2022-2023 Policy Library 
    Feb 13, 2025  
2022-2023 Policy Library [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Chapter 2 Governance of the College and the Faculty

2.1 Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees is the is the ultimate authority for all matters related to the College. The Board has several standing committees including a committee on Academic Affairs that oversees the academic programs of The College. The Board makes final decisions on faculty personnel matters such as appointment (both tenure- and non-tenure-track), promotion, tenure, and sabbaticals. The President of the College is a member of the Board of Trustees.

2.2 Administrative Governance of the College

According to the College’s Bylaws, the Officers are the Board Chair, the Vice-Chair(s), the President, the Chief Financial Officer, the Secretary of the College, Vice Presidents of the College, and any other Officers as may be elected and appointed by the Board.

Bylaws of Claremont McKenna College, Article V, Section 5.1

2.2.1 President of the College

Subject to the supervision of the Board Chair and to the ultimate authority of the Board of Trustees, the President serves as the chief executive officer of the Corporation. This includes, but is not limited to, serving as chief educational and administrative officer (including Chair of the Faculty); supervising, directing, and managing the Corporation’s operations, activities, and student and academic affairs; and otherwise performing duties customarily performed by college presidents.

Bylaws of Claremont McKenna College, Article V, Section 5.8

The President is supported by the members of the President’s Executive Cabinet.

2.2.2 Dean of the Faculty

The Office of the Dean of the Faculty is responsible, with the faculty, for administration of the academic program including the curriculum, academic personnel matters, research and research institutes, global education and off-campus study, academic standards, institutional research, and Claremont-wide academic programs including the libraries. Dean of the Faculty/Vice President for Academic Affairs Search Process

Regular process: Taking into account the recommended guiding principles for the Dean of the Faculty/Vice President for Academic Affairs (DOF/VPAA) search and the role of faculty in the search process (see Appendix A), the President, in consultation with the Board of Trustees and the Administration Committee, will make a determination whether to conduct an external or internal search. Once that determination is made, the President will appoint a search committee consisting of six tenured or tenure-track faculty members (at least four of whom have been selected by voting members of the faculty; see Appendix B for the process), two members of the Board of Trustees, and one student, all of whom will have voting rights. The President reserves the right to appoint up to three additional members to serve on and advise the search committee, one of whom will have voting rights. One of the appointed tenured faculty members on the committee will be appointed chair by the President. Once constituted, the search committee will solicit DOF/VPAA nominations and applications, and will present to the President a short list of acceptable options (unranked) from which the President will select the DOF/VPAA. If the President does not find anyone on the short list acceptable, the President may request the search committee to reconsider its list or begin a new process. The Board of Trustees will give final approval to the President’s recommendation.

Interim process: Interim appointments can be made in the event of an unsuccessful DOF/VPAA’s search or a vacancy in the Deanship. The President will seek an inside candidate. The President will consult with the Administration Committee or, in the event of a failed search, the DOF/VPAA Search Committee, regarding possible candidates. If time permits, and excluding members who themselves wish to be considered for the Deanship, this committee will solicit nominations and applications from the faculty (See Appendix C for the process).  After consultation with this committee, the President will select the Interim DOF/VPAA. The Board of Trustees will give final approval to the President’s recommendation. Normally, interim appointments last no longer than two academic years.

The Dean of the Faculty’s Office has on file Appendices A, B, and C referenced above, with the understanding that they can be modified by the search committee to meet current needs.

Approved by the Faculty January 20, 2023

2.3 Faculty Governance (General)

In recognition of the College’s values with respect to academic freedom and of the essential role of the faculty regarding academic matters, the Board has delegated to the faculty, with appropriate consultation with the President, the primary responsibility to formulate and conduct the academic programs of the College. The Board of Trustees has responsibility for oversight of the College’s academic affairs. All proposed changes to academic programs are subject to the Board’s review and approval. These changes will be presented to the Board’s Academic Affairs Committee.

Bylaws of Claremont McKenna College, Article VI, Section 6.1

The faculty is comprised of the President, the Dean of the Faculty, and all teachers irrespective of rank who have been regularly appointed at the College, and other persons who have been appointed to the membership in the faculty by the Board upon the recommendation of the President. It is the function of the faculty, with appropriate consultation with the President, to:

  • Organize teaching staff, adopt rules of procedure, and establish committees as appropriate to fulfill their principal role to formulate and conduct the academic programs of the College;
  • Initiate all policies and actions directly affecting academic matters, including establish or discontinue courses or fields of instruction, with all policies and action being subject to review and approval by the Board’s Academic Affairs Committee and subsequently by the Board;
  • Recommend, when requested by the Board, representatives to advise the Board’s Standing and Additional Committees and,
  • Recommend degrees to be conferred by the Board. Suitable diplomas will be issued, signed by the President and Board Chair, to which the seal of the College will be affixed.

Bylaws of Claremont McKenna College, Article VI, Section 6.2

2.4 Faculty Meetings

2.4.1 Call for Faculty Meetings

Faculty meetings are called by the Dean of the Faculty with a minimum of three days advance notice. An agenda will accompany the notice. Committee or individual recommendations or reports should be given to the Dean of the Faculty sufficiently in advance of the meeting to permit inclusion in the agenda. A meeting shall also be called by the Dean of the Faculty upon the request of ten faculty members. (See Appendix 2.2)

2.4.2 Voting in Faculty Meetings

Voting rights in the Faculty Meeting include the President of The College, the Dean of the Faculty, the Associate Deans of the Faculty, the Registrar, tenured members of the faculty, untenured members of the faculty on tenure-track appointments, Keck Science faculty who meet one of the preceding categories and are assigned to CMC, full-time Physical Education faculty on regular appointments and assigned to CMC, and Military Science faculty assigned to CMC. When a motion pertaining to benefits is before the Faculty Meeting, all Keck Science faculty, regardless of Keck Science college assignment, will have the right to vote. The Faculty may assign special voting rights to specific individuals under the conditions specified in the College Rules of Order. All faculty members, members of the Senior Advisory Council, and the Registrar may attend the Faculty Meeting and may participate in the deliberations.

The Dean of the Faculty of Claremont McKenna College shall be responsible for maintaining a roster of persons eligible to vote in meetings of the Faculty of Claremont McKenna College.

Approved by the Faculty December 14, 2012

2.5 Committees

Faculty members assigned to committees are expected to attend such meetings as the chairs may call. The College has six types of committees on which faculty are asked to serve. The Dean of the Faculty maintains the classification of committees and their membership on a current basis and appoints faculty members to committees unless otherwise provided for. Faculty members may vote on committees in accordance with the established procedures for each committee.

