2022-2023 Policy Library 
    Feb 17, 2025  
2022-2023 Policy Library [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Guest Policy

Guests of CMC students are welcome to visit the campus. The CMC student host is responsible for the conduct of their guest during the entirety of the guest’s visit.

Parking is available for campus guests in the Sixth and Mills lot and the Children’s School lot. Temporary parking permits are required for visitors and are available at Campus Safety.

Overnight Guest Policy

Students, including those living in single rooms, may host one overnight guest (anyone who is not a currently enrolled CMC student) for no more than two consecutive nights with a 10-day period between visitations. Permission for additional nights may be approved by the Residential Life staff. Students living with a roommate(s) may have an overnight guest only with the consent of their roommate(s). Guests must comply with all College rules and regulations. The behavior of the guest is the responsibility of the hosting student. If the behavior or frequency of overnight guests becomes a concern for a roommate, apartment mate, or other students in the residential community, the problem will be addressed by the Residential Life staff. The Dean of Students Office and CMC Public Safety reserve the right to remove a guest from College housing and prohibit future overnight stay by the guest. Guests are to be registered. 

Currently enrolled CMC students are not considered “guests” per the above policy and therefore do not need to be registered; however, it is important to get permission from one’s roommate(s) any time a student wants to invite someone who is not a resident of the room, including other CMC students, to visit overnight.