2023-2024 Policy Library 
    Feb 13, 2025  
2023-2024 Policy Library [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Study Abroad and Exchange Policies

I. CMC Study Abroad and Exchange General Policies
II. CMC Study Abroad and Exchange Academic Policies
III. CMC Study Abroad and Exchange Eligibility, Acceptance, and Dismissal Policies
IV. CMC Study Abroad and Exchange Financial Policies

I. CMC Study Abroad and Exchange General Policies

A. Remaining a CMC Student:

Students participating in study abroad or exchange remain enrolled at CMC and CMC expects students to follow CMC and Center for Global Education (CGE) rules and policies while away.  CMC also expects students to follow host institution and host program rules and policies. Failure to comply with all rules and policies may result in disciplinary action up to and including dismissal from the program and expulsion from CMC.

B. Agreement:

Students apply to CMC study abroad or exchange with the understanding that, upon accepting the offer of admission by the CGE office, the student agrees to accept and abide by the conditions of application and enrollment, and by the regulations of both the Program Sponsor(s) and CMC.  The student agrees to participate fully in the pre-departure meeting(s), to complete the alumni evaluation, and to observe the deadlines for the submission of all required materials.  The student further agrees to commit to reading email communications sent to their CMC email address.  The student agrees to give permission to the Registrar to release college transcripts, as required, to the Center for Global Education, the Global Education Committee, and the Program Sponsor(s).

C. Placeholder Course:

Upon approval to participate on study abroad or exchange, the Registrar enrolls the student in a four-unit placeholder course for the study abroad semester. The Registrar records actual coursework and letter grades on the CMC transcript after the student’s program sends an official transcript and CMC receives the official intact.

D. Duration of Participation:

Students are required to participate on the study abroad academic program in its entirety including orientation and final exams based upon the program’s final exam schedule.  CMC does not permit students to arrive late or depart early.

E. Housing Upon Return:

CMC DOS requires all students participating in off-campus study (OCS) programs (Study Abroad, the Silicon Valley Program, or the Washington Program) to live on campus upon returning to CMC, unless otherwise approved by the housing office.  Students returning from OCS may request permission to live off campus by November 1 for a spring semester or by March 1 for a fall semester, and the housing office notifies the student of the outcome of their application by December 1 or April 1, respectively.  If the housing office denies an application, students are required to live on campus and student accounts bill accordingly. In semesters where the College finds itself at capacity in the on-campus housing system, CMC reserves the right to require students returning from OCS to live off-campus. CMC will notify students participating in OCS if they must return to off-campus housing no later than November 15 (OCS in the fall) or March 30 (OCS in the spring).

II. CMC Study Abroad and Exchange Academic Policies

A. Course Load: 

Students must enroll in a minimum of 15 U.S. credits each semester to receive four CMC units. Full academic year students enroll in a minimum of 30 U.S. credits to receive eight CMC units for the year.

B. Number of Courses vs. Number of Credits:

Students may need to complete more than four classes to obtain the 15 U.S. credit minimum. In some cases, the host program or host university may require students to take more than 15 U.S. credits per semester.  In addition, students must observe host program and host university policies for adding and dropping classes, including deadlines, documentation, and processes.

C. Maximum Credit:

The maximum amount of credit CMC students may earn abroad is eight courses for an academic year and four courses for one semester. CMC does not grant academic credit for study abroad completed while students are on leave from CMC or while withdrawn from the College.

D. Dropping a Course: 

On rare occasions students presenting compelling circumstances may request to drop a course so long as:

  • The student will remain enrolled in a minimum of 12 CMC approved, U.S. semester credits (3 CMC course units) while abroad, and
  • The 12 CMC approved, U.S. semester credits do not include an internship and
  • The student will maintain legal student visa requirements for study in the host country, and
  • The student will continue to meet CGE Study Abroad Academic Policies, and
  • The student submits written approval for the reduction from the host program director. 

The student must file the request with the Director of Global Education two weeks in advance of the program’s drop/withdrawal deadlines.  Students approved for less than 15 semester credits risk postponing their graduation plans and incurring substantial financial costs.

It is the responsibility of the student to ensure they make satisfactory progress toward their degree(s) and an on-time graduation.  If needed, the student may contact the Office of the Registrar for guidance on remaining CMC graduation requirements.

