2023-2024 Policy Library 
    Feb 13, 2025  
2023-2024 Policy Library [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Student Resources

The resources listed below are available to you as students.  Please click on the links to learn more or to be directed to the websites of these helpful departments and services. 

Campus Dining

Collins Hall

Collins Hall is the College’s dining hall. Three meals are served daily, Monday through Friday, and a brunch and dinner are served on weekends. The College plan allows students to dine at any of the dining facilities on the other Claremont College campuses as well (some restrictions may apply).

In addition to the regular dining schedule, Collins will frequently provide food and equipment for student groups who wish to have special events outside of the dining hall with a specified deposit (refundable).

Collins Dining Hall has three private dining rooms available for use during meal hours. The rooms may be reserved in advance through the office manager [(909) 607-2883] by groups who wish to meet during meal hours. Comments about the food service and dining facilities should be directed to the Food Service Committee. The committee is composed of students and administrators who meet to discuss food service at CMC. Students are appointed to the committee by nomination of the ASCMC Senate and the Office of the Dean of Students.

The Hub Grill and Store

The Hub Grill offers paninis, burgers, sandwiches, and smoothies that are made to order, as well as an extensive selection of “grab and go” salads, wraps, and healthy snacks. The Store provides a variety of sundries and snacks and the lounge offers students a place to relax, play pool, watch t.v. or catch up on homework. Alcoholic beverages are not permitted on the premises of the Hub unless written permission has been granted by the Dean of Students Office. The Hub Supervisor can be reached at (909) 607-7790.

Campus Safety

Campus Safety personnel are on duty 24 hours a day year round to help provide safety and security for our students, faculty, and staff. Campus Safety may be reached by dialing (909) 607-2000 or extension 72000 from an on-campus phone.

Campus Safety is staffed by full-time and part-time employees who are specifically trained and responsible for a full range of public safety services including: crime reports; enforcement of all federal, state and local laws, as well as College policies and regulations; responding to suspicious activity/persons/calls, medical emergencies, fire emergencies, traffic accidents, and safety hazards; parking and traffic enforcement; escort services; and a host of related safety services. Campus Safety officers are not sworn police officers but have advanced training to support their swift and coordinated work with the Claremont Police Department when unusual, suspicious or hazardous conditions are reported or observed.

Campus Safety staff are available to help keep our community safe and to promote the elimination and reduction of crime. Ultimately, each of us is responsible for our own safety and security. You are strongly encouraged to follow the safety tips below:

  • Report all crimes and suspicious activity/persons immediately to (909) 607-2000, or 9-1-1 if it is an emergency. Prompt reporting may assist in the apprehension and prevention of future crimes.
  • Keep your room door locked and don’t prop exterior doors.
  • Request escort service when traveling alone on campus at night.
  • Participate in crime prevention programs.

All students, faculty, and staff must register their cars and motorcycles with Campus Safety every academic year. Vehicles can be registered at Campus Safety anytime. Temporary parking permits are required for visitors and are available at the Campus Safety Office.

Campus-wide Lost and Found is located in the Campus Safety Office.

Campus Safety is located at 150 E. Eighth Street. 

Cultural Resources

Chicano/Latino Student Affairs Center

The Chicano/Latino Student Affairs Center (CLSA) is an educational support service that addresses student needs through academic, social and cultural programs. CLSA seeks to build community through a variety of activities and events designed to bring students together on a five-college basis. Specifically, the New Student Retreat, Latino Heritage Month, Día de la Familia, monthly lunches, study breaks, movie series, guest lectures and César Chávez Commemoration Program help students to network and form bonds of friendship and support. Moreover, every new student is mentored through the CLSA Sponsor Program.

Programs are provided that enrich student cultural identity, promote social awareness and develop leadership roles in the college community. CLSA offers services and activities that celebrate the history, heritage and culture of Chicanos and Latinos.

CLSA is located at 757 College Way, on the second floor of the Student Services Center.

Office of Black Student Affairs (OBSA)

The Office of Black Student Affairs supports and enhances the well-being of undergraduate and graduate students of African descent earning degrees at The Claremont Colleges. We collaborate with faculty, staff, administrators, and alumni to ensure a comprehensive consideration and creation of co-curricular centerpieces that include culturally significant scholarship, programming, and events. Since OBSA honors our communities’ collective and individual diversity, we explore a breadth of Black life and culture by offering a series of leadership , engagement and service opportunities that range from academic services and career advising to active collaborations with student-led groups, departments and service units within the Claremont Colleges. OBSA is committed to diversity, and our programs and services are open to all students of The Claremont Colleges. Our signature events and activities include the OBSA Annual First Year Retreat, OBSA Mentorship, MLK Jr Convocation, Black History Month programs, Faculty Fireside Chats, Artist in Residency, Voices poetry readings, and Black Graduation.

