2022-2023 Catalog 
    Feb 02, 2025  
2022-2023 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

BIOL057L KS - Concepts in Biology for Non-majors

An introduction to selected topics in college-level biology such as evolution, ecology, inheritance, biotechnology, anatomy, and physiology. and deals with evolution, ecology, inheritance, biotechnology, anatomy, and physiology. Course work will include lectures, student-led discussions, and laboratories. Exact course topics will vary with instructor and may include: Discussions will cover topics such as the biology and ethics of gene therapy, conservation ecology, science and the media, and use of animals in research. Course requires approximately two hours per week of laboratory exercises and/or field trips. Enrollment limited to 45.This course is an introduction to college-level biology and deals with evolution, ecology, inheritance, biotechnology, anatomy, and physiology. Course work will include lectures, student-lead discussions, and laboratories. Discussions will cover topics such as the biology and ethics of gene therapy, conservation, science and the media, and use of animals in research. This course has a laboratory fee.

Offered: Every year

Credit: 1

Course Number: BIOL057L KS