E. Course Approval: 

Students must obtain prior approval for all credit from the CMC Registrar’s Office. Students seeking course equivalencies for major, GE, or sequence requirements also require approval from the appropriate Department Chair.  To request approval, students must send specific documentation about their proposed courses including but not limited to course numbers, titles, descriptions or syllabi, and the credit value ascribed by the sponsoring program to the Registrar’s Office and Department Chair, as appropriate. Students must obtain either a signature or an email approval in order to obtain credit for courses. While on study abroad or exchange, if a student’s final course selection changes from the list pre-approved prior to departure, the student must contact the CMC Registrar’s Office and appropriate department chair via e-mail for course review and approval.  Students must ensure the CGE Director and the Registrar’s Office receive a copy of all approvals from department or program chairs.

F. Major, Sequence, and GE Requirements: 

Each academic department or program determines the number and type of courses/credits taken off campus that can apply towards major, sequence, or GE requirements.  Major, sequence, and GE courses must be equivalent to a minimum of three (3) U.S. credits to qualify for equivalency.  It is the purview of each academic department or program to determine any additional conditions required for earning GE, sequence, or major requirements on study abroad or exchange.

G. Internships: 

Students wishing to receive credit for an internship during a semester abroad or on exchange must seek approval from the CMC Registrar. CMC grants up to one-half of a CMC course unit for an internship if there is an academic component (i.e. a course that meets CMC requirements for internship credit).  The Registrar must pre-approve this course and the student must enroll in the course for a letter grade. Students who complete approved internships for credit while abroad will return with three and a half CMC course units for the semester, if the internship course is part of the 15 U.S. credit minimum.  Students who take an approved internship course in addition to the 15 U.S. credit minimum will receive four CMC course units of credit.

H. Foreign Language Requirements:  

CMC requires students studying in non-English-speaking countries (including Hong Kong, South Africa, India, etc.) be enrolled in a semester-length host language course for academic credit. The language course must be at least three (3) U.S. credits and may be included in the minimum 15 U.S. credits per semester abroad. Students may not substitute a course that CMC requires them to take with another course while on the program.

I. Three (3) Semesters or Equivalent of French, German, Italian, or Spanish: 

In addition to the required host country language course, students with three semesters or equivalent of recent French, German, Italian, or Spanish studying in a country of that language respectively, are required to enroll in at least one content course (not a language instruction course) in the host language. When available, students are highly encouraged to enroll in more than one area studies course taught in the host language. Students may not substitute a course that CMC requires them to take with another course while on the program.

J. Four (4) Semesters or Equivalent of French, German, Italian, or Spanigh - University Course Requirement: 

In addition to the required host country language course, students with four semesters or equivalent of recent French, German, Italian, or Spanish studying in a country of that language respectively, are required to take all courses in the host language.  Additionally, at least one of these courses per semester must be taken at the local university should this be a program option. Students may not substitute a course that CMC requires them to take with another course while on the program.

K. Grades and GPA: 

The CMC Registrar lists all courses and grades from study abroad or exchange on the CMC transcript. This includes any courses the student chooses to take in addition to the pre-approved 15 semester credits for experience or fun. The Registrar grants credit for pre-approved courses for which the students achieve a grade of C or above. The Registrar grants credit only when students do not repeat a course for which they have already received credit at CMC.  Students may only take courses for a letter grade.  CR-NC or P/F are not permissible.  The Registrar does not factor letter grades into the student’s cumulative CMC GPA.

L. Exam Re-Sits:  

Based on CMC’s Incomplete Grade policy, CMC will not permit study abroad participants to re-sit final exams except when documented circumstances beyond the student’s control have prevented completion of the regularly scheduled final exam offered at the host institution. Students who wish to request permission to re-sit for an exam must petition the Global Education Committee (GEC) in advance of the regularly scheduled final.  The student’s petition must include the following:

  • A written request, including a full explanation of the student’s circumstances.
  • Appropriate documentation of those circumstances necessitating the re-sit.
  • A letter approving the re-sit from the sponsoring department of the host institution and/or program director of the program sponsor.