2.5.1 Standing Committees of the Faculty

Standing Committees of the Faculty are constituted by action of the Faculty, report to the Faculty, make recommendations for Faculty action, make recommendations to the College administration on academic issues and faculty personnel issues such as appointment, tenure, promotion, and sabbaticals, and must have a majority of their membership drawn from the Faculty, however selected. Members of the Administration and students may be members of such committees. Standing Committees may be chaired by the President, one of the Academic Deans, or members of the Faculty. The Standing Committees include: the Academic Standards Committee; the Administration Committee; the Appointment, Promotion, and Tenure Committee; the Appointment, Promotion, and Tenure Executive Committee; the Curriculum Committee; and the Faculty Research Committee. Academic Standards Committee

A. Academic Standards Committee Membership
  • Seven Faculty Members
  • Registrar
  • Dean of Students
  • Associate Dean of Faculty
  • Dean of the Faculty (non-voting member)

Current Membership of the Academic Standards Committee

B. Academic Standards Committee Statement of Purpose

The ASC formulates College policies relating to academic standards and integrity and reviews student petitions for exceptions to academic policies, including: incompletes, late withdrawals, waivers of residency, and other requirements relating to academic matters. It also serves as the disciplinary body in cases of violations of academic integrity. The Dean of the Faculty shall act as the individual appellate officer for general ASC decisions and as the chair of appeal committees for academic integrity cases. Administrators and faculty with pertinent information for the issues at hand may be invited to meetings. The chair is one of the seven faculty members and is appointed by the Dean of the Faculty. Administration Committee

A. Administration Committee Membership
  • Ten Faculty Members
    • Faculty Members are divided into three groups:
      • Group I:    4 Full Professors (including Senior Lecturers)
      • Group II:   3 Associate Professors
      • Group III:  3 Assistant Professors, full-time Instructors and/or full-time Lecturers.
  • President of the College
  • Dean of the Faculty

Each group shall elect its members to serve on the Administration Committee for a three year term for Full and Associate Professors and a two-year term for Assistant Professors. Terms are to be staggered to ensure continuity.

The committee shall act as the nominating committee. It shall nominate two persons for each position. Five or more members of any one group may nominate one or more additional persons from their group as candidates by submitting their request in writing to the committee. The elections for the Administration Committee should be completed by the end of April of the preceding academic year.

Consistent with current practice, committee members are to be elected by the faculty by respective rank, with the slates for annual elections to be determined by the Administration Committee. The committee shall conduct the election by mail or electronic ballots (through the online survey software in cooperation with CMC that meets all mail ballot requirements). A majority of the votes cast by the group shall be required for election of a member.

Current Membership of the Administration Committee

B. Administration Committee Statement of Purpose

The Administration Committee advises the President and the Dean of the Faculty on important matters that affect the welfare of The College and that do not fall within the purview of other existing committees. Its duties include: reviewing the budget; advising the President and the Dean of the Faculty on matters brought before the committee; initiating inquiries or proposals on issues the members consider timely and necessary to raise; and reporting to the faculty at faculty meetings and suggesting agenda items for faculty meetings. Members of the Administration Committee may also be called upon to serve as part of a Grievance Committee to consider faculty grievances not connected to APT decisions.

The committee reports to the faculty. It has no power to decide questions within the purview of other committees. When the President and the Dean of the Faculty wish, they may ask the committee to act as an advisory council on questions they bring to it. No report will be made until the President, the Dean of the Faculty, and the rest of the committee agree to make a report.

Revised and approved by the Faculty April 4, 2014. Appointment, Promotion & Tenure Committees

The College has an Appointment, Promotion, and Tenure Committee (APT) and an Executive Committee of the Appointment, Promotion, and Tenure Committee (APT-EC). The central function of the APT is to formulate recommendations to the Board of Trustees in reappointment, tenure, promotion, and sabbatical cases. The central function of the APT-EC is to manage all tenure and promotion cases coming before the APT.

I. Appointment, Promotion, and Tenure Committee
A. Appointment, Promotion, and Tenure Committee Procedures

The Appointment, Promotion, and Tenure Committee reviews all relevant information bearing on reappointment, promotion, and tenure coming before it in order to make a recommendation to the Board of Trustees. The APT Committee also reviews all information relevant to sabbatical requests in order to make a recommendation to the Board of Trustees. The APT Committee may request additional information and/or revisions to submitted reports and requests. The Committee can require further work by a Field Investigation Subcommittee (FIS). The APT Committee reviews the work of the departmental subcommittee and the FIS, using the data obtained to make careful and reasoned professional judgments on the merits of the cases before it.

Recommendations in all promotion and lateral tenure cases involving Full Professors will be made by the Full Professors on the APT Committee together with the Dean and the President. A quorum for consideration of promotion and lateral tenure cases at the rank of Full Professor will be 3/4ths of this group. All other matters dealing with reappointment of Assistant Professors, tenure, promotion to Associate Professor, lateral tenure of Associate Professor cases, and sabbaticals will be taken up by the entire APT Committee. A quorum in all such cases is 3/4ths of the members of the Committee.

On matters of appointment, reappointment, and promotion, the deliberations of the APT Committee include initial discussions with the chair of the candidate’s FIS Committee, with the chair of the department and/or the chair of the departmental review committee, and, when the APT-EC deems it appropriate, with additional members of the candidate’s department, the CMC faculty and administration, and/or other faculty members of the Claremont Colleges. In particular, in the event of a significant split in the recommendation from the department, the APT-EC shall invite representatives from both sides of such a split vote into these initial discussions. Such participants in initial discussions who are not members of the APT Committee shall leave the meeting prior to final discussion and vote by the APT Committee.

Votes will be held on the motion to approve the recommendation of the department. There will be no secret votes. Affirmation of a department recommendation will require a majority of the votes cast. Failure to affirm by majority vote will result in a contrary recommendation to the Board of Trustees.

B. Appointment, Promotion, and Tenure Committee Membership

The APT Committee consists of three CMC faculty representatives from each department that has more than twenty tenured and tenure track faculty assigned to CMC, as well as two CMC faculty representatives from each other department (including Keck Science and excluding Military Science and Physical Education), the Dean of the Faculty, and the President. Each year the Dean of the Faculty shall announce as of February 1 any changes to the number of representatives to which each department is entitled for the following academic year based on changes in the size of a department. The APT Committee will be chaired by the President or the President’s designee.

Current Membership of the Appointment, Promotion, and Tenure Committee

C. Appointment, Promotion, and Tenure Committee Election and Terms

For those members of the APT Committee who are not also serving on the APT-EC, the following procedures and terms apply. The tenured members of a department elect the department’s representatives to the APT Committee each spring after the results of the election to the APT-EC are announced. Elected members must be drawn from the ranks of Full and Associate Professors assigned to the department that elects them. At least ten days prior to the departmental vote, the chair of the department must contact all tenured members of the department in order to issue a call for nominations (including self-nominations) of department members wishing to serve on the APT Committee. Departmental Bylaws or published procedures can specify a voting procedure allowing each tenured member one vote in electing representatives to the APT while ensuring the greatest representation by subfield, rank or other considerations deemed important by the department. If no alternative procedure is specified in departmental Bylaws, the default procedure for selection is as follows: After discussing the relevant issues, the department’s tenured members shall vote. Each tenured member of the department shall have one vote. If no candidate for a position receives a majority of votes cast (not counting abstentions), the candidate with the fewest votes shall be dropped from consideration and a new vote taken. This procedure shall be repeated until a candidate receives a majority of votes cast. In the situation of two or more slots to fill, each slot shall be considered and voted on separately and sequentially. In order to assist the APT in its work, departments should normally seek to ensure broad subfield representation. A department’s usual quorum requirement applies to APT elections by the department, and if the department has no established quorum requirement, a quorum for the election shall be a majority of the Department’s tenured members.

