2024-2025 Policy Library 
    Jan 13, 2025  
2024-2025 Policy Library

High-risk Alcohol and Drug Use Prevention Program Guide

I. Introduction

In compliance with the Drug-Free Schools and Campuses Regulations, Claremont McKenna College has developed this High-risk Alcohol and Drug Use Prevention Program Guide (“AOD Guide”). CMC provides the AOD Guide electronically as part of the Guide to Student Life, which is distributed to all students in August and January of each year. CMC’s AOD Guide aligns directly with CMC’s Strategic Framework for the prevention of high-risk alcohol and drug use, and includes the College’s policies as well as guidelines to help students understand expectations for behavior and principles of collaborative enforcement. Below, are important principles, developed in collaboration with students, that guide our approach. CMC has two substance-free residence halls in which the use of alcohol or other drugs is strictly prohibited. CMC also meets demand for all substance-free housing requests and, in instances in which demand exceeds current occupancy, converts floors in other residence hall to designated substance-free floors.

Broad Social Offerings

Recognizing the importance of a diverse and engaging social experience, we aim to provide a wide variety of social opportunities that cater to various interests and preferences within the valued 5C context.

Safe and Moderate Behavior

We believe that fostering a social environment where students can engage in activities that promote their safety and well-being is essential. This includes encouraging responsible decision-making, emphasizing moderation in social activities, and providing resources to help students make informed choices about their actions.

Respect for People, Property, and Spaces

We value creating a culture of respect and mutual understanding, where students recognize the importance of treating others with dignity, as well as protecting and maintaining the physical spaces and property of our community. This involves promoting civility, empathy, and open communication among all members of our campus.

Personal and Social Accountability

We believe that a thriving social environment depends on individual and collective responsibility. To ensure the well-being of our community, we strive to uphold reasonable policies and community expectations through a shared enforcement regime. This includes escalating levels of intervention as needed, ranging from personal accountability to the involvement of campus authorities.


We strive to create an inclusive and diverse social environment that prioritizes cultivating friendship, meeting people to create new relationships and acquaintances, cultural sensitivity, and anti-racism.

II. Education and Training

Claremont McKenna College is committed to maintaining and supporting a broad range of education and training programs related to the abuse of alcohol or other drugs. The College focuses its education and training efforts on programs that are aligned with principles of moderate and responsible use and provide interactive and dynamic training experiences so that lessons are fully absorbed and internalized. Alcohol should never be the default for social activities; however, when students choose to include alcohol as a part of their activities, they are expected to drink responsibly and in moderation. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Eating and hydrating well before drinking any alcoholic beverage
  • Limiting alcohol to modest servings drank slowly over time with water in between alcoholic beverages
  • Being mindful and courteous of those around you
  • Respecting property and recognizing the impact of drinking behaviors on building attendants, facility staff, fellow residents, and other community members
  • Recognizing that other people’s choice not to drink alcohol should not impact their ability to be included and to have fun at any event
  • Considering the impacts of drinking behaviors on the ability to give and interpret consent in sexual encounters
  • Being thoughtful about how drinking behaviors will impact the ability to perform well academically, athletically, socially, etc.

Set forth below, is a summary of the College’s current alcohol and other drug education and training programs intended to reinforce responsible and moderate alcohol use among those who choose to drink.

All new students are required to complete AlcoholEdu and Sexual Assault Prevention, online education courses provided by Vector LMS, which is one of the nation’s leading organizations supporting abuse prevention programs across higher education.

As part of the orientation program, the Dean of Students Office and the Office of Civil Rights complete mandatory sessions with new students on dating, sexual assault, and alcohol / drug use.

Beyond this, the College employs the use of theatrical skits to address a wide range of topics, including: drinking, drug use, personal responsibility, academic integrity, concepts of identity including gender and ethnic stereotypes, academic pressure, and sex.

These skits, and the subsequent discussion they provoke, reinforce norms of mutual respect, courtesy, responsible moderation, personal responsibility, and peer intervention in student behavior.

