2024-2025 Policy Library 
    Mar 28, 2025  
2024-2025 Policy Library

Student Organizations Policy

The strength of the CMC community stems directly from the student-led and designed opportunities and events that are abundant around campus. Student organizations at CMC provide an opportunity for learning to extend beyond the classroom and transform into a co-curricular experience.

Student Organizations are recognized and resourced through a partnership between the Student Activities Office and ASCMC. One of the responsibilities of Student Activities is to support the work of student organizations. The staff are often called upon to make referrals to student organizations as well as to represent organizations’ needs and concerns to the CMC Administration. ASCMC is the student governing body which seeks to create a vibrant campus culture by supporting student organizations and providing financial resources.

All recognized CMC student organizations gain access to the following privileges and services:

  • The use of appropriate facilities at Claremont McKenna College when available and when used in accordance with the regulations pertaining to individual and joint facilities.
  • The ability to schedule events regularly and to publicize activities on the various campuses or at joint facilities (e.g. Honnold Library) in accordance with the regulations pertaining to these.
  • The ability to request and receive funding from ASCMC and their funding committees.
  • The use of official College logos, letters, and name.

In exchange, all organizations must comply with the following policies:


Club and Organization members and leaders represent the CMC community through their pursuit of shared passions and values. As a participating member every student is responsible for their own actions and adherence to the policies set forth below and in the Guide to Student Life  and the Student Code of Conduct . Failure to adhere to these policies and procedures as an organization or on behalf of an organization may result in adjudication through the student discipline process. In addition, organizations may face any of the following consequences: loss of event privileges for a set period of time, loss of funding for the year or for a given event, organization probation up to one year, organization suspension for up to one year, loss of organization recognition, disciplinary action, etc.


Recognized student clubs and organizations may publicize and advertise for their events on CMC’s campus, as long as they follow the CMC policy regarding posting and publicity. Promotional materials may include but are not limited to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, email, digital signage, posters, and handbills. All promotional materials must clearly identify the sponsoring organization and contact information, and may not promote alcohol as the primary focus of the event. Failure to meet these guidelines may result in the removal of the promotional materials. Continued failure to meet these guidelines may result in limited publicity privileges.

Posting/Publicity (including posters, flyers, table tents, and banners)

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A faculty or staff member, sympathetic to the purposes of an organization or interested in its particular activities can contribute greatly to a student organization. They can assist by serving as a link between the organization and the staff and faculty of the colleges. Their knowledge of the facilities and services available to student organizations may prove helpful to the group.

  • Staff/Faculty advisors are not required of CMC organizations, but are strongly encouraged.
  • No faculty/staff member should be expected to assume either the authority or responsibility for the policies of the organization or its activities.
  • If an organization has a staff/faculty advisor, they should be listed on their annual recognition form.
  • Advisor Communication
    • Advisors may not sign contracts on behalf of an organization, they must still be reviewed and signed for by the Student Activities Staff.
    • Advisors should be informed on a semester basis, at minimum, of the organization’s work, function, and membership.
  • If you know of a faculty or staff member who is interested in becoming an advisor, please have them email clubs@cmc.edu with a description of the type of club they might be interested in advising.

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Chartering New Organizations

  • Must have at least five members currently enrolled in Claremont McKenna College. No more than 20% of the organization’s membership may be from outside CMC. If more than 20% of the membership are non-CMC students, the organization must apply for 5C organization recognition.
  • Must provide some form of academic or social enrichment, intangible or tangible, to CMC’s campus or student body.
  • Membership may not be determined on the basis of a person’s sex, race, religion, national origin, ancestry, creed, sexual orientation, gender identity or physical, mental, emotional, or learning disability.
  • Organizations that utilize tryouts, auditions, or any other form of merit-based application system must publicize said application at least two weeks in advance, and give fair and equal consideration to all applicants.
  • Any organization applying for CMC charter and recognition that has ties to a religious or sports organization should refer to the Special Interest Organizations section of this guide.
  • All unresolved charter applications will expire at the end of the academic year in which they were submitted. Those clubs hoping to apply for charter must resubmit a charter application in the current academic year to be considered for club recognition.
  • To begin the process of chartering a new club, email clubs@cmc.edu to request the charter application.

