2024-2025 Policy Library 
    Feb 14, 2025  
2024-2025 Policy Library

Other HR Policies

Revised 5/20/2014, 3/22/2011, 7/30/2022, 8/28/2024

Claremont McKenna College is an equal opportunity employer. The College is committed to a policy of equal employment opportunities for all applicants and employees and complies with all applicable state and federal laws on the matter. The College does not unlawfully discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, pregnancy, breastfeeding or related medical condition, national origin, ancestry, citizenship, age, marital status, physical disability, mental disability, medical condition, genetic characteristic or information, sexual orientation, military and veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by state or federal law. Equal employment opportunity will be extended to all persons in all aspects of the employer-employee relationship, including recruitment, hiring, training, promotion, compensation, benefits, transfer, discipline, layoff, rehire, termination and social and recreational programs.

It is the responsibility of every manager and employee to follow this policy conscientiously. Employees with questions regarding this policy should discuss them with the Assistant Vice President for Human Resources or their supervisor.

Acceptable Email Usage


To set forth a policy detailing acceptable use of Claremont McKenna College’s email system.


All Claremont McKenna College students, faculty, and staff.


The College provides computers and communication systems (telephone, voice mail and electronic mail, all centralized computer systems, and the local/wide area networks) to support the faculty and staff in their day-to-day college related tasks and to provide students with needed resources for their classes. Although limited personal use of the College’s system is allowed, Claremont McKenna College has established proper use of these resources. The College may inspect and monitor such use at any time. No individual should have any expectation of privacy for messages or other data recorded in the College’s systems.


The following points define proper email use at Claremont McKenna College:

  1. No use of these systems (described above) should ever conflict with the primary business purpose for which they have been provided, with the College’s ethical responsibilities or with applicable laws and regulations.
  2. Excessive personal use of the email system will not be permitted.
  3. The College may inspect and monitor data and communications at any time. This includes monitoring network usage, including contents, and examining files on any system that is or has been connected to the network.
  4. All data in the College’s computer and communications systems (including documents, other electronic files, and email messages) are the property of the College.
  5. The College’s system must not be used to create or transmit material that is derogatory, defamatory, obscene or offensive. Such material includes, but is not limited to, slurs, epithets or anything that might be construed as harassment or disparagement based on race, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, age, disability, or religious or political beliefs.
  6. The College’s systems must not be used to solicit or proselytize others for commercial purposes, causes, outside organizations, chain messages, or other non-job-related purposes.
  7. Email marked “personal and confidential” must be treated the same as a document with the same statement.

Revisions: 8/9/99 - Created
12/11/06 - Revised by ITS and the Administrative Computing Committee

Bloodborne Pathogens Exposure Control Plan

In today’s world of AIDS, Hepatitis B, and other such diseases we must be careful. You cannot catch them by being near a person with the disease, but precautions must be taken because they are contracted through contact with contaminated bodily fluids, including blood, saliva, urine, feces, vomit, etc. The purpose of this exposure control plan is to:

  1. Eliminate or minimize employee occupational exposure to blood or certain other body fluids.
  2. Comply with the Cal/OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens Standard, CCR-T8 5193.

Infection Control Representative(s)

Infection Control Representative(s) must be selected to implement the exposure control plan. Claremont McKenna College (CMC) will use the Safety Coordinator named in the Illness and Injury Prevention Program, the Athletics Director and the Associate Dean of Students. These people will be responsible for implementing this plan and for enforcing it.

Exposure Control Plan

The Exposure Control Plan must be in written form, and updated annually, or as needed, taking into account all job classifications where people may be exposed to bloodborne pathogens. A copy of this plan must be made available to employees, their representatives, and Cal/OSHA, if requested. Supervisors will provide all of their employees with a copy during orientation, and also a copy to current employees.

Supervisors must determine the people who have a reasonable risk of exposure regardless of protective equipment. They must list both a) job classifications where all employees may be exposed and b) job classifications where some of the employees may be exposed and the situations in which exposure may occur.

Method of Implementation:

Compliance Methods

General/universal precautions will be taken to prevent contact with blood or other potentially infectious material. One of the most basic manners of prevention is careful engineering controls and work procedures and practices. Caution and common sense must always be used when around possibly infectious material.

Hand washing facilities will be made available to the employees who incur exposure to blood or other potentially infectious materials. If hand-washing facilities are not feasible, employee should use antiseptic cleaner provided by employer.

Mouth pipetting and suctioning of blood (e.g., to cure snake bites), and other bodily fluids are not allowed.

Contaminated Needles and Sharps

Contaminated needles and other sharps shall not be sheared or purposely broken. Cal/OSHA allows recapping, bending or removal of contaminated needles only when the procedure requires it and no alternative is feasible. If such action is required it must be done by the use of a mechanical device.

Contaminated sharps that are reusable are to be placed immediately, or as soon as possible, after use into appropriate containers. Containers must be puncture resistant, labeled with a biohazard label and leak proof.

Work Area Restrictions

Food and drink are not allowed in areas that possibly contain infectious material.

Smoking is prohibited in all work areas.

Application of cosmetics, eye contacts, and removal of these things is also prohibited in areas that possibly contain infectious material.

Food and beverages are not to be kept in refrigerators, freezers, shelves, cabinets, counters or bench tops where blood or other potentially infectious materials are present.


