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2023-2024 Policy Library [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Faculty Appointment, Promotion, and Tenure Timeline and Data Procedures

Category: Academics/Research
Title: Faculty Appointment, Promotion, and Tenure Timeline and Data Procedures
Approved by: Dean of the Faculty
Date Approved: July 20, 2021
Additional References:  Chapter 3 Appointment, Promotion, and Tenure   
Guidebook for Department Chairs 
Request for Non-Tenure Track Appointments
Responsible Officials: Dean of Faculty (DOF), Office of Institutional Research (IR)

CMC APT Population

All CMC tenured and tenure-track faculty and all non-tenure-track instructors who teach course sections for greater than or equal to a half unit of credit.  Keck Science and Athletics courses are excluded.

Non-tenure-track Reappointments

Two-year, one-year, or less than one-year contracts

  • Data - since start date at CMC or last contract renewal, whichever is most recent; see APT Data section for additional details
    • Student experience surveys
    • Grade distributions
  • Timeline
    • TBD by the DOF - letter sent to department chair (not candidate) from DOF, specifying ending date of candidate’s contract during upcoming academic year
    • Department chair notifies DOF and candidate if they will request a contract renewal; if so, DOF sends department chair the request form and DOF sends IR the request for data, copying the department chair and candidate
    • June 15 or later, depending on when department chair notifies DOF of request, IR submits data to a box folder shared with the DOF; DOF then provides access to the box folder as appropriate to the department chair and candidate
    • DOF transmits data later to APT-EC
    • Department chair submits reappointment request report to DOF, including candidate CV and non-CMC student experience surveys (if applicable)
    • All materials are reviewed and approved by APT-EC

Three-year contracts

  • Data - since start date at CMC or last contract renewal, whichever is most recent; see APT Data section for additional details
    • Student experience surveys
    • Grade distributions
    • List of students
  • Timeline
    • Early February - letter sent to department chair (not candidate) from DOF, specifying ending date of candidate’s contract during upcoming academic year
    • Department chair notifies DOF and candidate if they will request a contract renewal; if so, DOF sends department chair the request form and DOF sends IR the request for data, copying the department chair and candidate
    • June 15 or later, depending on when department chair notifies DOF of request, IR submits data to a box folder shared with the DOF; DOF then provides access to the box folder as appropriate to the department chair and candidate; DOF transmits data later to APT-EC and APT
    • Department chair requests list of students from IR during fall or spring 
    • Fall/Spring - department chair submits reappointment request to DOF, including candidate teaching statement, candidate CV, non-CMC student experience surveys (if applicable), and department teaching report
    • All materials are reviewed by APT-EC and once approved, sent to APT for review and approval

Third Year Reviews

  • Data - since start date at CMC; see APT Data section of this document for additional details
    • Student experience surveys
    • Grade distributions
    • List of students
  • Timeline
    • Early February - letter sent to candidate from DOF, with copy to department chair, detailing upcoming APT action based on the candidate’s contract
    • March 15 - candidate informs department chair and DOF of intent
    • March 31 - DOF sends IR the request for data, copying the department chair and candidate
    • June 15 - IR submits data to a box folder shared with the DOF; DOF then provides access to the box folder as appropriate to the department chair and candidate; DOF transmits data later to APT-EC and APT
    • September 1 - candidate submits materials to DOF; department chair requests list of students from IR
    • October 15 - department chair submits report to DOF
    • All materials are reviewed by APT-EC and once approved, sent to candidate for response then APT for review and approval

Promotion to Associate with Tenure or Full Professor

  • Data - since start at CMC for tenure review or last APT review for promotion to full; see APT Data section of this document for additional details
    • Student experience surveys
    • Grade distributions
    • List of students
  • Timeline
    • Early February - letter sent to candidate from DOF, with copy to department chair, detailing upcoming APT action based on the candidate’s contract
    • March 31 - candidate informs department chair and DOF of intent
    • Early April - DOF sends IR the request for data, copying the department chair and candidate
    • June 15 - IR submits data to a box folder shared with the DOF; DOF then provides access to the box folder as appropriate to the department chair and candidate; DOF transmits data later to APT-EC, FIS and APT
    • July 1 - candidate submits materials to DOF
    • Early September - department chair requests list of students from IR
    • Oct 15 - department chair submits report to DOF
    • All materials are reviewed by APT-EC and once approved, sent to candidate for response then FIS
    • Approximately one month later - FIS submits report to DOF
    • All materials are reviewed by APT-EC and once approved, sent to candidate for response then APT for review