In rare circumstances, such as an emergency hospitalization, CGE may consider a petition filed after the regularly scheduled exam. If the Global Education Committee approves the student’s request, CMC will not proctor the re-sit.  The student must arrange to complete the re-sit at the host institution and will be responsible for any associated costs (airfare, fees, and accommodations). Upon receipt of a revised transcript from the host institution or Program Provider, CMC will record the revised grade on the student’s CMC transcript.

M. Pre-Registration for Return:

Students on study abroad or exchange will pre-register for on-campus courses in the same manner as on-campus students.  The Registrar sends pre-registration information for the semester following study abroad via CMC email. Students complete pre-registration via the portal, taking into consideration time zone differences and internet access. Students should contact the Registrar via email if the pre-registration time is not convenient for the study abroad location.

III. CMC Study Abroad and Exchange Eligibility, Acceptance, and Dismissal Policies

Students may apply for study abroad and/or exchange during the second semester of the sophomore year, either or both semesters of the junior year, the fall of the senior year, or any combination thereof. In addition to standard application requirements, students applying to study abroad in the first semester of their senior year must provide confirmation from the CMC Registrar’s Office that the study abroad semester will not delay the student’s scheduled progress toward graduation and approval from the major or program chair.

A. Students Must be in Good Academic, Conduct, and Financial Standing to Study Abroad.

Academic - Students must be in good academic standing to meet CMC study abroad application eligibility requirements.  Students placed on academic sanction(s) after receiving CGE study abroad approval and prior to departure for study abroad are required to meet with the Director of Global Education and a senior member of the Dean of Students Office to discuss whether study abroad remains an appropriate choice. The faculty-led Global Education Committee reserves the right to revoke study abroad approval for students not in good academic standing. Revocation of approval may result in significant financial costs to the student per the CGE Study Abroad Student Contract.

Conduct - Students currently on conduct sanction(s) may apply for CMC study abroad provided the student meets all other eligibility requirements and all sanction(s) are scheduled to be completed by the end of the semester prior to departure. Approval to study abroad will be revoked by the faculty-led Global Education Committee for students not cleared of conduct sanction(s) or placed on new conduct sanction(s) by the end of the semester prior to departure for study abroad.  Revocation of approval may result in significant financial costs to the student per the CGE Study Abroad Student Contract.

Financial -Students may apply for study abroad while still carrying a balance on their student account.  However, the faculty-led Global Education Committee and senior administrators of The College reserve the right to revoke study abroad approval for students not financially cleared through Student Accounts. Revocation of approval may result in significant financial costs to the student per the CGE Study Abroad Student Contract.

The Center for Global Education consults with the appropriate offices to confirm all students are in good standing for the semester abroad at the time of application, during the semester prior to departure, and at the time of departure. 

CGE will provide this information to the program/provider ONLY IF the program/provider requests this information from CGE on behalf of the applicant. Students currently suspended from CMC for any reason are ineligible to apply for study abroad.

Students not cleared for study abroad or exchange by the first day of finals the semester prior to the schedules semester away will not be pre-registered for CMC classes and CMC will withdraw the student from the study abroad or exchange program. Should this occur, students are liable for all unrecoverable expenses incurred by the College on the student’s behalf. Additionally, CMC will require repayment of any funds paid out to the student including but not limited to stipends for airfares, housing, meals, and public transportation.

B. Probation, Suspension, and Dismissal From Study Abroad or Exhange:  

Students are subject to the disciplinary process of their host institution and program while off campus. The Resident Director, the Program Sponsor, the Host Institution, or CMC may take disciplinary action against any participant in a program, as they deem appropriate, up to and including expulsion of the participant from the program and/or host institution.  CMC students may also be subject to further consequences from CMC’s Academic Standards Committee (ASC) and/or the Student Conduct process upon return from study abroad. In the event of suspension or dismissal from a study abroad, students must request re-enrollment at CMC after serving any sanctions imposed through the standard re-enrollment process. 

C. Academic Probation: 

CMC places students who earn a semester grade point average or a cumulative grade point average of less than C (2.00) while abroad or on exchange on academic probation for their subsequent semester at CMC.  CMC may also place students on probation for other kinds of unsatisfactory academic performance, as determined by the ASC.