Specimens of blood or other potentially infectious materials will be placed in a container, which prevents leakage during the collection, handling, storage, processing or transporting of the specimens.

The container for this use will be properly labeled.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

The employer will provide any necessary personal protective equipment at no cost to the employee.

Each supervisor is responsible for ensuring that employees use such equipment.

Equipment includes, but is not limited to: gloves, lab coats, face shields or masks, other ventilation devices and shoe coverings. All PPE must fit the employee properly. Some people are allergic and the College must provide for their needs. This means, for example, that non-powdered gloves must be available in addition to the standard powdered ones.

The supervisor is also responsible for getting this equipment cleaned thoroughly and properly, and providing repairs and replacements as necessary.

Supervisors are responsible for training all their employees on the proper use of personal protective equipment.

All employees are required to use the employer-provided PPE when in a situation that might expose the employee to possibly infectious material.


Another basic precaution is cleaning the work area. Employees are in charge of this. Cleaning and decontaminating the work area must be scheduled regularly. This includes all equipment in the area.

Cleaning and decontaminating must also occur as soon as possible after contact with blood or other possibly infectious material. Protective coverings (plastic wrap, foil, etc.) should be replaced frequently.

Possibly contaminated glass should not be thrown away with regular garbage, but should be stored in secure and labeled containers and disposed of properly, as should all regulated waste. However, sometimes infectious material makes it into the garbage. That is why caution should be used when taking care of the garbage. For example, wear gloves and don’t put a hand underneath to help carry the bag.

While it is unlikely that sharps, etc. are in the laundry, it is highly possible that clothes may have been splattered by infected material, and if you were to touch it directly, contact would occur. This is another situation where gloves are required.

Hepatitis B Vaccine and Post-Exposure Follow-Up

CMC shall make available the Hepatitis B vaccination series to all employees who have occupational exposure, and post-exposure follow-up to employees who have had an exposure incident. The infection control representatives shall ensure that the Hepatitis B vaccine and post exposure follow-up is:

  • Made available at no cost to the employees.
  • Made available to the employee at a reasonable time and place.
  • Performed by or under the supervision of a licensed physician or under the supervision of another licensed healthcare professional.
  • Proved according to the recommendations of the U.S. Public Health Service.

An accredited laboratory at no cost to the employee shall conduct all laboratory tests.

Hepatitis B Vaccinations

  • Hepatitis B vaccinations shall be made available after the employee has received training in occupational exposure and within 10 working days of initial assignment.
  • If an employee initially declines Hepatitis B vaccination but at a later date, while still covered under the standard decides to accept the vaccination, the vaccination shall then be made available.
  • All employees who decline the Hepatitis B vaccination shall sign a Cal/OSHA required waiver indicating their refusal.

Post-Exposure Evaluation

All exposure incidents shall be reported, investigated and documented. When the employee incurs an exposure incident, it shall first be reported to their immediate supervisor.

Following the report of an exposure incident, the exposed employee shall immediately receive a confidential medical evaluation and follow-up, including at least two of the following:

  • Documentation of the route of exposure and the circumstances under which the exposure incident occurred.
  • Identification and documentation of the source individual, unless it can be established that the identification is infeasible or prohibited by State or local law.
  • The source individual’s blood shall be tested as soon as feasible and after consent has been obtained.
  • When the source individual is already known to be infected with HBV or HIV, testing need not be repeated.
  • Results of the source individual’s testing shall be made available to the exposed employee, and the employee shall be informed of applicable laws and regulations concerning disclosure of the identity and infectious status of the source individual.

Information and Training

Each supervisor shall ensure that training is provided to the employee at the time of initial assignment to tasks where occupational exposure may occur. Said training shall be repeated every twelve months. The training will be interactive and cover the following elements:

  • An accessible copy of the standard and explanation of its contents.
  • A discussion of the epidemiology and symptoms of bloodborne diseases.
  • An explanation of the modes of transmission of bloodborne pathogens.
  • An explanation of the CMC Bloodborne Pathogen Exposure Control Plan.
  • The recognition of tasks that may involve exposure.
  • An explanation of the use and limitations of methods to reduce exposure.
  • Information on the types, use, location, removal, handling, decontamination and disposal of PPEs.
  • An explanation of the basis selection of PPEs.
  • Information on the Hepatitis B vaccine.
  • Information on the appropriate actions to take in an emergency involving blood or other bodily fluids.
  • An explanation of the procedures to follow if an exposure incident occurs.
  • Information on the evaluation and follow-up required after an exposure incident.
  • An explanation of the signs, labels and color-coding systems.

The person conducting the training shall be knowledgeable in the subject matter.

Additional training shall be provided to employees when there are any changes of tasks or procedures affecting the employees’ occupational exposure.

Labels and Signs

As a method of informing and reminding, Biohazard labels are required in areas where exposure may occur and on containers containing possibly infectious material. Supervisors must make sure that their work area has the appropriate labels. Signs must have the Biohazard picture on them, the name of the infectious agent, specific requirements to enter the area, and the name and phone number of the responsible person. This information must be written in black or some other contrasting color on a fluorescent orange or red-orange background.

Each supervisor shall ensure that biohazard labels are affixed to containers of regulated waste, refrigerators and freezers containing blood or other potentially infectious materials.

Record Keeping

CMC is required to maintain strict records. This is to keep down our liability in the event of an incident, and to help us understand what has been done, who has been covered, where the most accidents occur, and other such information that we can use to make the campus safer for employees.

