2020-2021 Policy Library 
    Feb 17, 2025  
2020-2021 Policy Library [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Campus Life

Campus Life Offices

The following offices deliver the day to day services that you need as a CMC student to have a successful, fulfilling and productive college experience.  A brief description of the office or service is provided along with a link to the office or service’s website for more detailed information.

Student Affairs

The Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students oversees a wide spectrum of programs at CMC to ensure that the College is running smoothly for students.  The Vice President reports to the President of the College and is responsible for supervision of several units within the College including: the Dean of Students Office, International Place, and the EmPOWER Center. Student Affairs also maintains relationships with other services that are shared among the Claremont Colleges, including Student Health Services, Monsour Counseling and Psycological Services, Office of the Chaplains, Chicano/Latino Student Affairs, Office of Black Student Affairs, and the Queer Resource Center.

Dean of Students Office

The Dean of Students Office includes the offices of the Dean of Students, Academic Success, Accesssibity Services, Health, Wellness and Case Management, Community Expectations and Student Conduct, Orientation, Student Activities, Residential Life, and Diversity and Inclusion. It is located in Heggblade Center.  Students are encouraged to direct any questions or concerns about campus life at Claremont McKenna to the attention of the Dean of Students Office staff or the Resident Assistants.

Residential Life

Residential Requirement Policy

Claremont McKenna College takes pride in its vibrant residential community. To maintain a robust community atmosphere, all undergraduate students are required to live on campus. Each year a limited number of juniors and seniors may request to live-off campus by the designated date prior to Room Draw for the upcoming academic year. Prior to signing leases for off-campus housing, students must have received written approval from the Dean of Students Office. This is an annual approval process and not guaranteed.

In rare cases, first and second year students who meet one or more of the following criteria may be considered for approval to live off-campus, with prior permission from Assistant Dean of Students/Director of Residential Life:

  1. Students who live with a parent or legal guardian within a 30 mile radius of Claremont;
  2. Students who are married or in a legal civil union;
  3. Students with one or more dependents (children or otherwise);
  4. Students who have a disability that precludes living in a residence hall. Documentation of the disability is required from a qualified professional who has direct knowledge of the student and his or her condition, e.g., physician, psychiatrist, psychologist, etc. This documentation must meet the guidelines outlined on the Accessibility Services website: https://www.cmc.edu/dean-of-students/accessibility-services;
  5. Students who have religious, moral, or ethical beliefs that cannot be accommodated on campus;
  6. Students who are 25 years of age or older prior to the first day of classes of the academic year in question;
  7. Students on active duty or veterans who have served in the military as verified by a discharge certificate.

Students returning from a General Leave of Absence (GLOA) or a Medical Leave of Absence (MLOA) will be offered housing pending availability.

Transfer students are eligible to live on campus on a space-available basis and are not guaranteed housing.

Students participating in off-campus study (OCS) programs are required to live on campus upon returning to CMC unless otherwise approved. Students returning from OCS may request permission to live off campus by November 1 for Spring semester or by March 1 for Fall semester, and they will be notified of the outcome of their application by December 1 or April 1, respectively. Approval is never guaranteed. If the application is denied, students are required to live on campus and will be billed accordingly. In semesters where the College finds itself at capacity in the on-campus housing system, CMC reserves the right to require students returning from OCS to live off-campus. CMC will notify students participating in OCS if they must return to off-campus housing no later than November 15 (OCS in the fall) or March 30 (OCS in the spring).

Housing contracts are binding for the full academic year. Students are obligated to remain on-campus for both fall and spring semesters, unless they are participating in a College-approved study abroad program, are taking an approved leave of absence, or otherwise meet the above criteria mid-year. With the exception of students living in the Student Apartments, all residential students must purchase a meal plan.

All students living off campus will be assessed a $100 fee per semester for the use of campus facilities.

Student Apartments

The CMC student apartments provide housing for 146 students in 34 four-person apartments, 4 two-person studio apartments, and 2 one-person studio apartments.  The apartments are gender inclusive.  The four person apartments have four single bedrooms and two bathrooms.  The apartment amenities include kitchens with dishwashers, full-size refrigerators, and a range/oven, air conditioning, private entrances, parking, community barbecue areas, a basketball court, and laundry facilities.

The apartments are on campus and all CMC policies and housing regulations apply to students living in the apartments.  Apartment selection is conducted before the annual Room Draw each spring.  Selection is based on class standing and then randomized.  The housing rates for the student apartments can be found at www.cmc.edu/student-accounts/tuition.