Elected members serve staggered three year terms. APT members, whether elected by departments or at-large as members of APT-EC, will not serve consecutive full terms, except in the case of staffing constraints. Any department may request an exemption from the APT-EC to elect a department member for a consecutive term or elect a member from another department at the College to serve on the committee on its behalf.

Members may choose to serve during sabbatical or other leaves. When vacancies occur due to sabbatical leaves or other reasons, the department must hold a special election using the same voting rules established to elect a representative in a normal election. The faculty member elected completes only the remainder of the departing committee member’s term. Faculty members who serve only such a partial term are eligible at the conclusion of the term to run for a full term.

II. The Appointment, Promotion, and Tenure Executive Committee
A. Appointment, Promotion, and Tenure Executive Committee Procedures

The Appointment, Promotion, and Tenure Executive Committee (APT-EC) exercises oversight of the entire APT process to ensure timeliness, full deliberation, and compliance with all procedural matters. It manages the work of the APT Committee by initially reviewing all requests for appointment, reappointment, promotion, and lateral tenure, chaired professorships, and sabbatical leaves for professors.

In the day to day management of APT cases, the APT-EC issues initial framing instructions to departments concerning the cases to come before it. The APT-EC monitors the overall APT process to ensure compliance with procedures; it receives reports from the President and the Dean of the Faculty concerning matters of institutional concern. The APT-EC makes recommendations to the President on hiring only in cases of non-tenure track, visiting, part-time, and other short-term appointments.

The APT-EC is chaired by the Dean of the Faculty. It also receives information from the President on administrative policy affecting personnel and monitors APT issues during the summer months.

Motions before the APT-EC require a simple majority. (A quorum is a majority of the members.) Following deliberation, all votes are by voice or a show of hands. There are no secret ballots.

B. Appointment, Promotion, and Tenure Executive Committee Membership
  • Six tenured Full or Associate Professors
  • President of the College
  • Dean of the Faculty (Chair)

No more than one person from any one department shall be on the APT-EC, excluding the Dean and the President.

Current Membership of the Appointment, Promotion, and Tenure Executive Committee

C. Appointment, Promotion, and Tenure Executive Committee Election and Terms

The six faculty members of the APT-EC are chosen in the spring by the entire tenured and tenure-track faculty by mail vote for fixed and overlapping 3-year terms from slates of at least two candidates per position. When vacancies on the APT-EC occur, the Dean of the Faculty shall provide the faculty members of the outgoing APT-EC with a list of eligible faculty members. Slates of two candidates per position will be proposed by the outgoing APT-EC, subject to augmentation by members of the faculty by a petition procedure consistent with the petition procedure for augmenting Administration Committee slates. Candidates are elected by majority vote of the faculty casting a vote in the election. Electronic ballots are returned to the Dean of the Faculty’s office, and the results are announced by the Dean.

Members may choose to serve during sabbatical or other leaves. When vacancies occur due to sabbatical leaves or other reasons, a special election for a replacement shall be held in accordance with the rules of a normal APT-EC election. The faculty member elected completes only the remainder of the departing committee member’s term. Faculty members who serve such a partial term are eligible at the conclusion of the term for inclusion on the slates of candidates for complete terms in college-wide or departmental elections; faculty members who serve complete terms are not eligible to stand for reelection to the APT-EC for two years. Curriculum Committee

A. Curriculum Committee Membership
  • Chairs of all CMC Academic Departments (incl. Keck Science, MS, and PE)
  • Dean of the Faculty
  • Associate Dean of the Faculty (Chair)
  • Registrar
  • Vice President for Student Affairs
  • Claremont Colleges Library Liaison (non-voting member)
  • Two Students

Current Membership of the Curriculum Committee

B. Curriculum Committee Statement of Purpose

The Associate Dean of the Faculty will chair the Committee’s meetings. The Curriculum Committee is responsible for maintaining the quality, rigor, and balance of the College’s curriculum and assuring the integrity of its academic programs. Proposals for changes or additions to the curriculum are normally submitted to the Committee by individual departments. Proposals for FHS, interdisciplinary, and other extra-departmental programs are normally submitted to the Committee by the faculty member concerned. The Committee may approve, deny, or return a proposal to the department chair, or if it is an extra-departmental proposal, the faculty member concerned for reconsideration. The Committee can form subcommittees from its membership to study problems and make recommendations on matters that transcend departmental lines, for example, sequences. The Committee may appoint to these subcommittees Claremont McKenna College faculty who are not members of the Committee but who have special expertise in the matters being studied. In the event that one of the academic chairs is unable to attend the Committee’s meetings, the chair may designate a proxy from among the other non-visiting faculty members of their department. In each academic year, to maintain consistency on the Committee, the same person should serve as the chair’s proxy whenever the chair is absent from Committee meetings.

All new and revised courses (excluding independent studies), majors, individualized majors, and sequences must be approved by the Curriculum Committee. The Committee is also responsible for overseeing the General Education program at the College.

The Curriculum Committee will forward all approved curricular changes to a subsequent faculty meeting for approval. The Committee’s recommendations must be received in writing by the Faculty in advance of its meeting. Faculty Research Committee

A. Faculty Research Committee Membership
  • Four Tenured Faculty Members
  • Dean of the Faculty or Designee

Current Membership of the Faculty Research Committee

B. Faculty Research Committee Statement of Purpose

The Dean of the Faculty or designee will chair the Committee’s meetings.The Faculty Research Committee (FRC) reviews and makes funding decisions on faculty applications for research funds from the Dean of the Faculty’s office. It proposes policies to enhance the research climate at the College. It reviews and recommends action on applications for sabbaticals and the enhancement of those sabbaticals (see Section 7.1 ). Committee on Writing

A. Committee on Writing Membership
  • Four Faculty Members
  • Dean of the Faculty or Designee
  • Director of the Center for Writing and Public Discourse

The Dean of the Faculty appoints four faculty members representing the major areas of scholarly expertise at the College (Science and Mathematics, Social Science, and Humanities). These include two faculty members from the departments that provide the core staffing of the general education seminars in the Humanities. Faculty normally serve for three years, and the Dean of the Faculty appoints one of them as chair. The Director of the Center for Writing and Public Discourse serves ex officio.

B. Committee on Writing Statement of Purpose

The Committee on Writing aims to develop a college-wide vision for the enhancement of reading and writing at CMC. To that end, it makes recommendations about curricular and co-curricular initiatives to the President, the Dean of the Faculty, and faculty committees. Such initiatives may seek to address general education requirements in the Humanities, the best use of resources such as the Center for Writing and Public Discourse, the fostering of writing across the curriculum, and the establishment of writing prizes and other communication-enhancing activities. The Committee also performs tasks that may be delegated to it by the Dean of the Faculty regarding the implementation of such initiatives.

