2021-2022 Policy Library 
    Mar 02, 2025  
2021-2022 Policy Library [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Health Screening Policy

History: Issued July 27, 2020
Revised: March 1, 2021
Applicability: This Policy applies to employees or vendors reporting to the Claremont McKenna College
Related Policies: COVID-19 Policies  
Responsible Official: Vice President of Business and Chief Operating Office

Please visit the CMCReturns web page.

Policy Statement

The College is subject to follow Federal, State and Local health guidelines as well as Occupational Health and Safety guidelines required by OSHA to ensure the health and safety of the workplace and protect employee health. These guidelines require employers to provide a safe workplace that is free from recognized hazards, including the risk of contracting or spreading an infectious disease. The College takes these requirements seriously. CMC views the health and safety of our community as its top priority.

The best way to control a hazard is to keep it out or remove it from the workplace through the implementation of appropriate controls that mitigate the risk of exposure and transmission.

Therefore, no employee or visitor should come to campus or to work if they are sick or if they are exposed to a person who has COVID-19. We encourage employees to actively self-monitor their health before coming to campus. Employees who experience a fever of 100.0 or greater are not permitted to return to campus and should isolate at home, until they are free of fever for at least 72 hours. Employees who do not feel well and/or are experiencing any symptoms are required to stay home, follow applicable department call-in procedures and contact the COVID-19 hotline at 909-607-2301 or covid19@cmc.edu.

As suggested by County guidelines, the College will require a daily online symptom check through Qualtrics for employees reporting to campus. The College will require a daily on-site symptom check for vendors, visitors and delivery personnel reporting to campus. The symptom check process involves a check for symptoms, including but not limited to, fever, cough, shortness of breath, body aches, body chills, muscle pain, sore throat, headache, or loss of taste or smell. Employees who come to work showing these signs or symptoms will be required to leave the workplace. Employees should report time off due to sickness according to College sick pay policies.

Employees who are asked to leave the workplace or who remain home due to illness are required to follow up with their doctor and may be required to provide a doctor’s note certifying fitness to return to the workplace. Additionally, employees may be contacted by a member of Hamilton Health Box to further discuss screening results and symptoms.

Effective immediately, the health screening process will involve the following protocol for employees. Every day, until further notice, before you arrive to campus, you are required to complete the online health screening at www.cmc.edu/healthscreen.

If you are cleared to come on campus, you will receive an email clearing you to come on campus and to go to your workspace. A new email will be required every date that you come on campus. Please retain email to signify you have been cleared for that day.

Employees, vendors, visitors and delivery personnel who are unable to complete the online health screening, as you arrive to campus, report directly to the Hamilton Health Box’s COVID-19 onsite clinic located at 654 East Sixth Street.

  • Be sure to wear a mask or other face covering at all times, while on campus. If you do not have a mask, one will be provided for you at the health screening location. Wash your mask daily.
  • Park your car in the parking lot located at 654 East Sixth Street and follow the A-frame signs as directed toward the health screening station. Exit your car and follow signs to the screening area.
  • If a line forms, be sure to maintain proper physical distancing of approximately 6 feet from other individuals.
  • To avoid crowding and to maximize physical distancing, you will be provided with a screening time. Please try to report within your appointed screening time.
  • Meet with health screening personnel at the screening table.
  • Complete Symptom Check Questionnaire with the health screening personnel.
  • If you are cleared to enter the campus, the health screening personnel will provide you with a sticker for that day, clearing you to enter campus and to go to your workspace. A new sticker will be required every day. Please display sticker to signify you have been cleared for that day.

This daily health screening policy applies to all employees, vendors, visitors and delivery personnel that are required to be on campus. If you expect a vendor, visitor or delivery personnel to perform work on campus, it is your responsibility to inform them of this process and refer them to the health screening station. No individual should be on campus without receiving a health screening clearance sticker.

Health screenings in the workplace are allowed under guidance of the United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) in its requirement that employers are responsible to take steps to prevent a direct threat to the health and safety of individuals or others in the workplace. Employees who fail to participate in health screenings will not be allowed to report to Campus and may be required to provide a note from a health care practitioner confirming your readiness to return onsite.

Time spent participating is this health screening process is considered compensable time and will count for hours worked for non-exempt employees. Time clocks are available to record your start time, if applicable.

This policy is subject to review and update from time to time as conditions and requirements change. For additional information or questions regarding this process, please contact the COVID-19 hotline at 909-607-2301 or covid19@cmc.edu.