2024-2025 Policy Library 
    Sep 19, 2024  
2024-2025 Policy Library

Keck Science Handbook Section 7 Safety and Security Policies

7.1 Emergency

7.2 Fire

7.3 Safety Rules

7.4 Security

7.5 After Hours Building Policy

7.6 Policy for Supervision of Instructional Laboratories

7.7 Storage and Disposal of Hazardous Materials

7.8 Emergency Plan

7.1 Emergency

Various state laws, college rules and common sense are the basis for Keck Science emergency procedures. Faculty members and lab coordinators are responsible for training students whose work they supervise. At a minimum, students working in laboratories should know emergency telephone numbers and the location of fire extinguishers, emergency telephones and first aid kits.

The emergency disaster plan handbook is available in the Keck Science Office, and the Departmental Coordinator has a copy in his office. The department also has a disaster material kit. It is a red duffel bag containing disaster equipment: blankets, toe tags for bodies, band aids, snacks, water, etc.  It is located in the Departmental Coordinator’s area.

If a Disaster Occurs:

  • Locate the disaster kit.
  • Read instructions in the bag as to how to deal with a disaster.
  • Then distribute first aid materials as needed.

7.2 Fire

7.2.a Background Information

In case of fire or explosion immediately close doors, evacuate the area, then pull a fire alarm, call Campus Security, and, if needed, call for medical assistance. Next, notify the Departmental Coordinator so that the Coordinator can help organize emergency procedures. 

Remember that the fire extinguishers are for fires that can be quickly contained. Never attempt to fight a fire which is obviously going to be difficult to handle. Do not allow anyone to enter the area of a chemical fire. The danger of asphyxiation is extremely high. Approval of the Fire Marshall should be received before once again entering the area.

The key phone numbers are:

  • Campus Security at Ext. 72000/18170
  • Departmental Coordinator: Ext 73049
  • Fire Department/Paramedics:  9 + 911

After making these calls, you should also contact

  • Health Center:  Ext. 18222/72252
  • Faculty Safety Officer:  Ext. 73157

The W. M. Keck Science Center is designed to be relatively fireproof; however, the Fire Marshall lists the following as some areas of prime fire and explosion danger.

  • Volatile Storage (B22 & B24)
  • General Storage Area (B-04)
  • Chemical Research Labs (2nd Floor - 216, 229, 232 plus B30)
  • Chemical Prep Room (East Wing - 240)

Extra care must be taken in these areas to prevent accidents. Instructors in charge should check to see that old chemicals are periodically removed, caustic and volatile compounds are properly stored, and various chemicals and solvents are issued only to authorized individuals and only for the purpose(s) intended.

Where pertinent, a first duty of each instructor and research advisor must be to familiarize every student with 

  • the location and use of fire extinguishers and the specific function of each type;
  • the locations and use of first aid equipment, emergency phones, and fire alarm switches.

Remember, you must telephone Campus Security (Ext. 72000/18170) for the needed service as our present alarm system is not hooked directly to the Fire Department. In areas of prime danger, fire department and health center telephone numbers are openly displayed.

Where necessary, fire drills should be conducted so that students will be familiar with the safest procedure for shutting down the lab and leaving the area in time of crisis. If additional help or training of students is desired, make arrangements about 10 days ahead, through the Departmental Coordinator or the Safety Officer, to give an in-depth demonstration of possible fire types, fire prevention methods, fire control, and the use of various extinguishers.

7.2.b General Procedures for Fires in the Building

  1. In the event of a fire or smoke, sound an alarm by pulling the handle marked “PULL” in one of the fire stations located in the building. Then call Campus Security (Ext. 72000 or 18170) and the Departmental Coordinator (Ext. 73019).
  2. Occupants of the building are not responsible for putting out fire, only for guarding lives. Fire extinguishers and fire hoses are installed for the suppression of incipient fires ONLY.
  3. When an alarm sounds, evacuate the building immediately. Participation of everyone during emergency evacuation or fire drills is required.
  4. Should you be in your office when the alarm sounds, close the door as you leave. If the fire is in YOUR office, close the door as you leave and give Campus Security and/or firefighters the location. DO NOT attempt to remove possessions.
  5. Walk rapidly to the nearest exit. DO NOT RUN. Quiet must be maintained in order that directions may be heard.
  6. Once out of the building remain out of the way until instructions to re-enter are given by the official in charge.
  7. For insurance and claims purposes the instructor on duty is charged with making out a report giving an account of events prior to the accident and listing actions taken. Also list injuries and damage.

