2020-2021 Policy Library 
    Jan 20, 2025  
2020-2021 Policy Library [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Chapter 12 Student Affairs Policies and Services of Interest to the Faculty

12.1 Student Affairs Policies

12.2 Student Services

12.1 Student Affairs Policies

12.1.1 General Academic Policy

Statement of Academic Policy and a Statement of Academic Integrity are available online to all students and faculty members each year. Prepared and periodically revised by the Academic Standards Committee, they prescribe the rules concerning academic standing, graduation requirements, academic integrity, grading, registration for classes, and other academic policies regarding students.

12.1.2 Student Conduct

The Claremont McKenna College Basic Rules of Conduct and Judicial Procedures contains information about the rules governing student conduct and the judicial procedures for dealing with violations of the rules. It includes basic rules, a detailed discussion of the judicial system, reporting procedures, rights of the accused and the complainant, and policy on demonstrations at the Claremont Colleges. It is available online at Student Code of Conduct .

12.1.3 Student Life

The Guide to Student Life contains information about residential life at CMC, programs and services offered at the College, emergency procedures at the College, and ways students can get involved in the life of the school. It is available online at CMC Guide to Student Life .

12.2 Student Services

12.2.1 Dean of Students

The Office of the Dean of Students is responsible for all student affairs matters including residential life, student activities, student conduct, career planning, international students, and the CARE Center. Faculty with general concerns about a student’s well-being, academic or otherwise, should contact the Dean of Students Office. The Office is located in Heggblade Center and can be reached at ext. 18114 or by visiting the Office of the Dean of Students website.

12.2.2 The Soll Center for Student Opportunity (CMC)

Faculty members are frequently asked to provide advice to students about networking, internships, careers, and other post-graduate opportunities. One resource to which faculty can direct students is the Soll Center for Student Opportunity, which is home to three important resources: Career Services, Scholar Communities, and Sponsored Experiences. The Center’s staff is committed to positive, thoughtful problem-solving by providing personalized support for students at all stages of their college experience. Their support also extends to our alumni post-graduation.

As a collaborative, student-service-focused hub, the Center is organized around eight “interest clusters” and coordinates experiences ranging from job shadowing and networking treks, to summer experiences and internships, to employment and graduate programs. Students are encouraged to drop by the office or make an appointment via Handshake, CMC’s online career enrichment resource. For faculty who would like more information, please contact the Center at ext. 77038 or visit the Career Services website.

12.2.3 The CARE Center (CMC)

The CARE Center (Civility, Access, Resources, and Expression) seeks to proactively engage and educate the community to build capacity in communicating across difference with respect and civility. There is a dual goal of providing space for dialogue and expression while also providing resources to support inclusion and remove institutional barriers to student success. The center is located on the second floor of Heggblade. More information can be found on the CARE Center website.

12.2.4 International Place (TCCS)

International Place (I-Place) is an active international, multicultural center for The Claremont Colleges. Located on the Claremont McKenna College campus, I-Place offers a variety of services for international students, scholars, and faculty, and offers educational programs and cultural events for the entire community. For the more than 700 citizens of 79 other countries at the Claremont Colleges, I-Place offers airport pickups and home stays with community families for new students; assistance with housing, banking, transportation, shopping, telephone, obtaining drivers licenses and social security numbers, and health insurance; orientation programs for new students; handbook of information on College and community resources; ongoing assistance with cultural issues; workshops on immigration and legal issues, jobs and careers, tax preparation, and study skills; programs and English conversation groups for spouses and families of students; and staff assistance to the international student organization. For more information, please visit the International Place website.

12.2.5 Counseling (TCCS)

Faculty can urge students about whom they have mental health concerns to take advantage of Monsour Counseling and Psychological Services, which provides personal counseling and psychiatric services to students. Students may contact the counseling center receptionist at 621-8202 to schedule an appointment. Regularly scheduled appointments are typically available from 1-2 weeks. Monsour offers 24/7 crisis services. students can call the Monsour main line at 909-621-8202 to speak with the therapist on call. Monsour is open 8:30am-5:00pm Monday-Friday while school is in session. The on-call therapist is available by phone all year. For more information, please visit the Monsour Counseling and Psychological Services Center website.

12.2.6 The Chaplains of the Claremont Colleges (TCCS)

The Claremont Colleges are served by the Interfaith Chaplains, who represent, coordinate, and direct the programs of McAlister Center for Religious Activities. Chaplains serve as confidential emotional healers and spiritual counselors and provide ethical leadership to religious and non-religious students. A Protestant chaplain, Catholic priest, Imam, and Rabbi serve the five undergraduate colleges and the two graduate schools full-time. The McAlister Center supports a full schedule of worship services and a wide range of programs and events under the sponsorship of the Buddhist, Catholic, Christian Science, Hindu, Interdenominational Christian, Jewish, Latter Day Saints, Muslim and Zen Meditation groups as well as other on-campus religious and spiritual groups. The chaplains maintain liaison with religious institutions and social service agencies in the surrounding communities and have a Community Service Coordinator who links students to university-wide volunteer activities and local community service organizations. For further details, please visit the Chaplains website.

