Sep 20, 2024
AFRI124 AF - Post Colonial African TheoryPost-colonial theory, popularized by Edward Said, Homi Bhabha, and Gaytri Spivak, deploys theoretical structures and ideas from the West to interpret the status and structure of former colonized territories. Post colonial theory argues there are epistemological (theories of knowing) and metaphysical (theories of being) frameworks used to subjugate colonial subjects that continue to hold sway even after formal liberation. These theories coalesce around the idea that western thought and politics requires the idea and creation of an “Other” in order to justify its own imperial crusades and violence. This course will focus on the development of African post-colonial theory, primarily through the figures of VY Mudimbe and Achille Mbembe.
Prerequisite: Any Philosophy or Africana Studies course
Offered: Every other year
Credit: 1
Course Number: AFRI124 AF