2.5.2 College Committees

College Committees are constituted by the Administration or as a result of initiatives from the Faculty. They make policy recommendations outside the areas of academic issues and faculty personnel issues to either the Administration or the Faculty or to both. In some cases, such as the Institutional Review Board or the National Awards Committee, they make decisions on behalf of the College in their areas of responsibility. Membership may include faculty, staff, students, and others. College Committees may be chaired by members of the Administration or the Faculty. College Committees include: the Admission and Financial Aid Committee; the Athenaeum Advisory Committee; the Committee on Academic Computing; the Institutional Review Board; the National Awards Committee; and the Global Education Committee. Admission and Financial Aid Committee

A. Admission and Financial Aid Committee Membership
  • Ten Academic Faculty Members
  • One PE Faculty Member
  • Vice-President for Student Affairs
  • Admission and Financial Aid
    • Dean of Admission
    • Director of Financial Aid
  • President of the College
  • Dean of the Faculty or Designee
  • Two Students

Each academic department elects one member to the AFAC, and the AFAC selects its chair from this elected academic group. The Physical Education and Athletic Department also elects a member. The elected members serve staggered, two-year terms. Consecutive terms are permissible. From the academic departments, tenured and tenure-track members are eligible. From the Physical Education and Athletic Department, voting members assigned to CMC are eligible. The Vice President for Student Affairs, Admission and Financial Aid, the Dean of Admission, the Director of Financial Aid, the President of the College, and the Dean of the Faculty serve as ex officio members. Two student members are selected by ASCMC. Student members may be excluded from sensitive policy discussions, at the discretion of the chair. Student members of the AFAC do not have access to confidential individual information provided by applicants.

Current Membership of the Admission and Financial Aid Committee

B. Admission and Financial Aid Committee Statement of Purpose

At the initiative of the Dean of Admission, or of the Director of Financial Aid, or of the AFAC’s chair, the AFAC meets regularly, at least twice a semester, to review the implementation of existing admission and financial aid policies; to discuss the college’s marketing for admission purposes, making sure that marketing reflects accurately the academic strengths of the institution; to read selected admission files, if that is warranted either for policy reasons or on academic grounds; and/or to discuss and make recommendations to the Faculty and Administration concerning new admission and financial aid policies. Each year the AFAC gathers data relating to the admission pool and the admission process. Each year the chair of the AFAC reports to the faculty on admission and financial aid policies and briefs the faculty on important aspects of the admission pool and admission process.

Approved by the Faculty September 27, 2013 Athenaeum Advisory Committee

A. Athenaeum Advisory Committee Membership
  • Five Faculty Members
  • Director of Athenaeum
  • Manager of Athenaeum
  • Vice President for Student Affairs
  • Dean of the Faculty or Designee
  • Eight Students

Current Membership of the Athenaeum Advisory Committee

B. Athenaeum Advisory Committee Statement of Purpose

The Committee advises and makes recommendations to the Athenaeum Director, who reports to the Dean of the Faculty, concerning policy and procedures pertaining to programs, attendance, and selection of the Athenaeum fellows. The chair is appointed by the Dean of the Faculty in consultation with the Director of the Athenaeum. Committee on Academic Computing

A. Committee on Academic Computing Membership
  • Up to Six Faculty Members
  • Chief Technology Officer
  • Two Students (one of whom is ASCMC CTO)

Current Membership of the Committee on Academic Computing

B. Committee on Academic Computing Statement of Purpose

The mission of the Committee is to recommend policy for the academic computing program and to review the ITS budget. It will assist the Chief Technology Officer in formulating policies governing the use of CMC and TCCS computing and information resources by faculty and students for academic purposes. On request, it may review purchases of hardware, software, and networking for instructional purposes. Institutional Review Board

A. Institutional Review Board Membership
  • Five Faculty Members
  • IRB Coordinator (non-voting member)
  • Community Member

The five faculty members must include at least one scientist and one non-scientist. If Keck Science faculty members are asked to serve on the committee, they do not necessarily have to be affiliated with CMC for that particular academic year. Community members may not be affiliated with CMC. The IRB coordinator is a staff member from the Office of Institutional Research.

Current Membership of the Institutional Review Board

B. Institutional Review Board Statement of Purpose

The Institutional Review Board for Human Subjects Research reviews research projects involving human subjects to ensure that researchers who are part of the CMC community protect the dignity, privacy, and safety of the participants they recruit for their research. In addition, the IRB serves to protect the dignity, privacy, and safety of everyone in the CMC community when they choose to participate in research.

C. Institutional Review Board Procedures

Administrative duties and exempt reviews are performed by the IRB coordinator; expedited reviews are performed by the chair or another voting member of the committee. Full board reviews are arranged as needed.

Approved by the Faculty September 27, 2013 National Awards Committee

A. National Awards Committee Membership
  • Up to Eight Faculty Members
  • Director of Fellowships Advising

Current Membership of the National Awards Committee

B. National Awards Committee Statement of Purpose

Coordinated by the Director of Fellowships Advising, the National Awards Committee identifies and helps to prepare students to apply and compete effectively for various national academic awards. Global Education Committee

A. Global Education Committee Membership
  • Five Faculty Members
  • Director of Global Education and Off-Campus Study
  • Registrar
  • Vice President for Student Affairs or Designee
  • Three Students

The chair shall be selected from among the five faculty members.

Current Membership of the Global Education Committee

B. Global Education Committee Statement of Purpose

The Duties of the Global Education Committee are:

  • To establish guidance for study off-campus, whether in the United States or abroad;
  • To evaluate and oversee off-campus study programs;
  • To approve all student applications for study abroad, domestic and international exchanges and applications to domestic programs, with the exception of the Washington Semester Program and the Silicon Valley Semester Program;
  • To review student experiences in off-campus study;
  • To determine whether students will receive academic credit for study off-campus;
  • To evaluate CMC student petitions for sponsored internships or experiences located in regions or countries where there has been a recent or extensive history of travel advisories or an existing travel warning.
C. Global Education Committee Procedures

The Global Education Committee normally meets three times each semester and as needed. When classes are not in session, decisions are made by the chair in consultation with the Director. When the Director is not available, decisions concerning academic matters will be made by the Dean of the Faculty in consultation with the chair of the Global Education Committee. Assessment Committee

A. Assessment Committee Membership
  • Five Faculty Members
  • Accreditation Liaison Officer (ALO) (non-voting member)
  • Associate Dean of the Faculty (non-voting member)
  • Dean of Students or Designee (non-voting member)
  • Director of Institutional Research or Designee (non-voting member)

The Dean of the Faculty will appoint one of the five faculty members at large to chair the Assessment Committee.

Faculty members will serve two-year terms with the possibility of reappointment.

Current Membership of the Assessment Committee

B. Assessment Committee Statement of Purpose

The role of the Assessment Committee is to monitor the activity of department and program level assessment and evaluation efforts across the College. The Committee will ensure that assessment and evaluation occur on schedule, will provide needed expertise where appropriate and will review the results of evaluation and the effectiveness of the assessment processes applied in each department. The Assessment Committee is also responsible for designing and carrying out the assessment and evaluation of CMC’s general learning program. The Assessment Committee works closely on matters related to WASC accreditation.

C. Assessment Committee Reporting

The Assessment Committee will report directly to the Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of the Faculty. The Committee will report annually to the faculty about significant updates to department and institutional level assessment efforts at the College.