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Club Leader Orientation

  • The Club Leader Orientation takes place at the beginning of the academic year.
  • All recognized student organizations must have at least two club leaders (ideally the President and one other leader) complete the orientation.
  • Organizations who do not complete the orientation will not be fully recognized, and therefore will be disallowed from registering events, using petty cash or spending their budget etc. until the material has been relayed by a member of the Clubs and Organizations Team and the orientation has been completed.
  • The orientation covers the following content
    • Clubs and Organizations Team Introductions
    • Student Activities Office overview & policies
    • Governing documents
    • Record keeping and databases
    • Budgets and reimbursements
    • Responsibilities as an Event Host
    • Event Registration
    • Contracts
    • Alcohol and other drugs
    • Hazing
    • Sexual abuse and harassment
    • Club Initiatives
    • Club and Org office hours
    • Hiring and Recruitment Training*
  • The member(s) who complete the orientation are responsible for relaying the information to all position-holding members of their organization within one week of the orientation. It is also encouraged that all members of the organization are informed of the orientation content.

*Clubs that require an application and review process for membership will need to complete a training in safe hiring and recruitment practices.

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Students may not sign contracts on behalf of Claremont McKenna College or their respective club/organization. If an individual student signs a contract on behalf of their club or organization, they may bear the full legal and financial responsibilities as an individual. A member of the Student Activities staff must review and sign all contracts for vendors as they can serve as a representative of the College entering the contractual agreement. A vendor includes but is not limited to entertainers, talent, special services, and rentals. Students are encouraged to submit contracts for review with as much advance notice as possible, but no later than 1 week prior to the event. Contracts in excess of $6,000 require additional approval and must be submitted no later than 3 weeks prior to the event.

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Disability Accommodations

  • If a student club or organization has a member who requires accommodations, the club or organization may seek out the CMC Disability Coordinator for assistance in determining how appropriate accommodations can be made.
  • CMC Assistant Dean of Students, Disability Services & Academic Success:

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Event Registration

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Financial Information

Officially recognized student organizations are able to request funding from ASCMC. Organizations must account for any and all CMC club funding received and how said funding was spent.