The Office of Black Student Affairs is located at 139 E. Seventh Street.


McAlister Center for Religious Activities- Office of the Chaplains

The Interfaith Office of the Chaplains guides and nurtures students in the explorations, observances, and questions of religious and spiritual life. The chaplains assist students in making contact with members of their own community of belief, coordinate and oversee a wide variety of worship services, activities, programs, interfaith events and pastoral counseling. Among the faiths participating at McAlister are the Buddhist, Catholic, Christian Science, Hindu, Jewish, Latter-Day Saints, Muslim, PAGAN, Protestant, Unitarian, Zen, and other communities. Social justice and service learning programs are organized by the Chaplains’ Community Service and Activities Coordinator. At McAlister Center for Religious Activities, located adjacent to Honnold/ Mudd Library, is a chapel, fireside lounge, library and the Chaplains’ offices.

Please visit the McAlister Center website for a schedule of worship services. 

Queer Resource Center

The mission of the Queer Resource Center (QRC) of The Claremont Colleges is to empower each lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer/questioning, intersex, asexual/agender (i.e., LGBTQIA+) person to have a positive college experience, grow as a self-aware individual, and be a responsible community member. The QRC does this through enlivening its physical space, providing quality programming, building strong relationships, encouraging personal growth, ensuring safety, and documenting history. In working towards these goals, the QRC recognizes and actively addresses the diversity within and beyond the queer community. This includes, but is not limited to, sexual orientation, gender identity, race, ethnicity, sex, class, religion, ability, and so forth. The QRC provides year-round Ally Trainings for Claremont College students, faculty, and staff and offers students mentorship opportunities through QQMP (i.e., Queer and Questioning Mentor Program) and LEGS (i.e., Leadership and Engagement in Gender and Sexuality) to connect with queer life on and off-campus. Major programming efforts include planning social, educational, and political programs including but not limited to queer faculty and staff luncheons, gaymer nights, queer cooking and movie nights, events focused on queer and trans people of color (i.e., QTPOC), Gaypril events, and Lavender Graduation for graduating students. The Director and Assistant Director are available to meet with students during weekly office hours at the QRC alongside providing co-sponsorship funding, HIV testing every first Tuesday of the month, a large library collection of LGBTQIA+-related DVD’s and books for check-out, a free clothing closet, and referrals to LGBTQIA+ resources and services on and off-campus. The QRC is equipped with 24/7 card-swipe access so students can access the space at their convenience together with an accessibility door. The lounge can be used and reserved for student club meetings, doing homework/studying with friends, or hosting LGBTQIA+ events and programming.

The QRC is located at Pomona College in Walton Commons. 

Facilities and Campus Services

Story House, located at the south side of Collins Hall, houses Facilities and Campus Services which includes housekeeping, grounds and maintenance services, and mail distribution. Facility problems in residence halls should be reported via the CMC web page/student gateway work order link.

Lost and Found

A lost and found service is provided in the mailroom at Story House and at Collins Dining Hall. Items not identified and claimed by the end of the school year are donated. Keys not claimed by the end of the school year are sent to Campus Safety. Students who discover anything missing should notify their Resident Assistant and Campus Safety and send a message to mailroom@cmc.edu. If you are unable to locate the item and the loss could result in an insurance claim, you should report the loss to the Campus Safety Department for documentation. If you need a copy of the Campus Safety report for an insurance claim, contact the Dean of Students Office.


All students are issued a campus mailbox. The campus mailing address is:

Student Name (full name/no nicknames)
Mailbox #
742 Amherst Avenue
Claremont, California 91711-6430

Packages may be picked up and stamps purchased at the Story House mailroom window during posted hours. Mail that is sent to an incorrect address or does not have a box number will be delayed in processing. Your mailbox is not a P.O. box. You can send letters, magazine subscriptions, perishable deliveries, and packages to your assigned mailbox. Your mailbox number does not change while you are a student at CMC. Please verify that you are always using the correct box number when ordering or shipping items. Deliveries cannot be made to residence halls. The mailroom accepts and signs for deliveries from all carriers including USPS, UPS, FedEx, Ontrac, and DHL in bulk. C.O.D. packages are not accepted. The mailroom does not sign for alcohol or any deliveries that violate school policy. There are no deliveries over the weekend. Packages scheduled to be delivered on Saturday or Sunday will be held by the carrier and delivered on Monday. Mailboxes are accessible in the mailroom lobby with a card key 24 hours a day, except during breaks in the academic year.