2.5.3 Special Committees

Special Committees are constituted by the Administration to provide advice and counsel for various policy areas on an on-going basis. Some, such as the Conduct Board, make decisions on behalf of the College in their areas of responsibility. Membership may include faculty, staff, students, and others. Special Committees may be chaired by members of the Administration or the Faculty. Special Committees include: The CMC Magazine Editorial Board; the College Conduct Board; the Diversity Committee; the Environmental Concerns Committee; the ROTC Advisory Committee; the Safety Committee; and the Student Recruitment Committee. CMC Magazine Editorial Board

A. CMC Magazine Editorial Board Membership
  • Two Faculty Members
  • Director of Public Affairs
  • Staff Representatives
  • Student Representatives
  • Alumni Representatives

Current Membership of the CMC Magazine Editorial Board

B. CMC Magazine Editorial Board Statement of Purpose

The CMC Editorial Board serves the magazine staff in an advisory capacity regarding editorial coverage, design, and other planning issues. It meets two to three times annually. Faculty members are particularly helpful in suggesting story coverage and advising on editorial content and balance. College Conduct Board

A. College Conduct Board Membership
  • Eight Faculty Members
  • Dean of Students
  • 12 Student Judges

All Conduct Board members shall be selected according to the procedures described in Paragraph 5 of the section on Faculty Committees in Appendix 2.3.

Current Membership of the College Conduct Board

B. College Conduct Board Statement of Purpose

The Conduct Board is the committee which reviews all non-academic cases which result from alleged violations of: the Basic Rule of Conduct; the Policy on Demonstrations at The Claremont Colleges; Residence Hall Regulations; Rules which govern conduct on the campuses of the other Claremont Colleges; conduct of students which is campus related; and cases resulting from summary suspension.The Conduct Board does not review cases involving prohibited conduct described in the Civil Rights Handbook. Diversity Committee

A. Diversity Committee Membership
  • Five Faculty Members
  • Five Staff Members from departments including Admissions & Financial Aid, Human Resources, Dean of Students, and the Dean of the Faculty

The Chair is appointed by the President.

Current Membership of the Diversity Committee

B. Diversity Committee Statement of Purpose

The Committee meets two or three times a semester as needed to foster discussion of issues pertaining to diversity through promoting diversity in the curriculum, offering diversity-related programming and training sessions, reviewing Campus Climate survey results, engaging in cooperative efforts with other Claremont Colleges, and discussing diversity issues that arise on campus and providing recommendations to the President on those issues. Environmental Concerns Committee

A. Environmental Concerns Committee Membership
  • Three to Five Faculty Members
  • Treasurer of the College
  • Director of Planned Giving
  • Director of Facilities
  • Director of Human Resources
  • Director of Student Activities
  • Seven Students

Current Membership of the Environmental Concerns Committee

B. Environmental Concerns Committee Statement of Purpose

The mission of the Environmental Concerns Committee is to enhance awareness among campus constituents, i.e., students, faculty, and staff, of environmental concerns in three areas: air quality, recycling, and water conservation. ROTC Advisory Committee

A. ROTC Advisory Committee Membership
  • One to Three Faculty Members
  • Dean of Students

Current Membership of the ROTC Advisory Committee

B. ROTC Advisory Committee Statement of Purpose

The Committee communicates with and advises the Professor of Military Science. Safety Committee

A. Safety Committee Membership
  • One Faculty Member
  • Director of Human Resources (Chair)
  • Assoc. Director of Facilities (Vice-Chair)
  • Dean of Students Designee
  • Representative of Building Attendants Crew
  • Representative of Grounds Staff
  • Representative of Office Support Staff
  • Representative of Athletics Staff
  • Representative of ROTC Staff
  • Keck Science Dept Coordinator
  • One Representative of 5-Colleges Safety Office
  • Head Resident Assistant (Student)

Current Membership of the Safety Committee

B. Safety Committee Statement of Purpose

The purpose of the Safety Committee is to discuss issues related to student, faculty, and staff safety. Student Recruitment Committee

A. Student Recruitment Committee Membership
  • One Faculty Member per department and program
  • Dean of Admissions and Financial Aid

Current Membership of the Student Recruitment Committee

B. Student Recruitment Committee Statement of Purpose

Members of the Student Recruitment Committee attend all on-campus Admissions functions designed to recruit students to the College and serve as that department’s or program’s public relations representative, discussing the College and answering questions concerning that department or program. With the exception of an initial orientation meeting, the Student Recruitment Committee never holds formal meetings. Members are expected to be available for fall recruitment on-campus programs, faculty email campaigns to contact admitted students, and the two Friday “Inside CMC Days” in April. The Office of Admission will contact members of the Student Recruitment Committee regarding these events and activities.

2.5.4 Intercollegiate Committees

Intercollegiate Committees are constituted by actions of The Claremont Colleges to coordinate or oversee consortium programs and activities. Membership may include members of the Administration, often in ex officio roles, as well as faculty. Intercollegiate Committees may be chaired by staff or faculty. Intercollegiate Committees include: the Athletics Council; the Chaplain’s Advisory Board; the Faculty Athletic Representatives; the Keck Science Reappointment, Promotion, and Tenure Committee; and the Physical Education Reappointment and Promotion Committee. Periodically, intercollegiate ad hoc committees may be formed by The Claremont Colleges for special purposes. Athletic Council

A. Athletic Council Membership
  • One CMC Faculty Member
  • One Faculty Member from Harvey Mudd College
  • One Faculty Member from Scripps College
B. Athletic Council Statement of Purpose

The purpose of the CMS P.E. and Athletics Program is to provide (1) training, instruction and participation opportunities in intercollegiate athletic competition; (2) training, instruction and participation in athletic and fitness classes; and (3) encouragement and some supervision for intramural athletics and fitness activities, working with the three student governments. Chaplain’s Advisory Board

A. Chaplain’s Advisory Board Membership
  • One CMC Faculty Member
  • One CMC Student Member

Current Membership of the Chaplain’s Advisory Board

B. Chaplain’s Advisory Board Statement of Purpose

The purpose of the Chaplain’s Advisory Board is to provide input and feedback regarding the current and potential activities of the Office of the Chaplains. Faculty Athletic Representatives

A. Faculty Athletic Representatives Membership
  • One or two CMC Faculty Members (4-year terms)

Current Faculty Athletic Representatives

B. Faculty Athletic Representatives Statement of Purpose
  • Serve as CMC representatives on body that governs the College’s athletic conference.
  • Advise the Athletic Director on all issues regarding faculty and athletics.
  • Serve on appointment, reappointment, and tenure review teams.
  • Assist the Athletic Director with recruitment of athletic staff for CMS joint teams. Joint Physical Education Reappointment and Promotion Committee

A. Joint Physical Education Reappointment and Promotion Committee Membership
  • *Two Faculty Members
  • Dean of the Faculty (Chair)
  • Director of Athletics (non-voting)
  • Two HMC Faculty Members
  • Two Scripps Faculty Members

*(from CMC: one from the APT Committee, the other is Faculty Athletic Representative)

Current Members of the Joint Physical Education Reappointment and Promotion Committee

B. Joint Physical Education Reappointment and Promotion Committee Statement of Purpose

The purpose of this committee is the appointment, reappointment, and promotion of Joint Athletic personnel. Keck Science Reappointment, Promotion and Tenure Committee

A. Keck Science Reappointment, Promotion and Tenure Committee Membership
  • *Two CMC Full Professors
  • Deans of the Faculty (CMC, Pitzer, Scripps, non-voting)
  • Chair/Dean of the Keck Science Dept.
  • Two Pitzer Faculty
  • Two Scripps Faculty
  • Three Additional Keck Science Faculty

* (Must be non-scientists and tenured)

Current Membership of the Keck Science Reappointment, Promotion and Tenure Committee

B. Keck Science Reappointment, Promotion and Tenure Committee Statement of Purpose

The purpose of this committee is the appointment, reappointment, promotion, and tenure of Keck Science Personnel.

