2023-2024 Policy Library 
    Feb 17, 2025  
2023-2024 Policy Library [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Search and Confiscation Policy

Room Entry

The College endeavors to ensure that the residents of on-campus residence hall rooms and apartment units receive reasonable notice prior to entry by College staff or Campus Safety personnel for purposes of verifying occupancy, cleaning, maintenance, repair, inventory, construction, or inspection; however, College staff and Campus Safety personnel may enter an on-campus residence hall room or apartment unit without notice in any of the following circumstances:

  1. To investigate or respond to a perceived emergency;
  2. To investigate or respond to a perceived threat to health, safety or property;
  3. To confirm evacuation during fire alarms;
  4. To perform any housekeeping or maintenance services;
  5. To confirm that a room or apartment is unoccupied during periods when the College is not in session or after a resident’s right to occupy a particular room or apartment has terminated; and
  6. With the authorization from the Dean of Students or designee, to investigate a reasonable suspicion that a violation of College rules or regulations or of any federal, state or local laws has occurred or is occurring inside a particular room or apartment.

Under any of the foregoing circumstances, it is not necessary that any room or apartment resident be notified or present, and no refusal by a room or apartment resident shall prevent an entry or inspection. However, following any entry made without notice pursuant to Sections 1(a), 1(b) or 1(f), the College will endeavor to inform any residents of a room or apartment, who were not present at the time of such entry, that an entry has occurred. Pursuant to the above, College staff and Campus Safety personnel may enter any portion of the room or apartment and search any personal property or area thereof.

The College cannot prevent or prohibit the search of students’ rooms or College premises by law enforcement officers acting in the performance of their duty. It is expected, however, that the ordinary requirements for lawful search will be followed.

Confiscation of Items or Substances

College staff or Campus Safety may confiscate and not return any item or substance found anywhere on campus, including in a locker, vehicle, residence hall room or apartment unit, if College staff or Campus Safety reasonably determine that such item or substance is associated with or evidences a violation of any College rule or regulation or any federal, state or local law. The College may take any action that it deems reasonably necessary to assure the health and safety of students, staff, faculty, or visitors, or to preserve evidence of any violation of any College rule or regulation or any federal, state or local law, including securing and preventing access to any item, substance or area on campus (including rooms, apartments or vehicles).

Access to Campus Facilities

No student may change or cause to be changed any lock or place any additional lock on any door, window or other closure, or otherwise block or impede passage through any door, doorway, window, entryway, hallway, stairway, ramp, elevator, or passage.