2024-2025 Policy Library 
    Sep 17, 2024  
2024-2025 Policy Library

Policies Related to Graduation Requirements and Participation in Commencement

Category: Academics/Research
Title: Policies Related to Graduation Requirements and Participation in Commencement
Approved by: Board of Trustees
Date Approved: December 7, 2017
Date Revised: May 22, 2020; June 29, 2023
Related Polices: CMC Bylaws Article VI
                           Statement of Academic Policy
                                                                Student Code of Conduct , Student Conduct Process , & Civil Rights Policy  
Additional References:                            
Responsible Official: President of the College

Contents of this Policy:

Policy Statement

This Policy outlines Claremont McKenna College’s requirements to earn an academic degree, obtain a diploma and degree-bearing official transcript, and be eligible to participate in Commencement. 

Entities Covered

All units of the College.


Please direct questions to the following Departments as follows:

Academic Requirements
Office of the Registrar
(909) 621-8101

Conduct Standing
Dean of Students
(909) 621-8114

Financial Standing
Student Accounts
(909) 621-8116

General Principles Related to Actions by the Faculty and the Board to Confer Degrees, Graduation Dates, and Eligibility to Participate in Commencement

Academic degrees at Claremont McKenna College are conditionally conferred upon:

  1. Action by the faculty to recommend to the Board of Trustees students who have completed, or who are expected to complete, all relevant academic requirements for a degree by the next respective graduation date;
    • Such action by the faculty is conditional upon the student’s actual satisfaction of all relevant academic requirements by the relevant graduation date.
  2. Action by the Board of Trustees to confer degrees based on:
    • Receipt of foregoing recommendation from the faculty; and,
    • The student being in good financial and good conduct standing, as defined below, as of the relevant graduation date.

CMC will postpone conferring degrees and issuing diplomas for students who have not completed their academic requirements or who are not in good financial or good conduct standing until the next relevant graduation date, as appropriate.

Graduation Dates

The College maintains three graduation dates per academic year at which time academic degrees are conferred and diplomas issued:

  • Summer (August)
  • Fall (December), and
  • Spring (May)

The specific dates may vary and are announced in the College’s academic calendar and/or academic catalog.

Effective Graduation Date

A student’s academic degree is conferred and diploma issued upon the student’s effective graduation date, which is the first graduation date that follows the student’s successful completion of all academic requirements and where the student is also in good financial and good conduct standing.

Participation in Commencement

The College holds one commencement ceremony in May of each academic year to recognize students who have graduated during the relevant academic year. Except as provided below, a student may participate in the commencement ceremony that aligns with the academic year of the student’s effective graduation date. Students who are eligible but not able to participate in the commencement ceremony corresponding with the academic year of their effective graduation date may participate in a subsequent commencement ceremony. Students may only participate in one commencement ceremony per degree earned.

Academic Requirements Related to Participation in Commencement

The College’s academic requirements related to the conferral of degrees and participation in commencement are established by the faculty and are set forth in the College’s academic catalog.

Student Conduct Requirements Related to Participation in Commencement

Good Conduct Standing

“Good Conduct Standing” means that a student is not:

  1. Currently subject to sanctions arising from the student conduct process, the civil rights policy, or the Academic Standards Committee that include: a sanction of suspension, delay of graduation, a prohibition against being present on campus, or any specific sanctions statement that the student is not in good conduct standing until such sanctions have been satisfied, or
  2. Subject to a conduct “charge” under the College’s student conduct process or a referral to the academic integrity procedures that could result in suspension or dismissal if the student is found responsible.

Participation in Commencement Prior to Effective Graduation Date

There may be limited but appropriate circumstances (such as a unique family or health situation) in which the Vice President for Student Affairs (for student conduct matters), the Chief Civil Rights Officer (for civil rights policy matters), or the Academic Standards Committee (for academic matters) may authorize exceptions, upon written student request, to its good conduct standing requirements to permit a student to participate in a commencement ceremony that precedes the student’s effective graduation date. However, the student’s degree will be conferred and diploma issued pursuant to the requirements of this policy (e.g. in good standing, consistent with the requirements of the academic catalog). This decision shall be final and not subject to any appeal or other review.

Good Financial Standing Requirements Related to Participation in Commencement

Good Financial Standing

“Good financial standing” means a student’s account balance may not exceed $100.00 on the date that the last payment is due for the fall or spring semesters. The account balance is exclusive of any refundable deposits on file with the College, but inclusive of any financial aid that has been approved by the Financial Aid Office and which is pending on the last payment due date.

Participation in Commencement Prior to Effective Graduation Date

If a student is not in good financial standing, but has otherwise completed all academic requirements and is in good conduct standing, the student may participate in a commencement ceremony that precedes the student’s effective graduation date only if the outstanding balance is less than $1,000.00.

Transcripts and Diplomas


Students not in good conduct standing may have their transcripts held until such time as they are returned to good conduct standing. The College cannot hold transcripts for students who are not in good financial standing. The Registrar is authorized to implement such new or revised policies and procedures as are appropriate to implement these policies, including with respect to any notations to be included on transcripts.


The College may withhold diplomas for students not in good conduct standing and/or good financial standing until such time as they are returned to good standing. With respect to good financial standing, students will be eligible to receive a diploma if their student account balance is below $100.  CMC will withhold diplomas for students who owe $100 or more.

Balance Owed Eligibility to participate in commencement and receive diploma and transcript
$0 - $99.99 Student can participate in commencement, can receive a diploma, can receive a transcript.
$100.00 - $999.99 Student can participate in commencement, diploma is held, can receive a transcript
$1,000+ Student cannot participate in commencement, diploma is held, can receive a transcript