Also part of the Orientation program, is a session with the Dean of Students staff to discuss the physiological and social impacts of alcohol use. Students learn strategies to prevent binge drinking, and are taught healthy ways to manage drinking pressure, stress, anxiety, depression, and other factors that may contribute to alcohol and drug abuse.

CMC is a member of JED Campus, a national program focused on the promotion of emotional health and suicide prevention. The program includes strategies to reduce substance use and to address addiction.

The College requires that all new students must participate in the pre-orientation, Welcome Orientation Adventure (WOA). WOA provides a range of trips and destination experiences to help new students establish connections and learn campus life skills, including the opportunity for peer-to-peer discussions about alcohol and drug use.

Residence hall meetings and educational programming through various clubs and organizations as well as formal resources (Health Education Outreach, Monsour Counseling and Psychological Services, EmPOWER Center, etc.) reinforce expectations of responsible moderation among those who choose to include alcohol in their activities.

CMC’s Director for Health Promotion and Student Support offers ongoing health and well-being programming to promote healthy patterns of behavior that counter alcohol and drug abuse such as fitness, sleep, hydration, stress management, meditation, nutrition, and maintaining authentic relationships.

The Peer Health Ambassador program includes paid student positions in the DOS office who provide peer-led educational programming within key areas of well-being: behavioral change, alcohol & other substances, sexual health & healthy relationships, mental health, nutrition, body image, sleep health, etc.)

Student-athletes receive dedicated, mandatory educational programming related to alcohol and drug use and sexual assault prevention through the Department of Athletics, Recreation and Physical Education. This includes anti-hazing education.

III. Guidelines Related to the Use of Alcohol

The following Guidelines are intended to provide guidance with respect to the use of alcohol on campus and the application of the College’s Alcohol and other Drugs Policy. The Guidelines outline expectations and requirements at all types of activities or events that involve the use of alcohol, and provide an event management and coordination framework to support safety and well-being. Activities that include the use of alcohol should only permit moderate and responsible drinking and should not: (i) involve high-risk or abusive behaviors; (ii) be unreasonably disruptive to other members of the community; or (iii) displace formal activities. The time, place, and manner expectations are intended to reinforce and not supersede the community standards of our residential community including mutual respect, a broadly diverse and inclusive social scene, and courtesy for fellow community members at all times.


Guidelines of Time, Place, and Manner

The responsible and moderate use of alcohol is permitted with the following understanding about appropriate time, place, and manner. Failure to adhere to standards of time, place, and manner may trigger an institutional response to violations of one or more provisions of institutional policies, including the Alcohol and other Drugs Policy.


The student experience is first and foremost an academic one, requiring that social activities occur at times and locations that do not infringe on students’ ability to pursue their studies. Accordingly, student sponsored events held on Sunday through Thursday must end by midnight and events on Friday and Saturday must end by 1:00 AM. It’s important to note that although these times are designated, students are expected to uphold their community standards at all times, and should be attentive to courteous behavior and the impact of noise on those around them even when not during quiet hours.

Activities that include the consumption of alcohol in residential common spaces are allowed only at certain times and days of the week.


Monday - Friday                                 5:00 PM - midnight (1:00 AM on Friday)

Saturday                                             noon - 1:00 AM

Sunday                                               noon - midnight


Alcohol use is not permitted on campus prior to the first day of classes each semester, regardless of when the student returns to campus for that semester.

Student sponsored events with or without alcohol, aside from substance free study breaks, may not take place during designated reading days or during the final examination period. Students wishing to plan a study break during finals should meet with a member of the Student Engagement staff prior to planning the event to ensure that it qualifies as a study break, will require minimal work from student planners, and will cause minimal impact or disruption.


