2021-2022 Policy Library 
    Sep 07, 2024  
2021-2022 Policy Library [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Replacement Cycle of Workstations

Claremont McKenna College

Policy Library 

Volume X:

Information Technology Services

Chapter Other:

Replacement Cycle of Workstations

Approved by:

Administrative Computing Committee (ACC)


Issued: 08/01/1999
Revised: 09/27/1999. 10/11/1999, 11/01/2001, 02/28/2007 Reformatted/Revised: 12/14/2009

Related Polices:

Backup and Recovery of User Files on Network Servers, Department Technology Budget Upgrades, Faculty Technology Budget Upgrades, Purchase of Obsolete Workstation from the College, Staff Upgrade Budget, Standard Faculty and Staff Workstation Screen-Saver Policy, Standard Staff Printer Hardware Configuration, Standard Workstation Hardware and Software Configuration

Additional References:


Responsible Official:

Office of Information Technology Services

 I. Policy Statement

  • To establish the procedure by which primary workstations are replaced and purchased at Claremont McKenna College.

II. Entities Covered by this Policy

  • This policy covers all workstations purchased for faculty, staff, and research use at Claremont McKenna College.

III. Contacts

Direct any questions about this policy to your department’s supervisor. Questions about specific issues may be addressed to:




Replacement Cycle of Workstations

Chief Technology Officer


1 Numbers refer to on-campus extensions. When calling from an off-campus line, please dial (909) 62+extention for numbers beginning with a “1” and please dial (909) 60+ extension for numbers beginning with a “7.”


IV. Definitions

  • CMC observes a four-year workstation cycle. At the end of the four-year term the workstation is returned to ITS. All technology purchased with College funds (Department budgets, capital purchase, or IFA) belongs to the College and is under the purview of ITS. As a precaution, files on the returned workstation will be stored by ITS for two weeks.


V. Procedures

Replacement of workstations:

  1. Workstations will be purchased via the centrally directed IT capital budget.

  2. Information Technology Services at Claremont McKenna College, will be

    responsible for configuring, purchasing and maintaining workstations.

  3. All workstations will be replaced after four years per Information Technology

    Services personnel availability.

  4. Academic departments and administrative offices will request specialized

    equipment, new equipment, and upgrades during the budgeting cycle (in the Fall budget process.) All normal replacement of workstations will be handled automatically.

  5. Information Technology Services will be responsible for ordering, configuring and installing new workstations.