2023-2024 Policy Library 
    Jan 30, 2025  
2023-2024 Policy Library [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Student Activities Policies

Attendance and Guests at CMC-only Events

Currently enrolled CMC students and their invited guest may attend events on campus. Only one guest per student is permitted. All guests must be 18 or older. CMC students must present a valid CMC ID to enter an event. Invited guests must be present with their CMC host, present a valid photo ID, and must be on the event guest list. Students are responsible for the behavior of their guests while on campus. See the College’s Guest Policy in the Guide to Student Life  for more information.

CMC students are required to present a valid CMC ID upon the request of Campus Safety, Public Safety, any College official, or public law enforcement.

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Attendance and Guests at 5C Events

5C students must present their ID from their home institution. 5C students are not eligible to register or bring guests to CMC events.

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Alcohol at Student Events

The Student Activities Office seeks to encourage the thoughtful planning of events where alcohol is used in a responsible manner. As part of a larger community, Claremont McKenna College is subject to California State Law and local ordinances regarding the possession, consumption, and distribution of drugs and alcohol.

Student events with alcohol must comply with the following guidelines:

  • Only persons over 21 years of age may be served and/or consume alcoholic beverages at registered student events.
  • The Event Host must have appropriate plans for serving alcohol. These plans will be discussed and finalized at the discretion of the Student Activities Staff during the event registration meeting.
  • No student body fees may be used to purchase alcoholic beverages.
  • Public Safety Officers may be assigned to an event at which alcohol is present. The number of officers is determined by the Student Activities Office in partnership with the Event Host and the Director of Public Safety.
  • A CMC Student ID or government issued identification, such as state issued driver’s licenses, state or federal agency issued identification cards, or passports, will be accepted as identification. Students of the Claremont Colleges must also present their student ID.  CMC students, guests, and students of the other Claremont Colleges are required to show their valid ID to any College official, Campus Safety personnel, Public Safety personnel, or local law enforcement upon request.
  • Campus Safety, Public Safety or designated College officials reserve the right to refuse entry to any students and guest. Attendees who are visibly intoxicated will not be served and may be removed from the event.
  • No alcohol may be present at athletic events. The bylaws of the NCAA/Southern California Intercollegiate Athletic Conference specifically prohibit the consumption or possession of alcoholic beverages at intercollegiate contests.
  • No hard alcohol may be served at student events without prior permission.
  • Any alcohol remaining after the event will be disposed of by event staff.
  • Attendees may not bring alcohol into any college event.
  • Attendees may not bring any alcohol served out of the registered event area.
  • Substantial food and attractive non-alcoholic beverages must be available to all guests throughout the event.
  • Alcoholic beverages may not be sold without the proper liquor license. This includes any event where a ticket is sold and alcohol is served.

Please see the High-risk Alcohol and Drug Use Prevention Program Guide  for more information on this section.

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Student clubs and organizations are responsible for planning events that are accessible to all members of our community. In a situation where that is not possible, Student Activities will assist student organizations with identifying auxiliary aids and services for students with disabilities who wish to participate in programs and activities. If a student club or organization has a member who requires accommodations, the club or organization may seek out the Assistant Dean of Students for Disability Services for assistance in determining how appropriate accommodations can be made.

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Bike Shop & Bikes On Campus

The CMC Bike Shop is a student run initiative that is overseen by the Roberts Environmental Center.  Students, staff and faculty are invited to rent bikes free of charge for a small rental period. A list of services and fees can be found on the Bike Shop website. The CMC Bike Shop is able to help patrons put together new bikes and fix bikes free of charge. They are also able to help with new parts for just the cost of the equipment. The CMC Bike Shop is located in the basement of Wohlford Hall.

All bikes on campus should be locked using a U-Lock. They should be attached to bike barricades that are located around campus by attaching the lock to the frame, wheel, and barricade. Any bikes found locked to railings and/or blocking pathways will be removed by Story House. They can be retrieved by the bike’s owner with a detailed description of the bike and where it was located when the lock was removed.

***There has been an increase in bike thefts on the campuses of the Claremont Colleges. Be aware that you assume the risk of such theft by renting or bringing a bike to campus. We strongly encourage you to register your bike with Campus Safety and to properly secure your bike at all times when it is not in use.

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Students may not sign contracts on behalf of Claremont McKenna College or their respective club/organization. If an individual student signs a contract on behalf of their club or organization, they may bear the full legal and financial responsibilities as an individual. A member of the Student Activities staff must review and sign all contracts for vendors as they can serve as a representative of the College entering the contractual agreement. A vendor includes but is not limited to entertainers, talent, special services, and rentals. Students are encouraged to submit contracts for review with as much advance notice as possible, but no later than 1 week prior to the event. Contracts in excess of $6,000 require additional approval and must be submitted no later than 3 weeks prior to the event.