7.3 Safety Rules

  • When working in the labs or shops always use safety glasses. In addition you must be certified to use the equipment by the person in charge of the lab or shop.
  • Know the location and use of safety showers, eye wash bath, first aid kits, and fire blankets in the labs, and make sure your students know them also.
  • Using unsafe equipment or improper laboratory set-ups can lead to an accident.
  • Under no circumstances are unauthorized experiments to be performed. Faculty members and students must never work alone with hazardous equipment or chemicals.
  • Electrical circuits must not be overloaded; frayed and worn wires should be reported to the Departmental Coordinator and changed immediately. All electrical equipment must be properly grounded and care taken to avoid working around wet floors or counter tops.
  • When delivering solvents from one room to another, always use the carrying baskets provided for this purpose.
  • Always add acids to water; never water to acids.
  • Never return unused reagents to stock bottles. Put solids into disposal jars. Liquid disposal containers should be made available. (For more detailed information see the Section on Chemical Disposal in Appendix C .)
  • Never aim the opening of a test tube or flask at yourself or anyone else.
  • Be very cautious when testing for odors.
  • Use hoods whenever poisonous or irritating fumes are evolved.
  • Never leave anything unattended while it is being heated or is reacting rapidly.
  • Be careful of broken glass–never pick it up with your bare hands.
  • Always lubricate glass tubing or thermometers before inserting them into a stopper. Always wrap toweling around them while inserting.
  • In case of chemical spills, use the appropriate methods to clean up the materials. Various types of reagents are available in the labs for acid or base spills. Mercury spills should be contained at first. Seek advice if you are in doubt as to what to do.
  • The hallways and stairs of our building become slippery when wet. Walk carefully, never run.
  • Proper caution should be exercised on field trips, especially when the departmental vehicle or boats are used by students.
  • Any questionable safety practices or hazardous situations should be reported to the faculty safety coordinator or the Departmental Coordinator at once.
  • Report any accidents, however minor, to the Assistant to the Dean/Program Administrator in the Department Office.

7.4 Security

Since we house many thousands of dollars worth of equipment, everyone should be on the alert for people who do not belong in the building. If you know or even suspect someone does not belong, do not take action yourself. Instead call Campus Security immediately (Ext. 72000 or 18170).

All individuals who are responsible for labs should have an inventory of major investment items and from time to time should check for lost or missing equipment. Items moved to another room should be so noted. Costly equipment should be properly stored under lock and key when not in use. Remember, several dozen people probably have keys to the room. Keys to specific rooms may be issued to students only upon written request by a faculty member to the Departmental Coordinator.

Please remember that you should

  • never leave unattended entrance doors to the Keck Science Building unlocked after normal working hours, and
  • never loan master keys to any students.

If you find an entrance door unlocked after normal working hours, please lock it and report the incident to the Departmental Coordinator.

7.5 After Hours Building Policy

The W. M. Keck Science Center is heavily used by students and faculty after regular working hours. To ensure the safety of students using the building during this time:

  • Students are not permitted in the building from 11 pm - 6 am unless accompanied by another person.
  • In addition, students may not work alone in a Keck Science Department research laboratory between the hours of 6 pm - 7 am on weekdays, or anytime over the weekend. Students must be accompanied by another person for the duration of their working time. Formal exceptions may be made in particular laboratories at the request of individual faculty members and with the approval of the Keck Science Dean.
  • Students working after hours in research laboratories must know emergency telephone numbers and the location of telephones and first aid kits. They must also discuss procedures for emergencies with their advisors. 

7.6 Policy for Supervision of Instructional Laboratories

An instructor must be present in the laboratory for the duration of the normal scheduled laboratory meeting time or while students are present (regardless of whether there is a teaching assistant present). However, an instructor may leave the lab for brief periods (less than ten minutes) for urgent tasks if absolutely necessary, though the instructor should not leave if there is any hazardous activity taking place. In the absence of the instructor, a teaching assistant (or other trained staff, such as a laboratory coordinator) must be present and may not leave the immediate lab area. The teaching assistant must be instructed in the activities taking place and in the safety precautions and first aid measures that may be necessary. The instructor and the teaching assistant shall exchange cell phone numbers so that they can be in immediate communication if necessary. In the event that a student must work in the laboratory outside of the normal class hours, arrangements must be made with the laboratory instructor to ensure that the student is properly supervised.

7.7 Storage and Disposal of Hazardous Materials

Please adhere to the policy for handling “Laboratory Trash and Excess Chemical Disposal” which can be found in Appendix C 

7.8 Emergency Plan

7.8.a General Information

The following pages include an emergency plan for the W. M. Keck Science Center in the event of an earthquake or other major emergency. In addition to the general plan, there are detailed assignments for each person with a major responsibility.