Accessibility to the records is of equal importance as maintaining them. Employees or a designated representative must have access to the records. Either CMC must provide copies for free to the employee (employee is understood to mean employee or a designated representative), or a copy machine must be easily accessible to the employee. X-ray access is allowed to be restricted, however. Due to the nature of the record, it is difficult to get duplicates. While the x-ray may be loaned out to the employee, it must be returned to CMC. A minimal fee, for searching and handling, may be charged for second requests, unless the request is for information that has been added since the last request, or if the requester is the employee’s collective bargaining agent. Otherwise, only one request may be made for free. The employee does have total access for that first request.

Medical Records

Medical records must all be kept confidential, to be given out only to those who have the permission of the employee. It is suggested, though not required, that a letter from the employee that states who is allowed access to the file be kept on file. These records must be kept throughout the duration of the employment, and an additional thirty years. If an employee works for less than a year, the record may be given to him upon termination of his employment from CMC. CMC would then be absolved of all record keeping requirements pertaining to this employee. The records shall include the following:

  • The name and social security number of the employee.
  • A copy of the employee’s HBV vaccination status.
  • A copy of all results of examination, medical testing and follow-up procedures.
  • A copy of the information provided to the healthcare professional, including a description of the employee’s duties as they relate to the exposure incident.
  • A confidential copy of the healthcare professional opinion.

Training Records

The supervisor is responsible for maintaining training records. Records pertaining to bloodborne pathogen exposure training must be kept for three years. The following information shall be documented:

  • The dates of the training session.
  • An outline describing the material presented.
  • The names and qualifications of persons conducting the training.
  • The names and job titles of all persons attending the training sessions.

Exposure Records

Exposure records will be maintained in the Office of Human Resources, along with medical records.

The Assistant Vice President for Human Resources must record all exposure incidents in the OSHA 300 log if a physician administers medical treatment, or if HIV or HBV is a direct result of the exposure.

All exposure records must be kept for thirty years, in addition to the duration of employment. Data about work area quality may be destroyed after one year, as long as the methods and results of the survey are kept the full thirty years.

MSDS’s are strongly recommended to be kept for thirty years, but the minimum requirement is the identity of the agent, and when and where it was used.

A basic record of all exposure incidents (who, what, where, when) is the minimum requirement, and must be kept thirty years. Lastly, all analyses must be kept for thirty years.

Program Audits

It isn’t enough to just have a plan; we must make regular checks to see that it is being followed. Certain things need to be assessed regularly, and corrected when necessary, to ensure the effectiveness of the program. These things include the need for and availability of engineering controls, the use and quality of personal protective equipment, and the use of proper work practices. The infection control representatives will conduct these audits semi-annually, and record their observations and any actions taken as a result of their discoveries.

Miscellaneous Issues

Companies that supply CMC with contract labor (i.e. outside companies that we pay to pave parking lots, remodel buildings, etc.) must likewise educate their employees. In other words, all people performing work on CMC’s campus who may be exposed to bloodborne pathogens must have knowledge of them and be made aware of the vaccination program available. The person responsible for contracting with outside vendors must obtain a letter of commitment stating they have a bloodborne pathogen training program.

December 2003

Claremont McKenna College Drug-Free Workplace Policy

In compliance with federal law, Claremont McKenna College establishes a Drug-Free Workplace Policy effective immediately. The unlawful manufacture, distribution, possession, sale, offer to sell, purchase and/or use of controlled substances in the workplace is prohibited. These controlled substances include, but are not limited to, marijuana, heroin, cocaine, and amphetamines.

The provisions of the Act do not require employees or students to undergo drug screening or testing.

The safety and health of our faculty, staff, and students is a primary concern of the College. It is well known that substance abuse and dependency can lead to work-related accidents caused by impaired judgment, inability to operate equipment properly, and other similar situations. Employees who are under the influence are a danger to both themselves and others with whom they work. When they do not cause actual harm, they present a source of concern and a demoralizing effect on other employees. In addition, substance abusers are not always on the job because of ill health and are more likely to be absent from work, be on workers’ compensation, or disability leave.

The cost on the employees and the employer is inestimable. While there is no doubt that substance abusers cost employers, the effect on the College environment should not be underestimated.

The purpose of this policy is (1) to state rules governing substance abuse in the workplace; (2) to present disciplinary procedures, and (3) to offer recommendations for rehabilitation and treatment.

Rules Governing Substance Abuse at Work/Disciplinary Procedures:

  1. As a condition of employment and continued employment, all employees of Claremont McKenna College (faculty, administration, staff, and student employees) are required to adhere to this policy.
  2. All employees should be provided with a copy of this policy, especially those employed in grant and contract projects, students receiving federal funds, and other segments of the employee/student population.
  3. All employees are prohibited from possessing/using illegal drugs during office hours and while on the premises.
  4. Employees who unlawfully manufacture, distribute, sell, offer to sell, dispense, possess, purchase or use controlled substances in the workplace shall be subject to discipline, up to and including termination.
  5. Supervisors will be responsible for reporting to the Assistant Vice President for Human Resources of the College any conviction of any employee as a result of a drug violation. Reports concerning students’ conviction(s) will be reported to the Director of Financial Aid.
  6. Employees convicted of drug offenses in the workplace will be required to participate in a rehabilitation program.

