2023-2024 Policy Library 
    Oct 18, 2024  
2023-2024 Policy Library [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Retention of College Records

Category: Governance
Title: Institutional Policy on Records Retention
Approved by: President/Senior Staff, Board of Trustees
Date Approved: December 3, 2009
History: N/A
Related Policies: N/A
Additional References: N/A
Responsible Official: Business Office

Policy Statement

Claremont McKenna College (the College) requires that different types of records be retained for specific periods of time, and has designated official repositories and custodians for their maintenance. These records must be managed according to procedures that are outlined in this document. The College is committed to effective records retention to preserve its history, meet legal standards, optimize the use of space, and minimize the cost of record retention.


Entities Covered by this Policy

  • All units of the College
  • Claremont University Consortium (selective units)



Direct any questions about this policy to your department’s supervisor. You may direct questions to the following departments concerning these specific issues:

Electronic Media Storage

Office of Information Technology Services
(909) 607-0911

Permanent Storage of Inactive Physical Records

College Archives/Office of the President
(909) 621-8111

Policy Clarification or Exceptions

Office of the General Counsel
(909) 607-0348



These definitions apply to these terms as they are used in this Policy:

  • Record: A record created by and maintained in any form/medium by Claremont McKenna College with administrative use for the unit that generated and/or is using it. Records remain active for varying numbers of years, depending on the purpose for which they were created and/or used. The unit or office that generates or uses a Record is responsible for managing the Record.
  • Archival Record: A College Record that: (i) is not an Active Record; and (ii) has permanent or historic value.  Archival records are retained and preserved indefinitely in the College Archives.
  • College Archives[1]: The College Archives promotes knowledge and understanding of the College’s origins, aims, programs, and goals, and facilitates effective records management. This includes permanent retention of: (i) relevant College Records as well as reports of the College, its officers, and component parts; (ii) maps and architectural records; (iii) audiovisual materials including still photographs and negatives, motion picture film, oral history interviews, audio and video tapes; and (iv) artifacts and ephemera documenting the College’s history.
  • College Archivist: The individual responsible for i) coordinating which College Records are Archival Records; and ii) effecting the transfer of Archival Records from the office in which they originated or were received to the College Archives at such times and in the manner and form prescribed by the Archives and subject to the appropriate retention and disposition schedules that are outlined in this document.
  • Official Repository: The unit and/or individual designated as having responsibility for managing a particular type of record pursuant to this policy.

[1] As of September 1, 2015, the College does not currently maintain a formal College Archives program and does not have an Archivist. However, the College is considering possible approaches to implementing an Archives program. If you have any questions with respect to whether a particular Record may have potential historic value, please contact the Office of the Secretary of the College.



Introduction to this Policy

Claremont McKenna College requires consistent treatment of Records. Creation, maintenance, retention, disclosure, and disposal procedures for Records must be followed systematically by staff in compliance with this Policy. This policy is intended to ensure that the College:

  • meets legal standards;
  • optimizes the use of space;
  • minimizes the cost of record retention; and
  • preserves the history of the College.



Responsibilities When a Record’s Retention Period has Elapsed

When Record’s respective retention period has elapsed, each unit’s administrative manager or a designee is responsible for determining, in consultation with the College Archivist where appropriate, whether the Record should be destroyed or transferred to the Archives.

Responsibilities Pertaining to Records That Are Not College Records

A Record (the “Definitions” Section of this document) is the original version or official copy of a document or datum that is generated or used by an administrative unit.  If a Record is listed in this Policy, the original or official copy must be retained pursuant to this Policy.

Duplicate or multiple copies of Records, including electronic and paper copies in locations other than Official Repositories, should not be retained once they are no longer actively needed by the possessor.  If you are not sure what qualifies as a Record, check with your unit’s administrative manager or a designee before disposing of it.

Responsibilities for Managing Records

Each unit’s administrative manager or a designee must:

  • Implement the unit’s and/or office’s record management practices;
  • Ensure that these management practices are consistent with this Policy;
  • Educate staff within the administrative unit in understanding sound record management practices;
  • Identify Records that qualify as Archival Records and transfer those Records to the College Archives. Any long-term restrictions on access permissions to an Archival Record should be documented at the time of transfer;
  • Arrange for the routine disposal of Records and other items that do not require retention, including those stored on computer hard drives and file servers; and
  • Recognize that in many instances, the unit that generated or is using the Record may or may not be the Official Repository for that Record.