2.5.5 Advisory Committees

Advisory Committees are constituted by the Administration as needed for ad hoc purposes as issues arise needing special attention. They are not permanent committees, and are intended to study an issue, provide advice and recommendations, and cease operations. Membership may include faculty, staff, students, and others. Advisory Committees may be chaired by members of the Administration or the Faculty. Examples of Advisory Committees include the Role of Science Committee and the WASC Re-accreditation Steering Committee.

2.5.6 Board of Trustees Committees

Board of Trustees Committees provide for faculty and student input by means of representation on various committees, subcommittees, and ad hoc committees. Board Committees with faculty members include: Academic Affairs; Campus Planning & Facilities; College Advancement; Finance and Operations; and Student Affairs. Voting is limited to Trustees.

2.6 Guidelines for Majors and Sequences

CMC can consider approving new academic majors as “CMC Majors” under the following conditions.

  1. CMC supports all of the faculty and course requirements necessary for students to complete the entire major.  Examples include most majors that fall within a CMC department or program like Government, History, or Literature, and those that are interdisciplinary among CMC departments like PPE, Middle East Studies, or Philosophy and Public Affairs. For these majors, CMC maintains exclusive curricular control over the program. Formal governing structures for staffing and curricular oversight reside within CMC departments, programs, or interdisciplinary committees.
  2. CMC has formal access to and control over the major offered by a joint or cooperative department or program in which CMC actively participates. Examples include all of the Keck Science majors, Spanish, French, and American Studies. For these majors, CMC may not have exclusive control over all courses required in the major and students may need to rely on courses offered at other colleges on occasion to complete it. However, there is a formal governing structure for staffing and curricular oversight including CMC faculty (a department, program, or committee). At a minimum, CMC must offer at least 20% of courses in the major and have a formal written agreement with the other colleges contributing to the curriculum that guarantees CMC students access to courses necessary to complete the major.

CMC students may pursue majors through the other undergraduate Claremont Colleges if CMC does not offer a comparable major itself, provided the students obtain approval from the sponsoring college.

In addition to completing requirements for a major, CMC students have the option to complete a “sequence,” which consists of a series of approved courses related to a subject or theme and offered at CMC and/or the other Claremont Colleges. The purpose of a sequence is to give students an opportunity to specialize in a particular area within a major, or to branch out into a topic that cuts across disciplines within the liberal arts curriculum.  CMC sequences should typically have 5-6 requirements, of which at least 4 should be full-credit academic courses.  Students may double-count courses in a sequence toward major or GE requirements. Sequences may be proposed by a group of at least two or more tenured faculty members, either within a single CMC department or from different CMC departments. Guidelines for sequence proposals are available from the Dean of Faculty’s Office or from the Registrar’s Office.

Approved by the Faculty January 26, 2018

Appendix 2.1 Excerpts of the Corporate Bylaws of Claremont McKenna College Relating to Faculty Governance

The full set of Corporate Bylaws of Claremont McKenna College can be accessed online.

Article VI: Faculty

6.1 Delegation of Responsibility to the Faculty

In recognition of the College’s values with respect to academic freedom and of the essential role of the faculty regarding academic matters, the Board delegates to the faculty, with appropriate consultation with the President, the primary responsibility to formulate and conduct the academic programs of the College. The Board of Trustees has responsibility for oversight of the College’s academic affairs. All proposed changes to academic programs are subject to the Board’s review and approval. These changes will be presented to the Board’s Academic Affairs Committee.

6.2 Composition and Function of the Faculty

The faculty is comprised of the President, the Dean of the Faculty, and all teachers irrespective of rank who have been regularly appointed at the College, and other persons who have been appointed to the membership in the faculty by the Board upon the recommendation of the President. It is the function of the faculty, with appropriate consultation with the President, to:

  • Organize teaching staff, adopt rules of procedure, and establish committees as appropriate to fulfill their principal role to formulate and conduct the academic programs of the College;
  • Initiate all policies and actions directly affecting academic matters, including establish or discontinue courses or fields of instruction, with all policies and action being subject to review and approval by the Board’s Academic Affairs Committee and subsequently by the Board;
  • Recommend, when requested by the Board, representatives to advise the Board’s Standing and Additional Committees and,
  • Recommend degrees to be conferred by the Board. Suitable diplomas will be issued, signed by the President and Board Chair, to which the seal of the College will be affixed.

6.3 Appointments, Reappointments, Discipline, and Dismissals

In matters of appointments, reappointments, discipline, and dismissals of the faculty, the following procedures apply:

  • All faculty appointments will be for a specified rank (e.g., instructor, lecturer, senior lecturer, assistant professor, associate professor, professor, or visiting professor, etc.);
  • The President is responsible for recommending to the Board all faculty tenure and non-tenure appointments, reappointments, promotions, and disciplinary matters involving suspension without pay and dismissals (and promptly informing the Board of any disciplinary matters not involving suspensions without pay or dismissals);
  • The President grants all faculty leaves; and,
  • The President will obtain advice in all such matters from the faculty committee on appointments, promotions, and tenure and from the Dean of the Faculty.

The President may make interim appointments and reappointments as necessary to sustain the College’s day-to-day operations pending approval by the Board at its next regularly scheduled meeting.

Article X: Indemnification and Insurance

10.1 Right to Indemnity

To the fullest extent allowed by the Act, the Corporation will indemnify and advance expenses to its agents, in connection with any proceeding, and in accordance with the Act. “Agent” has the same meaning as in Section 5238(a) of the Act, including directors, officers, employees, other agents, and persons formerly occupying those positions; “proceeding” will have the same meaning as in Section 5238(a) of the Act, including any threatened action or investigation under Section 5233 of the Act or brought by the Attorney General; and “expenses” will have the same meaning as in Section 5238(a) of the Act, including reasonable attorneys’ fees.

10.2 Approval of Indemnity

On written request to the Board by any Agent seeking indemnification, if the Agent was successful on the merits, the Board will promptly authorize indemnification in accordance with Section 5238(d) of the Act. Otherwise, the Board will promptly determine, by a majority vote of a quorum consisting of Trustees who are not parties to the proceeding, whether, in the specific case, the Agent has met the applicable standard of conduct stated in Section 5238(b) of the Act or Section 5238(c) of the Act, and may authorize indemnification to the extent legally permitted.

10.3 Advancing Expenses

The Board may authorize the advance of expenses incurred by or on behalf of an Agent of this Corporation in defending any proceeding prior to final disposition, if the Board finds that:

  • the requested advances are reasonable in amount under the circumstances; and
  • before any advance is made, the Agent will submit a written undertaking satisfactory to the Board to repay the advance unless it is ultimately determined that the Agent is entitled to indemnification for the expenses under this Article.

The Board will determine whether an undertaking must be secured, and whether interest accrues on the obligation.