Resident Assistants (RAs)

Resident Assistants are student members of the College staff supervised by the Assistant Dean/Director of Residential Life. At least one Resident Assistant is assigned to each residence hall and the student apartments. The responsibilities of Resident Assistants include advising students, resolving conflicts in the building, assisting residents in resolving maintenance and damage issues, building healthy communities, and enforcing all College policies. Duty is rotated among the RAs so there are at least 2 RAs on every night, with the exception of winter break and summer. Resident Assistants are available to help students with problems they encounter in residential life, and adjusting to the College. RAs also refer students to other resources for help when appropriate.

Housing Contract

Each year, a student must sign the Housing Contract prior to living in the halls. No room changes will be allowed without the approval of the Assistant Dean of Students/Director of Residential Life. The College reserves the right to change a student’s room assignment or revoke a student’s housing privileges if a student fails to comply with the Housing Contract or violates College policies or the Student Code of Conduct  .

Housing Costs

Room rates for the current academic year can be found at www.cmc.edu/student-accounts/tuition. If a student withdraws from the College during the academic year and a new resident is assigned to the vacancy, the housing charge may be prorated. Normally if there is no new occupant for the room being vacated, no refund will be made.

Resident Technology Assistants (RTAs)

Resident Technology Assistants are student members of the College’s staff, operating under the direction of the Assistant Director of Student Technology Services. The College retains RTAs for each residence hall and the apartments, as well as one lead. RTA responsibilities include providing service-network connections, troubleshooting, etc.-for student computers, helping students navigate the computing world at the College, enforcing College computing policies, and acting as liaisons between the student body and Information Technology Services. For a list of current RTAs, refer to the Services for Students website.

Student Activities

The Student Activities staff is committed to helping students make the most of their education outside the classroom through active participation and engagement in the many opportunities that exist at Claremont McKenna College.

The Student Activities Office advises the Campus Programming Board, ASCMC Clubs and Organizations, Community Tutors, the Bike Shop, Arts Council, the Cave Music Room, the Bubble, ASCMC, and more! If you are interested in joining an organization, need help planning an event, have ideas for an off-campus excursion, or just want to be more involved, we invite you to connect with us! Stop by Heggblade Center or contact us through our email studentactivities@cmc.edu or for more information about how to plan for, register, and promote your events, visit the Student Activities website.

In the following sections we have provided some information about ways to get involved on campus, as well as useful information to know as you make your transition into college life here at CMC.

Associated Students of Claremont McKenna College (ASCMC)

ASCMC, Inc. is the official student government of the Claremont McKenna college student body. Its mission is to serve, represent, and lead the students of CMC. Registered as a nonprofit corporation with the State of California, ASCMC is run by a Board of Directors and led by the President. Other elected members of the Board include the Vice President of Student Activities, the Executive Vice President, the Dormitory Affairs Chair, and four Class Presidents. Appointed positions on the Board of Directors include the Chief Financial Officer, the Diversity & Inclusion Chair, the Vice President Campus Organizations, four Event Commissioners, the Director of Event Management, the President Pro-Tempore, the Executive Secretary, the Controller, and three Presidential Advisors. With the exception of President Pro-Tempore, the terms for the Board of Directors run from spring break to spring break, with elections usually two weeks before the transition. While all members of the Board of Directors serve the student body as a unified, collective organization, each position has specific responsibilities as outlined in the ASCMC Constitution.

ASCMC Student Senate is headed by the Executive Vice President. The Senate is the legislative branch and serves to balance the Board of Directors decision-making powers, as well as to provide avenues for greater student participation and input. Any student is able to become a Senator by attending three consecutive Senate meetings, or by attending the first Senate meeting of the year. The following are the standing committees maintained by Senate:

  • Administrative Affairs and Appropriations
  • Consortium Affairs Committee
  • Campus Improvements Committee
  • Student Engagement Committee
  • Technology, Innovation & Student Affairs Committee
  • Environmental Concerns Committee

ASCMC is always searching for students interested in participating in the service and governance of the student body. Students interested in elected offices, appointed positions, or volunteer roles are encouraged to contact any ASCMC official.

For more information, please visit associatedstudentsofclaremontmckennacollege.org or email ascmc@cmc.edu.