Vendors and Insurance Requirements

The following are the minimum insurance coverage and policy limits that should be included in all contracts. Depending on the activity involved, additional coverage may be necessary. All Insurers shall have an “AM Best” rating (or equivalent) of A or better.

Commercial General Liability
  • $1MM Each Occurrence
  • $2MM Aggregate

Commercial Auto Liability
  • $1MM Combined Single Limit (required when the vendor’s vehicles will be used for purposes other than commute purposes)

Additional Insured

The college should be named as additional insured via endorsement. For vendors that will be on campus the additional insured language should read Claremont McKenna College and the other member institutions of The Claremont Colleges.

Additional Coverage

Additional coverage may be necessary, depending on the activity involved in the contract. For example, additional coverage and limits may be required for activities that involve a higher risk, including but not limited to:

  • Events with Alcohol
  • Charters of aircraft, watercraft or ground transportation
  • Construction activities
  • Health related contracts
  • Environmental activities

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All clubs and organizations must adhere to copyright law. Activities that may infringe on copyright law include showing a movie, producing a play, or reprinting pieces from published works, including images used in advertisement. Generally, you must secure permission from the author or publisher before presenting copyrighted material. Please contact the Student Activities Office for assistance in determining whether permission is necessary and how to seek it. This is often a time consuming process and may necessitate the need for extra planning time before an event.

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Crown Special Events Fund

The Crown Special Events Fund was established by the Crown Family Foundation in 1978 to support CMC students in creating a vibrant and diverse social life. The Crown Fund provides resources to promote student interaction as well as opportunities for intellectual, social, and culturally enriching special events. This fund is to benefit the larger student community where alternate sources of funding may not usually be available. An application to apply for funding through the Crown Special Events fund can be found on the Student Activities website.

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Event Registration

Only recognized student clubs and organizations may register and hold events at Claremont McKenna College. The Student Activities Office requests students plan events as far in advance as possible to ensure all aspects of the event can be fully realized and appropriate departments can make plans to support the event.

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Event with Alcohol

Information regarding hosting an event with alcohol can be found in High-risk Alcohol and Drug Use Prevention Program Guide .

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Event Hours

All student events and activities held on Sunday through Thursday must end by 12 midnight. Friday and Saturday events and activities must end by 1 AM.

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Event Management

Depending on the size and scope of the event, Student Activities staff may require a meeting to discuss event management logistics. The Student Activities staff will review an event management plan with Event Hosts including: event security, trash cans, fencing, bathroom facilities, etc.

Event Security: Event security is required for events at which alcohol will be served. Event security may also be required for any event at the discretion of the Student Activities staff. The amount of security will be determined by the size, scope, and nature of the event. Payment for event security is the responsibility of the Event Hosts.

Fencing: Fencing may be required for events held outside to ensure the security of the event and guests. The type of fencing and fencing plan will be determined by the Student Activities staff in collaboration with Public Safety. Payment for fencing is the responsibility of the Event Hosts.

Emergency Support Services: Depending on the size and nature of the event, the Student Activities staff may require a paramedic and ambulance support be available at the event. Payment for support services is the responsibility of the Event Hosts.

Restroom Facilities: Adequate public restrooms must be available for all registered events. Public restrooms must be accessible to guests without a key or key card access. If appropriate restroom facilities are not available, portable restrooms may be required. Payment for portable restrooms is the responsibility of Event Hosts.

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Film or Movie Screenings

Public showing of films without the appropriate licenses may be a violation of copyright law. Your program or event may be exempt from requiring a license if it meets all of the following criteria:

  1. Performances and displays of audiovisual works are made from legitimate copies, including pre-recorded videocassettes. This does not include copies from a broadcast.
  2. Performances and displays are part of a systematic course of instruction and not for entertainment, recreation, or cultural value of any part of the audience.
  3. Performances and displays are given by the instructors or pupils.
  4. Performances and displays are given in classrooms and other places devoted to instruction. Library screening rooms, residence hall lounges, and cafeterias do not qualify.
  5. Performances and displays are part of the teaching activities of non-profit educational institutions.
  6. Attendance is limited to the instructors, pupils and guest lecturers. Only people registered for the class are allowed to attend the screening.

If your club does not qualify for a copyright exemption, the Student Activities Office can connect you with resources to acquire the appropriate license to show a film on campus.

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Fire Safety

All events must comply with occupancy and egress requirements as outlined by the Student Activities staff. Fire exits must be kept clear of equipment, chairs, tables, etc. at all times throughout the event. Students are not allowed to cover or obstruct emergency lighting for any reason. Please see the Fire Safety  policy for further information.