Responsible, moderate consumption of alcohol (no glass) is permitted in residential areas, including residence hall rooms, apartments, and apartment balconies. When registered and approved, events that include alcohol can also take place in other locations such as designated residence hall lounges, BBQ areas, or other locations as approved by the Student Engagement staff.  Carrying an open, single use serving is permitted; however, traveling around campus with an open, larger quantity (e.g., a handle of hard alcohol) is not. Alcohol consumption outside these or other designated residential areas is not allowed without approval from the Student Engagement staff.


Excessive, immoderate, irresponsible, or discourteous behavior is not permitted. High quantities of alcohol (generally more than 3-4 servings over a 2-3-hour period), hard-alcohol drinking games or shots, excessively loud music, behavior reflecting openly excessive intoxication, or other activity that infringes on the free use of residential space by others will be understood to violate these privileges. Beer pong and beer die are permitted subject to the other time, place, and manner guidelines outlined in this document, and can only occur in the immediate vicinity of a student’s residential space unless registered with the Student Engagement staff for another location. Beer pong and beer die tables cannot be located on North Quad balconies or in the hallways of Mid and South Quad residence halls as they limit passage and are considered risks to fire safety. Beer pong, beer die, and like activities are also not permitted in the North Mall (the grass areas in the quad between the North Quad residence halls), unless part of an approved, registered event. Common-source containers of alcohol (including, but not limited to, kegs, kegerators, multi-gallon containers, and punch bowls) are not permitted on campus unless approved by Student Activities staff through the Event Registration process.

Students assume primary responsibility for upholding community expectations on campus. They should be able to reason soundly, make coherent judgments, and ensure physical safety at all times. Respect for and cooperation with RAs, Dean of Students staff, and Public/Campus Safety is paramount.  Students are expected to carry school identification at all times, and to present their ID to school officials, including RAs, staff, and Public/Campus Safety officers upon request.


Event Hosts

Events that require registration, per the event classification guidelines below, must have at least two designated hosts-more depending on the size and nature of the event. The Event Host(s) must complete the DOS event host training prior to hosting an event, and are responsible for monitoring the behavior of guests and escalating concerns to an RA or Public/Campus Safety. The number of Event Hosts is determined by the type of event registered. Generally:

  • 50-70 attendees: 2-3 hosts
  • 71-99 attendees: 4 hosts
  • 100-149 attendees: 5 hosts
  • 150-199 attendees: 6 hosts
  • 200-250 attendees: 7 hosts
  • 251-300 attendees: 8 hosts

Event Hosts must be identified when the event is registered. At least one Event Host must participate in any requested event management meetings or location walk-throughs with the Student Engagement staff.

Event Hosts are expected to:

  • Be present and sober for the duration of the event.
  • Ensure that food and non-alcoholic beverages including water are available throughout the event.
  • Ensure that the event and guests comply with College policy and these guidelines.
  • Seek help from RAs or Public/Campus Safety if unable to manage or oversee the event safely.
  • End the event early if necessary due to safety or other community impact concerns in consultation with RAs, On-Call Deans, or Public/Campus Safety.
  • Ensure noise stays at a reasonable level. If a noise complaint is received, the Event Hosts are expected to lower the volume. If a second complaint is received, Public/Campus Safety and the Dean of Students Office may require the event to be ended. If an outside law enforcement agency receives a noise complaint, they may respond and issue a citation to the Event Hosts or may require that the event be ended without warning.
  • Ensure that the number of people present at the event does not exceed the number approved through the Event Registration process.
  • Clean up the event location immediately following the event and return it to its pre-event condition, including removing all decorations and returning all furniture to its original location. The Event Hosts and sponsoring organization are responsible for any cleaning or repair charges resulting from an event. Note: nails, staples or other items that might damage building surfaces should not be used for event set-up or decorations.


Event Classification Guidelines and Registration Procedures

Individual student events that include alcohol fall into one of the categories listed below depending primarily on the size and nature of the activity. Students are encouraged to work closely with the Student Engagement staff to plan events as far in advance as possible. This helps to ensure space is available and that relevant offices are aware of the event to assist with management and oversight. This also allows students adequate opportunity to address situations that fail to satisfy the time, place, and manner understandings for activities that include alcohol.