College Programming Board (CPB)

CPB is a student-run organization charged with the creation, organization, and implementation of inclusive programming for the students of Claremont McKenna College. Working in close collaboration with the Student Activities Staff, CPB provides a multitude of programs on nights and weekends for students to enjoy. Past CPB events have included Friday night movies, Youtube Karaoke, Monet & Mocktails, and excursions to Disneyland, the LACMA, and other iconic Los Angeles destinations.

We value your input and involvement with helping to shape programs that will ignite interest and participation from our peers. To contact the board with event ideas or suggestions, or to learn more about becoming a member, please email cpb@cmc.edu.

Clubs and Organizations

There are over 45 different clubs and organizations you can join at CMC that cater to a variety of interests, cultures, and activities. If you are interested in learning more about what we have to offer, please attend the CMC Club Fair hosted at the beginning of each semester to meet with group representatives and to learn more about how to become a member. For a current list of ASCMC-specific organizations, check out the ASCMC website.

Beyond the ASCMC-specific clubs, The Claremont Colleges have over 150 5C organizations. The members of these groups include students from the five undergraduate colleges (5C). All events and programs hosted through these groups cater to students across the 5C’s andare recognized through the Associated Students of Pomona College. A list of these organizations can be found on Engage through the CMC Portal. If you are interested in joining one of these organizations, attend the 5C Club Fair at the beginning of the fall semester to meet with group representatives and to learn more about becoming a member.

If you find that the current list of clubs does not match your interests, we encourage you to create your own organization! Through a basic application process, we will help you to get your new group up and running with the help of the ASCMC Vice President of Campus Organizations.  More information can be found at  associatedstudentsofclaremontmckennacollege.org or by emailing clubs@cmc.edu.

Bike Shop & Bikes on Campus

Many students ride bikes and longboards around campus. The CMC Bike Shop is a student run initiative that is overseen by the Student Activities Office. CMC students, staff and faculty are invited to rent bikes for free for a small rental period. Student staff are able to help patrons put together new bikes and fix bikes or longboards free of charge. For more information, including shop hours, please visit the CMC Bike Shop website.

**There has been an increase in bike thefts on the campuses of the Claremont Colleges. Be aware that you assume the risk of such theft by renting or bringing a bike to campus. We strongly encourage you to register your bike with Campus Safety and to properly secure your bike at all times with a u-lock when it is not in use. 

Athletics and Recreation

Claremont McKenna College varsity athletes combine with Harvey Mudd and Scripps College athletes to compete at the Division III level as Claremont-Mudd-Scripps (CMS).  CMS supports 10 men’s and 11 women’s athletic teams.

The Claremont Colleges offer some of the best athletic and recreational facilities in the area. CMC’s recreational facilities are available for general student use and are scheduled around intercollegiate and PE activities. The football field and track are located in the southeast corner of campus, near the student apartments. CMC also has excellent baseball, softball, and soccer fields. The Biszantz Family Tennis Center with 12 lit courts is located at the corner of Sixth Street and Brooks Avenue. The weight room is equipped with pin-select, plate-loaded machines and free weights for recreational and athletics use. The fitness center has cardiovascular and a pin-select weight-lifting circuit from Life Fitness and is available for general use. The Axelrood pool is available for fitness and competition activities and is available for general lap swimming daily at lunch. The Scripps College pool is available for general recreation. All pools have posted hours that vary by season.

Roberts Pavilion will be the hub of all CMS Athletic, Recreation & Physical Education programming and special events. Hours of operation are posted online at cmc.edu/robertspavilion

CMS Recreation provides extensive access to a broad range of recreational activities and services for students, faculty, and staff of Claremont McKenna, Harvey Mudd, and Scripps Colleges. The department offers programming that encompasses the competitive, passive, social, cultural, and instructional aspects of recreational activity. Such activities include intramural sports activities, club sports program assistance, open recreational activities, and recreational special events. Check out CMC Recreation on Facebook.

CMS Intramural Sports

CMS Intramural Sports programs connect students to the campus community and each other by creating memories through diverse sporting and recreational events that promote fair play, sportsmanship, relationships, and lifelong activity in a safe environment. Intramural Sports offer more than 30 leagues, tournaments, meets, and special events with more than 1000 participants each year.