If you have any questions about your responsibilities, contact the Office of the General Counsel, who will work closely with you to ensure understanding of this policy and implementation of these responsibilities.

Responsibilities of the Official Repository

Departments and units that manage Records are called “Official Repositories.” Official Repositories are responsible for establishing appropriate records management practices.
The Official Repository must ensure that access to confidential files is restricted.
If it has been determined that it is appropriate to dispose of a Record in accordance with the repositories’ records retention schedule, treat them in one of the following ways:

  1. Recycle non-confidential paper Records.
  2. Shred or otherwise render unreadable confidential Records.
  3. Erase or destroy electronically stored Records.

Caution: Periodically review records generated and maintained in College information systems or equipment (including mainframe, cloud, mini, and micro computing/storage systems) to ensure that these requirements are met.

Records Retention: Location and Duration

The tables of Records Types, Repositories, and Durations below list the Official Repositories and how long these records must be retained.

  • Note: The designated Official Repository is generally responsible for determining where such records will be maintained (e.g., on campus or in remote storage).
  • Record retention periods may be modified by government regulation, judicial or administrative consent order, and/or private or governmental contract. Such modifications supersede the requirements listed in this policy. Suspension of record destruction required by any of these reasons will be accomplished by a notice sent out to affected units by the relevant Vice President.
  • Note: No document list can be exhaustive. Questions regarding the retention period for any specific document or class of documents not included in these tables should be addressed to the Office of the General Counsel.

Caution: Departments and units that are not Official Repositories and that retain duplicate or multiple copies of Records should dispose of them when they are no longer useful.

Effect of “Litigation Hold” Memoranda and Similar Documents

From time to time, the College may issue subject-matter specific memoranda (“Litigation Holds”) detailing additional and/or different retention requirements due to pending or threatened litigation, pending or threatened audits, and/or similar events.  Such Litigation Holds must be strictly followed, and their provisions supersede any contrary provisions of this Policy.


Record Retention Types, Repositories, and Retention Durations

Academic Personnel Records

Annual Conflict of Interest Disclosure Declarations
Official Repository: Business Office
Duration of Retention: 3 years

Official Repository: Office of the Dean of the Faculty
Duration of Retention: 3 years from determination (No Cause Findings); Permanent (Cause Findings)

Tenure or Promotion Dossiers
Official Repository: Office of the Dean of the Faculty
Duration of Retention: Permanent (if action approved); 3 years from end of term appointment  (if tenure denied)

Trustee Decisions Regarding Academic Personnel and Designated Executives
Official Repository: Secretary of the College
Duration of Retention: Permanent (in Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes)


Accounting and Finance Records

Account Reconciliations (Balance Sheet)
Official Repository: Appropriate Office or Department
Duration of Retention: 6 years

Accounts Payable Vouchers and Attachments
Official Repository: CUC Office of Financial Services
Duration of Retention: 6 years

Accounts Receivable Statements / 1098s
Official Repository: Business Office
Duration of Retention: 6 years

Accounting Reports (monthly reports), Schedules of Department Balances, Transaction Statements, Account Analysis Statements
Official Repository: Business Office
Duration of Retention: 6 years

Annual Financial Reports
Official Repository: Business Office/ CUC Office of Financial Services
Duration of Retention: Permanent

Banking Records, Including Deposit and Withdrawal Records, Bank Statements and Reconciliation, Voided and Canceled checks
Official Repository: CUC Office of Financial Services
Duration of Retention: 7 years

Capital Equipment Records
Official Repository: Business Office/ Office of Facilities and Campus Services / CUC Office of Financial Services
Duration of Retention: Life of Asset[2]

Cash Receipts
Official Repository: CUC Office of Financial Services
Duration of Retention: 6 years

Depreciation Records
Official Repository: Business Office/ CUC Office of Financial Services
Duration of Retention: Life of Asset

Time and Effort Certifications
Official Repository: Business Office
Duration of Retention: 3 years from date final report submitted

Indirect Cost Rate Calculations
Official Repository: Business Office/ CUC Office of Financial Services
Duration of Retention: 6 years

Journal Entries and Back-up Documentation
Official Repository: Business Office/ CUC Office of Financial Services
Duration of Retention: 10 years

New Account Records and Back-up Documentation
Official Repository: Business Office
Duration of Retention: 6 years after account closing

Procurement Card Charge Documentation
Official Repository: Business Office/ CUC Office of Financial Services
Duration of Retention: 6 years