The Student Engagement staff has the authority to limit the number of registered events on a given night. Generally, registered pre-party activities will be limited in number, will be restricted in start and end time, and must be hosted with the intent of attendees moving to the main event.

Marketing materials including print and social media outreach may not have alcohol as their main focus, nor may alcohol be the main focus of the event/activity. Advertising must focus on the event, not the alcohol, and should not encourage immoderate, irresponsible, or unsafe activities. For example, phrases such as “Beverages Available” and “Positive ID Required” are acceptable, while phrases such as “Get Wrecked” and “Beer Bash” are not. Advertising may not offer free alcohol, provide information regarding the type or brand of alcohol to be served, or include phrases such as “All You Can Drink.”

Student Events

Events that do not require registration

When individual students choose to host or sponsor activities or events that include the option of alcohol, they are not required to register the event with the Student Engagement staff, so long as they act as a responsible host and ensure that there are no more than 50 attendees. Safety is of paramount concern; therefore, when considering what is a reasonable number of allowable guests, the host(s) must ensure that:

  • Guests who are in any indoor space can freely access entries and exits at all time.
  • Guests located outside of the host’s residential space are in the immediate vicinity of the host’s residential space.
  • If two or more non-registered events take place in adjacent or closely proximate locations that would effectively increase the attendees to more than 50 people in the space, the events will be deemed non-compliant and will be shut down if one or more of the student groups cannot or will not relocate to another suitable location. Students are encouraged to communicate with one another in advance as often as possible to avoid space and scheduling conflicts.
  • If the unregistered event is taking place in an approved event area (residence hall lounges, Marks Basement, Valach Courtyard, etc.) that is not already reserved by another group, the location can be used on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • Social activities cannot unreasonably impact the CMC community, including residential neighbors. All events must adhere to quiet hours, and should be completely cleaned up at their conclusion.
  • The Event Host(s) and student(s) who reside in the space in which the event is being hosted are responsible for ensuring only moderate and responsible alcohol use, and are expected to immediately escalate concerns about any problematic behavior to the RA or Public/Campus Safety.

Events that do not require registration

When the number of guests is anticipated to exceed 50 people, students must register the event through the Student Engagement staff to take place at an approved site, which could include a residence hall lounge or other designated event location. Depending on the location, students or student clubs/organizations may host approved events of up to 300 attendees. Students interested in hosting events must register through the event registration link on the Student Activities website to initiate the planning and approval process. It is important to note that while some events can be approved quickly, most large events will require a full week, and possibly more, to complete the planning and approval process to address issues such as access control, scheduling, crowd growth, and security. Students are encouraged to contact the Student Engagement staff to meet well in advance of event planning to discuss options and to fully understand the requirements, such as:

  • Entry and exit points must be clearly defined and the event must have clear perimeters and boundaries.
  • Guests must be able to freely access entries and exits at all time.
  • Social activities must not unreasonably impact the CMC community. The event must adhere to quiet hours, and should be completely cleaned up at its conclusion.
  • The event host(s) are responsible for ensuring only moderate and responsible alcohol use, and are expected to immediately escalate concerns about any problematic behavior to the RA or Public/Campus Safety.
  • If there is a large-scale ASCMC event happening at CMC that day, a limited number of additional events may be approved at the discretion of the Student Engagement staff.
  • Event hosts will have a clear, approved plan for issues including access control, alcohol distribution, security, restroom access, and crowd growth.


Event Management Logistics

The Student Engagement staff requests that students plan events as far in advance as possible to ensure all aspects of the event can be fully realized and that appropriate departments can make plans to support the event.

Large scale ASCMC events (i.e., Wedding Party, Monte Carlo, etc.) and any events that require security staffing should be planned not less than three weeks in advance. This deadline is governed by Public/Campus Safety staffing restrictions which require advance notice for scheduling officers.

