2021-2022 Policy Library 
    Jul 26, 2024  
2021-2022 Policy Library [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Residence Life Policies

The following policies apply to living in the residence halls and student apartments. Students agree to abide by these policies when signing the Residence Hall and Apartment License Agreement.

Appliance Policy

Due to wiring limitations, discretion must be applied when using appliances in the residence halls.  Residence hall rooms are equipped with a 2000 watt circuit, so no more than two high-wattage appliances (such as hair dryers, hot curlers, and flat irons/straighteners) can ever be turned on simultaneously in a room.  Students may safely use personal appliances such as stereos, radios, televisions, DVD players, and electric razors in residence hall rooms.   The use of hallway outlets or extension cords is reserved for housekeeping and maintenance staff; use of hallway outlets to power appliances in a student room is prohibited.

Small, personal-use refrigerators are permitted in student rooms as follows: 

  • The refrigerator is U.A.L approved, 4.5 cubic feet or smaller, and does not draw more than 100 watts of power. 
  • Only one refrigerator is permitted per room.
  • No refrigerators are permitted in closets, public areas, or rest rooms.
  • During winter break the refrigerator must cleaned out, defrosted and left unplugged and open.  
  • Refrigerators must be removed at the end of the year.  Students will be charged for removal if left behind, and the refrigerators will be donated to charity.

The following appliances are not permitted in student rooms:

  • Air conditioners:  If an air conditioner is found in a student’s room, it will be confiscated and held until the end of the semester. Confiscated units not retrieved at the end of the semester will be donated.
  • Halogen lights:  Any lamp, desk, table or floor, which uses a halogen light bulb.
  • Washing machines and dryers
  • Cooking appliances with heating elements:  including but not limited to, hot plates, coffee makers, tea kettles, electric frying pans or grills, microwaves, toasters, and toaster ovens.

Building and Room Access and Keys

The doors of the residence halls, the main door to each of the student apartments, an most academic buildings are accessible by your CMC ID card. For most rooms on campus the “key” is your CMC ID.  A small number of rooms still have a metal key.

Lost room metal keys, temporary key cards, and/or mailbox keys must be reported immediately to Facilities and Campus Services at Story House. There is a minimum charge of $150 to re-key a room with a metal key and $15 to re-key a mailbox. Metal room keys must be turned in at the end of each academic year. Failure to return a metal room key by the designated end-of- semester date will result in immediate re-keying and assessment of the charges listed above. Lost or non-returned temporary key cards will result in a charge of $15.

Students may keep their mailbox keys until they graduate or permanently leave the College. Students are prohibited from duplicating or possessing unauthorized duplicates of College keys. Unauthorized possession of any College master key will result in College disciplinary action and a fine of $250.

Cooking and Grilling

Cooking is not allowed in residence hall rooms. Cooking in residence hall rooms violates county health regulations and as state fire safety regulations.  Additionally, cooking appliances are high-wattage devices that will overload residence hall circuit breakers. Repeated overloading of circuits may result in disciplinary actions and/or fines.

Grills other than those provided by the College or Dining Services are prohibited on campus. Outdoor charcoal grills are installed near certain residential spaces for student use. Larger, moveable charcoal grills may be checked out from Collins Dining Hall for use at pre-approved events. Personal grills of any kind (gas, electric, charcoal, etc.) cannot be stored or used on campus.

Students are permitted to cook in the Student Apartments and in Janie’s Kitchen located on the first floor of Claremont Hall. Janie’s Kitchen is equipped with two ovens, a stovetop, two sinks, and a refrigerator. Basic kitchen amenities are provided, including pots and pans, bakeware, and dishware. The kitchen is utilized on a first-come, first-served basis. Students are expected to clean the kitchen, including appliances, countertops, and dishes, after use. 

