2024-2025 Policy Library 
    Sep 19, 2024  
2024-2025 Policy Library

Keck Science Handbook Section 5 General Departmental Information

5.1 Automobiles and Parking

5.2 Benefits and Human Resource Policies

5.3 Computing

5.4 Departmental Vehicle

5.5 Holiday Celebrations

5.6 Photocopying

5.7 Postage

5.8 Stock Room

5.9 Telephone

5.1 Automobiles and Parking

Any cars or other motor vehicles that are brought to campus must be registered and receive annual parking stickers from Campus Safety located at 251 E 11th St. Keck Science faculty and staff generally receive CMC stickers for their cars (at no charge) which allow cars to park in the Faculty/Staff spaces around the Keck Science Building (including on Mills Ave.) as well as in nearby CMC parking lots. Use of Scripps underground or surface parking may only be used by faculty and staff who pay a parking fee to Scripps. Failing to display TCCS parking stickers or parking in an unauthorized area can lead to a fine.

Full-time employees are encouraged to participate in the CMC Rideshare Program which provides monetary compensation (Monday - Friday) to those who walk, bicycle, use public transportation, or rideshare to work. (For details, see Section 8.5 of the CMC Faculty Handbook .) 

5.2 Benefits and Human Resource Policies

Every member of the Keck Science Faculty will be deemed to be an employee of CMC for all fringe and other employment benefits purposes (including, without limitation, retirement plan, health, post-retirement health, early retirement, tuition remission, and housing support). These fringe and other employment benefits are mostly described in Chapter 8 of the CMC Faculty Handbook , as may be amended from time to time. Where appropriate, the policies listed below simply provide a citation to the appropriate section in the CMC Handbook.

Marian Miner Cook Athenaeum (Section 9.1)  

Fitness Room, Gym, & Pool (Section 8.1)  

Fringe Benefits (Section 8.2)  

Lunch Privileges (Keck Science faculty members receive the lunch privileges given to faculty at each Keck Science College.)

Rental Housing (Section 8.4)  

Rideshare Program (Section 8.5)  

Salary Checks (8.6)  

Staff Holidays (Section 8.7)  

Tuition Remission Scholarship Plan for Dependent Children (Section 8.8)  

5.3 Computing

CMC serves as the permanent lead College for Keck Science information technology, and a member of the CMC IT department serves as the Manager of Keck Science Technology and Scientific Instrumentation. The Keck Science Information Technology Committee advises and provides recommendations to CMC ITS on IT services and policies within Keck Science.

Each Keck Science faculty and staff member is provided with a computer equipped with standard software packages as an item of office equipment, with individual accommodations being made whenever feasible to address specific pedagogical and scientific computing needs of a faculty member. Computers are also provided for the teaching laboratories. Course-specific software may also be purchased by the department on request. Office and teaching lab computers will be upgraded or replaced approximately every four years, budget permitting. The capability for establishing wireless connections to the internet exists throughout the building. Printers are not provided for each office, but the department maintains a number of printers at various locations around the building that can be accessed via the network. Faculty members who would like a printer in their offices must purchase and maintain it themselves. Paper is provided by the department. Other items of shared equipment include a large format (poster) printer, a scanner, miscellaneous graphics and multimedia equipment, and a color copier/PDF Scanner and BW PDF scanner.

 The department maintains a number of items available for teaching or research purposes. These items include a digital camera, a digital camcorder, and several laptop computers and portable computer projectors. These items must be checked out through the Manager of Keck Science Technology and Scientific Instrumentation. They can also be reserved in advance.

Support for the department’s computing needs is provided by the Manager of Keck Science Technology and Scientific Instrumentation. The major operating systems are supported (Windows, Mac, Linux) as are the most common office application software packages such as Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. Software packages used in specific teaching or research applications are likely to vary considerably among faculty members. Support is provided for these applications as permitted by time, expertise, and available resources. Please consult the Manager of Keck Science Technology and Scientific Instrumentation before purchasing new hardware or software.

5.4 Departmental Vehicle

The department maintains a pickup truck for use by faculty, staff and students. Anyone wishing to drive the departmental vehicle must submit an “Authorization for Release of Information” with a copy of your driver’s license attached to the Assistant Dean/Program Administrator, who submits the form to the CMC Payroll Office. CMC then arranges for a DMV background check. You are notified by Payroll in about a week as to whether or not you have been approved. If the truck is used for departmental business and gasoline is needed, you must request the CMC gasoline card from the Departmental Coordinator. This card may only be used to purchase gasoline at DeWitt Petroleum on the corner of Arrow Highway and Monte Vista Ave. You should pay for gasoline yourself if the truck is used for personal business.

Reservations to use the vehicle are maintained on a calendar outside Room B05 along with the keys. Please do not use the vehicle at a time when someone else has reserved it.

5.5 Holiday Celebrations

The Keck Science Department lobby can be freely used for displays that celebrate any holiday provided the decorations themselves are not religiously significant symbols and the displays are approved by the Executive Committee.

5.6 Photocopying

Faculty and staff may use the departmental photocopiers for work related to teaching, scholarship, and departmental support.  Paper is provided by the department. Students are normally not allowed to use the photocopiers in room 114 except by permission of a faculty or staff member. Students must use the photocopier in the main lobby for personal use. 

Copy cards for Keck Science faculty and staff members are available in the Keck Science office for use at Honnold Library. 

5.7 Postage

A postage meter is provided in room 114 to be used by faculty and staff members for department-related business only.

5.8 Stock Room

Equipment and supplies used in teaching and research are stored in individual teaching and research laboratories as well as in the departmental stock room. Any items taken from the stock room should be recorded in the notebook next to the Departmental Coordinator’s office so he can keep track of stock and reorder as necessary. Shared items, such as the VCR, should be signed out in a separate notebook and signed back in when returned.

5.9 Telephone

Each faculty and staff member is provided with telephone and voicemail service. Telephone service is arranged by the Departmental Coordinator. Newer VOIP (voice-over-internet-protocol) phones in offices are arranged by IT staff. These phones can be moved at will and are plugged into the computer network system. 

Problems with phone service are handled on line by the Claremont Colleges Phone Office through “Request a Repair.”

Faculty and staff are expected to reimburse the department for any personal long-distance calls that must be made from a department telephone.

There is an emergency telephone in the hallway off the southern part of the lobby that can be used for on-campus calls. Red emergency phones located inside elevators or inside stair-cases connect directly to Campus Safety. In addition there are two blue emergency phones along the north and south outside walls of the building.