2023-2024 Policy Library 
    Feb 13, 2025  
2023-2024 Policy Library [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Facility Use Policy

Category: Facilities, Transportation, & the Environment
Title: Facility Use Policy
Approved by: President’s Executive Cabinet
Date Approved: August 22, 2018
History: Effective Date: August 22, 2018
Related: Minors on Campus Policy; High Risk Alcohol Drug Use and Prevention Guide
Responsible Official: Associate Vice President for Facilities and Capital Projects

Policy Statements

As an educational institution, Claremont McKenna College’s campus, including its buildings and grounds, are used to support the College’s educational mission.  This Policy aims to: 1) facilitate the safe, effective and responsible use and enjoyment of the College’s campus in a manner consistent with the College’s operations; and 2) identify the responsibilities which attach to such use.

The College has designated specific indoor and outdoor locations that can generally be reserved by the following people/groups for the following purposes:

  • By CMC faculty and staff for College purposes
  • By faculty and staff representatives of other institutions within The Claremont Colleges for institutional or consortium-related purposes
  • By CMC student organizations for activities associated with such organizations
  • By recognized 7-C student organizations for activities associated with such organizations
  • By third parties, upon approval by the Office of Events.

This Policy does not cover the use of the following facilities:

  • Classrooms and other academic spaces used for instructional purposes, the use of which is managed through the Office of the Registrar; or
  • The Marian Miner Cook Athenaeum for its regular speaker series, the use of which is managed through the Athenaeum Director.  Use of the Athenaeum outside of the speaker series is subject to this Policy, and additional rules and procedures governing the use of the Athenaeum as well as the form to request a reservation can be found on the Athenaeum’s website.

Entities Covered

All units of the College as well as third parties or members of The Claremont Colleges who wish to reserve space at the College.


Questions about this Policy may be addressed to:

Policy Interpretation - Associate Vice President for Facilities and Capital Projects - 74366

Reservation Requests (internal and TCC members) - Events Coordinator - 74006

Reservation Requests (third parties) - Dir. of Events - 74006


College Facilities includes all land, buildings, facilities, grounds or structures owned or leased by Claremont McKenna College at its main campus located in Claremont, California.

Third Party/Parties are people or organizations with no direct affiliation to any of The Claremont Colleges or people with affiliation to The Claremont Colleges but whose proposed use of College Facilities is not for an official College purpose.

Reserving College Facilities

While registrations are initiated in the manner described below, confirmation of the reservation will occur after the office responsible for coordinating the reservation evaluates the reservation consistent with the protocols and considerations described in Section VIII, below.  Please carefully review Section VIII for these additional protocols and considerations.

Faculty and Staff Reservations

Staff and faculty, including those from other Claremont College campuses, seeking to reserve College Facilities must do so through completing the Department of Facilities and Campus Services’ online regristration form.  Facilities and Campus Services will confirm a reservation after receiving the form and whatever additional information may be required. 

Student Organizations and Clubs Reservations

Officers or other authorized representatives of student organizations and clubs, including those from other Claremont College campuses, seeking to reserve College Facilities must do so by completing the Student Activities Office’s online registration form.  The Student Activities Office will confirm a reservation after receiving the form and whatever additional information may be required. 

Student Organization Events with Alcohol: This Policy is intended to supplement and complement the High-risk Alcohol and Drug Use Prevention Program Guide  , which specifies the rules associated with student events involving alcohol.  In the event of any conflicts between this Policy and that document (or any other College Policy), the Student Activities Office will clarify, in writing, which policy applies.  Nothing in this Policy affects the ability of individual students to reserve residential spaces consistent with the High-risk Alcohol and Drug Prevention Program Guide  .

Third Party Reservations

Reservations must be booked and approved through the Office of Events.  This includes summer conference groups.  An online registration form is required.  A reservation to use the College’s grounds or facilities is not complete until a contract is executed with appropriate proof of insurance provided to the College.  The contract will specify all fees associated with the reservation (consistent with the Event Services Fee Schedule, Attachment A)  [PDF].

A request by a CMC community member or member of The Claremont Colleges to reserve a College Facility for personal use will be processed as a Third Party request, and the Office of Events will determine if a contract or insurance is required depending on the nature of the request.   A reservation is deemed for “personal use” if the revenues are not deposited into the department’s College account.

The College reserves the right to refuse to rent College Facilities to a Third Party if the event is inconsistent with the College’s Mission.  Additionally, alcohol may not be present or served at any event involving minors which a Third Party sponsors (other than wedding receptions at the Athenaeum).

