee: faculty: Lofgren, Martin; staff: Steele.
  • Safety Committee: faculty: Reimer, Yoon; staff: Ariane, Franco, Gale, Hill, Jones, Kile, Lawrence, Manship, Nauls, Nicholas, Ott, Ripley, Ronchi, Rosas, Ruiz; students: one to be selected.
  • Senior Staff: staff: Aguilar, Appel, Aspinall, Bibbens, DeVeres, Floyd, Gann, Hess, Huang, Humes, Iseminger, and Warner.
  • Student Recruitment Committee: faculty: Batta (economics-accounting), Frangieh (middle east studies), Haley (international relations), Hamburg (history), Huber (mathematics), Magilke (economics), Michon (religious studies), Puchner (literature), Riggio (psychology), Thomas (government), Vega-Duran (modern languages), others to be selected.

Intercollegiate Committees

CMC faculty and staff members of Intercollegiate Committees are:

  • Committee on Religious Affairs (CORA): Fukshansky and Park.
  • Faculty Athletic Representatives Committee: Cook (spring) and Kanaya (fall).
  • Joint Science Reappointment, Promotion and Tenure Committee: faculty: Lofgren and Wright; staff: Hess.
  • Joint Physical Education Appointment, Reappointment, and Promotion Committee: Haley.
  • Academic Deans Committee: Hess.
  • Admission Officers Committee: DeVeres.
  • Business and Financial Affairs Committee: Aspinall.
  • Council of The Claremont Colleges: Gann.
  • College Advancement Committee: Iseminger.
  • Human Resources Committee: Sanchez.
  • Registrars Committee: Morgan.
  • Student Deans Committee: Huang.
  • Information Technology Committee: Humes.

Advisory Committees

Advisory committees are constituted by the Administration as needed for ad hoc purposes as issues arise needing special attention. They are intended to study an issue, provide advice and recommendations, and then cease operations.

  • CMC Activities Committee: faculty: Bjerk, Edwalds-Gilbert, Rajczi, K. Scalmanini, Velazco; staff: Aguirre, Gale, Gonzalez, Mayfield, Pruett, Ranney, J. Scalmanini, Town, and Walter.
  • Exceptional Service Committee: faculty: Nadon; staff: Huang (chair).
  • WASC Steering Committee: faculty: Fucaloro, Gilbert, Halpern, Helland; staff: Garris (chair), Humes, Morgan, and Wynn.
  • WASC Assessment Committee: faculty: Gilbert, Humes, Keil, Skinner; staff: Garris (chair) and Graves.

Committees of the Board of Trustees

Board of Trustees committees provide for faculty and student input by means of membership on various committees, subcommittees, and ad hoc committees. Voting is limited to trustees. Faculty members of Board committees are listed as faculty. Tenured (or tenure-track) faculty with administrative appointments who provide staff support are listed as staff.

  • Academic Affairs Committee: trustees: McElwee (chair), Podlich (vice chair), Rich (vice chair), Evans, Klein, Kuhl, Leppert, Lerner, Lowe, Mgrublian, Neff, Prager, Russell, Schade, Walker; faculty: Bilger, Camp, Evans, Hurley; staff: Appel, Hansen, Hess, Humes, Warner; students: Kapur and Munro.
  • Audit Committee: trustees: Neff (chair), Lerner (vice chair), Novack, Spellman Sweet, Valach; staff: Alonzo, Aspinall, Bibbens, Floyd, and Watkins.
  • Board Affairs Committee: trustees: Hetz (chair), Walker (vice chair), Barker, Boswell, Brown, Crown, Gann, Larson, Lowe, McElwee, McMahon, Mgrublian, Mitchell, Novack; staff: Bibbens and Iseminger.
  • Buildings and Grounds Committee: trustees: Mgrublian (chair), Novack (vice chair), Crown, Day, Eggert, Flamson, Grisolano, Leppert, Podlich, Pritzlaff, Rich, Schade, Valach; faculty: Riggio, Sutton; staff: Aspinall, Bibbens, Hess, Perri, Worley; students: McDonald and Nathan.
  • College Advancement Committee: trustees: Crown (co-chair), Mitchell (co-chair), Spellman Sweet (vice chair), Wagener (vice chair), Barker, Bemowski, Biszantz, Boswell, Brown, Eggert, Gann, Grisolano, Hartman, Hetz, Klein, Lang, Larson, Leppert, McMahon, Mgrublian, Mullen, Novack, Pritzlaff, Silverstein; faculty: Conger, Rosett; staff: Faranda, Iseminger, Roche, Siegel; special appointment: Soll; students: T. Johnson and Ringoen.
  • Executive Committee: trustees: McMahon (chair), Barker (vice chair), Boswell, Brown, Crown, Day, Evans, Gann, Hartman, Hetz, Larson, Lowe, McElwee, Mgrublian, Mitchell, Nakasone, Novack, Podlich, Russell, Walker; staff: Bibbens.
  • Finance Committee: trustees: Russell (chair), Novack (vice chair), Prager (vice chair), Brown, Crown, Evans, Podlich, Schade, Valach, Walker; faculty: Bjerk, Hughson; staff: Alonzo, Aspinall, Bibbens, Floyd, Hess, Watkins; students: Mao and McLean.
  • Investment Committee: trustees: Brown (co-chair), Larson (co-chair), Barker, Day, Hetz, McElwee, Mitchell, Russell, Walker; staff: Aspinall, Floyd, Rotolo, and Watkins.
  • Research and Research Institutes Subcommittee: trustees: Evans (chair), Rich (vice chair), Lerner, Mgrublian, Walker; faculty: Antecol, Blitz, Busch, Conger, Haley, Kind, Meulbroek, Morhardt, Pei, Weidenmier; staff: Appel, Flores, Hess, and Siegel.
  • Student Affairs Committee: trustees: Evans (chair), Nakasone (vice chair), Bemowski, Flamson, Hartman, Klein, Kuhl, Lang, McElwee, Mullen, Wagener; faculty: Cronqvist, Selig; staff: DeVeres, Easley, Huang,  Warner; students: Dang, Oetting, Mao, Pai, Winterroth, and Zahner.