Salary and Wage Statements (monthly and year-to-date)
Official Repository: Business Office
Duration of Retention: 5 years

Subsidiary Ledgers (Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, etc.)
Official Repository: Business Office/ CUC Office of Financial Services
Duration of Retention: 6 years

Summary Analysis Reports, end of year (Fund, Source, Function)
Official Repository: Business Office/ CUC Office of Financial Services
Duration of Retention: 6 years

Trial Balances
Official Repository: Business Office/ CUC Office of Financial Services
Duration of Retention: 6 years

Travel Reimbursements and Attachments
Official Repository: Business Office/ CUC Office of Financial Services
Duration of Retention: 6 years

Tuition and Fee Charges
Official Repository: Business Office
Duration of Retention: 6 Years

College Audit Work Papers
Official Repository: Business Office/ CUC Office of Financial Services
Duration of Retention: 10 years

[2] Records of equipment purchased on federal funds must be retained for three years after final disposition.


Admission Records, Enrolled Applicants

Common Applications for Admission or Readmission, standardized test scores (ACT, SAT, AP, TOEFL, et.al.), transcripts from high schools and other colleges
Official Repository: Office of the Registrar
Duration of Retention: 10 years beyond the date of last attendance

Letters of Recommendation
Official Repository: Office of Admission
Duration of Retention: Until matriculation

Recruitment Materials
Official Repository: Office of Admission
Duration of Retention: Until date of enrollment

International Student Forms (copy of US Visa, Proof of Financial Responsibility, Certifications of Practical Training including dates)
Official Repository: International Place
Duration of Retention: Electronic; 6 years after separation from CMC


Admission Records, Non-Enrolled Applicants

Admission packet, including, but not limited to, application,standardized test scores (ACT, SAT, AP, TOEFL, et.al.), letters of recommendation, transcripts from high schools and other colleges, correspondence.
Official Repository: Office of Admission
Duration of Retention: 5 years from the term for which they applied


Alumni Relations and Office of Development Records

Alumni Records
Official Repository: Alumni Relations and Office of Development
Duration of Retention: Permanent

Alumni Association Corporate Records (Articles of Incorporation, By-Laws, Meeting Minutes, Tax Returns, etc.)
Official Repository: Alumni Relations
Duration of Retention: Permanent

Gift Records
Official Repository: Office of Development
Duration of Retention: 6 years for hard copy records, permanent for electronic records

Original Gift Letter Agreements
Official Repository: Office of Development
Duration of Retention: Permanent

Planned Gifts (trusts, life income, agreements, annuities) Real Estate Gifts
Official Repository: Office of Development - Planned Giving
Duration of Retention: Permanent

Trust Agreements (in which CMC is designated as Trustee)
Official Repository: Office of Development
Duration of Retention: 7 years after termination of trust


Athletic Records

Team Rosters
Official Repository: Office of the Athletics Director
Duration of Retention: Permanent

NCAA Financial Aid Reports
Official Repository: Office of the Athletics Director / Office of Financial Aid
Duration of Retention: 6 years

Title IX Records
Official Repository: Office of Civil Rights
Duration of Retention: 7 calendar years


Construction Records

As-built Drawings
Official Repository: Office of Facilities and Campus Services / CUC Physical Plant
Duration of Retention: Permanent

Contracts and Agreements
Official Repository: Business Office/ Office of Facilities and Campus Services
Duration of Retention: 6 years after completion


Corporate Records

Accreditation Records
Official Repository: Office of the President
Duration of Retention: Permanent

Board of Trustee Minutes
Official Repository: Secretary of the College
Duration of Retention: Permanent

Official Repository: Secretary of the College
Duration of Retention: Permanent

Articles of Incorporation
Official Repository: Secretary of the College
Duration of Retention: Permanent


Employment Records

Requisition, Job Descriptions, Applications, Human Resource Notes, and Offers
Official Repository: Human Resources
Duration of Retention: Permanent
Format of Record: Electronic

Civil Rights Complaints, Investigations, and Findings
Official Repository: Office of Civil Rights/Human Resources
Duration of Retention: 7 years past conclusion of investigation or 7 years after employment ends, whichever longer


Environmental Health and Safety Records

Evacuation Drill Records
Official Repository: Office of Facilities and Campus Services
Duration of Retention: 7 years

Fire Protection Systems Records
Official Repository: Office of Facilities and Campus Services / CUC Campus Facilities Services
Duration of Retention: 7 years