Prioritizing Use of College Facilities

Normally, use of College Facilities is determined on a first come, first serve basis.  However, there may be circumstances in which there is a need to re-locate or re-schedule a previously-reserved activity.  In such circumstances, the priority for use will be considered in the following order:

  • Academic/curricular activities
  • Administrative activities
  • Social activities
  • Third Party activities

The College anticipates that it generally will be able to address potential conflicts through re-locating or re-scheduling an activity.  However, the Dean of the Faculty will resolve any remaining conflicts.  This decision is final and not subject to appeal.

Facilities Subject to Rental

Not every College building, facility or open space is subject to reservation.  Additionally, certain buildings or grounds may have specialized functions (e.g., the CMS athletic fields, classrooms).  Activities consistent with these specific functions will normally be given priority, and activities inconsistent with these functions may be prohibited. 

The online registration system listed above details which indoor and outdoor spaces are subject to reservation.  Areas not listed may only be reserved with permission, which is at the College’s discretion (for example, summer conferences may request to reserve rooms in residence halls which would otherwise not be permitted during the academic year).

College-Provided Support for Reservations

The College has established a baseline level of services which will be provided for approved reservations in which the services were timely requested, as well as costs for services which either exceed the baseline level or were requested with less than five business days’ notice.  The provided services and costs for additional or late-requested services are contained in The Event Services Fee Schedule (Attachment A)  [PDF]. 

The Office of Events can provide a list of approved vendors in the event that the College cannot provide a requested service.  The Office of Events must approve vendors not already on its list.

For reservations in which more than minor adjustments will be made to the room/space configuration or in which items will be brought to campus in support of the reservation, such set up/take down services must be timely arranged through Facilities.  Any questions about when Facilities must be engaged to assist with set up/take down should be addressed to the Mailroom Supervisor and Event Coordinator for Facilities and Campus Services.  Examples of minor adjustments to a room/space include the moving of chairs and tables.


  • The following large-scale, official College events are not subject to the analysis of a baseline level of services:  Orientation, Convocation, Alumni Weekend, Family Weekend, Preview Days, and Commencement/Commencement-related events.  Additionally, all available College resources support the above-referenced events.  While reservations for small meetings or gatherings which occur during the same time as these events may be approved, support services as described in this section will not be available (including support services from the Events Office for the week leading up to Commencement).

Special Considerations for Student Clubs and Organizations When Reserving College Facilities

It is the College’s responsibility to ensure that activities are staffed and managed appropriately to ensure the safety and security of the participants as well as College Facilities.  Responsible planning therefore requires sufficient lead time for the College to assess the needs of the reservation, make necessary adjustments, and discuss billing for any ancillary services. 

While no specific lead time is required by this Policy, please be aware that if the College determines that insufficient time exists to properly prepare for a reserved activity, the College may require the activity to be rescheduled at a future date.  Such determinations will be made based on objective factors associated with the activity and not on the content of the activity or views associated with it.  The College thus encourages anyone planning an activity to factor in an appropriate amount of time on the front-end for planning.  Generally, higher profile or larger activities will require at least two weeks’ notice.  For this reason, until the reservation is confirmed, the College strongly discourages the department/organization planning an activity from advertising the activity or signing any contracts with third parties concerning the activity.

Approval Process

Before finalizing the reservation, the College will consider the following factors:

  • Appropriateness of venue for the activity;
  • Appropriateness of the date/time for the activity given any academic or administrative events scheduled at the same time;
  • Whether food or alcohol will be served;
  • Whether the activity implicates any municipal, county or state Codes/regulations (i.e. Fire Code, Health Code);
  • The number of expected attendees;
  • Whether minors will be in attendance;
  • Whether the event is open to the 7C community, the public, and whether it will be advertised;
  • Whether any external speaker/performer is coming (and whether they bring personal security details to the activity);
  • The use of amplified sound or bringing of specialized equipment to campus;
  • Whether the activity will include live streaming, broadcasting, or news media; and
  • Overall safety and security needs.  Appropriate measures may include security checkpoints; buffer zones; alternate ticketing or check-in methods; hiring additional security guards or law enforcement officers; and searches of attendees.

The College will work cooperatively with activity planners to develop a mutually-agreed upon activity support plan; however, safety and security needs as assessed by campus or local law enforcement or measures necessary to comply with applicable codes/regulations are non-negotiable.  If the activity planners will not agree to required alterations, abide by the assessed safety and security needs, pay for the associated costs of the activity support plan, or do not attend meetings requested by the College to discuss the same, the reservation will not be approved. 