Event Locations

There are numerous locations suitable for student events, including individual events, and ASCMC or Club and Organization-sponsored events. Locations may be approved as appropriate for the nature and scope of the proposed event in consultation with the Student Engagement staff. Depending on the day and time of the event, some locations will be deemed more appropriate than others. The Student Engagement staff will work with student planners to ensure locations are not being over utilized to minimize prolonged disruption to particular areas of campus.

ASCMC Large-Scale Event Types Hosted at Claremont McKenna College

CMC-only Events: Currently enrolled CMC students only. Students will generally be required to present a valid CMC ID to enter a large-scale event.

CMC-only Plus Guest: Currently enrolled CMC students and their guest. Only one guest per student is permitted. Students must present a valid CMC ID to enter the event. The guest must be present with their CMC host, show and carry a valid Claremont Colleges or government‐issued photo ID, and be on the event guest list. Students are responsible for the behavior of their guests while on campus.                                                            

5C Events: Currently enrolled Claremont Colleges students only. Students must present their Claremont Colleges ID from their home institution. If the event also permits CMC students to invite a guest, the CMC student must present a valid CMC ID to enter an event. The guest must be present with their CMC host, show and carry a valid Claremont Colleges or government‐issued photo ID, and be on the event guest list. Students are responsible for the behavior of their guests while on campus.                                                           

Student Identification Requirements

Claremont Colleges’ student are often required to show and carry their physical student ID card to enter events. ID photos, copies, student email accounts, website rosters, etc. will not be accepted as identification.

Event Planning

Depending on the size and scope of the event, the Student Engagement staff may request a meeting to discuss event management logistics. The Student Engagement staff will assist event planners and Event Hosts in developing the elements of a successful event management plan and may include but are not limited to the following:

Food and Beverage: Any event at which alcohol is served should also have substantial food and alternative, non-alcoholic beverages available for the duration of the event.

Access Control: The sponsoring students are responsible for managing appropriate access control measures for the event which ensure the safety and security of the event and attendees. The nature of the access control measures will be determined in consultation with Student Engagement staff and may include the use of barricades if the event is held outside. Barricades must be requested through a Story House workorder 5-7 days in advance. It is the responsibility of the Event Host(s) to submit work orders.

Security: Depending on the nature, scope, and size of an event, security may be required. The Student Engagement staff works with Public Safety to determine the amount and type of security. Security is arranged through the Public Safety department, and requires three weeks advance notice to schedule. Security staff may include Public Safety personnel and outside contracted security staff. Payment for security is generally the responsibility of the sponsoring students.

Emergency Support Services: Depending on the size and nature of the event, the Student Activities staff may require a paramedic and ambulance support to be available at the event (generally large-scale, ASCMC events). Payment for emergency support services is the responsibility of the sponsoring organization. EMS services must be scheduled at least 3 weeks in advance and are subject to crew availability.

Restroom Facilities: Adequate restrooms must be available for all registered events. If appropriate restroom facilities are not available, portable restrooms may be required. Payment for portable restrooms is the responsibility of the sponsoring students or organization. Portable restrooms must be scheduled at least 3 weeks in advance.

Fire Safety:  All events must comply with occupancy numbers for the selected facility/location and egress requirements as outlined by the Student Engagement staff. Fire exits must be kept clear of equipment, chairs, tables, etc. at all times throughout the event. Students are not allowed to cover or obstruct emergency lighting for any reason.


IV. Alcohol and Other Drugs Policy (including Medical Amnesty)

A. Policy Statement

The mission of Claremont McKenna College is to educate students for thoughtful and productive lives and roles of responsible leadership. In support of this mission we seek to provide a living and learning environment in which students can advance their own intellectual, social, moral and personal development and in which all members of our community work together in pursuit of the CMC mission. The irresponsible, abusive, or illegal use of alcohol and other drugs is antithetical to the pursuit of our mission and students’ growth and development and can result in negative consequences for the individual and the community. Negative consequences include, but are not limited to, hangovers and blackouts, disruptive behavior, academic impacts, vandalism, impaired driving, alcohol or drug dependence or addiction, sexual assault, and personal injury and death.