Fume Hood Testing Records
Official Repository: CUC Campus Facilities Services
Duration of Retention: 3 years

Hazardous Waste Disposal Manifests and Reports
Official Repository: Office of Facilities and Campus Services / CUC Campus Facilities Services
Duration of Retention: 3 years

Safety Training Records - Asbestos, Lead, and Carcinogen or other training pertaining to Environmental Exposures
Official Repository: CUC office of Risk Management and Environmental Health and Safety; Andrea Gale
Duration of Retention: Duration of Employment plus 30 years


Human Resources Records

Employee Environmental Exposure including Chemical Safety and Toxic exposure records
Official Repository: Office of Human Resources
Duration of Retention: Duration of employment plus 30 years

Employee Health Records including first aid records and job injuries causing lost work time
Official Repository: Office of Human Resources
Duration of Retention: Duration of employment plus 5 years following the calendar year to which they relate

Employee Personnel Files (including application, resume, payroll, appointment/salary forms, performance evaluations, individual contracts of employment, and status changes but not Civil Rights complaints)
Official Repository: Office of Human Resources
Duration of Retention: 6 years after termination

Federal Reporting Requirements: Welfare Benefits and other Fringe Benefit Plans (i.e., 5500-s)
Official Repository: CUC Benefits Administration
Duration of Retention: Permanent
Format of Record: Electronic

Injury and Illness Prevention Program - Inspection Records
Official Repository: Office of Human Resources
Duration of Retention: 5 years

Injury and Illness Prevention Program - Training Records
Official Repository: Office of Human Resources
Duration of Retention: 5 years

I-9 Forms (Faculty and Staff)
Official Repository: Office of Human Resources
Duration of Retention: 3 years, or 1 year after termination (whichever is greater)

I-9 Forms (Students)
Official Repository: Office of Human Resources
Duration of Retention: 3 years, or 1 year after termination (whichever is greater)

Job Advertisements / Postings
Official Repository: Office of Human Resources
Duration of Retention: 2 years from date of personnel action

Payroll Documents
(See Payroll Records)

Union Agreement (If Any)
Official Repository: Office of Human Resources
Duration of Retention: 3 years

Official Repository: Office of Human Resources
Duration of Retention: 6 years

Workers’ Compensation Claims and Insurance Policies
Official Repository: CUC Office of Disability Administration
Duration of Retention: 7 years after separation of employment

Other Leave Documents
Official Repository: CUC Office of Disability Administration
Duration of Retention: 3 years after separation of employment


Insurance Records

Certificates of Insurance
Official Repository: CUC Office of Risk Management
Duration of Retention: Permanent
Format of Record: Electronic

Insurance Policies (Liability, Property, and Other Policies)
Official Repository: CUC Office of Risk Management
Duration of Retention: Permanent
Format of Record: Electronic


Legal Records

Consent Orders
Official Repository: Office of the General Counsel
Duration of Retention: Permanent

Court Orders
Official Repository: Office of the General Counsel
Duration of Retention: Permanent

Official Repository: Office of the General Counsel
Duration of Retention: Permanent

Official Repository: Office of the General Counsel
Duration of Retention: Permanent

Official Repository: Office of the General Counsel
Duration of Retention: Permanent


Medical Records

Student Health, Counseling and Psychological Services
Official Repository: CUC Office of Student Health and Counseling Services
Duration of Retention: 7 years from date of initial appointment


Minors on Campus

Program Documents (includes College registration form and all forms filled out by participants)
Official Repository: Business Office
Duration of Retention: 2 years from date participating minor turns 18 years old


Patents and Trademarks owned by CMC

Invention Assignment Forms
Official Repository: Office of the Dean of the Faculty
Duration of Retention: Permanent

Licensing Agreements
Official Repository: Office of the Dean of the Faculty
Duration of Retention: 6 years

Original Patents, Trademarks, and Related Work Papers
Official Repository: Office of the Dean of the Faculty
Duration of Retention: Permanent

Royalty Records
Official Repository: Office of the Dean of the Faculty
Duration of Retention: Life of Patent or TM plus 6 years


Payroll Records

Annual Payment Records (W2, Alpha lists, employee transaction lists)
Official Repository: CUC Financial Services Office
Duration of Retention: 6 years

Imputed Income Records (auto usage, CCTS)
Official Repository: CUC Financial Services Office
Duration of Retention: 5 years