Depending on the scope of the activity, the College may require appropriate insurance coverage and/or a contract.

If ASCMC, CMC Student Organizations, or CMC/7C Student Clubs are denied a reservation for use of a College Facility, they may submit a written appeal to the Vice President for Student Affairs within five calendar days of the denial.  The Vice President for Student Affairs will expeditiously review the appeal and issue a written decision, which will be final and not subject to appeal.

Normal Building Operating Hours

Academic and Administrative Buildings

Academic support and administrative support buildings are unlocked from 8am to 5pm Monday through Friday, excluding College holidays (exceptions noted in parenthesis below). 

During summer hours, beginning mid-May and ending mid-August, academic and administrative support areas are unlocked 8am to 4:30pm, Monday through Friday.

The above hours may be altered for approved, pre-scheduled activities. 

The following are academic and administrative support areas:

  • 400 Claremont Boulevard
  • Athenaeum (during evening programs, remains unlocked until 7:30 pm)
  • Adams Hall
  • Bauer North
  • Heggblade
  • International Place
  • Center Court
  • Kravis Center
  • Human Resources (8am - 12pm, 1pm - 5pm)
  • Robert’s North and South
  • Seaman Hall
  • Soll Center
  • Story House (7:30am - 4:30pm)
Classrooms and Exterior Restrooms

Classroom spaces and exterior restrooms are unlocked from 7:30am until 10pm Monday through Friday, excluding College holidays.  The above hours may be altered for approved, pre-scheduled activities. 

During summer hours, beginning mid-May and ending mid-August, classrooms remain locked unless reserved for an approved, pre-scheduled activity.  Exterior restrooms are unlocked until 4:30 pm, Monday through Friday.

The following are designated classroom spaces:

  • Davidson Lecture Hall in Adams Hall
  • Bauer South Classrooms
  • Kravis Center Classrooms
  • Keck Science classrooms and labs
  • Robert’s North and South Classrooms
Student and Athletic Spaces

Student and Athletic Spaces are open as follows:

  • Robert’s Pavilion: 6am - 11pm Monday - Friday; 10am - 8pm Saturday; 12pm - 11pm Sunday
  • Hub Lounge: 7am - 2am Monday - Sunday
  • CARE Center:  9:00 am - 10:00 pm Monday - Friday; 10:00 - 6:00 pm Saturday; 10:00 - 8:00 pm Sunday
  • Residential spaces and these Academic spaces are available to students via ID card 24/7 unless otherwise noted:
    • Adams Hall and Poppa Lab
    • Bauer North and Crocker Reading room
    • Bauer South 22, 23, 24 Classrooms
    • Kravis 2nd Floor
    • Kravis Living room (8am to Midnight Monday through Friday)
    • Story House Mailroom

Miscellaneous Provisions


Parking requests can be made consistent with the College’s Faculty, Staff, Students, and Visitors Parking Policy .  The costs associated with these special requests are outlined in Event Services Fee Schedule (Attachment A)  [PDF]. 


Catering means the activity of providing food/beverages as part of a College-sponsored program by an outside licensed and insured catering business/restaurant.  The College’s exclusive caterer for College-sponsored activities is Bon Appetit.  If Bon Appetit declines to provide catering (or is not available due to holidays/normal closures), a licensed and insured catering vendor may be used.  The Office of Events can provide a list of approved caterers and must approve caterers not already on its list.

Catering does not include the following:

  • Meals and other food serviced in an off-campus restaurant/catering location for College-sponsored programs.
  • Meals and other food serviced in The Claremont Colleges’ dining halls or the CMC Athenaeum.
  • Pre-packaged or carry out food from a licensed food provider for small departmental or student gatherings.  Small is generally defined as less than 50 members in attendance or less than $500 in value.
Events with Alcohol and Underage Persons

Student events with alcohol must follow the High-risk Alcohol and Drug Use Prevention Program Guide .  For all other events, a licensed bartender is required if alcohol is sold at the event or if alcohol will be served when people under age 21 are also present at the event.  If a Bon Appetit bartender is not used, the Office of Events can provide a list of approved vendors and must approve bartenders not on its list.

Damages/Excessive Cleaning

Any damages or excessive cleaning costs which are necessary after an activity is concluded will be billed to the department/organization that made the reservation.