Financial Aid

The Office of Financial Aid coordinates scholarships, provides need-based grants, and processes educational loans for students and parents. Financial counseling is available to help students and their families through the process of financing their education. Students requiring additional assistance handling current or future educational expenses should not hesitate to contact the Office of Financial Aid at: finaid@cmc.edu. Students who do not receive need-based aid and who would like to discuss financing options are also encouraged to contact the Office of Financial Aid.

Financial aid awards are reviewed annually and are determined using information provided on the student’s Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and their CSS Profile. Visit our website for additional information on the aid application process and deadlines. Students are responsible for completing the process each year by the posted dates.

Students who did not apply for or did not receive need-based financial aid upon admission are not guaranteed they will receive financial aid or be considered for financial aid in future years while enrolled at Claremont McKenna College.

The Office of Financial Aid is located in the Lower Courtyard of the Kravis Center at 888 Columbia Avenue.

Health and Wellness

Health Education Outreach

At Health Education Outreach (HEO) our mission is to provide educational programming, services, and resources that will enable students of The Claremont Colleges to play active roles in achieving, protecting, and sustaining health and wellness. HEO is dedicated to helping you find the most appropriate health and wellness information and support available. We provide educational workshops, services, and resources including: alcohol and tobacco education; recreational and prescription drug information; nutrition information and disordered eating education; sexual health information; free and anonymous HIV testing on campus; wellness counseling; referrals to local and national information and help lines; free condoms, ear plugs, and lubrications; a library of health and wellness resources including books, periodicals, pamphlets, and videos; and a “relaxation room” featuring a full body massage chair available for individual student use. A Registered Dietitian is available for nutritional and health assessments and counseling.

HEO is located at 757 College Way (across from Huntley Bookstore).

Monsour Counseling and Psychological Services

Monsour Counseling and Psychological Services (MCAPS) has a staff of Ph.D. and Psy.D. psychologists as well as post-doctoral therapists who provide therapeutic services to help students develop emotionally and cope with the stresses of college life. Psychiatrists are available for psychiatric assessments, psychotropic medication management, and referrals to community providers for stimulant medications. Short-term individual, couples, and group therapy are provided confidentially. Workshops and structured groups are offered on topics such as eating disorders, relationship issues, enhancing self-esteem, sexual abuse, relaxation, and graduate/reentry support. Referrals are made to mental health resources in the community when necessary.

Students with personal concerns or those simply wishing to talk with someone are welcome. There is no charge for MCAPS services, although a $15 charge may be assessed for any missed appointment not cancelled two hours in advance with the psychiarist, or for a new student appointment with a psychologist or therapist. For an appointment call (909) 621-8202.

MCAPS is located at 757 College Way, immediately south of Honnold Library.

Student Health Services

Student Health Services is the primary health care clinic for all students of The Claremont Colleges. Health care is available during the academic year except for winter break. The Center is staffed by doctors, nurse practitioners, and nurses. Appointments  may be scheduled by telephone, (909) 621-8222, starting at 8:00 a.m. A $15 charge will be assessed for any missed appointments not cancelled two hours in advance. Un-scheduled patients that walk in are triaged to appropriate care and are charged $15. There is no charge for regular scheduled appointments or urgent care. Urgent care is available for serious illness or trauma as determined by the triage nurse (e.g., bleeding, possible fracture). There are fees for supplies, lab tests, medications, x-rays, etc., as needed. Charges do not have to be paid at the time of service. All students are required to have a health history, physical exam, and immunization record on file at Student Health Services. These forms are required for initial admission to CMC as a freshman or transfer student. All students’ records are confidential. Medical records are not made available to anyone without the student’s permission. If an urgent medical problem occurs after the Student Health Center is closed for the day, students should request the assistance of the Resident Assistant on call. If further information is needed, Student Health Services staff is available for telephone consultation by calling Campus Safety at (909) 607-2000. Emergency health services and other special services are available to students at two nearby hospitals: Pomona Valley Hospital Medical Center, (909) 865-9500, and San Antonio Community Hospital, (909) 985-2811, both within five miles of campus, or the Pomona Valley Health Center at Claremont Urgent Care Center, 1601 Monte Vista Avenue, Claremont [(909) 865-9977]. 

Student Health Services is located at 757 College Way, in front of Honnold Library.

Notary Public

Notary Public services are available at no charge for CMC students, faculty, and staff. Katherine Rubel [(909) 621-8036, CUC Administrative Campus Center, 101 South Mills Avenue] and her staff are commissioned by the State of California to notarize documents. Please call ahead to schedule an appointment. A valid form of identification (i.e., driver’s license or passport) is required.