Jan 18, 2025
LIT110 CM - The Age of ChivalryThe chivalric ideal was a complex social and behavioral code that governed the life of the medieval court, from the battlefield to the bedroom. In addition to the early legends of Tristan, Parzival, and Lancelot, we’ll examine late medieval practical guides for aspiring knights written by Raymon Lull, Geoffrey de Charny, and Andreas Capellanus. Other readings will include Marie de France’s fanciful Arthurian Lais, Chaucer’s Knight’s Tale, and Malory’s Mort D’Arthur. Key issues to be examined include the chivalric ethos, changing definitions of medieval masculinity, representations of women in chivalric texts, medieval identity performance in tournaments and pageants, and contemporary medievalisms, from Camelot to Monty Python.
Offered: Every third year
Credit: 1
Course Number: LIT 110 CM