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It is important that student leaders understand and comply with the CMC’s policy on Hazing. To see CMC’s policy on hazing and more resources see the Hazing Policy .

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Lotteries, Raffles, and Bingo

The distribution of prizes or gifts by chance where money is exchanged is prohibited. However, free drawings or “giveaways” may be held if:

  • All persons who request a ticket are accommodated.
  • No participant is required to donate money to obtain a ticket for the drawing.
  • It is made clear whether the ticket holder needs to be present to win.

Occasionally, groups wish to host bingo games for fundraising. According to California law, bingo games may only be operated for charitable purposes. Claremont McKenna College represents a charitable organization, so groups may use bingo to fundraise for these events. Additionally, those under 18 years of age shall not be allowed to participate in bingo games. Positive identification checks must be conducted.

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Marks Music Room Equipment

The equipment available for use from Mark’s Music Room is high quality and was purchased at the discretion of the College. It is of the utmost importance that this equipment be treated well and cared for properly so that students may benefit from its use for as long as possible. If any of the equipment is damaged by a student, it will be their responsibility to replace that piece of equipment. This list details the monetary cost associated with replacing any of the equipment available in the space.

Drums (complete): $3000
Cymbals: $900
Individual Cymbals: $300
Drum Shells: $1500
Drums (individual): $450
Drum Heads: $100
Drum Hardware (individual pieces): $110
Guitar Amplifiers (individual): $600
Bass Amplifier: $600
Guitars/Bass/Keyboard (individual): $500
Microphones (individual): $120
Stands (individual): $30
PA Mixing Board: $700
PA Speakers (individual): $400
Cables (any kind, individual): $35
Lights: $400
Pedal Boards (individual): $300
Recording System: $750
Tuner: $20
Guitar Stand: $50

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McKenna Auditorium Reservations

Student Club and Organization Requests

All student club and organization event reservations will be handled through Story House.  If the space is available, the student club or organization will coordinate event setup and takedown with Story House.

Faculty/Staff/Department Requests

All event reservation requests by faculty/staff/departments for McKenna will be approved by Story House pending availability. If the space is available, the faculty/staff/department will coordinate event setup and takedown with Story House.

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Publicity and Advertising

Recognized student clubs and organizations may publicize and advertise for their events on CMC’s campus, as long as they follow the CMC policy regarding posting and publicity. Promotional materials may include but are not limited to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, email, digital signage, posters, and handbills. All promotional materials must clearly identify the sponsoring organization and contact information, and may not promote alcohol as the primary focus of the event. Failure to meet these guidelines may result in the removal of the promotional materials. Continued failure to meet these guidelines may result in limited publicity privileges.

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Restrictions on Events During Finals

No student sponsored events, aside from study breaks and small events, may take place during designated reading days or during the final examination period. Students wishing to plan a study break or small event during finals should meet with Student Activities staff prior to planning their event to ensure that it qualifies as a study break and will require minimal work from student planners.

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Social Host Liability at Non-Registered Events

Students, including student organization officers hosting non-registered events or gatherings assume all social host liability for the event. Students that host a non-registered event or gathering and are found to be the proximate cause of any related conduct violation assume some responsibility and may face disciplinary action.

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Student Clubs and Organizations

All CMC clubs and organizations are recognized through a partnership with Student Activities and ASCMC. The Clubs and Organizations team is responsible for the chartering, recognition, functioning, and support of all CMC groups. For more information about chartering, annual requirements, club allocations, etc. please visit the Clubs and Organizations Page. All clubs and organizations must adhere to the Student Organizations Policy .

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Ticket Sales

The Student Activities Office provides a number of discounted tickets and discount codes for students. All ticket sales are nonrefundable. For more information about what tickets and discount codes are available, visit the Student Activities website or the Student Activities Office on the first floor of Heggblade Center.

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Use of College Name and Trademark Policy

Use of the College name (including the shortened variants “Claremont McKenna,” “McKenna” and/or “CMC”) or the College’s trademarks/service marks: “STAGS”; “ATHENAS”; or “Leaders in the Making” or the College seal is prohibited except when authorized by the Board of Trustees, the President, the Dean of Students, or the General Secretary of the College. Also included are any combination of the foregoing names, trademarks/service marks and/or seal, including mergers into one word, usage with or without capitalization(s) as one or more words, inclusion as one or more words with/or as part of an Internet website address (irrespective of the highest (“top”) level domain designation used, viz., “.com,” “.org,” etc.) or any other variance of the use of said names, trademarks/service marks and/or seal.

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