2023-2024 Policy Library 
    Mar 29, 2025  
2023-2024 Policy Library [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Student Code of Conduct

Claremont McKenna College is an educational institution and as such expects students to conduct themselves in a responsible manner with respect for others and the College’s educational and administrative processes and policies.  This Student Code of Conduct outlines the College’s general expectations for student conduct and prohibited behaviors including, but are not limited to, the following:

1. Disorderly or Disruptive Conduct

Actions which materially disturb or disrupt (or encourage others to materially disturb or disrupt) the physical safety of the community (or any community member) or the normal functions of the College (including teaching or research; administrative functions; disciplinary proceedings; other College-sponsored activities, on or off campus; or other authorized or permissible activities that take place on campus), or which materially and unreasonably disturb or disrupt (or encourage others to materially and unreasonably disturb or disrupt) the residential life enviornment.

2. Causing Injury or Intimidation

Actions which cause, or could cause, personal injury or death.  Such actions include, but are not limited to, physically assaulting, threatening to assault, or intimidating another person (regardless of whether the intimidation included any physical violence).

3. Damage to, Misuse, or Unauthorized Use or possession of Property

Such actions include, but are not limited to:

  • Abusing, mishandling, or misappropriating the property, equipment, materials, or accounts of the College or members of The Claremont Colleges community;
  • Damaging, destroying, borrowing without authorization, or misusing any property belonging to the College or another member of and/or visitor to The Claremont Colleges;
  • Entering, using, or occupying College property without authorization;
  • Unauthorized access to computers, computer systems, and/or computer data (see also the CMC and CUC Appropriate Use of Computer and Network Resources policies); and
  • Other conduct or actions in which the integrity of the College’s physical facilities or grounds are threatened or harmed or could reasonably be expected to result in damage or harm.

4. Theft and/or Possession of Stolen Property

Such actions include, but are not limited to:

  • Stealing, or borrowing without authorization, College property or property belonging to members of and/or visitors to The Claremont Colleges; and
  • Knowingly possessing stolen property.

5. False Information

Actions that violate or misrepresent agreements, contracts, documents, or relationships relating to the College and/or its activities. Such actions include, but are not limited to:

  • Providing false information to College personnel, on College forms and documents, or on non-CMC forms related to your status as a student;
  • Providing false information regarding your status as a student or your relationship with the College; 
  • Forging, altering or misusing College documents, including electronic records;
  • Falsely representing any person or organization as an agent or employee of the College; and
  • Unauthorized use of the College’s name, trademarks or service marks (see the College Name and Trademark Policy).

6. Indecent Exposure

Exposing genitalia, buttocks or breasts/nipples (except for the purpose of breastfeeding children) in a publicly-viewable location when such exposure would not be reasonably expected, regardless of whether the exposure was with a lewd or sexual intent or conducted in a lewd or sexual manner.

7. Failure to Comply

Such actions include, but are not limited to:

  • Actions that fail to comply with the directions of a College official, including but not limited to Campus Safety staff (or third parties employed by Campus Safety to perform Campus Safety functions),  Resident Assistants, and officials from the other Claremont Colleges or Claremont University Consortium.  This includes failure to identify oneself to any of these individuals when requested to do so.
  • Actions that violate an order of the President, notice of which has been given prior to such violation.  Such an order, issued in unusual or emergency situations, will be given reasonably wide publicity and will have specified starting and expiration times.  An order of the President which would subject a person violating it to possible suspension will so plainly state in the text of the order.

8. Aiding and Assisting

Actions that assist, urge, encourage or solicit another person to violate the Student Code Conduct and/or other College policy including, but not limited to, those provided in the CMC Guide to Student Life  and those established by College officials and offices for the implementation of a program and/or service.

9. Interference with the College’s Discipline or Grievance Processes

Actions which hinder a College official, including individuals contracted with by the College to perform a function, in the performance of duties related to an investigation or College discipline or grievance process (“process”).  Such actions include, but are not limited to:

  • Failure to comply with a request from a College official to participate in a meeting associated with a process, including failing to participate as a witness;
  • Providing false, misleading or distorted information, including filing a false complaint, or willfully failing to disclose information during any process;
  • Engaging in conduct that violates the instructions of a College official or that inhibits the College’s effective adherence to its procedures;
  • Interrupting or obstructing any process meeting or proceeding;
  • Influencing or attempting to influence another person to abuse the process;
  • Attempting to influence or dissuade another person’s participation in the process including, but not limited to, discouraging another person from filing a complaint or serving as a witness or attempting to influence a College official in their role with the process;
  • Retaliating against another person for participating in any process, such as making a complaint, serving as a witness, etc.; and
  • Failure to comply with the sanction(s) imposed as a result of any process.

10. Seeking a College benefit to which a student is not entitled

11. Other Non-Academic Policy Violations

Actions that violate other College policies including but not limited to, those provided in this Guide to Student Life  (e.g. Alcohol and Other Drugs Policy; Hazing Policy; Discrimination, Harassment, Sexual Harassment and Sexual Misconduct Policy; Smoking Policy, etc.) and those established by College officials/offices for the implementation of a program or service (e.g.:  policies related to off-campus study, student events, etc.).

12. Other Claremont Colleges Policies

Actions that violate the policies governing student conduct on the campuses and off-campus programs of any of the other Claremont Colleges while on that campus.

13. Violations of the Law

Behaviors which constitute violations of any Federal, Local, or State laws.

13. Attempts

Any attempt to commit any of the above offenses.

Violations of the Student Code of Conduct will result in disciplinary action through the College’s Student Conduct Process. In addition to the prohibited conduct listed in the Student Code of Conduct and other College policies found in the CMC Guide to Student Life , the College prohibits discrimination, unlawful harassment, sexual misconduct, stalking, and hazing. These policies and the grievance procedures for responding to alleged violations of them can be found in the Civil Rights Policy .