Sep 18, 2024
2021-2022 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
PSYC197A CM - Directed Research in PsychologyThis course is for a research practicum with a Psychology faculty member focusing on different aspects of scientific psychological research such as experiment design, data collection, literature review, data analysis, and conference presentation or manuscript preparation. This class differs from PSYC199 CM - Independent Study in Psychology in that the research must be part of the faculty member’s continuous line of inquiry in that faculty member’s research lab. Students may register in the class for either 0.25 credit (at least 5 hours of directed research per week; 8-10 page paper or equivalent academic work) or 0.5 credit (at least 10 hours per week; 15-20 page paper or equivalent). Students may register more than once in Directed Research. A maximum of 1 credit may accumulate to apply toward graduation (not major) requirements. Students may also enroll in PSYC 197B CM for a non-credit option, in which case they do not complete the academic work required for academic credit. High-Pass/Pass/No-Pass grading only.
Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor
Offered: Every semester
Credit: 0.25 or 0.5
Course Number: PSYC197A CM