2021-2022 Policy Library 
    Sep 07, 2024  
2021-2022 Policy Library [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Chapter 10 Administrative Policies of Interest to the Faculty

10.1 Confidentiality

10.2 Policy on Conflict of Interest

10.3 Drug-Free Workplace Policy

10.4 Emergency Procedures

10.5 Policy on Reporting Financial Misconduct

10.6 Policy on Harassment

10.7 Health and Safety

10.8 Indemnification of College Employees

10.9 Policy on use of Internet Services and Network Resources

10.10 Non-Discrimination

10.11 Policy for Reimbursement of Travel, Entertainment and other Business Expenses

10.12 Policy on Romantic Relationships

10.13 Policy on Theft, Abuse or Misuse of College Resources

10.14 Violence Prevention, Weapons or Dangerous Items Policy

10.1 Confidentiality

Faculty members receive and generate on behalf of the College various types of confidential, proprietary and private information. It is critical that each faculty member complies with all the federal laws, state laws, agreements with third parties, and other relevant College policies and principles pertaining to the use, protection and disclosure of such information. The duty of confidentiality survives even after a faculty member’s relationship with the College terminates.This includes but is not limited to information about identifiable students and deliberations in certain committees of the faculty such as ASC, APT, APT-EC, FRC, and the Curriculum Committee.

10.2 Policy on Conflict of Interest

(For federal research grants, this policy is supplemented by CMC’s Significant Financial Conflict of Interest Policy  (FCOI) August 24, 2012.)

This policy sets forth certain principles governing both actual and potential conflicts of interest that may arise. Faculty members should bear in mind that the application of good judgment is essential and that no guidelines can provide direction for all circumstances that could arise.

  1. Each faculty member has a duty to avoid conflicts of interest with the College and to exercise professional responsibilities at the College to the extent required by the faculty member’s appointment.
  2. Faculty members who have, directly or through family, personal business connections, an interest in suppliers of goods or services or in contractors or potential contractors with the College may not undertake to act for the College in any transaction involving that interest. No faculty member may participate in the selection or award of a contract with any party with whom the faculty member is negotiating respecting potential employment or has any arrangement concerning employment.
  3. Faculty members shall avoid outside employment or business activities which create a conflict of time commitment. A conflict of time commitment is considered to exist if outside activities unduly interfere with a faculty member’s abilities to fulfill responsibilities to the College (see Section 5.1.2  ).
  4. Faculty members shall refrain from personal business or investment activities, including but not limited to the purchase or sale of securities, real property or other goods or services, in which they could use, or might appear to have the opportunity to use, for personal gain, confidential information obtained as a result of their relationship with the College.
  5. Faculty members may not coerce or pressure students or employees of the College to perform services for themselves or others if improper personal gain or benefit would result.
  6. It is sound practice to discourage personal gifts from people with whom the College has a business relationship. Such personal gifts of more than nominal value should be tactfully declined or returned to avoid any appearance or suggestion of improper influence. Faculty members involved in the awarding or administration of contracts using federal or other government funds should keep in mind that they are prohibited by law from soliciting or accepting gratuities, favors or anything of monetary value from contractors or potential contractors.
  7. A faculty member shall disclose in writing any relationship with a family member or domestic partner, before acting in matters affecting that person’s employment.
  8. Each faculty member shall–on an annual basis and whenever a significant change in relevant business, activity, or interest occurs–disclose to the appropriate administrator, any business or financial interest or activity which might constitute a conflict of interest or the potential for such.

Adopted by the Faculty December 7, 2007

10.3 Drug-Free Workplace Policy

See the Claremont McKenna College Drug-Free Workplace Policy  under the Other HR Policies page.

10.4 Emergency Procedures

CMC utilizes Workday as the emergency contact system to maintain all employees’ contact information including email address, home, office, and phone numbers. Each building also has an emergency coordinator. In the event of an emergency, the Emergency Website will be activated. Also see the Emergency Procedures  for all emergency instructions.