  • Acceptable uses of ASCMC Club Funding
    • Clubs and Organizations should limit the use of their club funds to those purchases which will further the mission of the organization. Organization leaders and their members shall use discretion when making purchases and always seek to be fiscally responsible and cognizant when deciding how their funds should be spent. Detailed questions about what club funding may be used for can be directed to the Clubs and Organizations team at clubs@cmc.edu
  • Unacceptable use of ASCMC Club Funding
    • Funds shall not be used for meals for organization members for business and travel purposes. 
      • Exceptions may be made in the case of high financial need, but will be granted at the discretion of the Clubs and Organizations team on a case by case basis.
    • Alcohol or illegal drugs
    • Apparel
      • No club funds shall be used to purchase apparel items that will be distributed for the personal ownership and use of individual club members. Apparel items include, but are not limited to, t-shirts, shoes, clothes, etc. 
        • Exceptions to this policy can be made if individual members will cover the cost for such items and pay such funds to ASCMC within two weeks of purchase. Failure to comply with said policy will result in the freezing of funds until the apparel is paid for in full. 
    • Charitable Gifts
      • Club allocations may not be used to directly donate to charitable organizations or programs. This includes, but is not limited to, the purchase of goods that will be directly donated to charity. 
    • Items which are outside of the scope of your organization or the scope of what was requested and approved for club funding (i.e., your annual budget request form)
  • Allocations
    • Allocations are determined annually at the Spring CMC Club Budget Hearings. To receive an allocation, recognized organizations must submit a club budget request form that is distributed in the spring to primary organization contacts.
    • The results of the annual budget hearings are given to respective organizations over the summer. Organizations will receive their allocation at the beginning of the fall semester.
  • Depositing/Receiving Funds
    • You may deposit funds into your organization account at any time by emailing ascmccfo@students.claremontmckenna.edu. 
  • Discretionary Fund
    • The Discretionary Fund is a fund overseen by the ASCMC Vice President of Clubs and Organizations. 
    • The fund shall primarily be used to support newly chartered organizations, general clubs and organizations functions, and new initiatives by pre-existing clubs. 
    • Discretionary fund requests can be submitted by emailing clubs@cmc.edu.
  • Fundraising
    • If your organization hosts a fundraiser to support an outside organization, charity, etc., the money that is donated can only come from the profits of the event, not the proceeds. Therefore, if you purchase items or rent equipment to host the event, you must take that amount out of the money that was brought in before donating the gross profits.  If your organization hosts a fundraiser to support an outside organization, charity, etc., the money that is donated can only come from the profits of the event, not the proceeds. Therefore, if you purchase items or rent equipment to host the event, you must take that amount out of the money that was brought in before donating the gross profits. The simplest way for organizations to host a fundraiser is to have attendees/participants donate directly to the charity/non-profit, rather than through the club.
  • Other Sources of Funding
    • Clubs and Organizations may, and are encouraged, to seek other sources of funding if their ASCMC Club Funding allocation does not meet the needs of their organization. Outside sources of funding must be disclosed to ASCMC, and funds should be deposited into the club’s ASCMC account within two weeks of receiving the funds. 
  • Paying Individuals
    • If the person is not a student, please bring a signed contract/agreement to the Student Activities office to serve as the supporting paperwork for your check request.
      • Contracts should not be signed by individual students. A representative from the Student Activities Office will sign on behalf of the College to limit personal liability. 
      • The contract should, at minimum, list the following things: Artist/Speaker name, name and date of the event, amount of agreed upon payment, who the check should be made payable to (usually the artist’s name), artist/speaker social security number, address where to mail the check. See the Assistant Director of Student Activities in the DOS office for contract review and signing.
      • Processing and payment for checks takes approximately two weeks. Plan accordingly for contract review with the Student Activities office.
  • Reimbursement Checks
    • You can submit all reimbursement requests from the same account. 
    • You can submit all reimbursement requests by using Workday. Email ascmccfo@students.claremontmckenna.edu with questions. 
      • High resolution photos of itemized receipts
        • Receipts should be for the total amount of the reimbursement request. Receipts should not include other purchases for which reimbursement is not required/requested. 
    • All requests must list a description for the expense. The descriptions must be specific. Generic descriptions are not allowed (ex: Supplies), it must be specific to the event and what was purchased (ex: paper plates for Welcome Back Party).
    • Check requests with addresses listed will be mailed out (either to campus mail or USPS).
    • Mileage reimbursements must be submitted in the following manner:
      • A Google map that shows what route was taken and the total number of miles driven
      • A calculation showing the number of miles multiplied by the cents per mile to be reimbursed. 
        • ASCMC will reimburse up to 55 cents per mile. It is at the discretion of the organization to determine how much they will have member’s request for mileage reimbursement up to 55 cents. 
      • The total number of students in attendance.
      • A gas receipt is not necessary. 

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Governing Documents

Organizations must operate under the guidelines of a Constitution and Bylaws that outlines the organization’s goals, membership policies, and other relevant information.