Claremont McKenna College expects students to conduct themselves in a moderate and responsible manner and in accord with the law and this Policy at all times. The College complies with all federal, state, and local laws and regulations governing the possession, use, sale, and distribution of alcoholic beverages, illegal drugs, and controlled substances by all members of the Claremont McKenna College community. The College authorizes Public/Campus Safety to act on behalf of the institution for issues in this regard when a CMC professional staff member is not present or has requested support. The influence of alcohol or other drugs is not an excuse for unacceptable and irresponsible behavior and will not be seen as a mitigating factor in any proceeding to resolve alleged violations of College policy.


B. Alcohol Policies

The following policies are in place to ensure the moderate and responsible use of alcohol by members of the College community.

  1. The purchase, possession, or consumption of alcohol (including beer, wine, and hard alcohol/liquor) by any person under the age of 21 is prohibited.
  2. Providing alcohol or access to alcohol to individuals under the age of 21 is prohibited.
  3. Alcohol may not be served, consumed, or present at intercollegiate athletic events.
  4. When alcohol will be present at a College-sponsored or affiliated event (including student hosted events) and students will be present, the event must be registered and approved by the Student Activities Office. Such events must comply with the Guidelines Related to the Use of Alcohol.
  5. The sale of alcohol is prohibited without a liquor license.
  6. Common-source containers of alcohol (including, but not limited to, kegs, kegerators, multi-gallon containers, and punch bowls) are not permitted on campus unless approved by Student Activities staff through the Event Registration process.
  7. Event staff and security reserve the right to refuse entry to any student or guest.
  8. Attendees may not bring more than one drink into or out of an event. Glass is not permitted.
  9. Alcohol use is not permitted on campus prior to the first day of classes each semester regardless of when the student returns to campus for that semester.
  10. Student fee money may not be used to purchase alcohol.
  11. Students who wish to consume alcohol must present their government issued ID, such as a state issued driver’s license, state or federal agency issued ID card, or passport.
  12. Visibly intoxicated attendees will not be served alcohol and may be removed from any event.
  13. Food, water and other non-alcoholic beverages must be available throughout the event.
  14. Public intoxication (openly drunken, disorderly behavior) is prohibited.
  15. The display of alcohol containers in windowsills or in clear view of the public is not permitted.
  16. Any alcohol remaining after an event will be disposed of by event staff.


C. Drug Policies

The following policies are in place to prevent drug abuse and distribution by members of the College community.

  1. The use, sale, manufacture, possession, or distribution (providing, sharing, jointly purchasing, purchasing for others, or otherwise making available) of all forms of illegal drugs (per Federal statutes) including edibles and drinkables are prohibited.
  2. The use, sale, or distribution of legally prescribed medication for use in a manner in which the medication was not intended (including use by someone other than the person to whom the medication was prescribed) is prohibited.
  3. Marijuana use on campus is prohibited in compliance with Federal law.  This includes all forms and derivatives of marijuana/cannabis/THC, including but not limited to buds, edibles, oils, concentrates, and synthetic forms. Documentation of medically prescribed marijuana does not exempt a student from this Policy. A student who qualifies for medical use under California’s Compassionate Use Act should speak with the Dean of Students regarding their option to live off campus.
  4. The possession or display of drug paraphernalia, regardless of whether the item has an alternate legal use, is not permitted.  Paraphernalia will be confiscated and not returned.


D. Medical Amnesty/Good Samaritan Policy

The health and safety of our students is of primary importance. As socially responsible members of the Claremont McKenna College community students are responsible for their own well-being and share responsibility for the welfare of fellow students. Students are asked to encourage moderate and responsible behavior and to help seek medical assistance when safety concerns arise from a student’s excessive drinking or a student’s drug use, including when there is danger of alcohol poisoning, alcohol- related injury, or other health situations related to the ingestion of a controlled substance (an “Alcohol or Other Drug related Medical Emergency”). An Alcohol or Other Drug-related Medical Emergency is first considered a health issue; therefore, the primary College response is a medical one.