10.5 Policy on Reporting Financial Misconduct

10.5.1 Purpose

Claremont McKenna College is committed to the highest standards of financial conduct. This policy is designed to enable all of the College’s faculty and staff to report concerns about possible financial misconduct, with reassurance that they will be protected from retaliation for acting in good faith. Reports on financial misconduct would address such issues as accounting discrepancies, fraud, accounting misrepresentations, auditing matters, accounting omissions, misappropriation of grant funds, kickbacks, theft of College assets or use of such assets for personal benefit, and falsification of time records.

10.5.2 Policy

All reports of suspected financial misconduct by Claremont McKenna College employees or trustees shall be made confidentially and directly to the Chair of the Audit Committee of the Board of Trustees through the College’s registered in-house counsel, who shall oversee the receipt, retention and resolution of such reports. The Chair of the Audit Committee will work with the registered in-house counsel, the Administration and outside advisors to ensure that these reports receive the appropriate attention. Any employee ultimately found to have engaged in financial misconduct is subject to disciplinary action by the College, which may include dismissal as well as prosecution by appropriate law enforcement authorities.

The protection of employees who submit reports of suspected financial misconduct is an important part of this policy, as is maintenance of the confidentiality, objectivity and independence necessary to resolve complaints appropriately. The Chair of the Audit Committee, the registered in-house counsel and the Administration share responsibility for maintaining these features of the policy, although, depending on the nature of the discipline or the actions of law enforcement agencies, this confidentiality cannot be guaranteed.

It is a violation of this policy to knowingly make fraudulent allegations of financial misconduct with the intent to cause harm to another individual. Those making such allegations are also subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination.

10.5.3 Procedure

Since confidentiality is an important part of this policy, the College has contracted with an outside reporting service called Convercent to facilitate the transmission of reports of financial misconduct to the registered in-house counsel and the Chair of the Audit Committee of the Board of Trustees. This service is part of CMCListens; detailed information on using it is given on the CMCListens page.

10.5.4 Audit Committee Reports

The College’s registered in-house counsel, working in conjunction with Convercent, shall prepare periodic summaries of complaints received by categories of complaints, including accounting, internal accounting controls, or auditing controls, or auditing matters for review by the Audit Committee. As appropriate, reports regarding the status of specific complaints may be reported on a more frequent basis.

The Audit Committee shall evaluate annually the effectiveness of these guidelines and recommend and adopt changes as necessary.

10.5.5 Questions

Any questions regarding this policy should be directed to the registered in-house counsel or the Director of Human Resources.

10.6 Policy on Harassment

10.6.1 Policy Statement

It is the policy of Claremont McKenna College to maintain an environment for students, faculty, and staff that is free of sexual, racial and other unlawful harassment. All members of the College community should be aware that the College is concerned about such harassment, and is prepared to take prompt remedial action to prevent and correct such behavior as outlined in the College’s Disciplinary Process set forth in Section 4.3 . Individuals who engage in sexual harassment (which includes harassment based on gender, pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions), as well as other unlawful harassment based on such factors as race, color, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, family care leave status, or veteran status, will be subject to discipline, up to and including expulsion or termination. Retaliation against a person who properly reports, complains about, or participates in the investigation of such harassment is likewise prohibited.

10.6.2 Unlawful Harassment Defined

Unlawful Harassment in General

Unlawful harassment is conduct that creates an intimidating, offensive, or hostile working or academic environment, or that interferes with work or academic performance based on a person’s protected status, including race, color, religious creed, sex (including pregnancy, childbirth or related medical conditions), gender, gender identity or gender expression, national origin, ancestry, age, physical disability, mental disability, medical condition, family care status, veteran status, marital status, sexual orientation, or other status protected by anti-discrimination and anti-harassment statutes, such as Titles VII or IX of the Civil Rights Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, and the California Fair Employment and Housing Act. Such harassment can be physical, verbal, or visual. Harassment can be committed by employers, co-workers, fellow students, and third parties. Generally, statements and/or conduct legitimately and reasonably related to the College’s mission of education do not constitute harassment.