  • Constitution & Bylaws
    • Must state the purpose and membership qualifications of the organization. A group must indicate any affiliation with an organization outside of the Claremont Colleges and make explicit in the constitution any financial obligation to or funds received from an external recognition. (See National Organizations for more information)
    • Constitution & bylaws remain in effect until revisions are filed with the Clubs and Organizations Team
    • The Constitution will guide the purpose and operation of the group. It shall contain the fundamental principles, which govern its operation. The Bylaws establish the specific rules of guidance by which the group is to function. The writing of the Constitution shall clarify the organization’s purpose, delineate your basic structure and provide the cornerstone for building an effective group. It will also allow members and potential members to have a better understanding of what the organization is all about and how it functions.
  • What should be covered in a Constitution?
    • Article I- The name of the organization
    • Article II- Purpose, aims, and functions of the organization
    • Article III- Membership (who can join, who is the target audience, any qualifying characteristics)
    • Article IV- Non-Discrimination Clause (required for all organizations)
      • A statement that declares your organization or it’s members may not discriminate against someone on the basis of the person’s legally-protected status (e.g. including: race, color, national origin, ancestry, citizenship, religion (including religious dress and appearance), gender, sex (which includes pregnancy, childbirth, lactation, and related medical conditions), sexual orientation, status as a victim of domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking, age, physical disability, mental disability, medical condition, marital status, military status, veteran status, genetic information, or any other characteristic that may be specified in laws and regulations, as well as the perception that a person has any of those characteristics.
    • Article V- Officers (terms of office, duties, and how elected for each position listed)
    • Article VI- Advisor (term of service, how selected) (if applicable)
    • Article VII- Meetings (frequency, special meetings and who calls them)
    • Article VII- Quorum (the number of members required to transact business)
    • Article IX- Successor organization (should this organization fail, what organization is entitled to receive its assets, typically this is ASCMC and must be an on-campus organization)
    • Article X- Amendments (means of proposal, notice required, voting requirements)
    • Article XI- Ratification (requirements for adopting this constitution)
  • What should be covered in the Bylaws?
    • Dues/Fees (amount, when payable)
    • Executive Board (composition and authority)
    • Committees (standing, special, how formed, chairpersons, meetings, powers, duties)
    • Order of Business (standard agenda for conducting meetings)
    • Parliamentary Procedure (provisions for rules of order)
    • Amendment Procedures (means of proposals, notice required, voting requirements)
    • Other specific policies and procedures unique to your organization and necessary for its operation.

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  • All club and organization members must be enrolled at one of the Claremont Colleges. 
  • All club and organization members must maintain a 2.00 GPA. 
  • No more than 20% of CMC Club membership can be made up of 7C (Non-CMC) students.
  • Organization membership may not be determined on the basis of a person’s sex, race, religion, national origin, ancestry, creed, sexual orientation, gender identity or physical, mental, emotional, or learning disability.
  • Voting members and officers must be students, faculty, or staff of the Claremont Colleges.
  • Any student holding a leadership position in a CMC Club or Organization must be enrolled in at least three classes at the Claremont Colleges and be considered a full-time student by the Registrar’s Office. 
  • Organizations that utilize tryouts, auditions, or any other form of merit-based application system must publicize said application at least two weeks in advance, and give fair and equal consideration to all applicants.

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National Organizations

  • If an organization affiliates with an outside organization, such affiliation must be explicitly stated in the governing documents for the CMC organization.
  • An explanation of the CMC chapter’s affiliation with the national organization should be listed in the constitution.
  • Any financial obligation to or funds received from an external organization should also be included.
  • Must certify that the purposes of the external organization are in accord with the principles stated in the CMC chapter’s constitution.

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Organizational Function

  • Must meet at least once a month in a public place on the Claremont McKenna campus.
  • Must operate under the guidelines of a Constitution that outlines the organization’s goals, membership policies, and other relevant information.
  • Must account for any and all CMC club funding received and how said funding was spent.
  • Must assume responsibility for the activities of the organization for maintaining general conduct of members and guests in keeping with the policies and standards established either individually or jointly by Claremont McKenna College.

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  • Organizations are encouraged to develop partnerships with other organizations at CMC and within the other four undergraduate Claremont Colleges.
  • CMC recognized groups are unable to partner with organizations which are not registered with CMC or 5C. This does not extend to sponsorships from businesses in the case of a charity event.

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Planning Events with Alcohol

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All existing organizations must submit an annual recognition or rechartering form in order to receive the full benefits of a recognized student organization. The form will be emailed to club leaders and available in Engage@Claremont during the re-chartering window each Spring. The requirements for annual recognition are as follows:

  • All organizations must have at least five members currently enrolled in Claremont McKenna College. No more than 20% of the organization’s membership may be from outside CMC. If more than 20% of the membership are non-CMC students, the organization must apply for 5C organization recognition.
  • In order to remain an active CMC student organization each year, clubs must complete the following:
    • Submit the annual Club Recognition Form
    • Complete the Club Leader Orientation
    • Participate in the Fall and Spring Club and Resource fair
    • Attend the mandatory club check-in meeting with the clubs and organizations team
    • Maintain organization in Engage@Claremont
  • In order to receive funding from ASCMC, all recognized organizations must submit a Budget Form and attend the CMC Club Budget hearings at the end of the spring semester.