Damage Policy

Residents are expected to maintain their room and the public areas of the residence hall in a clean and undamaged condition. Residents may incur fines and fees for damage, unauthorized modifications, missing furniture, or excessive cleaning labor. When campus housing is vacated at the end of the year, Facilities and Campus Services surveys the condition of each room and each common area of every residence hall and apartment. Information provided by the videotape is compared to the Room Condition and Inventory form completed by Facilities and Campus Services prior to move-in.

Pre-Existing Damage

Any student who finds pre-existing damage, missing furniture, or an untidy room upon move-in is expected to submit a work order immediately with Facilities and Campus Services in order to avoid associated fines and fees. The College will attempt to remedy the situation as soon as possible. 

How Charges Are Assessed

Assignment of damage fees is based on the principle of individual and group responsibility. Costs associated with damage, missing furniture, and excessive cleaning in a room will be assigned to the student(s) the room is assigned to unless responsibility can be more specifically assigned. Similarly, unless responsibility can be more specifically assigned, the students living in suites and apartments will share the costs of damage, missing furniture, and excessive cleaning in the common areas of their suites and apartments. Likewise, residents will share the costs of damage, missing amenities, and excessive cleaning in lounges, study spaces, and the Claremont Hall Kitchen.

If damage, missing furniture, and excessive cleaning occurs in a common space (such as in a suite, hallway, lounge, or apartment) and those responsible cannot be identified, the Office of Residential Life will assign the charges to the smallest identifiable group. The smallest identifiable group can include all residents of a suite, floor, apartment, or residence hall. Damages and cleanup due to an event may be charged to the sponsors of that event and/or to those students who signed the event registration form for the event. Also, damages and cleanup may be charged to a group of students who do not share a room, suite, floor, or apartment, or live in the residence halls, but have been identified as being in the proximity when the damage occurred.

Students are urged to notify their Resident Assistant with information about any damages that occur in their living spaces. Damages will be assessed on the basis of the most complete and accurate information available to Residential Life and student input is essential for accurate billing. Individual students may provide information which is ultimately used to identify the individual or group to be held accountable for damage or cleanup.


At the beginning of each month, any student who has been assigned damage charges w will receive an email notification with instructions to view the charges in their portal.   To appeal, students must send an email to the Dean of Students Office by the 21st of the month, indicating which charge(s) they are appealing, the reason for the appeal, and, if possible, the person(s) who should be charged. A copy of the student’s dorm damage statement must be attached to the appeal form. Charges for which appeals are granted will be reassessed to the appropriate individual or group. Appeals will not be accepted after the appeal deadline.

College Deposit

A college deposit of $500 is to be remitted by each student upon acceptance to CMC. When a student graduates or departs CMC any outstanding fees, fines, or dorm damages are charged against the student’s college deposit. The remainder of this deposit will be refunded to the student.

Early Arrival Policy

Students are not permitted to return to campus and move into their fall or spring apartments or residence hall rooms prior to the dates identified each year by the Dean of Students. Exceptions for early arrival are granted for students participating in athletic pre-season training or who are providing an essential function for the College such as athletic team support staff, Resident Assistants, First Year Guides, and some student employment positions. Requests for exceptions should be made by the sponsoring department/office to the Assistant Dean of Students/Director of Residence Life. Requests for the fall semester should be made by August 1 and requests for spring semester should be made by December 15.

Students who are granted permission to move in early will be charged an early arrival fee for each day they are on campus prior to that semester’s return date. The fee is set by the Business Office. Students will be notified of the fee amount at the time they are given permission to arrive early by the Assistant Dean of Students/Director of Residence Life. This amount will be billed directly to the student’s account. If the sponsoring College department/office has agreed to pay for the early arrival fee, the student’s account will either be credited for that amount or the student will receive a stipend reimbursement from the sponsoring department/ office through payroll. It is the student’s responsibility to clarify with their sponsoring department/ office if and how their housing costs will be covered.

