Feb 11, 2025
GOVT144D CM - Democracy and DictatorshipThis seminar explores the rise and fall of democracies and dictatorships since the 20th century. It seeks to understand the various underlying factors associated with the emergence of democratic political institutions in developing countries as well as analyzes representative cases of transition to democracy in the last century. It also studies the political institutions and dynamics of dictatorships and seeks to understand the sources of their durability and weaknesses. The seminar will pay special attention to the decline and demise of democracies by examining the role of flawed democratic institutions, populism, globalization, identity politics and elite manipulation. Other topics to be covered include governance in democracies, management of ethnic conflict, the rule of law, performance of democratic institutions, autocratic response to democratization, and inequality.
Prerequisite: GOVT 020 CM or instructor permission.
Offered: Every other year
Credit: 1
Course Number: GOVT144D CM