2023-2024 Policy Library 
    Oct 03, 2024  
2023-2024 Policy Library [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Non-Solicitation Policy

Policy Statement

To avoid disruption of College operations or unreasonable disturbance of faculty, staff, and students, the College has implemented this Non-Solicitation Policy. This Policy sets forth the conditions for distribution or sale of products; requests for financial contributions; or efforts by individuals/groups to advertise, promote or provide information on organizations (secular or religious) on College property or through College information technology domains, and covers in-person, verbal, written, or electronic activity.

This Policy does not prohibit normal business contacts by authorized vendor representatives engaging in business with the College in compliance with other College policies.

This Policy does prohibit use of the College and its faculty, staff and students’ name or likeness in advertising, marketing or social media without express written permission.

Entities Covered by this Policy

All units of the College.


Please direct any questions about this policy to the Vice President of Student Affairs. (Phone: 909-621-8114. Email: deanofstudents@cmc.edu)

Any item to be distributed or offered for sale which contain College marks, logos, images, or names (including building names) must generally follow established Identity Guidelines and Graphics Standards. Therefore, these items must be approved in advance by the Office of Public Affairs and Communication. (Phone: 909-621-8099. Email: publicaffairs@cmc.edu).

Any Solicitation related to CMS, a CMS Athletic event, or a CMS facility must also be pre-approved by the Athletics Department. (Contact the department for additional information: 909-607-2904).


  1. Solicitation (or soliciting): includes but is not limited to canvassing or seeking to obtain membership in or support for any organization, requesting contributions, or posting or distributing handbills, pamphlets, petitions, and the like of any kind on College property or by using College resources to accomplish the same (including without limitation bulletin boards, computers, mail, e-mail and telecommunication systems, photocopiers and telephone lists and databases). Solicitation also includes peddling or otherwise selling, purchasing or offering goods and services for sale or purchase, distributing advertising materials, circulars or product samples, or engaging in any other conduct relating to any outside business interests or for profit or personal economic benefit on College property or using College resources.
  2. Sponsoring Entity: refers to a registered CMC or 5C student club/organization, a College department of office, or an individual CMC student, faculty, or staff member who applies to sponsor an external organization to fulfill particular College-related objectives on campus, such as job fairs, volunteer opportunities, or blood drives.
  3. Work Time: means the period of time during working hours when the employee is engaged in or is expected to be engaged in service on behalf of the College. Work time does not include the Employee’s lunch period or work breaks, or any other periods in which the employee is not on duty.

Authorized Solicitation by CMC Community Members

Any Solicitation must be pre-approved as follows:

  • By a student or registered club/organization, approved by the Dean of Students Office
  • By a staff member, approved by the Human Resources Department
  • By a faculty member, approved by the Dean of Faculty Office

All Solicitations must comply with all applicable College rules and policies, including the Posting and Advertising Policy. Any Solicitation must relate to the College’s mission or otherwise be related to the business of the College.

Employees cannot engage in Solicitation during the soliciting employee’s Work Time unless authorized by their supervisor. Employees cannot use College computer and communication systems and materials, including inter-department mail, e-mail, telephone, fax, supplies, or other related workplace College resources for any Solicitation.

Authorized Solicitation activity will be shared with the Public Safety Department and, if appropriate, to the TCCS Campus Safety Department.

Authorized Solicitation by Non-CMC (External) Individuals and Organizations

Non-CMC (external) individuals and organizations, including those affiliated with the other Claremont Colleges, may not engage in Solicitation on College property without a Sponsoring Entity obtaining approval for the Solicitation.  Non-CMC (external) individuals and organizations must be invited by a Sponsoring Entity to fulfill particular College-related objectives, such as job fairs, volunteer opportunities, or blood drives.

The Sponsoring Entity must submit an application for approval (following the approval process described above) to invite an external organization to campus under the Sponsoring Entity’s name. If approved, the Sponsoring Entity will represent the external organization while on College property and will be accountable for the actions of the group it sponsors for the duration of the activity.

The activities of the Non-CMC (external) individual and organization may not create a personal monetary gain for any individual within the Sponsoring Entity (for example Sponsoring Entities may not share in the profits from solicitations).

The College will not approve Solicitation that relates to the promotion or consumption of alcoholic beverages, tobacco, drugs (even if authorized under California law) or products or services that are contrary to the policies or mission of the College.

Door-to-door (including office-to-office) Solicitation is not authorized.

Non-employees or non-students taking part in unauthorized Solicitation on College property shall be considered trespassers. They may be removed from College property, may be given trespass warnings not to return, and may be subject to arrest and prosecution.

Authorized Solicitation activity will be shared with the Public Safety Department and, if appropriate, to the TCCS Campus Safety Department.