For safety reasons, the Dean of Students Office must be aware of all individuals staying on campus at all times. Students who are not approved to arrive early may not “bunk” with other students, even if their roommate, apartment mate or suitemate is approved to arrive early. Students found on campus prior to the approved return date without authorization to return early from the Assistant Dean of Students/Director of Residence Life will be required to leave campus immediately and will need to make arrangements for off-campus accommodations at their own expense until the residence halls officially open. They will also incur a $100 fine plus the early arrival fee for each day they were on campus without approval.

Students who are permitted to be on campus early are expected to focus on the purpose for which they are returning early. Alcohol use is not permitted on campus during the early arrival period.


 During the first 30 days of each semester, residents may submit one request to have room furniture added or a desk chair removed, and reconfigured free of charge. Reconfiguration includes bed height changes and the removal of bed rails (once a bed rail waiver is submitted). Due to a lack of storage space, only desk chairs will be removed. After the first 30 days of the semester, students will be charged for each request, including the removal and addition of furniture, and bed height change. All requests must be submitted using CMC’s online work order form. Requests will be handled within seven days. 

CMC provided patio furniture can be placed outside on your patio. Hammocks are not allowed outside or inside rooms. CMC provided patio furniture may be checked out at Story House for the entire year by submitting an online work order form. Students who check out patio furniture are responsible for the condition and return of the furniture. CMC provided patio furniture is the only furniture permitted to remain outdoors at all times. If students use their own outdoor furniture (camp chairs, folding tables, etc.), these items must be returned to their rooms whenever they are not in active use. This is to preserve the aesthetics of the College. At no time shall any furniture block egress1.

College furniture provided in individual rooms or common spaces must remain in its original place. This includes, but is not limited to, couches, club chairs, desk chairs, coffee tables, kitchen tables, and kitchen chairs. Placing them outside causes weather-related damage and poses a fire hazard. Placing them in lounges or hallways violates fire and safety code1. Furthermore, any personal furniture - such as couches, chairs, and personal tables - as well as personal items - such as athletic equipment, skateboards, and scooters - must also remain indoors in student rooms or apartments, not in lounges or hallways or outdoors. This is to prevent theft, as well as maintain the campus readiness for guests and visitors.

Any college furniture found outside will be moved back to its original place and the student(s) responsible will be assessed all associated labor and damage costs. Any personal furniture and items found outside will be removed and discarded, and the student(s) responsible will be charged for labor. Continued violations of this policy may result in a fine and/or disciplinary action. 

1 2018 International Building Code, Chapter 10, Means of Egress;  OSHA 1910.34  Exit Routes and Emergency Planning;  2016 CA Fire Code [BE] 1003.6: Means of egress continuity;  CA Code of Regulations Section 142.3, Labor Code and Section 18943(c), Health and Safety Code.


Approximately every two weeks building attendants will enter student residence hall rooms to do basic cleaning. The staff will not pick up items strewn around the room, nor make beds, but the furniture will be dusted and the floor will be vacuumed if clear of personal items. Excessively messy rooms may result in a special cleaning charge. CMC contracts with a pest control service, however, The College cannot guarantee a pest free environment due to natural and surrounding environments. CMC is not responsible for pests. Do not leave food waste in trash cans to prevent pest problems. Housekeeping services are not provided to the student apartments.

Housing Accommodations

To request a housing accommodation, you must self-identify your need with the Dean of Students Office. To do so, submit current documentation which:

  • demonstrates that you have a physical, mental, or emotional health condition that currently and substantially impacts major life activities;

  • confirms the need for housing accommodations based on environmental needs;

  • is provided by an appropriately licensed professional who is qualified to evaluate the specific condition(s) you present with and who is not related to you;

  • is signed, dated, and typed on official letterhead, and includes the diagnostician’s name, title, credentials, license number, and contact information.

Documentation may be submitted to the Dean of Students Office in hard copy, or via fax (909) 621-8495 or email (deanofstudents@cmc.edu). 