  • Participants can register an entire team or sign up as a free-agent for league events.
  • Most leagues are divided up into a variety of divisions and classifications. Divisions allow for competition against a particular group (e.g., Residence Halls) and classifications allow for competition at different skill levels (e.g., Competitive or Recreational).
  • The Intramural Sports Program employs more than 30 student employees each year in positions such as officials, general managers, site supervisors, and program coordinators.

Club Sports

Campus Recreation also assists club sports teams with administrative needs including travel procedures, accounting, and scheduling facilities for practice and competition between the Colleges. To be eligible to use a Claremont Colleges facility or receive funding assistance from the associated student governments, a club sports team must register with CMS Recreation. Currently, there are 12 club sports teams at The Claremont Colleges.

  • Most clubs practice two to three times per week and compete each weekend while in season.
  • Most clubs compete in regional and national tournaments each year involving travel to various locations across the country.
  • Most clubs charge participant dues ranging from $50 to $250 per semester.
  • Several clubs have a coach or instructor to assist with proper training, organizing practices, and coaching during competitions.

Marian Miner Cook Athenaeum

The Marian Miner Cook Athenaeum hosts nationally prominent speakers-scholars, authors, musicians, poets-who join students, faculty, and staff for dinner and programs every Monday through Thursday during the semester. The Athenaeum houses three sitting rooms/lounges, each with an adjoining dining room. The Athenaeum Director handles the scheduling of the distinguished speaker program, with input and assistance from the Student Fellows. The Athenaeum Advisory Committee, composed of students, faculty, and administrators, meets regularly to discuss programming and set policies and procedures. Other scheduling (i.e., professor/class gatherings) is handled by Athenaeum Manager, who oversees the daily operation of the facility, including food service. Students interested in part-time employment at the Athenaeum should contact the Athenaeum Manager. The Athenaeum is occasionally used for official College functions and also sponsors afternoon tea daily from 3:00 to 4:30 p.m.

Career Services

 Career Services @ the Soll Center for Student Opportunity aims to empower student to formulate individual goals and strategies for achieving them.  Our team of Career Coach professionals foster thoughtful exploration and early engagement to help you achieve your personal and professional development. 

To encourage you to explore widely at CMC, Career Services is organized around eight “interest clusters”: Accounting & Financial Services; Consulting; Creative & Entertainment; Government, Law & Public Policy; Medicine, Healthcare & Biotech; Science & Environment; Non-Profit & Education; and Technology & Entrepreneurship.  This model ensures that you have the opportunity to explore multiple interests and interact with professionals and organizations across a wide variety of industries before deciding on a future career.

Another important resource is the Sponsored Internships & Experiences (SIE) Program which financially supports students each year in pursuing transformative domestic and international internships and experiences.  Last summer, over 340 students received budget-based funding ranging from $250 to $10,000.

Getting around Claremont

Bikes: Biking is an excellent “green” option for getting around town. The Bike Shop is located in the basement of Wohlford Hall. Bicycles left after the end of the school year will be recycled. Visit www.cmc.edu/dean-of-students/sao/cmc-bike-shop or email bikeshop@cmc.edu for more information.

Bus to Montclair Plaza/Target: This resource is provided compliments of International Place. See the Bus Guide at International Place.

Claremont Dial-a-Ride is a public transportation service that operates within the boundaries of Claremont. Visit the City of Claremont Transit Services website for more information.

Yellow Cab: If you require cab service somewhere, here is information for a local cab company: www.yellowcab.com.

Metrolink is Southern California’s Commuter Train Service. There is a Metrolink station in Claremont on First Street, close to the Village. For more information on Metrolink, go to www.metrolinktrains.com.

Zipcar is a service that rents cars to students 18 or over with good driving records. Zipcars, which are located at Pomona and Pitzer, allow students to have short-term use of a car for shopping, medical appointments, or other personal errands. For more information about membership eligibility, or to sign up:

  1. Go to www.zipcar.com/universities.
  2. Under “is zipcar already at your campus?” type in “Claremont McKenna College.”
  3. Under “I am a Claremont McKenna College student”, click “join now.”
  4. Create your profile.


The student body at CMC plays a critical role in College-wide efforts to reduce the College’s impact on the environment. Recycling is encouraged through convenient location of recycling containers throughout every campus building including recycling receptacles in every student room. Please be sure to place only recyclable items in these containers; once they are contaminated, the entire contents must be trashed. Recyclable materials include: plastic, glass, paper, carton containers and metal containers.  In addition, all members of the college community are asked to conserve electricity and water.