10.4 Insurance

The Board may adopt a resolution authorizing the purchase of insurance on behalf of any Agent against any liability asserted against or incurred by the Agent in their capacity or arising out of the Agent’s status, and that insurance may provide for coverage against liabilities beyond this Corporation’s power to indemnify the Agent under law.

10.5 Certain Tax Matters

Except as otherwise provided herein, the Corporation will not indemnify, reimburse, or insure any person for any taxes imposed on any individual under Chapter 42 of the Code. Further, if the Corporation is deemed to be a private foundation within the meaning of Section 509 of the Code then no payment will be made under this Article if the payment would constitute an act of self-dealing or a taxable expenditure, as defined in Section 4941(d) or Section 4945(d) of the Code. Moreover, the Corporation will not indemnify, reimburse, or insure any person where the indemnification, reimbursement, or insurance is inconsistent with Section 4958 of the Code or any other provision of the Code applicable to corporations described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Code.

Article XII: Amendments

These Bylaws, or any part of them, may be repealed or amended, or additional Bylaws may be adopted by the affirmative vote of a majority of the Trustees. Notice of any proposed amendments to the Bylaws will be circulated in writing to all Trustees pursuant to Section 3.13 of Article III. No amendment may change the term to which a Trustee was elected.

Appendix 2.2 By-Laws of the Faculty of Claremont McKenna College

Article I | The Functions of the Faculty Shall Be:

Section A.

To perform the teaching duties customarily performed by college faculties.

Section B.

To initiate and recommend to the Trustees, or to approve directly or through its constituted committees, all policies and actions directly affecting the curriculum and other educational matters, student-related extracurricular matters, and intercollegiate matters.

Section C.

To establish its own procedures for Appointment, Promotion, and Tenure subject to approval by the Board of Trustees.

Section D.

To recommend to the Board of Trustees, after certification by the Registrar, candidates for degrees to be conferred by the College.

Section E.

To advise on questions addressed to the Faculty by the Board of Trustees, and to elect, when so requested by the Board of Trustees, special committees or representatives to advise with committees of the Board on any matter affecting the life and functions of the College.

Section F.

To consider any question which concerns the College brought to it by any member of the Faculty.

Article II | Membership in the Faculty Shall Include:

Section A.

The President of the College and all teachers irrespective of rank who have been appointed to membership by the Board of Trustees upon the recommendation of the President of the College and the Faculty.

Section B.

Faculty ranks commonly include the following: Full Professors, Professorial Lecturers, Associate Professors, Assistant Professors, Instructors, and Lecturers.

Section C.

Voting rights in regular meetings of the Faculty shall be determined by Faculty vote in said meeting and shall thereafter be contained in the Rules of Order of the Faculty of Claremont McKenna College.

Article III | Offices of the Faculty and Their Duties

Section A.

Ordinarily, the Dean of the Faculty shall preside over meetings of the Faculty. The Faculty may, from among its members, elect a presiding office for Informal Meetings of the Faculty. When the Dean of the Faculty wishes to participate substantively in discussion, the Dean shall appoint a temporary presiding officer. When the Faculty moves into Committee of the Whole in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised, the Dean shall also appoint a temporary presiding officer.

Section B.

The Dean of the Faculty is responsible for determining the time and place of Faculty meetings, the preparation of an agenda to be received by members of the Faculty at least three days before the meeting is to occur, and supervising the preparation of the minutes of previous meetings.

Section C.

The Dean of the Faculty shall appoint an individual who shall be responsible for recording the minutes of the Faculty Meetings, recording the names of those members who are present and those who are absent, and reading the minutes of previous meetings.

Section D.

The Parliamentarian is appointed by the President of the College upon recommendation of the Dean of the Faculty and is responsible for aiding the presiding officer in determination of parliamentary procedure.

Article IV | Meetings

Section A.

Regular meetings of the Faculty shall occur at least four regularly scheduled times per term during the academic year, unless canceled for lack of business, and informal meetings of the faculty may occur whenever it seems desirable or necessary.

Section B.

Regular meetings of the faculty may not take place unless a quorum is present. A quorum shall consist of thirty percent of voting members of the faculty as determined at the beginning of each academic year. When a motion pertaining to benefits is before the Faculty Meeting, all Keck Science faculty, regardless of Keck Science college assignments, will have the right to vote, a quorum shall still consist of thirty percent of members of the faculty who have full voting rights on other issues.

Section C.

No quorum is required for an informal meeting of the faculty and no matters may be decided at such meetings, their function being a forum for discussion only.

Section D.

All regular meetings of the faculty and all informal meetings of the faculty are to be called by the Dean of the Faculty, acting on the Dean’s own initiative, or upon the recommendation of the Board of Trustees, the President of the College, or any ten voting members of the faculty. The Dean shall provide and announce a simple procedure for faculty members to request meetings.

Article V | Committees

Section A.

Categories of committees that may include faculty participation include Standing Committees of the Faculty, College Committees, Special Committees, Intercollegiate Committees, Advisory Committees, and Board of Trustees Committees with faculty members.

Section B.

Appointments to committees are ordinarily made by the President of the College acting on the recommendation of the Dean of the Faculty. Exceptions to this procedure are the Administration Committee, the APT, the APT-EC, and the College Conduct Board. The methods of election to these committees shall be determined by the faculty of Claremont McKenna College.

Section C.

The faculty may establish new standing committees and abolish existing committees as may seem appropriate by a two-thirds vote of those present and voting, a quorum being present.

Article VI | Parliamentary Authority

The rules contained in Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised, shall govern the faculty in all cases to which they are applicable, and in which they are not inconsistent with the Bylaws of the faculty or the rules of order of the faculty of Claremont McKenna College.

Article VII | Amendments

Amendments to these Bylaws may be adopted at any regular meeting of the faculty by a two-thirds vote of those members present and voting; a quorum being present, provided that written or printed notice of the proposed amendments has been given at the previous meeting.

Appendix 2.3 Rules of Order of the Faculty of Claremont McKenna College

Voting Rights

Paragraph 1.

Voting rights in the Faculty Meeting include the President of the College, the Dean of the Faculty, the Associate Deans of the Faculty, the Registrar, tenured members of the faculty, untenured members of the faculty on tenure-track appointments, Keck Science faculty who meet one of the preceding categories and are assigned to CMC, full-time Physical Education faculty on regular appointments and assigned to CMC, and Military Science faculty assigned to CMC. The Faculty may assign special voting rights to specific individuals under the conditions specified in the College Rules of Order. All faculty members, members of the Senior Staff, and the Registrar may attend the Faculty Meeting and may participate in the deliberations.

Paragraph 2.

For any person seeking voting rights in meetings of the faculty, determination of whether the individual’s terms of employment fulfill the provisions of Paragraph 1 above shall be the prerogative of the Committee on Appointment, Promotion, and Tenure of Claremont McKenna College; should the Committee on Appointment, Promotion, and Tenure fail to make this determination, the faculty may do so by a two-thirds vote of those members present and eligible to vote under Paragraph 1 above.

Paragraph 3.

The privilege of voting in meetings of the faculty of Claremont McKenna College may be extended or withdrawn from other officials of The Claremont Colleges by a two-thirds vote of those members present and eligible to vote under Paragraph 1, above, a quorum being present.