Drug Awareness Program/Rehabilitation

  1. The Claremont Colleges sponsor several campus programs on drug awareness for all members of the community. Supervisors are encouraged to urge their employees to attend such presentations.
  2. Well, Well, Well, a newsletter published four times a year serves as an information vehicle for community health education. That newsletter is distributed to all students, faculty, and staff.
  3. Staff News, an employee newsletter issued two time a year through CUC, will regularly feature articles on drug awareness.
  4. A network of referrals and support groups is available to employees who are concerned about problems of substance abuse and rehabilitation. This information is available from the Assistant Vice President for Human Resources.
  5. Each of The Claremont Colleges has indicated that it will adopt a policy similar to this statement.

The Policy for a Drug-Free Workplace

The intent of this policy is to help establish and maintain a safe College environment for students, faculty, and staff; it is also required by law. Additionally, the College hopes it will provide a referral service to assist in rehabilitation of students or employees seeking help.

The “Drug-Free Workplace Act” defines the employer’s obligation to maintain a “drug-free workplace” both in terms of procedure and compliance. It also defines the result for non-compliance. Meeting the certification requirements will be a pre-condition to receiving federal monies, including federal student employment or scholarship funds.

Electric Cart/Industrial Truck Use Policy

Revised 6/09/2014

This program is applicable to all Claremont McKenna College (hereinafter referred to as CMC) employees whose duties require them to operate or maintain powered industrial trucks including, but not limited to golf carts, whether powered by electrical motors or internal combustion engines. General rules are in Exhibit A, attached to this document.

Supervisor Responsibilities

Supervisors are responsible for the following:

  1. Assuring that all electric cart/industrial truck users follow all policies and procedures relating to the use of this equipment.
  2. Providing electric cart/industrial truck operators with training, including hands-on operating procedures.
  3. Allowing only employees who are insured by the College to operate an electric cart and/or industrial truck.
  4. Maintaining all required documentation including training documentation and pre-operational checklists.

Safety Requirements/Operator Responsibilities

  1. Electric cart/industrial truck users must have authorization and training before using an electric cart/industrial truck.
  2. Pre-operational checks and routine maintenance must be performed before operating an electric cart/industrial truck.
  3. Electric cart/industrial truck operators are responsible for following all policies and procedures relating to industrial truck use.
  4. Electric cart/industrial truck operators are responsible for following all safe-driving standards when operating an industrial truck.
  5. Electric carts/industrial trucks will not be driven if there is any concern about safety or any mechanical problems.
  6. Electric cart/industrial truck operators are responsible for reporting all incidents and unsafe conditions immediately to their supervisor.

Safety Checks

  1. Each electric cart and/or industrial truck shall be visually inspected before initial use at least once per shift.
  2. Pre-operational safety checks and routine maintenance should be performed on all electric carts and industrial trucks operated on campus.
  3. Each department operating the electric cart/industrial truck should maintain records of all inspections.

Exhibit A

Rules for Driving Electric Carts/Industrial Trucks

  1. Drive slowly and carefully whenever driving on campus. Negotiate the entries to campus carefully and never drive faster than the posted speed limit.
  2. NO ONE SHOULD RIDE IN THE BACK OF AN ELECTRIC CART. You are using the cart for transporting large items, not for transporting people.
  3. Under no circumstances should rides be offered to students, staff, faculty, or guests. In the case of an emergency, contact your supervisor.
  4. Keep legs and arms inside the vehicle at all times.
  5. The cart should not be left parked blocking the entrance to a building, obstructing foot traffic on a sidewalk, or blocking gates enclosing trash and recycle bins.
  6. Always take the cart keys with you when leaving the cart unattended.
  7. While driving on the sidewalk watch running onto the edges of the grass where the sprinkler heads are located. The weight of the cart easily breaks them.
  8. When removing the cart from its storage location be sure to secure the storage area gate or doors after you move out the cart.
  9. When returning the cart plug it in and secure the storage area.
  10. As noted in the Electric Cart/Industrial Truck Policy, the driver should make a visual inspection of the cart before driving it.
  11. Electric carts are NOT allowed in the following areas on campus:
  • No parking in Bauer breezeway
  • No driving in Adams breezeway or on the south sidewalk
  • No driving in the North Mall

Supervisors must insure that all new employees are properly trained on each electric cart they will operate.
Any accident must be immediately reported to their supervisor. At that time the cart and the building or object struck must be inspected for damage.
Electric carts are provided for use during an employee’s regular work hours. No employee is authorized to use said carts outside their normal workday.
When visiting Story House or Collins, park carts in the fire lane south of Story House.

Facility Use Policy

The College has outlined policies and procedures for the reservation and use of its facilities for official College events as well as personal events.  The College has also outlined a baseline level of services it provides for official College events as well as the costs associated with services beyond the baseline level, for services for personal events held at the College, or for any event in which support services are not timely requested.  Please see the Facility Use Policy  and the Schedule of Fees.  

Fraternization Policy


Fraternization policies require a delicate balance between establishing appropriate workplace norms and acknowledging a faculty or staff member’s right to privacy. The following fraternization policy is focused on supervisor/subordinate relationships as it is these relationships that cause the most concern for potential sexual harassment. The following fraternization policy is also based on the staff member’s duty to provide notice to the appropriate College representative if a relationship develops so that the College can take appropriate action.


