Feb 17, 2025
2015-2016 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Economics Major
Major Requirements
The major in economics requires 10 courses, distributed as follows: 1. Core Requirement (4 courses)
Level I Electives (0-2 courses)
Level I electives require only ECON 050 CM as a prerequisite. Majors may count up to 2 level I electives towards the major. Level II Electives (4-6 courses)
Level II electives require ECON 101 CM and/or ECON 102 CM as a prerequisite. Majors must take at least 4 level II electives for the major. Senior Thesis in Economics
The senior thesis is a general education requirement and the capstone experience of a student’s undergraduate education. Students must complete a senior thesis in at least one of their majors under supervision of a faculty reader who teaches within that major, unless granted a special exception. All students majoring in economics are encouraged to take ECON 180 CM - Seminar in Research Methods , a one-half (0.5) credit course preparing students for a senior thesis in economics, either in the semester before they register for senior thesis or concurrently with the senior thesis. Students pursuing honors in economics are required to take ECON 180 CM , but need only register for a 1-semester thesis. For a 2-semester project, students register for a thesis research course in economics in the 1st semester and for the senior thesis in the 2nd semester. The senior thesis and the research course may not be counted as courses in the major. Special Options for Majors
Dual Major
The dual major in economics requires a minimum of 8 courses, distributed as follows: 1. Core Requirement (4 courses)
Level I Electives (0-1 courses)
Level I electives require only ECON 050 CM as a prerequisite. Dual majors may count up to 1 level I elective towards the major. Level II Electives (3-4 courses)
Level II electives require ECON 101 CM and/or ECON 102 CM as a prerequisite. Dual majors must take at least 3 level II electives for the major. Notes:
- Students with a dual major including economics are encouraged to write their senior thesis on a topic in economics. For further information, see Senior Thesis in Economics above.
- Note the restrictions on honors in the major for students with a dual major in Honors in Economics below. For further information on dual majors and the requirements for the other discipline of the dual major, check the appropriate sections of this catalog.
Honors in Economics
Requirements for honors in economics are: - A grade point average of 10.50 or better in the major at the time of graduation,
- Completion of ECON 180 CM - Seminar in Research Methods , and
- Completion of a senior thesis on a subject in economics under the direction of a member of the CMC Robert Day School. The thesis must reflect a superior understanding of economic analysis as determined by the student’s reader and ECON 180 CM instructor.
For further information, contact your economics advisor or the faculty chair. Students with a dual major including economics who wish to be considered for honors in economics are eligible if they: - Have completed all requirements for a full major in economics and are granted honors, or
- Qualify and receive honors in both disciplines of their dual major. See Academic Honors at Graduation for details.
Study Abroad
All CMC students are encouraged to apply for study abroad during the junior year. Students planning to study economics abroad should consult with the department chair to determine which off-campus courses will be accepted for the major. The department chair will not accept study abroad courses for any of the Core Requirement courses. Study abroad courses normally count as level I elective courses. Majors may typically count up to 2 elective courses for the major. Omicron Delta Epsilon
CMC has a chapter of Omicron Delta Epsilon, a national honorary society for economics majors. The objectives of Omicron Delta Epsilon are recognition of scholastic attainment and the honoring of outstanding achievements in economics, and the establishment of closer ties between students and faculty in economics within colleges and universities, and among colleges and universities. Economics majors with excellent academic standing are eligible for election. For further information, contact Professor Keil. General Education Requirements for Social Science Majors
For the general education requirement in the social sciences and the humanities, CMC students majoring in a field in the social sciences must take designated courses in all 4 fields of the social sciences (economics, government, history, and psychology), and in 2 of the 4 fields of the humanities (literature, philosophy, religious studies, and literature in a foreign language). Majors with a dual or double major in the humanities will be required to take courses in 3 of the 4 fields of the humanities. Learning Goals and Student Learning Outcomes for the Economics and Economics-Accounting Program
Learning Goals
The economics curriculum is designed to serve a variety of educational objectives. The basic goals of the undergraduate economics major, economics-accounting major, and the financial economics sequence are to: - Develop an understanding of economic behavior and economic/financial institutions;
- Develop specific analytical, quantitative and research skills; and
- Develop effective communication skills.
Student Learning Outcomes
The Robert Day School has established the following learning outcomes for the educational objectives: - Students will demonstrate a comprehensive knowledge and understanding of economic theory;
- Students will demonstrate comprehensive knowledge and understanding of issues related to quantitative analysis;
- Students will demonstrate skillful analytical and communication skills.