Post-tenure Review

Associate Professors

Occurs 4 years after tenure and 10 years after tenure (unless promotion to full professor occurs before), and then every 8 years

  • Data - since last review, no grade distributions; see APT Data section of this document for additional details
    • Student experience surveys
    • Course titles
  • Timeline
    • May 1 - DOF notification of candidates in writing 
    • June 30 - IR submits data to a box folder shared with the DOF
    • January - candidate submits materials with annual report (personal statement and CV)
    • February - full professors of the candidate’s department meet to discuss candidate’s personal statement and CV
    • March - candidate and chair of candidate’s department meet with DOF to discuss candidate’s progress in light of department’s assessment
    • April - DOF summarizes meeting in a letter to the candidate

Full Professors

Occurs every 8 years after promotion to full professor

  • Data - since last review; see APT Data section of this document for additional details
    • Student experience surveys
    • Grade distributions
  • Timeline
    • May 1 - DOF notification of candidates in writing
    • June 30 - IR submits data to a box folder shared with the DOF; DOF then provides access to the box folder as appropriate to the full professor on the Ad-hoc Review Committee and candidate
    • January - candidate submits materials with annual report (personal statement and CV); DOF office provides remaining materials (student experience surveys since last review, report from last review, and last sabbatical request and report)
    • Before March 1 - Ad-hoc Review Committee composed of DOF and a full professor selected by candidate in consultation with DOF review materials and meet with candidate
    • March 1 - Ad-hoc Review Committee draft report completed and sent to candidate
    • Before April 1 - Optional meeting called by candidate to discuss report
    • Before May 1 - Ad-hoc Review Committee final report written
    • 3 weeks after - candidate may submit written response

APT Data

APT review data is provided for all students formally enrolled in a specific course section. It excludes auditors and visiting students.

Spring 2020 student experience surveys and grades will not be used for any personnel action. Lists of students from Spring 2020 courses will not be used unless the candidate requests otherwise or if a student took more than one course with the professor outside of Spring 2020.

  • Grades - grade distributions and averages for the course (including cross-listed courses), including average comparisons for the faculty member’s primary department and the College as a whole. For courses without an affiliated department (e.g., FHS), comparison data will be provided for all sections of the course. In the instance of team taught and/or cross-listed courses, comparison data is provided for the primary department of the instructor being reviewed.
  • Student experience surveys - distributions and averages for the instructor, including average comparisons for the faculty member’s primary department and the College as a whole. For courses without an affiliated department (e.g., FHS), comparison data will be provided for all sections of the course.  For team-taught and/or cross-listed courses, student experience surveys data is manually combined and comparison data is provided for the primary department of the instructor being reviewed.
  • List of students - list of current students who were enrolled in professor’s course/s in a previous semester are provided to the department in order to conduct student interviews.
    • Approximately 30 students who were enrolled in the course for a grade are randomly selected.  The list excludes any students who were enrolled in the course as credit/no credit or are currently enrolled in an additional course with the same professor (due to potential conflict of interest). 
    • This list typically excludes alumni.  In rare instances, alumni may also be contacted if there are not enough current students in the population (e.g., faculty returning from sabbaticals/leaves who mostly teach upper division courses).
    • If student interview participation rates are not sufficient after the first round of contacts, a second sample may be requested by the department. 
    • The list includes the full student name, CX ID, CMC email, course info (name, #, year, semester).  The list excludes individual student demographic information like majors and grades.
    • For tenure and promotion cases, the FIS may request an additional list of student names.
  • Ad-hoc reports - May be available upon request with approval from the DOF.  They can include grade distributions, grade averages, and student experience surveys averages, but not student experience survey distributions, since those already appear on individual summary reports. Student experience survey averages are available for ad-hoc reports starting in spring 2012, but not prior, due to changes in methodology over time.