CMC is committed to avoiding situations which may generate complaints of favoritism and sexual harassment. Staff members who hold a position as a supervisor or manager are strongly encouraged to refrain from becoming romantically involved with any subordinate and are prohibited from becoming romantically involved with a subordinate over whom they have direct authority or the authority to influence their working conditions. Similarly, all staff members are strongly encouraged to refrain from becoming romantically involved with any student and are prohibited from becoming romantically involved with a student over whom they have direct authority or the authority to influence their educational conditions.

In the event a romantic relationship develops, the staff supervisor/manager (or any staff member in the case of a relationship with a student) must report the relationship to the Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of the Faculty (if a faculty member) or to the Assistant Vice President for Human Resources (if a staff member) in order to allow CMC to take appropriate action (including, by way of example but not limitation, a possible transfer of one of the individuals involved). Faculty or staff members who fail to report such a relationship may face disciplinary action, up to and including termination. Staff who have questions about this policy may contact the Assistant Vice President for Human Resources.

February 2009

Hazard Communication Program

Claremont McKenna College (hereinafter referred to as CMC) has developed a Hazard Communication Program to enhance our employees’ health and safety.

As a college we intend to provide information about chemical hazards and other hazardous substances, and the control of hazards via our comprehensive Hazard Communication Program which includes container labeling and disposal, Data Safety Sheets (SDS) and training.

The following program outlines how we will accomplish this objective.

Container Labeling

It is the policy of this college that no container of hazardous substances will be released for use until the supervisor verifies the following information:

  • Containers are clearly labeled as to the contents;
  • Appropriate hazard warnings are noted;
  • The name and address of the manufacturer are listed on the container.

All containers must be labeled. All labels must be legible and, if any of the information is missing, a new label must be made. Labels must be written in English. Supervisors will provide assistance, when requested, if the employee is encountering language or general reading difficulties.

Safety Data Sheets (SDS)

Reach out to the Emergency Preparedness and Safety Manager to obtain copies of SDS for all hazardous substances to which employees of this company may be exposed to. Supervisors are responsible for providing the Emergency Preparedness and Safety Manager with their SDS. SDS which are applicable to specific departments are kept at Collins Hall, Roberts Pavilion, Faculty Support Centers, Keck Science Center, the Psychology Research Labs, and Story House. 

Each supervisor will review incoming SDS for new and significant health and safety information. Supervisors will see that any new information is distributed to the affected employees.

SDS will be reviewed for completeness once per year, if not more often, by each supervisor and a date of review will be noted. If a SDS is missing or incomplete, a new SDS will be requested within seven days, in writing, from the manufacturer. Cal/OSHA must be notified if the manufacturer does not respond.

SDS must be available for employees to review.

Employee Information and Training

Employees will recieve a health and safety orientation applicable to their position and provided by their department supervisor, prior to beginning a new position, for information and training on:

  • An overview of the requirements contained in the Hazard Communication Regulation, including their rights under the regulation.
  • Inform employees of any operations in their work area where hazardous substances are present and identify those substances.
  • Location and availability of the written hazard communication program.
  • Physical and health effects of the hazardous substances to which they may be exposed.
  • Methods and observation techniques used to determine the presence or release of hazardous substances in the work place.
  • How to lessen or prevent exposure to these hazardous substances through use of proper work practices and personal protective equipment.
  • Emergency and first aid procedures to follow if employees are exposed to a hazardous substance.
  • How to read labels and review SDS to obtain appropriate hazard information.

When new hazardous substances are introduced the supervisor will review these items with all employees affected.

List of Hazardous Substances

Each department is responsible for compiling a list of all hazardous materials used by their employees. A material is considered hazardous if the label states its hazardous quality. This list must be updated every time a new hazardous material is introduced into the workplace or any chemical currently in use is discovered to be hazardous. Specific information on each substance on the list can be found on the SDS.

Hazardous Non-Routine Tasks

Periodically, employees are required to perform hazardous, non-routine tasks. Prior to starting work on such projects, each affected employee will be given information by his/her supervisor about hazards to which he/she may be exposed.

This information will include:

  • Specific hazards;
  • Protective equipment and safety measures which must be utilized;
  • Measures CMC has taken to lessen the hazards including ventilation, respirators, presence of another employee and emergency procedures.

Outside Contractors

To ensure that outside contractors work safely on campus, it is the responsibility of the person who established the relationship to provide the following information: *

  • Hazardous substances to which they may be exposed on the jobsite.
  • Precautions their employees may take to lessen the possibility of exposure by usage of proper protective measures.
  • A copy of CMC’s hazardous communication program and IIPP.

The person who established this relationship with an outside contractor must obtain a copy of the contractor’s hazardous communication program and IIPP.

* All requirements must be met prior to commencement of project.

Disposal of Hazardous Material

To dispose of any hazardous materials each department must take the following steps:

  1. The using department shall collect excess hazardous waste in containers no larger than 5 gallons. Containers must be suitable for the materials placed in them.
  2. The using department will identify by chemical name the amount, concentration and hazard class of the hazardous materials in each container. Unknown chemicals will not be accepted for disposal. 
  3. The materials shall be collected in a centralized location and properly stored pending deposition.
  4. Contact the Emergency Preparedness and Safety Manager or the Chemical Hygiene Officer to pick up the materials.
  5. This material will be separated by a licensed contractor for appropriate disposition.
  6. All materials classified as hazardous waste will be disposed of by this contractor according to all applicable rules and regulations. All labeling, packing and other preparation for transport will be done by this contractor.
  7. The designated vendor will meet all applicable rules and regulations and provide emergency response for spills.
  8. A kit for cleaning up small spills (less than 5 gallons) shall be maintained in each department’s storage area with appropriate personal protective equipment. Large spills will be handled by the designated vendor noted above.