Information Returns filed with Federal and State authorities (W-2, 941, 1042S, etc.)
Official Repository: CUC Financial Services Office
Duration of Retention: 6 years

Leave Reporting Documents
Official Repository: CUC Financial Services Office
Duration of Retention: 3 years

Payroll Deduction Authorization Forms (W4, DBD, CFCU, Bonds)
Official Repository: CUC Financial Services Office
Duration of Retention: 6 years after employment ends

Payroll Vouchers
Official Repository: CUC Financial Services Office
Duration of Retention: 5 years

Record of Payments and Deductions (payroll registers, deductions lists, adjustments)
Official Repository: CUC Financial Services Office
Duration of Retention: 5 years

Time Cards, student
Official Repository: Appropriate Department/CUC Financial Services Office
Duration of Retention: 5 years

Time Cards, other
Official Repository: Appropriate Department/CUC Financial Services Office
Duration of Retention: 5 years

Time Cards, ERISA plan participants
Official Repository: Appropriate Department/CUC Financial Services Office
Duration of Retention: 5 years


Pension Records

Employee Eligibility for Pension
Official Repository: CUC Office of Benefits
Duration of Retention: 6 years but not less than one year following a plan termination 

Employee Personal Information (name, address, SSN, period of employment)
Official Repository: CUC Office of Benefits
Duration of Retention: 6 years but not less than one year following a plan termination 

Employee Service Records
Official Repository: CUC Office of Benefits
Duration of Retention: 6 years but not less than one year following a plan termination 

Plan Administrator Setting Forth Authority to Pay, Records of
Official Repository: CUC Office of Benefits
Duration of Retention: 6 years but not less than one year following a plan termination 

Pension Paid to Employees or their Beneficiaries
Official Repository: CUC Office of Benefits
Duration of Retention: 6 years but not less than one year following a plan termination 

Pension Plans and All Attached Amendments
Official Repository: CUC Office of Benefits
Duration of Retention: Permanent

Pensions or Pension Plans Filed with the Department of Labor and Internal Revenue Service
Official Repository: CUC Office of Benefits
Duration of Retention: Permanent


Planning and Budget Records

Plans and Projections (incl. Campus Master Plan, Budget Projections, Strategic Plans)
Official Repository: Business Office/ Office of Planning
Duration of Retention: 4 years after replacement is adopted


Public Affairs and Communications Records

New Photography (since 2004)
Official Repository: Office of Public Affairs and Communications
Duration of Retention: Permanent
Format of Retention: Electronic

Archival Photography (pre-2004) - Faculty Headshots
Official Repository: Office of Public Affairs and Communications
Duration of Retention: Permanent

Archival Photography (pre-2004) - Campus and Buildings
Official Repository: Office of Public Affairs and Communications
Duration of Retention: Permanent

News Releases
Official Repository: Office of Public Affairs and Communications
Duration of Retention: 2 years for paper records; Permanent for electronic records

CMC Magazine
Official Repository: Office of Public Affairs and Communications
Duration of Retention: Hard copy and digital: 4 years; transferred to College Archives after 4 years

Emergency/Crisis - Media and Communications-Related
Official Repository: Office of Public Affairs and Communications
Duration of Retention: Permanent

Media and Communications Related for Key Administrators, Faculty, Students, Alumni, etc.
Official Repository: Office of Public Affairs and Communications
Duration of Retention: Until death, then to College Archives

Vendor Contracts - Media, Communications, and Publications Related
Official Repository: Office of Public Affairs and Communications
Duration of Retention: 3 years


Public Safety Records

Reports (including crime, accident or property damage)
Official Repository: Office of Campus Safety
Duration of Retention: 7 years

Daily Crime and Daily Activity Logs
Official Repository: Office of Campus Safety
Duration of Retention: 7 years

Emergency Notification Reports and Timely Warnings
Official Repository: Office of Campus Safety
Duration of Retention: 7 years

Annual Safety and Fire Reports
Official Repository: Assistant Vice President for Investigations
Duration of Retention: 7 years


Publications, Statistical Data/Documents, Reports, and External Surveys

Institutional statistics and related reports or surveys (Factbook, IPEDS, Fact Sheet etc)
Official Repository: Office of Institutional Research
Duration of Retention: Permanent
Format of Record: Paper or Electronic

Course Offerings
Official Repository: Office of the Registrar
Duration of Retention: Permanent
Format of Record: Electronic

College Catalog
Official Repository: Office of the Registrar
Duration of Retention: Permanent
Format of Record: Paper or Electronic

