2023-2024 Policy Library 
    Oct 18, 2024  
2023-2024 Policy Library [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Faculty Technology Budget Upgrades

Volume X: Information Technology Services
Chapter Workstations: Faculty Technology Budget Upgrades
Approved by: Committee on Academic Computing (CAC); subsequently by the Administrative Computing Committee (ACC)
History: Issued 10/7/1999; Revised 10/11/1999, ACC - 4/3/2009, 12/14/2009
Related Policies: Backup and Recovery of User Files on Network Servers, Department Technology Budget Upgrades, Purchase of Obsolete Workstation from the College, Replacement Cycle of Workstations, Staff Upgrade Budget, Standard Faculty and Staff Workstation Screen-Saver Policy, Standard Staff Printer Hardware Configuration, Standard Workstation Hardware and Software Configuration
Additonal References: N/A
Responsible Official: Office of Information Technology Services

Policy Statement

  • To outline the use of the Individual Faculty Account for technology upgrades on behalf of faculty computing needs.


Entities Covered by this Policy

  • This policy covers all technology hardware and software purchased in whole or in part with College funds from the Individual Faculty Account for faculty use at Claremont McKenna College.



Direct any questions about this policy to your department’s supervisor. Questions about specific issues may be addressed to the Chief Technology Officer (909-607-1553).



It is recognized that a standard workstation configuration (hardware and software) may not meet the needs of all faculty members. As part of their research or instruction, they may need to upgrade their workstation configuration, or to purchase a second machine, peripherals, or specialty software. The Individual Faculty Account is a budget created by the Dean of the Faculty’s office to accommodate such needs. The faculty member will work with the college to determine the upgrades. Authorized ITS personnel of the college will install upgrades on supported workstations.



  1. ITS will provide a standard primary workstation for all full-time faculty members. ITS will continue to charge the IFA for any overages for the standard primary workstation if the faculty member requests an upgraded machine. Each faculty member who uses the IFA in this way will sign an agreement that states that they understand that the computer is a CMC asset and that they must agree to return the asset should they leave the college. This workstation will be tagged and inventoried, and fully supported by ITS.
  2. For additional faculty workstations, ITS will continue to facilitate purchase of standard equipment if the faculty member so requests it, and the total amount will come out of the faculty member’s IFA, or in some cases, start up funds.
    • Standard workstation: If the item is standard, ITS will identify specifications, order, and fully support the machine. However, there is no promise of a four year replacement for machines bought outside of the standard primary workstation agreement. The value of the machine will be considered a taxable benefit to the faculty member should the person wish to take it with them; additionally, the faculty member will be responsible for removing all CMC licensed software from the machine. The taxable benefit would occur at the time the faculty member left the College and took the asset. The taxable benefit will be based on a depreciation rate of four years, calculated by a straight-line depreciation of the computers over four years. After four years the computer is deemed a zero dollar asset.
    • Non-standard workstation: If a faculty member prefers to purchase an asset that is outside of the standard, the faculty member must gain the Dean of Faculty’s permission after consulting with the Director of ITCS (or the Director’s delegate). There is no promise of a four year replacement. ITS will not support the machine, and it will not be connected to the CMC wired network. The value of the machine will be considered a taxable benefit to the faculty member should the person wish to take it with them; additionally, the faculty member will be responsible for removing all CMC licensed software from the machine. The taxable benefit would occur at the time the faculty member left the College and took the asset. The taxable benefit will be based on a depreciation rate of four years, calculated by a straight-line depreciation of the computers over four years. After four years the computer is deemed a zero dollar asset.