Paragraph 4.

The Dean of the Faculty of Claremont McKenna College shall be responsible for maintaining a current roster of all persons eligible to vote in meetings of the faculty of Claremont McKenna College.

Voting Rules

Paragraph 1.

Voting in meetings of the faculty of Claremont McKenna College shall be by voice vote or by a show of hands, the actual method or methods in each case to be determined by the presiding officer. A motion shall be in order immediately prior to any vote to hold such a vote by voice or by show of hands.

Paragraph 2.

A motion for a secret vote shall be in order and take precedence over paragraph 1, above, immediately prior to any vote and shall be approved by the affirmative votes of any five voting members of the faculty. Blank voting papers shall be distributed to each voting member of the faculty present, and shall be collected and counted by the presiding officer or the presiding officer’s appointees.

Paragraph 3.

A motion for a secret vote by campus mail shall be in order and take precedence over Paragraph 1 and Paragraph 2, above, immediately prior to any vote and shall be approved by the affirmative votes of any fifteen voting members of the faculty. The Registrar shall prepare, distribute, receive, verify, count, and communicate the results of a secret campus vote. The exact procedures for such a vote shall be determined by the Registrar. The Registrar shall be assisted in such votes by two voting members of the faculty appointed by the presiding officer.

Student Participation

Paragraph 1.

Meetings of the faculty shall be open to members of the Student Senate and the Executive Committee.

Paragraph 2.

Students eligible to attend meetings of the faculty shall have the right to speak and to introduce motions when recognized by the presiding officer, but they shall not have the right to vote.

Paragraph 3.

A motion to go into executive session shall be in order at all times and may be moved by a voting member of the faculty or by the presiding officer; if approved, all students and non-voting members of the faculty must retire from the meeting place.

Paragraph 4.

Students eligible to attend shall be given notice of meetings of the faculty at the same time such notice is given to members of the faculty.

Paragraph 5.

Students shall not have the right to attend informal meetings of the faculty without the express invitation of the Dean of the Faculty.

Faculty Committees

Paragraph 1.

All ranks except part-time and visiting positions may be represented on Standing Committees of the Faculty. The President and Dean of the Faculty or their designees shall be ex-officio members of each standing faculty committee. Other members of the administrative staff shall hold positions on standing faculty committees or other committees as is appropriate: for example, Admissions officer on Admission and Financial Aid and Study Abroad, Athenaeum Director on Athenaeum Advisory Committee, Registrar on the Academic Standards Committee, Curriculum Committee, Study Abroad, and the Dean of Students on the Academic Standards Committee.

Paragraph 2.

All full-time faculty of the Keck Sciences and full-time members of the Physical Education department assigned to Claremont McKenna College during an academic year are eligible to serve on faculty committees. The chair of the Military Science department serves as a member of the Curriculum Committee.

Paragraph 3.

Committee assignments are normally made by the President of the College acting on the recommendation of the Dean of the Faculty, who may consult with the committee chair.

Paragraph 4.

An exception to paragraph 3, above, is made in the case of the Administration Committee, which shall have ten members to be elected by the Faculty in the following manner: the Faculty shall be divided into Group I, consisting of Full Professors including Professorial Lecturers; Group II, consisting of Associate Professors; and Group III, consisting of Assistant Professors, Instructors, and Lecturers. Each of these three groups shall by secret campus mail or electronic ballot, vote to elect its members to serve on the Administration Committee. Groups I and II shall serve staggered three year terms, Group III shall serve staggered two-year terms. The Administration Committee shall serve as its own committee of nomination and shall nominate two persons as candidates for each position on the committee. Five or more members of any of the three groups of the Faculty noted above may nominate one or more additional candidates by submitting the names of their nominees in writing to the Administration Committee. A majority of votes cast by the group shall be required for election of a member. In the event of a tie or the lack of a majority vote, there shall be a second secret mail or electronic ballot between the top two candidates to determine the winner. If no winner emerges, then the members of the Administration Committee shall select one of the final candidates to fill the position. Members who are elected to the Administration Committee will continue to represent the group that elected them until the end of their term.

Revised and approved by the Faculty on October 25, 2019.

Paragraph 5.

An exception to paragraph 3, above, shall be made in selecting the membership of the College Conduct Board. Eight members of the faculty of Claremont McKenna College shall serve on the Board and the method of their selection shall be as follows: the candidates, two of whom shall be tenured, shall be nominated by the Dean of the Faculty and shall be submitted to the Faculty for final approval. All Board members shall serve a term of two years, after which they may be re-nominated. A member of the faculty who serves on the Board may only be removed for substantial cause and only by vote of the Faculty.

Paragraph 6.

An exception to paragraph 3, above, shall be made in selecting members to serve on the Administration Committee (See Section and on the Appointment, Tenure, and Promotion Committee and the Appointment, Tenure, and Promotion Executive Committee of Claremont McKenna College (See Section

Paragraph 7.

Members of the faculty of Claremont McKenna College on leave may retain committee assignments in cases thought appropriate by the Dean of the Faculty.

Paragraph 8.

When nominations are necessary for faculty committees, and the process is not otherwise specified, they shall include no fewer than twice the number of nominees needed to fill the positions. If the number of nominees is insufficient of this number, the presiding officer shall select other nominees from among those eligible members of the faculty who are not on leave and are not present at the meeting of the faculty at which nominations are called for. Members of the faculty shall, notwithstanding, have the right to decline nomination for good cause.


Paragraph 1.

Reports to the faculty shall ordinarily be submitted in writing, to be distributed with faculty meeting agendas, and the preparers or presenters of reports shall be present at faculty meetings for questions and discussion.

Paragraph 2.

The Dean of the Faculty shall report regularly on the referral of business to committee, and faculty committees shall report periodically on their business according to a schedule announced by the Dean of the Faculty.

Paragraph 3.

Committees of the faculty of Claremont McKenna College, working on plans for institutes or significant new academic programs, policies, and procedures shall report their preliminary proposals to the faculty in the form of written statements to be distributed with the agenda prior to meetings of the faculty 


Paragraph 1.

A deadline for adjournment shall be announced in the agenda for each regular faculty meeting and may be postponed within the faculty meeting only by a majority vote taken at least one-half hour prior to the announced time.

Self-Denying Ordinance

Paragraph 1.

No matter calling for resolution by means of a vote of the faculty may be brought to such final vote unless:

  1. It has been moved from the floor at a prior meeting of the faculty; or
  2. It has been circulated to the faculty in an official agenda at least three (3) full days in advance of a meeting of the faculty; or
  3. Having been moved from the floor, it is passed without a dissenting vote.


Paragraph 1.

It is a privilege and a duty of members of the faculty of Claremont McKenna College to take an active interest in the activities and deliberations of the faculty. The most efficacious manner in which this may be accomplished is by regular attendance at meetings of the faculty, and the names of those present as well as absent shall be recorded in the minutes of the meetings of the faculty.

Paragraph 2.

Members of the faculty of Claremont McKenna College are under no obligation to attend meetings of the faculty while on leave from the college but they may attend, and they may vote in such meetings as they desire to attend. Only if they attend a meeting where a secret mail ballot is voted will they receive a mail ballot.