2018-2019 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
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The goals of the Arabic program are to develop a high level of proficiency in speaking, listening, reading, and writing Arabic, and to foster understanding of Arab culture, history, and society. Arabic courses focus on acquisition of language proficiency and learning Arab traditions and culture. Claremont McKenna College does not offer a major in Arabic, but students can major in Middle East Studies.
All Arabic language courses are conducted in Arabic, and weekly conversation groups are scheduled with a native Arabic speaker. Regular intensive grammar review sessions are held, and all students who need review of grammar and syntax are to attend. Cultural activities include Arabic language films, calligraphy workshops, speakers from the Middle East, and traditional and modern Arabic music and dance.
Primary Contact: Professor Bassam Frangieh, Department Chair
General Education Requirement in Arabic
ARBC 033 CM - Intermediate Arabic , meets the general education requirement in foreign language. ARBC 044 CM - Continuing Intermediate Arabic , may not be used to fulfill the foreign literature portion of the general education requirement in the humanities, but upper division courses taught in Arabic with ARBC 044 CM as a prerequisite may be used for this requirement.
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