Sexual Harassment

One form of unlawful harassment is sexual harassment. Sexual harassment may be either “quid pro quo” harassment, that is sexual advances or requests for sexual favors where submission is made an explicit or implicit term or condition of an individual’s employment or education or where submission or rejection is used as the basis for making employment or educational decisions affecting an individual; or “environmental ” harassment, where the individual is subjected to a hostile or intimidating environment, in which verbal or physical conduct, because of its severity and/or persistence, is likely to interfere with an individual’s work or education, or to affect adversely an individual’s living conditions. Occasional compliments that are generally accepted as not offensive or other generally accepted social behavior, on the other hand, do not constitute sexual harassment.

Examples of sexual harassment may include such conduct as:

  1. Physical assault or other unwelcome touching;
  2. Direct or implied threats that submission to sexual advances will be a condition of employment, work status, promotion, grades, or letters of recommendations;
  3. Direct propositions of a sexual nature;
  4. Subtle pressure for sexual activity, an element of which may be repeated requests for private meetings without an academic purpose;
  5. A pattern of conduct that would cause discomfort to or humiliate, or both, a reasonable person at whom the conduct was directed that includes one or more of the following: (1) unnecessary touching, patting, hugging, or brushing against a person’s body; (2) remarks of a sexual nature about a person’s clothing or body, whether or not intended to be complimentary; (3) remarks about sexual activity or speculations about previous sexual experience; or (4) other comments of a sexual nature, including sexually explicit statements, questions, jokes or anecdotes;
  6. Visual displays of suggestive, erotic or degrading sexually-oriented images;
  7. Letters, notes or electronic mail containing comments, words or images as described in (5) above.

Other Conduct Prohibited by this Policy

False Reports. To file a knowingly false or malicious complaint of harassment or of retaliation is also a violation of this policy. A complaint against such conduct may be pursued using the steps followed for a complaint of harassment. A complaint under this provision shall not constitute prohibited retaliation.

10.6.3 Reporting Unlawful Discrimination or Harassment

Individuals who believe they are victims of, or witnesses to, unlawful discrimination or harassment (collectively “Unlawful Discrimination”) are required to report such incidents as soon as possible to their supervisor, academic instructors, or one of the College officials designated at the end of this section. The College emphasizes that under no circumstances is an individual required to report Unlawful Discrimination to a supervisor or academic instructor who is accused of committing the Unlawful Discrimination. Any employee (including any faculty member) who receives a complaint of Unlawful Discrimination, is a witness to Unlawful Discrimination, or who otherwise learns of an occurrence of Unlawful Discrimination from a reliable source has the responsibility to report that occurrence immediately to any of the individuals listed below, even if the victim declines to report it. The College will investigate every reported complaint of Unlawful Discrimination and will take appropriate action, based on the circumstances of the case, consistent with its policies and procedures then in force. Throughout the complaint and investigation process, the College will attempt to maintain confidentiality to the extent reasonably possible. Disciplinary sanctions for Unlawful Discrimination may include any of the following: required counseling, a verbal or written reprimand, a verbal or written warning, immediate suspension or termination of a third party contract/agreement, or immediate suspension or termination of employment/enrollment. For more information or to report a suspected incident of Unlawful Discrimination you may contact any of the individuals listed below:

For Staff: Human Resources, extension 71236.

For Faculty: Dean of the Faculty’s Office, extension 18117.

For Students: Dean of Students Office, Heggblade Center, extension 18114.

All parties are encouraged to speak with the Chief Civil Rights Officer, extension 70347, for any questions or concerns regarding the policy or to make a report.

10.6.4 Policy against Retaliation

It is a violation of the College’s Discrimination and Harassment policy to retaliate against an individual who has brought forth a complaint of discrimination or harassment (the “Complainant”) to the College or has filed a complaint with, testified, assisted or participated in any manner in an investigation, proceeding, or hearing conducted by the Fair Employment and Housing Commission, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, or any other applicable administrative agency. Retaliation includes, but is not limited to, failure to give the Complainant equal consideration in making employment decisions; failure to treat the Complainant impartially in the context of any recommendations for subsequent employment; or adversely affecting the working conditions or otherwise deny any employment benefit to the Complainant.