Parking Regulations for CMC Faculty / Staff / Students / Visitors

The College has outlined policies and procedures for parking at the College, including how to make requests for special parking arrangements.  Please review the College’s Faculty, Staff, Students, and Visitors Parking Policy  

January 1, 2009

Policy on the Use of Cell Phones and/or Internet Service (DSL or Cable Modem-Broadband Access)

I. Policy Statement

The purpose of this policy is to allow qualified employees a taxable monthly allowance for cell phone use and/or home-based DSL or Cable Modem-Broadband access connection, as well as a taxable equipment purchase allowance if needed.

II. Entities Covered by this Policy

All units of the College

III. Contacts

Direct any questions about this policy to your department’s supervisor. Questions about specific issues may be addressed to the Treasurer’s Office X77085.

IV. Definitions

Qualified employee is defined as any employee that meets at least one of the following two criteria:

  • The employee’s job requires them to spend a considerable amount of time outside of their assigned office or work area during normal working hours and have regular access to telephone and/or internet connections.
  • The employee’s job requires them to be accessible outside of scheduled or normal working hours. (This is not intended to include occasional, incidental access or purely voluntary access such as checking email from home).

V. Principles/Procedures

This policy is effective as of September 1, 2006 and supersedes all previous guidelines regarding cell phones and/or internet services.

Tax Issues

Perhaps because of the federal legislation regarding employee benefits that was enacted several years ago, the IRS, in recent investigations, has closely scrutinized the treatment of personal use of employer-provided equipment and services, such as cell phones and automobiles. These detailed reviews have led the IRS to require that a log, which lists every call that is made or received on an employer-provided cell phone and its business purpose, be kept by the cell phone holder. Since maintaining a log is very time-consuming, it has been decided that the College will no longer: 1) purchase cell phones; 2) pay vendors directly for monthly service; or 3) reimburse employees for monthly service or for purchases of related equipment. Rather, for authorized individuals, the College will provide a taxable monthly allowance for cell phone and/or internet use and may provide a taxable equipment purchase allowance.

In addition to the taxable allowance, benefits to employees include: 1) a log is not required; 2) no monthly reporting is required; and 3) phones may be used for personal calls and can be combined or enhanced with other features in personal plans.

Types of Allowances and Limits

  1. A monthly allowance of up to $30 per month for cell phone service.
  2. A supervisor may determine that an additional amount of up to $40 per month should be paid for an internet/data connection on a covered PDA / Smartphone.
  3. An equipment allowance of up to $150 only when a PDA / Smartphone is required with an internet/data connection. The equipment allowance must be preapproved by a Vice President. A similar allowance for replacements may be made at intervals of no less than two years.
  4. A monthly allowance of up to $30 per month for a home-based DSL or Cable Modem-Broadband access connection may be allowed if a supervisor requires internet access outside of normal business hours.

The College may grant one or more of the above allowances to any qualified employee as defined above.

A supervisor should use personal discretion, knowledge of the employee’s duties, and budget considerations to determine the amount of the allowance to be provided to each authorized employee. All allowances must be covered by the department’s budget and, although the limits may vary, all allowances are taxable.

Administration of Allowance

If a supervisor deems it appropriate for someone in his/her department to receive a cell phone allowance, the supervisor is to provide written authorization (e.g., attached authorization form with approval from the appropriate Vice President) to the Business Office, indicating the type of allowance requested and the amount. As noted above, the amount must be within the limits established above.

Direct Payments by the College to a Vendor for Cell Phone or Internet Service

The College will no longer provide direct payments to a vendor for the purchase of equipment or monthly cell phone or internet service for an employee. Additionally, the College will not enter into contracts with vendors for employee use of cell phones or internet service. Given that a taxable allowance will now be provided for monthly service fees, the employee will be the direct holder of a contract with the cell phone company and/or internet service provider.

One Allowance per Employee

Given the taxability of the allowance, each employee who is authorized to have a cell phone for work purposes is to apply for his or her own allowance. In other words, Supervisor A cannot enter in a cell phone contract for both himself/herself and Employee B. If Employee B is authorized by Supervisor A and the appropriate Vice President to have an allowance, Employee B should enter into his/her own contract with a vendor and request a taxable allowance from the College.

Payroll Processing

Once the Business Office receives and approves the request to initiate the allowance, the Authorization Form will be forwarded to the Payroll Department with a request to add the allowance to the employee’s payroll check. A copy of the approved authorization form will be returned to the supervisor to inform the department of approval. (Reminder: appropriate payroll taxes on the amount of the allowance will be withheld from the paycheck and the amount of the allowance will be included in the wages line on the individual’s year-end W-2).


Any exception to the monthly taxable allowance above (including the use of “non-assigned” phones by a limited number of departments) must be pre-approved in writing by the V.P. for Business and Administration and Treasurer.

Use of College Cell Phone While Driving

In the interest of the safety of our employees and other drivers, CMC requires employees to comply with all applicable laws while driving.