All members of the faculty and staff and all students are asked to assemble in their designated area immediately following a disaster.

You are asked to follow these procedures:

  1. Follow earthquake and/or fire safety procedures.
  2. Assist injured coworkers and students. Notify the Departmental Coordinator of needed first aid assistance.
  3. Assemble in the initial assembly area for the Keck Science Department which is at the east end of the student parking lot just south of the W. M. Keck Science Center.
  4. Remain in the area until identified by the Departmental Coordinator. You may be asked to assist with search and rescue. The group will then move to a larger, college-wide assembly location for further instructions.
  5. If you need to leave your assembly area, please notify the Departmental Coordinator.
  6. You will be permitted to leave campus as quickly as possible if you are not needed for the search and rescue efforts.
  7. In the event of a major earthquake/emergency, you may be asked to remain on campus. Emergency provisions, water, blankets, etc. will be provided.

7.8.b Emergencies Occurring After Hours, Weekends, or Holidays

If an emergency occurs after hours, on weekends, or during holidays, there may be some employees working in their offices. Those individuals are asked to ensure coworkers are safe and identify those in need of first aid. All employees and students in the building should assemble at the east end of the student parking lot just south of the W. M. Keck Science Center. Employees should be prepared to assist with search and rescue efforts. The Departmental Coordinator may not be available to conduct identification procedures.

Selected faculty and staff members must report to the campus as quickly as possible. All other individuals are asked to remain away from the building until the building is reopened unless specifically asked to report.

7.8.c Earthquake/Disaster Procedures

In the event of an earthquake, take the following actions:

  • Remain where you are!
  • If indoors, DO NOT LEAVE THE BUILDING!  Stand under a doorway with both hands grasping one side of the door frame and the buttocks back against the  other side. Protect yourself from glass and falling debris. Crawl under a desk or  table if glass poses a danger or locate yourself in the innermost corner of the  room, place your head between your knees to protect your face from shattering  glass or falling objects. DO NOT GO OUTSIDE!  You could be injured by falling debris.
  • If outdoors, move to an open area away from buildings, trees, power poles and overhead electrical wires. DO NOT GO INSIDE!  You could be hit by falling objects as you try to enter the building.
  • If you are in a moving car, stop as quickly as safety permits. Avoid parking near power lines, tall buildings and overpasses. If power lines do fall on your vehicle, do not attempt to leave until the lines are removed or you have assurance that there is absolutely no possibility of power being transmitted through them. DO NOT TOUCH any metal parts of the car.
  • The initial tremor will last a few seconds to two or three minutes. Do not attempt any action until the shaking stops. Then move quickly.

7.8.c.1 After the Earthquake/Disaster

After the earthquake take the following actions:

  • Carefully exit the building and move to the following areas:
    • Faculty, Staff, and Students on the east end of the student parking lot just south of the W.M. Keck Science Center.
  • Take special precautions:
    • Expect aftershocks. These will vary in magnitude and may continue for several days.
    • Remain calm and maintain presence of mind. Do not push or shove.
    • Watch for falling debris.
    • If power fails, do not ignite open flame.
    • Wear shoes and watch for electrical wires, broken glass and other hazards.
    • DO NOT turn on electrical switches. This could trigger an explosion.
    • If you can assist an injured person to the assembly area, please do so.
    • DO NOT move seriously injured persons unless they are in immediate danger of further injury.
    • Stairwells could be damaged. Step carefully and use an alternate route if necessary.

7.8.c.2 Special Considerations

  • Remain in your assigned area until given further instructions and roll is taken. You will be permitted to leave campus as quickly as possible if you are not needed for the search and rescue efforts.
  • In the event of a major earthquake or other emergency, you may be asked to remain on campus. Emergency provisions such as water, blankets, etc., will be provided.Do not drink tap water until quality has been checked. Ruptured lines could result in contamination.
  • Do not spread rumors. Accurate information should become available to you through a network of Departmental Coordinators and the search and rescue teams.

7.8.d CMC Emergency Organization

During a major emergency, the CMC President will be in direct control of the campus. If the President is not available, the chain of command is as follows: Vice President and Treasurer, Vice President and Dean of Faculty, and Dean of Students.

7.8.e Command Center

The President’s Office in Bauer Center will be the command center if the telephone and electricity are still functioning. If Bauer Center is disabled, the command center will be the ROTC department or Heggblade Center, in that order. The Director of Human Resources will act as an emergency assistant to the President.