Commencement Programs
Official Repository: Office of the Registrar
Duration of Retention: Permanent

External Surveys for publication and college publications
Official Repository: Office of Institutional Research
Duration of Retention: 5 years from date of submission


Purchasing Records

Purchase Orders, Contracts, Agreements
Official Repository: Appropriate Department/Business Office
Duration of Retention: 6 years


Real Property Records

Documents for leases, licenses, construction contracts and other contracts of a temporary nature valued at less than $50,000
Official Repository: CUC Office of Real Estate
Duration of Retention: 6 years after expiration of lease or contract term

Property Deeds, Easements, Licenses, Rights of Way, Leases, Rights of First Refusal, Remainder Interests, Mortgages
Official Repository: CUC Office of Real Estate
Duration of Retention: Permanent

Property Tax Returns filed with taxing jurisdiction
Official Repository: CUC Office of Real Estate
Duration of Retention: 6 years

Title Insurance Policies
Official Repository: CUC Office of Real Estate
Duration of Retention: 10 years after disposal of property


Sponsored Projects Contracts, Grants

Animal Welfare Records
Official Repository: Office of the Dean of the Faculty - Sponsored Research / Keck Science Office
Duration of Retention: 3 years after close of grant

Animal Welfare Records (for Vertebrate Animals)
Official Repository: Office of the Dean of the Faculty - Sponsored Research / Keck Science Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee
Duration of Retention: 3 years after close of grant and a current Public Health Service Approved Assurance that any animal facility must be registered with the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture

Grant and Contract Application, Proposals, and Supporting Documentation
Official Repository: Office of the Dean of the Faculty - Sponsored Research & Business Office
Duration of Retention: 3 years after close of grant

Human Subject Records
Official Repository: Office of the Dean of the Faculty- Sponsored Research / Institutional Review Board
Duration of Retention: 3 years after close of grant

Recombinant DNA Research Records
Official Repository: Office of the Dean of the Faculty / Keck Science Office / Institutional Bio-safety Committee
Duration of Retention: Permanent

Real Property and Equipment acquired With Federal Funds
Official Repository: Business Office
Duration of Retention: 3 years after final disposition


Student Loan Records

Student Loan Records
Official Repository: CUC Office of Financial Services
Duration of Retention: 3 years after the loan has been repaid in full


Student Records, Enrolled

CMC Academic Records (CMC student transcripts, including transcript notations, degrees, honors and awards)
Official Repository: Office of the Registrar
Duration of Retention: Permanent
Format of Record: Paper or Electronic

Student Academic Records, including student petitions/outcomes, Academic Standards Committee actions, application materials, correspondence related to degree progress for matriculated students, and requests for disclosures from third parties
Official Repository: Office of the Registrar
Duration of Retention: 10 years beyond the last date of attendance
Format of Record: Paper or Electronic

Changes to Name or ID number
Official Repository: Office of the Registrar
Duration of Retention: Permanent
Format of Record: Electronic

Class Rosters
Official Repository: Office of the Registrar
Duration of Retention: Permanent
Format of Record: Electronic

Disciplinary Records
Official Repository: Office of the Dean of Students
Duration of Retention: 7 calendar years

Title IX Records
Official Repository: Office of Civil Rights
Duration of Retention: 7 years after investigation or student leaving institution, whichever longer

Financial Aid Records (applicants who do not enroll)
Official Repository: Office of Financial Aid
Duration of Retention: 3 years from date would have enrolled

Financial Aid Records (applicants who enroll)
Official Repository: Office of Financial Aid
Duration of Retention: 5 years from graduation date for paper records; 10 years for electronic files

Grade Rosters
Official Repository: Office of the Registrar
Duration of Retention: 1 calendar year from recording if submitted on paper; permanent in electronic form

Veteran Administration Enrollment Certifications
Official Repository: Office of the Registrar
Duration of Retention: 10 years beyond the last date of attendance


Tax Records

Excise Tax Returns (if applicable)
Official Repository: Business Office/ CUC Office of Financial Services
Duration of Retention: 6 years

Income Tax Returns (if applicable)
Official Repository: Business Office/ CUC Office of Financial Services
Duration of Retention: Permanent

Information Returns (990, 1099, 8282, 199 etc.)
Official Repository: Business Office/ CUC Office of Financial Services
Duration of Retention: Permanent

Sales Tax Returns
Official Repository: CUC Office of Financial Services
Duration of Retention: 6 years