Issued: September 1, 2006
Revised: April, 2009

Substance and Alcohol Abuse Prevention and Program Policy


Claremont McKenna College is committed to providing a safe, healthy and productive environment for all students and employees. The purpose of this policy is to communicate the College’s concern and desire to provide an efficient and effective campus environment and to articulate its intent to comply with all appropriate federal, state and local regulations regarding illicit use of drugs and the abuse of alcohol in the workplace.


This policy shall apply to all students, faculty and staff of Claremont McKenna College either on the CMC campus or its offsite locations, or as any part of its activities. In addition, employees shall not use or abuse illegal substances that impair performance of assigned tasks.


The Drug Free Schools and Communities Act Amendment of 1989 requires that, as a condition of receiving funds or any other form of financial assistance under any Federal program, an institution of higher education must certify that it has adopted and implemented a program to prevent the unlawful possession, use or distribution of illicit drugs or alcohol by students and employees. The Federal regulations require annual notification to each employee and student that the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession or use of illicit drugs or alcohol is prohibited.

Claremont McKenna College seeks to maintain a work and educational environment that is safe for our employees and students and conducive to hard work and high educational standards. The College intends to comply with the Drug Free Workplace Act and other regulations regarding drug and alcohol abuse in the workplace.

As a condition of employment, all employees of Claremont McKenna College (this includes faculty, staff and student employees) are required to comply with this policy.

An employee who is convicted (including a plea of nolo contendere (no contest) of a criminal drug statue violation occurring in the workplace must, within five (5) days after the conviction, notify CMC of such conviction by informing the director of personnel, the dean of the faculty or the director of financial aid.

Members of the Claremont McKenna College community are expected to act lawfully with respect to the possession and consumption of alcoholic beverages. Consumption of alcohol by individuals under 21 is prohibited.

Persons who are not employees of the college, but who perform work at the college for its benefit (such as contractors and their employees, temporary employees provided by agencies, visitors engaged in joint projects, etc.) are required to comply with this policy. Violation of this policy by such persons is likely to result in their being barred from the workplace even for a first offense.

Health Risks

All drugs are toxic or poisonous when abused. Health risks of drug abuse include but are not limited to sleep disorders, confusion, hallucinations, paranoia, deep depression, malnutrition, liver and kidney damage, cardiac irregularities, hepatitis, and neurological damage.

Alcohol is a depressant. It depresses the central nervous system and can cause serious physical damage. Excessive drinking damages the liver, resulting in cirrhosis; chronic alcohol abuse also causes hypertension, cardiac irregularities, ulcers, pancreatitis, kidney disease, cancer of the esophagus, liver, bladder or lungs; memory loss, tremors, malnutrition, vitamin deficiencies and possibly sexual dysfunction.

Abuse of alcohol or drugs during pregnancy increases the risk of birth defects, spontaneous abortion and still births.

Local, State and Federal Legal Sanctions

Local, State and Federal laws establish severe penalties for unlawful possession or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol. These sanctions, upon conviction, may range from a fine to life imprisonment. In the case of possession and distribution of illegal drugs, these sanctions could include the seizure and summary forfeiture of property, including vehicles. It is especially important to know that recent Federal laws have increased the penalties for illegally distributing drugs to include life imprisonment and fines in excess of $1,000,000.

The denial of Federal benefits, such as student loans and grants up to one year for the first offense, up to five years for second and subsequent offenses.

Examples of the law include:

  • Unlawful possession of any controlled substance is punishable by imprisonment in the state prison.
  • The purchase, possession, or consumption of any alcoholic beverages (including beer and wine) by any person under the age of 21 is prohibited.
  • It is not permissible to sell or give alcohol to an intoxicated person regardless of age.
  • It is unlawful for a person under the age of 21 to present fraudulent identification for the purpose of purchasing alcohol.
  • Selling, either directly or indirectly, any alcoholic beverages except under the authority of a California Alcoholic Beverage Control License is prohibited. This includes selling glasses, mixes, ice, or tickets for admission.
  • Possession of an alcoholic beverage in an open container in a motor vehicle or on a bicycle is unlawful, regardless of who is driving or whether one is intoxicated.
  • Driving a motor vehicle or bicycle while under the influence of alcohol is unlawful.

A description of state and local laws is available in the Dean of Students office. California State Laws are also available at the Honnold/Mudd Library in the annual publication of West Annotated California Codes. A copy of the Federal Register, Vol. 55, No. 159 with the rules and regulations included in the Drug Free School and Communities Act Amendments of 1989 may obtained from the Director of Personnel or the Dean of Students.

Assistance for Alcohol Abuse and/or Drug Abuse Problems


Claremont McKenna College is committed to education and counseling as the primary focus of its substance abuse program and will provide confidential, professional assistance for any students who want it. Students are urged to seek information and help regarding substance abuse for themselves or their friends. A variety of services including counseling, educational materials, and/or referral are available at the following offices as a part of the overall Claremont Colleges’ program.

Alcohol and Drug Education Program - Bridges Auditorium (north side) ext. 8471 or 4310

Health Education Outreach Office - McAlister Center, ext. 3602 

Monsour Counseling Center, 735 N. Dartmouth, ext. 8202

Baxter Student Health Services, 175 E. 6th Street, ext. 8222

Dean of Students Office, Heggblade Center, CMC campus.

In particular, the Alcohol and Drug Education Program will provide ongoing, student-centered education and prevention programs including a peer education and training program, health promotional materials, and activities throughout the academic year. For more information, contact the dean of students office at extension 8114 or The Alcohol and Drug Education Coordinator at extension 8471 or 4310.

