Sep 17, 2024
2020-2021 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
CHEM042L KS - Integrated Biology & ChemistryThis course is designed for first-year students and must be taken concurrently with BIOL 042L KS . The two courses together cover the topics in and provide an alternative to General Chemistry II (CHEM 015L KS ) and Introductory Biology (BIOL 043L KS ) and highlight areas of overlap between the two disciplines. For example, Chemistry topics would include free energy, equilibrium, kinetics, electrochemistry, and acid-base chemistry. Biology topics would include introductory material in the fields of cell biology, biochemistry and genetics, including cell structure, metabolism, gene expression, and inheritance. In total, BIOL 042L KS and CHEM 42L KS will include 6 hours of lecture and 6-8 hours of lab per week. This course has a laboratory fee. Students must enroll in this course and BIOL 042L KS concurrently.
Concurrent requisite: BIOL 042L KS
Offered: Every year
Credit: 1
Course Number: CHEM042L KS