10.6.5 State Enforcement Procedures

In addition to the College’s internal remedies, external remedies are available for employees and students through the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing at 322 West First Street, #2126, Los Angeles, CA 90012-3112, telephone: (213) 897-1997, or at 1845 S. Business Center Drive, #127 San Bernardino, CA 92408-3246, telephone: (909) 983-4711, the United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission at 255 East Temple, 4th Floor, Los Angeles, CA 90012, telephone: (213) 894-1000, and the United States Office of Civil Rights at 50 United Nations Plaza, San Francisco, CA 94102, telephone: (415) 557-4400.

10.7 Health and Safety

Threats, intimidation, unwanted physical contact, physical abuse harassment, coercion, and any other conduct which threatens or endangers or is reasonably perceived to threaten or endanger the health or safety of any person is prohibited.

10.8 Indemnification of College Employees

Right of indemnity. To the fullest extent permitted by law, this Corporation shall indemnify its Trustees, officers, employees, and other persons described in Section 5238(a) of the California Corporations Code, including persons formerly occupying any such position, against all expenses, judgments, fines, settlements, and other amounts actually and reasonably incurred by them in connection with any “proceeding,” as that term is used in that section and including an action by or in the right of the Corporation, by reason of the fact that the person is or was a person described in that section. “Expenses,” as used in this Bylaw, shall have the same meaning as in Said Section 5238(a).

Approval of indemnity. On written request of the Board of Trustees by any person seeking indemnification under Section 5238(b) or Section 5238(c) of the California Corporations Code, the Board of Trustees shall promptly determine under Section 5238(e) of said Code whether the applicable standard of conduct set forth in said sections have been met and if so the Board of Trustees shall authorize indemnification. If the Board of Trustees cannot authorize indemnification because the number of Trustees who are party to the proceeding with respect to which indemnification is being sought prevents the formation of a quorum of Trustees who are not parties to that proceeding, the Board of Trustees shall promptly proceed to obtain such authorization by the means and by the manner as then may be provided by the California Corporations Code or by any other applicable law.

Advancement of expenses. To the fullest extent permitted by law and except as otherwise determined by the Board of Trustees in a specific instance, the expenses incurred by a person seeking indemnification hereunder in defending any proceeding so herein provided shall be advanced by the Corporation before final disposition of the proceeding, on receipt of the Corporation of a sufficient undertaking or on behalf of that person that the advance will be promptly repaid unless it is ultimately determined that the person is entitled to be indemnified by the Corporation for those expenses.

Limitation for indemnification. Each Trustee and officer of the College shall be indemnified by it against all expenses actually and necessarily incurred by such Trustee or officer in connection with the defense of any action, suit, or proceeding to which the Trustee or officer has been made a party by reason of being or having such Trustee or officer except in relation to matters as to which such Trustee or officer shall be adjudicated in such action, suit, or proceeding to be liable for gross negligence or willful misconduct in the performance of duty.

Bylaws of Claremont McKenna College

10.9 Policy on Use of Internet Services and Network Resources

The Claremont Colleges Policy Regarding Appropriate Use of Campus Computing & Network Resources

An overall guiding mission of The Claremont Colleges is education in an environment where the free exchange of ideas is encouraged and protected. The Claremont Colleges make available computing and network facilities (CNF) resources for use by the Colleges’ students, faculty and staff. These services are provided for educational purposes and to carry out the legitimate business of the Colleges.

The Colleges and members of the college communities are expected to observe Federal, State and local laws that govern computer and telecommunications use, as well as the Colleges’ regulations and policies. You must not use campus computing or networking resources or personal computing resources accessed through campus network facilities to collect, store or distribute information or materials, or to participate in activities that are in violation of federal, state or local laws or other Colleges policies or guidelines. These include, but are not limited to, policies and guidelines regarding intellectual property and sexual or other forms of harassment.

Computing and network facilities resources users are required to use these resources within the Colleges’ standards of conduct. Individuals with expert knowledge of information systems or who make extensive use of these facilities, or with a position of trust regarding these facilities will be held accountable to a higher standard.

Responsible, considerate, and ethical behavior expected by the Colleges extends to use of computing and network facilities resources, and networks throughout the world to which electronic access has been provided. These CNF resources include but are not limited to:

  • Computers and associated peripheral devices;
  • Campus video cable;
  • Classroom presentation systems;
  • Voice messaging equipment;
  • Data networking equipment systems, including remote and wireless access;
  • Computer software;
  • Electronically stored institutional data and messages;
  • All other similar resources owned, controlled, and/or operated by the Colleges;
  • And services to maintain these resources.

