2024-2025 Catalog 
    Feb 11, 2025  
2024-2025 Catalog

Other Campus Centers

Claremont Autism Center

The Claremont Autism Center is a behavior management, treatment, and research program for children with autism and their families. It is internationally recognized and provides state-of-the-art treatment for the children and parents that attend. At the Autism Center, children receive one-on-one therapy that concentrates in areas of speech, social interactions, self-help skills, and academic learning tasks. Parents receive special training in behavior management techniques to treat their children at home.

The Center is a great opportunity for students to do research, intern, take classes in Applied Behavior Analysis, and get hands-on experience working with children with autism. The main areas of research are motivation, speech and communication, and social skills and play. Each child attends this program one day per week for a two-hour interval.

Center for Writing and Public Discourse

The Center for Writing and Public Discourse (CWPD) supports the school’s mission to “educate its students for thoughtful and productive lives and responsible leadership” by fostering excellence in written and oral communication. Through one-on-one peer tutoring, extensive programming, and multilingual writing support, the CWPD empowers students in all disciplines to make confident and informed decisions as they participate within a variety of discourse communities.  

Our highly trained student consultants review drafts of papers at any stage of the writing process from any and all disciplines, including Senior Thesis and class presentations. Consultants assist CMC students with issues related to argumentation, clarity of prose, and overall quality of composition. In addition to peer support, the CWPD provides professional support for our multilingual student population. Our staff can provide information about American discourse conventions and clarify expectations regarding correctness and style. Students can expect to leave appointments at the CWPD with useful tools and strategies for developing their writing and presentation skills. To make an appointment, please visit us online.

Murty Sunak Quantitative and Computing Lab

The Quantitative and Computing Lab (QCL) supports the integration of mathematics, computer and data science into the full range of liberal arts disciplines: the social sciences, sciences, and humanities, helping students apply quantitative literacy to any discipline, from economics to government, from biology to philosophy. Our staff and peer mentors provide one-on-one support and tutoring on mathematics, computer science, data science, statistics, econometrics, and physics so students can learn how to incorporate quantitative and computing skills into research papers or other academic projects, as often requested by professors. We also help students understand the programming languages so it’s less intimidating and show them where to find the best sources of support information to elevate the quality and clarity of their analyses. Given modern workforce requirements-where data has infused itself in everything from political analysis and business dynamics to sports analytics-QCL aims to make data and quantitative skills accessible to students from all backgrounds, including those traditionally underrepresented in quantitative and technology fields.