12.2.7 Student Health Services (TCCS)

Faculty can urge students about whom they have health concerns to take advantage of Student Health Services. Student Health can also be called on to provide a class note to students who miss class or assignments due to a medical condition as long as they have been evaluated by a provider at SHS. The Student Health Center can be reached at 621-8222 or by visiting the Student Health Services website. After hours consultation is available 24 hours a day by calling Campus Safety at extension 18170.

12.2.8 EmPOWER Center (TCCS)

The EmPOWER Center is the Violence Prevention and Advocacy Center of The Claremont Colleges (TCC). Located on the Scripps College campus, the Center works collaboratively with students, staff, faculty, and community partners to build sensitivity and provide educational programs to the 7Cs community around healthy relationships, consent, healthy masculinity, sexual assault, dating/domestic violence, and stalking. In addition, the Center collaborates closely with Project Sister Family Services, a community agency, to provide free counseling services to 7C students impacted by sexual assault, dating/domestic violence, or stalking. The counseling services are confidential (involves no reporting to the colleges), unlimited, open to students of all genders, and for students who may have experienced violence recently or in the past. The counseling services are available year-round to students and during summer and winter breaks to staff and faculty as well. The Center also offers a confidential support group for survivors, referrals and help with navigating on- and off-campus crisis resources, bystander engagement certificate trainings, educational sessions during new student orientation, survivor support workshops, and more. For additional information, please visit the EmPOWER Center website.

12.2.9 Student Disability Resource Center (TCCS)

The Student Disability Resource Center (SDRC) is the centralized resource center for support for students with disabilities across the 7C campus communities. The SDRC works closely with the Disability Coordinators on all the campuses to ensure that students receive academic support services and accommodations to empower them to achieve their academic goals, while ensuring equitable treatment and access to all programs and activities across all campuses. For more information, please visit the Student Disability Resource Center website.

12.2.10 Chicano Latino Student Affairs (TCCS)

Chicano Latino Student Affairs (CLSA) provides enrichment programs and services that enhance the academic success and personal development of Chicano/Latino students at the Claremont Colleges. CLSA offers academic support, personal guidance, graduate/professional school advice, cultural enrichment and leadership opportunities. CLSA strives to promote programming that encompasses social change and political awareness. CLSA establishes a strong foundation that enriches cultural identity and develops a sense of family and community in order to ensure success in the educational pipeline. For more information, please visit the Chicano Latino Student Affairs website.

12.2.11 Office of Black Student Affairs (TCCS)

The Office of Black Student Affairs (OBSA) is a cultural center and service unit within The Claremont Colleges Services. On behalf of The Claremont Colleges, OBSA is dedicated to providing support, resources and space for students of African descent to feel safe, valued, informed and connected. OBSA offers a range of programs, services and activities on behalf of enrolled 7C students of African descent, faculty, staff and allies. Our key service areas include identity-based workshops, skill building activities, mentoring, arts engagement activities, student organizational support, professional/career development workshops, the sharing of 7C resources and referrals, heritage-month programming and other monthly celebrations, and collaborative partnerships with 7C colleges, departments and organization. For more information, please visit the Office of Black Student Affairs website.

12.2.12 Queer Resource Center (TCCS)

The Queer Resource Center of the Claremont Colleges (QRC) provides support, resources, leadership development, and an inclusive and welcoming space for all members of the Claremont Colleges community to explore issues relating to sexual and gender identities. Through collaboration with students, faculty, and staff the QRC creates opportunities for fellowship, thoughtful dialogue, and the pursuit of knowledge. It seeks to foster a safer, more diverse, and inclusive campus by educating and engaging the 7C community about the multiplicity of sexual and gender identities. The QRC does this through creating a safer space, providing access to resources and support, and encouraging personal growth and identity development.  More information can be found at the Queer Resource Center website.  

12.2.13 New Student Mentoring Programs (CMC and TCCS)

The Dean of Student’s Office and several intercollegiate organizations offer mentoring programs to First Year students to introduce them to student life at the Claremont Colleges. These programs include First Year Guides, the Asian Pacific American Mentoring (APAM) Program, Chicano Latino Student Affairs (CLSA) Sponsors, OBSA Mentorship, First Year Students at Hillel (FYSH), International Place Sponsors, and the Queer, Questioning & Allied Mentor Program (QQAMP). To learn more about these programs, please visit the New Student Mentoring Programs website.