Mar 31, 2025
2019-2020 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Film Studies Dual Major
Major Requirements (dual major only)
The dual major in Film Studies requires 6 courses, distributed as follows: 1. Introductory Courses (2 courses)
Two courses selected from: 2. Elective Courses (4 courses)
Four courses selected in consultation with the program advisor from among courses offered at CMC or at one of the other Claremont Colleges. Senior Thesis in Film Studies
The senior thesis is a general education requirement and the capstone experience of a student’s undergraduate education. Students must complete a senior thesis in at least one of their majors under supervision of a faculty reader who teaches within that major, unless granted a special exception. Students with a dual major in Film Studies are encouraged to write their senior thesis on a topic in their major. Students interested in doing a 2-semester thesis project complete a half (0.5) credit or full (1.0) credit senior research course in the first semester and the senior thesis in the second semester. Special Options for Majors
Honors in Film Studies
Students seeking honors in the film studies dual major must earn at least a 10.50 GPA in all film studies courses. General Education Requirements for Film Studies Majors
Students with interdisciplinary majors requiring courses in the humanities and/or social sciences are required to take designated courses in 6 different fields of the humanities and social sciences for the general education requirements. Film Studies majors must take courses in 3 of the 4 fields of the humanities (literature, philosophy, religious studies, and literature in a foreign language) and in 3 of the 4 fields of the social sciences (economics, government, history, and psychology). Film studies majors with a dual or double major in either the humanities or social sciences will usually be required to take an additional general education course. For further information, see General Education Requirements . Learning Goals and Student Learning Outcomes of the Program in Film Studies
Learning Goals
The learning goals for the film studies major are as follows: - To enhance students’ knowledge of the history of film.
- To enhance students’ technical understanding of how film works.
- To enhance students’ abilities to engage in perceptive reading and critical thinking.
- To enhance students’ understanding of the cultural roles of film and media.
- To enhance students’ skills in writing and research.
Student Learning Outcomes for Film Studies Majors
The learning outcomes established by the program faculty are: - Students will demonstrate mastery of the basic conceptual vocabulary used in the study of film-i.e. the ability to define and use terms appropriate to cinematic genres and techniques, critical, and theoretical approaches to film.
- Students will demonstrate a clear understanding of the history of international film and some of the major filmmakers and works in each period.
- Students will be able to demonstrate the ability to analyze a film in terms of its formal dimensions, including editing, composition, imagery, tone and other stylistic features.
- Students will be able to demonstrate the ability to analyze a film narrative in terms of its plot, characters, ethical concerns, themes, and structure.
- Students will be able to demonstrate the ability to write clear and cogent prose.
- Students will be able to demonstrate familiarity with various forms of research, including use of the library, the internet, and databases.
- Students will be able to demonstrate the ability to give a considered and coherent rationale for the study of film and its place within the humanities.
- Students will achieve media literacy via the study of film and its place within larger cultural frameworks.