10.9.1 Ownership

The Colleges retain absolute ownership rights of the CNF resources. Such resources are not owned by a department or by any individual. CNF resources leased, licensed, or purchased under research contracts or grants, are administered under the terms of this policy for as long as they remain within the lawful possession or control of the Colleges. CNF resources provided to on-campus residences are also owned, operated and provided by the Colleges.

10.9.2 Privacy & Security

1. File Confidentiality

Your documents, files and electronic mail stored on a College-owned networked computer or server are normally accessible only by you. However, any file or document placed on a College-owned computer or network is subject to access pursuant to this Policy, and thus, should not be regarded as private or confidential. The system managers at both CINE (Claremont Intercollegiate Network Effort) and within the individual campus IT organizations have the ability to monitor traffic and directly view any file as it moves across the network, and they must occasionally do so to manage campus network resources. In short, files may be monitored without notice in the ordinary course of business to ensure the smooth operation of the network.

All staff members working in information technology have clear guidelines that prohibit violations of privacy and confidentiality and, in the normal course of their work; they do not view the contents of user files or e-mail. However, you should be aware that authorized College personnel will take appropriate steps to investigate when there is a suspicion of inappropriate use of campus computing or networking resources. This may include monitoring network traffic, its contents, and examining files on any computer system connected to the network.

You should also know that all files on shared (i.e., networked) systems, including e-mail servers, are backed up periodically on schedules determined by each College. Backup tapes are preserved for lengths of time also determined by individual College operating procedures. These tapes can be used to restore files that you have deleted accidentally. This means that the files on the tapes are also available to someone else with reason and authority to retrieve them.

2. Network monitoring

Troubleshooting on the campus network, as well as planning for enhancements, requires the collection of detailed data on network traffic. CINE regularly runs monitoring software that records and reports on the data that is transported across the campus networks. The reports include the origin and destination addresses, and other characteristics of files, including the URLs of the World Wide Web sites that are contacted. This data is accessed and used only by authorized IT staff members responsible for network performance, operations and planning.

You should also be aware that many Web host machines on the Internet collect and log information about you and your identity when you visit their sites. This information may include, but is not limited to, information about the computer you are using, its address, and your e-mail address.

Many educational and business activities at the Colleges require network access to resources on the Internet. To ensure adequate bandwidth to these sites for the Colleges’ primary educational and business purposes, CINE and campus IT staff may restrict the amount of traffic to particular sites and the amount of traffic of specific types.

From time to time these network monitoring activities may allow systems managers to identify individuals whose activities downgrade the performance of the campus network or a segment of the network, or which appear to violate the general guidelines for appropriate use of campus computing and network resources. In such instances, a CINE staff member or a member of your own College’s IT staff may ask you to cease these activities. If you continue such activities, or if they include illegal activities, appropriate College authorities may be notified. In extreme cases, network privileges may be revoked on an interim basis pending resolution of the issue. The individual campuses determine specific corrective or disciplinary actions.

3. Passwords and Codes

Individuals entrusted with or that inadvertently discover logins and passwords are expected to guard them responsibly. These passwords are not to be shared with others. The same policy applies to door codes for restricted-access rooms/areas. Those who need logins or door codes can make a formal request to the administrator of those codes/passwords. Passwords may be used for the purpose of security, but the use of the password does not affect the Claremont Colleges ownership of electronic information.

10.9.3 Access to Resources

Access to CNF resources is a privilege, which is allowed only to the Colleges’ authorized personnel and students. All users must understand and abide by the responsibilities that come with the privilege of use. Such responsibilities include, but are not limited to, the following:

Users must understand and comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws.

Users must not intentionally seek information about, browse, copy, or modify non-public files belonging to other people, whether at a Claremont College or elsewhere.

Users must not attempt to “sniff” or eavesdrop on data on the network that are not intended for you.