D. Suspension for Poor Scholarship: 

CMC may suspend a student from the College for poor scholarship after a semester abroad if the student’s grade point average for the preceding semester was lower than D (1.00) or the student fails two or more courses in one semester.

IV. CMC Study Abroad and Exchange Financial Policies

Cost and Payment: Upon signing the Study Abroad Commitment and Contract, CMC removes students from CMC on-campus housing and the CMC pre-registration process for the semester/year the student is to be abroad or on exchange. 

Students pay CMC tuition and the CMC Study Abroad Program Fee.  The Study Abroad Program fee covers study abroad program expenses including housing and meals while courses are in session, a stipend to offset the cost of roundtrip airfare, international health insurance including evacuation insurance, and a public transportation allowance.  The fees also support the cost of providing Global Education opportunities at CMC. These costs include pre-arrival orientations and individualized advising, as well as the overall infrastructure of the college including information technology, public relations, financial services, on-line library resources, The Writing Center, the Registrar, and the Dean of Students.   These resources that are available for study abroad students before, during, and after their time abroad.

CMC does not cover study abroad or exchange expenses for: medical exam(s), vaccination(s), passport, passport photos, visa(s), residence permit(s), fees associated with obtaining such permit(s), cell phone(s), internet access, field trips not included in the program provider fee, independent travel, non-academic course fees, fees associated with non-CMC approved housing, entertainment, laundry, and personal expenses.  Students are responsible for paying any refundable housing deposits.  Scholarships may be available for study abroad and exchange students through the Center for Global Education.

A. Airline Tickets:

Students are responsible to arrange for travel to and from the study site with the CGE airfare stipend.  Arrival and departure dates, times, and airport will be provided by the program sponsor or host institution. 

B. Health Insurance and Supplemental Travel Insurance:

All enrolled students must have health insurance coverage.  Enrolled domestic students who carry personal insurance coverage may waive enrollment in the Claremont Colleges Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP) by submitting information and proof of coverage annually via their SHIP Insurance Verification Portal. Students who do not complete the waiver process will be enrolled in SHIP.  Additionally, CGE registers the students and pays for iNext International Travel Protection Basic Supplemental Retail Plan for CMC students participating on study abroad or international exchange when the student is studying through a program provider.   A higher level of iNext coverage is provided for students enrolling directly at a host university or when the program does not include international travel coverage.  iNext coverage is provided for the duration of study abroad or international exchange period.  This plan does not pay for pre-existing conditions and medications. Students are encouraged to review the iNext Basic Insurance Policy and, if necessary, purchase additional coverage based upon individual needs.

C. College Financial Policies:

CMC requires students read, understand and agree to the College’s financial policies as explained in the College catalog, as well as written materials provided by CGE. In the event of withdrawal from a CGE program, the refund policy of the program sponsor will apply. Students are liable for all unrecoverable expenses incurred by the College. Additionally, Claremont McKenna College will require repayment of any funds paid out to the student including but not limited to stipends for airfares, housing, meals, and public transportation.

D. Voluntary Withdrawals:

Students may withdraw from study abroad prior to departure through the CGE portal.  Students are responsible for notifying the Director of Global Education and their program sponsor in writing of their intention to remain at CMC.  The Dean of Students’ Office does not guarantee on-campus housing. CMC requires students petition the Academic Standards Committee for readmission should the student not return to CMC that semester.

E. Authorization for CMC to Pay Study Abroad and Exchange Expenses: 

Upon digitally signing the CGE Study Abroad and Exchange Commitment and Contract, the student authorizes CGE to pay all expenses to the program sponsor or host institution including but not limited to the non-refundable commit/acceptance deposit on their behalf, the program fee, tuition, lab or other academic fees, housing, board, and airline tickets as applicable. Students who consequently decide to withdraw from the study abroad program after confirming participation with the program provider, or whose approval to study abroad or on exchange is revoked per CMC-CGE policies are liable for all unrecoverable expenses incurred by the College on the student’s behalf. Additionally, CMC will require repayment of any funds paid out to the student including but not limited to stipends for airfares, housing, meals, and public transportation and CGE disbursed Travel Awards and Visa Cost Reimbursements.  These expenses will be charged to the student account in addition to the on-campus semester’s expenses as applicable.