Because an Alcohol or Other Drug-related Medical Emergency may be life-threatening, and in order to reduce impediments to seeking help in a medical emergency, Claremont McKenna College has adopted a policy of Safety First/Medical Amnesty in which no (i) student seeking or receiving medical treatment or (ii) student or organization assisting another student in obtaining medical treatment, will be subject to a disciplinary proceeding for (i) the possession, use, or distribution of alcohol or (ii) the possession or use of an illegal drug. This policy does not preclude disciplinary action regarding violations of other College policies or standards, such as physical or sexual violence, sexual harassment, hazing, or the distribution of illegal drugs, nor does it prevent action by local and state authorities for violations of applicable laws. Consistent with putting a student’s health first, the College will approach an Alcohol or Other Drug-related Medical Emergency as a health risk, and may require:

  • follow-up such as meeting with a member of the Dean of Students staff; or
  • referral to and completion of alcohol or drug education/counseling.

If serious injury has occurred or if there are repeated incidents, possible notification of parents or guardians may also result. Failure to comply with required follow-up will normally result in disciplinary action.


E. Administration of the Policy on Alcohol and other Drugs: Support and Enforcement

In administering and enforcing this Policy, Claremont McKenna College focuses on high-risk behaviors that most seriously jeopardize health and safety, and is guided by strong educational and community values. Our approach to policy enforcement puts the greatest emphasis on self- and peer-regulation. When self- or peer-accountability is ineffective, we engage a calibrated set of support and accountability measures so that the College concurrently:

  • Remains responsive to providing our students with access to counseling and other resources in order to support their health and safety; and
  • Holds students accountable for their conduct through a range of responses that may be appropriate in that particular case, ranging from written warnings, to conduct conferences, and to the formal student conduct process where the conduct may warrant significant discipline, including suspension or expulsion.

The College’s counseling and support resources are described below in Section F.

The College’s calibrated response to policy enforcement and accountability can be found in Student Conduct Process


F. Counseling and other Support Resources

CMC is concerned about the negative consequences and harm to students who misuse alcohol or use other drugs. CMC has strong care and support resources for students who may be struggling with alcohol or other drug concerns including:  

Health Education Outreach (HEO)(909) 607-3602
Monsour Counseling and Psychological Services (MCAPS): (909) 621-8202
Student Health Services: (909) 621-8222
For after-hours emergencies contact Campus Safety: (909) 607-2000

Additionally, students can reach out to any of the following for help and information about resources:  resident assistants, deans, first year guides, faculty members, counselors, and chaplains.


V. Facts and Health Risks related to Alcohol


  • The average serving of wine (5 oz), beer (12 oz), or hard alcohol/liquor (1.5 oz) contains approximately the same amount of alcohol.
  • It takes approximately one hour for the body to process (oxidize) the amount of alcohol in an average serving.
  • If a person drinks slowly (one average drink per hour or less), there is less likelihood of intoxication. A faster rate of consumption will produce a buildup of alcohol in the bloodstream, resulting in intoxication.
  • Eating before and while consuming alcohol will slow the rate at which alcohol is absorbed into the bloodstream.
  • Diluting alcohol with another liquid such as water slows down the absorption, but mixing alcohol with a carbonated beverage increases the rate of absorption.
  • The body oxidizes alcohol at a fairly constant rate. Nothing will accelerate the sobering-up process. You can give a drunk person gallons of coffee, for example, and the result will not be sobriety, but a wide-awake drunk.
  • Alcohol depresses the central nervous system. The relaxed “high” people often feel from drinking results from the alcohol depressing upper levels of the brain that store learned behavior such as judgment and self-control. Higher levels of alcohol depress deeper levels of the brain producing increased impairment.
  • Consuming alcohol while taking over-the-counter or prescription medications or illegal drugs is dangerous and presents serious health and safety concerns.
  • Binge drinking is defined by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention as a pattern of drinking that brings a person’s blood alcohol concentration (BAC) to .08 grams percent or above. This typically happens when men consume five or more drinks and when women consume four or more drinks in about two hours.
  • Binge drinking is associated with many health problems including unintentional injuries (falls, burns, drowning, crashes), intentional injuries (fighting, sexual assault), alcohol poisoning, liver disease, sexually transmitted diseases, and unintended pregnancy.