Users are authorized to use only computer resources and information to which they have legitimately been granted access. Sharing passwords with others is expressly forbidden. Any attempt to gain unauthorized access to any computer system, resource or information is expressly forbidden. If users encounter or observe a gap in system or network security, they should immediately report the gap to the manager of that system.

Each College’s Policy on Harassment applies as equally to electronic displays and communications as to the more traditional (e.g., oral and written) means of display and communication.

Messages, sentiments, and declarations sent as electronic mail or postings must meet the same standards for distribution or display as physical (paper) documents would on College property.

Unsolicited mailings and unauthorized mass mailings from campus networks or computing resources (i.e., “spam”) are prohibited. Each campus may have specific policies regarding the use of existing group mailing lists (e.g., all-students or all-faculty). Users should contact their campus IT organization for details regarding these policies.

Spoofing, or attempts to spoof or falsify e-mail, network or other information used to identify the source, destination or other information about a communication, data or information is prohibited.

Users must not degrade computing or network performance in any way that could prevent others from meeting their educational or College business goals. Users must not prevent others from using shared resources by running unattended processes, by playing games or by “locking” systems without permission from the appropriate system manager.

Users must conform to laws and Colleges policies regarding protection of intellectual property, including laws and policies regarding copyright, patents, and trademarks. When the content and distribution of an electronic communication would exceed fair use as defined by the federal Copyright Act of 1976, users of campus computing or networking resources shall secure appropriate permission to distribute protected material in any form, including text, photographic images, audio, video, graphic illustrations, and computer software.

Users must not use campus computing or networking resources or personal computing resources accessed through campus network facilities to collect, store or distribute information or materials, or to participate in activities that are in violation of federal, state or local laws.

Users must not use campus computing or networking resources or personal computing resources accessed through campus network facilities to collect, store or distribute information or materials in violation of other Colleges policies or guidelines. These include, but are not limited to, policies and guidelines regarding intellectual property and sexual or other forms of harassment.

Users must not create or willfully disseminate computer viruses, worms, or other software intended to degrade system or network security. Users must take reasonable steps to prevent their system from being used as a vehicle for such actions. This includes installing system and software patches as well as anti-virus signatures files.

Use of CNF resources for advertising, selling, and soliciting for commercial purposes or for personal gain is prohibited without the prior written consent of the Colleges. Faculty, students or staff who have questions about the legitimacy of a particular use should discuss it with the appropriate members of the IT staff on their home campus.

The disclosure of individually identifiable non-directory information to non-university personnel is protected by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA). The disclosure of financial or personnel records that are owned by the Colleges without permission or to unauthorized persons is not permitted and may be prosecuted under California Penal Code 502.

Willful or unauthorized misuse or disclosure of information owned by the Colleges will also constitute just cause for disciplinary action, including dismissal from school and/or termination of employment regardless of whether criminal or civil penalties are imposed. It is also expected that any user will report suspected abuses of CNF resources. Failure to do so may subject the individual to loss of CNF access and/or the disciplinary action referred to above.

The respective Information Technology organization of one of the Claremont Colleges may immediately suspend service to an individual or computer found to be significantly degrading the usability of the network or other computer systems. Inappropriate use will be referred to the appropriate College authority to take action, which may result in dismissal from school and/or termination of employment.

(Note: The provisions of this computing resources policy apply to the institutions comprising The Claremont Colleges, including The Claremont Colleges Services.)

10.10 Non-Discrimination

10.10.1 Statement on Non-Discrimination, Equal Employment Opportunity, and Related Laws

Claremont McKenna College does not discriminate on any illegal basis in the administration of its admission, educational, or employment policies and practices, nor in the recruitment, training, promotion, financial support, or compensation of its faculty, students, or staff. The College’s specific policies dealing with discrimination and harassment, and its policies as an equal-opportunity employer, may be obtained from the Dean of Admission, the Dean of Students, the Dean of the Faculty, or the Human Resources Director. Those policies are set forth in the College’s Guide to Student Life, its Faculty Handbook, and its Staff Handbook. The College complies with all applicable state and federal laws, including, but not limited to:

  • The College complies with the requirements of Title IX of the Higher Education Amendments of 1972. Inquiries concerning the application of Title IX to this institution should be referred to the Title IX Coordinator.
  • The College complies with the requirements of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the California Fair Employment and Housing Act (“FEHA”). Inquiries concerning the application of Title VII and FEHA to this institution should be referred to the Director of Human Resources.
  • The College complies with the California Unruh Civil Rights Act. Inquiries concerning the application of the Unruh Act to this institution should be referred to the Dean of Students.
  • The College complies with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974. Inquiries concerning the application of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act to this institution should be referred to the Registrar’s office.
  • The College complies with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Inquiries concerning the application of Section 504 to this institution should be referred to the Director of Human Resources.
  • The College complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act (the “ADA”) and the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 (“ADEA”). Inquiries concerning the application of the ADA or ADEA to this institution should be referred to the Dean of Students or to the Director of Human Resources.
  • The College complies with any other applicable federal, state, or local law addressing non-discrimination and/or equal employment opportunity.

10.10.2 Policy on Equal Employment Opportunity and Discrimination

In addition to its commitment to a harassment-free educational and working environment, the College is an equal opportunity employer. The College is committed to a policy of equal employment opportunities for all applicants and employees and complies with all applicable state and federal laws on the matter. The College does not unlawfully discriminate, nor does it permit its faculty members to unlawfully discriminate, on the basis of race, color, religious creed, sex (including pregnancy, childbirth or related medical conditions), gender, gender identity or gender expression, national origin, ancestry, age, physical disability, mental disability, medical condition, family care status, veteran status, marital status, or sexual orientation. The College also prohibits the harassment of any employee on any of these bases. The College also makes reasonable accommodations for disabled employees. These policies apply to all areas of employment including recruitment, hiring, training, promotion, compensation, benefits, transfer, and social and recreational programs. It is the responsibility of every manager and employee to follow this policy conscientiously. Faculty members with questions regarding these policies should discuss them with the Director of Human Resources or the Dean of the Faculty.

10.11 Policy for Reimbursement of Travel, Entertainment and Other Business Expenses

See the Reimbursement Policy  .

10.12 Policy on Romantic Relationships

The College seeks to provide a learning environment that supports the academic development of all students. Romantic or sexual relationships between faculty members and students of the Claremont Colleges can impair the academic environment through actual or perceived conflicts of interest and bias. The College wants to foster positive professional relationships with students and views sexual or romantic relationships with students as inconsistent with institutional values.

A sexual relationship between a faculty member and a student for whom the faculty member has, or should reasonably expect to have, academic responsibility entails a breach of professional integrity. Accordingly, such relationships are prohibited even if consensual. Academic responsibility includes responsibility for teaching, advising, evaluating, or supervising a student in any aspect of the academic or co-curricular programs of the Claremont Colleges. A faculty member must disclose to the Dean of the Faculty any romantic or sexual relationship, whether past or present, with a student currently enrolled at the Claremont Colleges.

Faculty of Claremont McKenna College who violate this policy will be subject to disciplinary action by the College, up to and including termination of employment. Dismissal will occur if the misconduct is determined to be sufficiently egregious pursuant to Chapter 4 of the Faculty Handbook. This policy applies to consensual relationships and activity only. Any romantic and/or sexual relationship, potential relationship, or activity alleged to be non-consensual is subject to the Civil Rights Handbook and the disciplinary procedures up to and including dismissal under that policy.

Approved by the Faculty December 14, 2018.

10.13 Policy on Theft, Abuse or Misuse of College Resources

All College equipment, including computer equipment provided by the College, is property of the College. Theft, abuse, or misuse of College resources is prohibited, as is unauthorized use of institutional resources or facilities for personal, commercial, political, or other improper uses. College resources must be reserved for business purposes on behalf of the College. They may not be used for personal gain, and may not be used for personal use except in a manner that is incidental and reasonable in light of the faculty member’s duties. College resources include, but are not limited to, the use of College systems, such as telephone system, data communication and networking services, and the domain for electronic communication forums; the use of College equipment; faculty research funds; the use of procurement tools such as purchasing cards and petty cash; and the time and effort of other staff, students, and others at the College.

10.14 Violence Prevention, Weapons or Dangerous Items Policy

See the Safe Campus Policy .