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Special Interest Organizations

Any club or organization which has a purpose that aligns with one of the 7C campus resources or a specific office or center at CMC, is required to have regular meetings with such resource. If your organization is religious/spiritual in nature, you will need to meet with one of the campus Chaplains before final approval (909-621-8685). If your organization is sporty/athletic in nature, you will need to meet with the Director of Recreation for CMC (Chris Spells) before final approval. Please see below for additional information regarding these types of organizations to prepare for approval meetings.

  • Athletic/Sports Related Organizations
    • Those interested in or continuing the function of an athletic/sports related organization shall meet with the Associate Dean of Students/Director of Campus Recreation at Pomona College. Organizations must be granted approval by Campus Recreation prior to final approval from the Clubs and Organizations Team. All Club sports are managed as a 5C organization through Pomona College. Intramural sports are managed through Roberts Pavilion.
  • Religious Organizations (Copied from Policies for Current and Prospective Religious Affiliates, The Claremont Colleges)
    • Guidelines for On-Campus Student Religious/Spiritual Groups and Clubs
      • The Chaplains of The Claremont Colleges seek to support vibrant student religious/spiritual life on campus. As members of the broader college community, student religious/spiritual groups/clubs registered* by the Smith Campus Center (Pomona) and/or the relevant campus’ body of registration and by the Office of the Chaplains must abide by the policies and procedures that apply to all student groups/clubs at The Claremont Colleges.
      • *Registration of a student religious/spiritual group or club by the Office of the Chaplains of The Claremont Colleges does not signify endorsement of the group, its practices, beliefs or claims.
      • In addition, groups/clubs registered by the Smith Campus Center (Pomona) and/or the relevant campus’ body of registration and by the Chaplains of The Claremont Colleges agree to:
        • Demonstrate through their actions and policies a commitment to inclusivity, diversity, and interfaith and multifaith respect.
      • Students and other college community members, as individuals and in groups, have the right to expect that their personal religious or spiritual commitments (or lack of them) will be honored by others. Statements sponsored by any religious/spiritual group or club recognized by the Office of the Chaplains shall observe a commitment to this respectful communication.
        • Honor personal boundaries by not engaging in proselytization, harassment, or any kind of religious pressuring or coercive recruiting practices.
      • Members of the college community, as individuals and in groups, have the right to expect that when they decline invitations to religious activities, or express the desire not to be contacted by their sponsors, these expressions will be respected. Thus, when persons decline invitations to meetings, conversations, programs, services or any other activities, they can be sure that they will not experience pressure, judgment, or harassment in response. Examples of inappropriate recruiting practices include but are not limited to any activity that violates the solicitation policies of The Claremont Colleges, targets a particular individual or group, or deprecates or demeans other individuals or groups.
        • Clearly identify in all publicity the name of the sponsoring group(s)/club(s) and contact information.
      • Students and all members of the community have the right to expect that events sponsored by particular religious groups, or events that will espouse points of view that are associated with a particular religious/spiritual tradition, will be clearly identified as such. Posters, flyers, email messages, etc. will carry the name of the sponsoring group and must not be false or misleading

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If you are promoting your club on campus, selling tickets, or advertising for an event, there are specific standards to which we hold recognized student organizations. These expectations are required for the Fall and Spring CMC Club Fair and are preferred for tabling throughout the school year.

  • Each organization should have at least two students at the table throughout the entirety of the tabling time.
  • Tables should have a few props, decorations, displays, etc. to attract students to the table.
    • Tablecloths are encouraged
    • Large banners or posters are also encouraged to allow students to see the sponsoring organization’s name from a distance.

Failure to adhere to the above policies and procedures may result in any of the following consequences: loss of event privileges for a set period of time, loss of funding for the year or for a given event, organization probation up to one year, organization suspension for up to one year, loss of organization recognition, disciplinary action.

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