To protect students’ privacy, information regarding a student during participation in any related program will be treated confidentially.

Faculty, Staff, Others

Claremont McKenna College recognizes drug and alcohol dependency as treatable conditions. Programs for substance and alcohol abuse are offered through the health maintenance organization insurance that is offered eligible employees and their dependents. Employees who are concerned about problems related to substance use, abuse and rehabilitation should be aware that The Claremont Colleges sponsor and present seminars and workshops on these topics, from time-to-time, for all members of the college community. Employees desiring assistance are encouraged to seek assistance for drug and alcohol related problems through community organizations. The benefits section of the Personnel Services office offer confidential, professional counseling and referral service, providing a constructive way for employees to deal voluntarily with drug or alcohol related and other problems.


Claremont McKenna College will impose sanctions on individuals and/or organizations who violate this policy. These sanctions will be consistently enforced and penalties will depend upon the severity of the offense. Penalties can include termination from employment and referral for prosecution of the most serious violations.

A student may be suspended from the College and referral for prosecution for violations of the laws. A student who is found to be selling illegal drugs may be suspended or expelled, even for the first offense. Sanctions for less severe offenses may include the following: verbal and written warnings, community service, the completion of an appropriate rehabilitation program, social probation for an individual, persona non grata status, and suspension for the repeat offender. Disciplinary action may be invoked entirely apart from any civil or criminal penalties.

Events may be closed immediately or other intervention may be taken to correct the violation.

The College appreciates your cooperation in complying with this policy and the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act. Working together we can make CMC a healthy and productive environment for all members of the college community.

Violence in the Workplace Prevention Policy

Revised: 03/11/2014

Purpose of Policy

Although Claremont McKenna College has experienced a minimal amount of violence on campus, this policy is being instituted to protect employees, students, and guests of Claremont McKenna College in the case of any incidents of violent behavior.

Zero Tolerance

Claremont McKenna College has a policy of zero tolerance for violence. If you engage in any violence in the workplace, or threaten violence in the workplace, your employment will be terminated immediately. No talk of violence or joking about violence will be tolerated.

“Violence” includes physically harming another, shoving, pushing, harassing, intimidating, coercing, brandishing weapons, and threatening or talking of engaging in those activities. It is the intent of this policy to ensure that everyone associated with Claremont McKenna College, including staff, faculty, students and visitors, never feels threatened by any employee’s actions or conduct.

All Weapons Banned

Claremont McKenna College specifically prohibits the possession of weapons by any employee while on College property. This ban includes keeping or transporting a weapon in a vehicle in a parking area, whether public or private. Employees are also prohibited from carrying a weapon while representing the College when off the College’s premises.

Weapons include guns, knives, explosives, and other items with the potential to inflict harm. Appropriate disciplinary action, up to and including termination, will be taken against any employee who violates this policy.


Offices, desks, file cabinets, telephones, and computers are the property of the College. We reserve the right to enter or inspect your work area including, but not limited to, desks and computer storage disks, with or without notice.

Reporting Violence

It is everyone’s business to prevent violence in the workplace. You can help by reporting what you see in the workplace that could indicate that a co-worker is in trouble. You are in a better position than management to know what is happening with those you work with.

You are encouraged to report any incident that may involve a violation of any of the College’s policies that are designed to provide a comfortable workplace environment. Concerns may be presented to your supervisor.

All reports will be investigated and information will be kept on a “need to know” basis.

Training Programs

As part of its commitment to preventing workplace violence, the College has established training programs for all employees. Training will be included as part of your orientation. Thereafter, you will be required to attend an annual refresher training. Please be advised that training is mandatory and attendance will be taken. Failure to attend a mandatory training session can lead to disciplinary action.

Education Offerings

In order to promote a positive working environment, we encourage supervisors and employees to enroll in courses to learn more about working with each other. Courses covering communication, problem solving, building effective working relationships, stress management, and related or similar course topics are supported for attendance at outside seminars.

Employee Assistance Program

The company provides an employee assistance program (EAP) for all benefit-based employees. This EAP offers services to these employees and their eligible dependents. While we receive periodic reports on the number and types of visits or calls made to the EAP, we do not receive information about individual contacts with the EAP.

You are encouraged to use the EAP whenever you feel the need for guidance in coping with life’s difficulties. If you have difficulty handling drugs or alcohol, the EAP can provide information on treatment. The EAP is a confidential service to be used when you need help. This program is accessed by calling 1-800-234-5465.

Violence Prevention Team

We have an Emergency Operations Team that, along with major emergency management, will be trained in handling violence issues. The team will also handle the consequences of any incidents of violence that we experience, providing assistance to employees and information to the media. The team will take the steps necessary to continue or resume business after a threat or incidence of violence.

If you have suggestions for ways to improve the safety and security at work, please pass them along to the Office of Human Resources, 528 N. Mills, extension 18490.

Incident Management

In the event of a major workplace incident that affects, or has the potential to affect, the mental health of our workforce, we will provide initial counseling and support services to you and your immediate family members.

As the crisis passes and support systems are put into place for individuals affected by the incident, the College will make every effort to return to normal business operations. A reasonable effort will be made to notify staff, faculty, students, and others who need to know of the status of College operations whenever possible. In cases where direct contact is not possible or practical, an effort will be made to communicate through the news media and other available resources.