VI. Health Risks Information:  Marijuana

The following information on health risks is from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention:

Marijuana is the most commonly used illegal drug in the United States, and marijuana use may have a wide range of health effects on the body and brain.

About 1 in 10 marijuana users may experience some form of addiction. For people who begin using before the age of 18, that number rises to 1 in 6. People who are addicted to marijuana may also be at a higher risk of other negative consequences of using the drug, such as problems with attention, memory, and learning. Some people who are addicted may need to smoke more and more marijuana to get the same high. It is also important to be aware that the amount of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) in marijuana (i.e., marijuana potency or strength) has increased over the past few decades. The higher the THC content, the stronger the effects on the brain. In addition, some methods of using marijuana (e.g., dabbing, edibles) may deliver very high levels of THC to the user.

In many cases, marijuana is smoked in the form hand-rolled cigarettes (joints), in pipes or water pipes (bongs), in bowls, or in blunts-emptied cigars that have been partly or completely refilled with marijuana. Smoked marijuana, in any form, can harm lung tissues and cause scarring and damage to small blood vessels. Smoke from marijuana contains many of the same toxins, irritants, and carcinogens as tobacco smoke. Smoking marijuana can also lead to a greater risk of bronchitis, cough, and phlegm production. These symptoms generally improve when marijuana smokers quit.

Marijuana use, especially frequent (daily or near daily) use and use in high doses, can cause disorientation, and sometimes cause unpleasant thoughts or feelings of anxiety and paranoia. Marijuana use is associated with temporary psychosis (not knowing what is real, hallucinations and paranoia) and long-lasting mental health challenges, including schizophrenia (a type of mental illness where people might see or hear things that aren’t really there).

Marijuana use has also been linked to depression and anxiety, and suicide among teens. However, it is not known whether this is a causal relationship or simply an association.


VI. California Legal Statutes regarding Alcohol and Other Drugs


Members of the CMC community are expected to be familiar with federal, state and local laws regarding alcohol and other drugs. The following list is provided as a reference but is not all inclusive:

  • Possession for Sale of Marijuana (California Health & Safety Code section 11359)
  • Transportation of Marijuana (California Health & Safety Code section 11360)
  • Possession of Drug Paraphernalia (California Health & Safety Code section 11364)
  • Unauthorized Possession of Controlled Substances (California Health & Safety Code sections 11350 & 11377)
  • Possession for Sale of Controlled Substances (California Health & Safety Code sections 11351 & 11378)
  • Transportation of Controlled Substances (California Health & Safety Code sections 11352 & 11379)
  • Possession with intent to manufacture methamphetamine (California Health & Safety Code section 11383)
  • Serving a minor alcohol (California Business & Professions Code 25658(a))
  • Using false ID to demonstrate age of majority (California Business & Professions Code 25661(a))
  • Serving/furnishing alcohol to obviously intoxicated person (California Business & Professions Code 25602(a))
  • Driving while intoxicated (California Vehicle Code 23152(a))
  • Federal Omnibus Drug Initiative of 1988:  Gives courts the authority to suspend eligibility for Federal student aid when sentencing an individual convicted of possession or distribution of a controlled substance.

Guide to California alcohol statutes:  https://alcoholpolicy.niaaa.nih.gov/apis-policy-topics