It is recommended that you submit your documentation prior to Room Draw or new student housing assignments so that appropriate accommodations can be in place at the beginning of the semester. Your request will be reviewed and you will be notified if the documentation is acceptable and complete, or if further information is required. If you would like to meet with a staff member to discuss housing accommodations please contact the Dean of Students Office at (909) 621-8114 or deanofstudents@cmc.edu to schedule an appointment. 


Students should maintain personal property insurance to cover losses incurred by theft, fire, interruption of utilities, or other causes. Students should check with their families to be sure that their belongings are adequately covered under a homeowners or renters policy.


Washing machines and dryers are located in all residence halls and at the student apartments. The washing machines and dryers cost $1.00 per load. Laundry machines require a major credit card (Visa and MasterCard) to authorize payment.  An $8.00 hold is automatically charged to the student’s credit card and is refunded shortly thereafter.  Students must provide their own irons and ironing boards. There are also several laundries and dry cleaners within walking distance of the College, including one at the CUC Connection in Honnold Library.


It is the responsibility of residents to carry their access card and room key at all times. Story House provides key service during regular business hours free of charge. Campus Safety operates 24/7 and provides key service for a charge of $25. Resident Assistants are not required to provide lock out services, but may do so at their own discretion.

Meal Plans

All students living in the residence halls are required to have a College meal plan. Students living in the student apartments are not required to have a meal plan but may purchase one if they wish to do so. Students may choose from a variety of meal plan options, which can be found at www.cmc.edu/studentaccts/tuition/. Each plan also comes with “Board Plus dollars” - also known as “Flex” - for use at any facility at The Claremont Colleges that is equipped with a card reader.

Motorized Skateboards, Scooters, and Bikes

Due to safety concerns for students, faculty and staff, the use of motorized skateboards, scooters, and bikes is prohibited from the interior of the CMC Campus. If using such a vehicle on the exterior of campus, riders are required to follow all applicable state and local laws, not limited to CVC21235 which disallows people to:

  • Operate a motorized scooter unless it is equipped with a brake that will enable the operator to make a braked wheel skid on dry, level, clean pavement.
  • Operate a motorized scooter without wearing a properly fitted and fastened bicycle helmet that meets the standards described in Section 21212, if the operator is under 18 years of age.
  • Operate a motorized scooter carrying any package, bundle, or article that prevents the operator from keeping at least one hand upon the handlebars.
  • Operate a motorized scooter without a valid driver’s license or instruction permit.
  • Operate a motorized scooter upon a sidewalk, except as may be necessary to enter or leave adjacent property.
  • Leave a motorized scooter lying on its side on any sidewalk, or park a motorized scooter on a sidewalk in any other position, so that there is not an adequate path for pedestrian traffic.
  • Operate a motorized scooter with any passengers in addition to the operator.

Individuals assume their own risk when riding a motorized/electric vehicle. CMC is not responsible for injuries which may occur while riding a motorized/electric vehicle outside of campus policies.

Noise Policy (Quiet Hours)

Maintaining an environment conducive to studying is one of the College’s top priorities. Students have the right to question unreasonable noise levels in the residence halls and apartments at all times. Requests to decrease the noise level should be made directly to the individual responsible and a resolution of the matter should be agreed upon by the two parties. In attempting to reach an understanding, a Resident Assistant may be called upon to mediate. During the College’s stated Quiet Hours, requests for quiet will take absolute priority. Please be respectful of your neighbors and fellow residents.

The Quiet Hours are as follows:

Sunday - Thursday: Midnight - 8:00 a.m.
Friday - Saturday: 1:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.

Beginning at 11:59 p.m. on the last day of classes each semester, Quiet Hours will extend to 24 hours a day until the conclusion of finals. Repeated and unresolved disturbances should be reported to a Resident Assistant or the Dean of Students staff.

Open Flames

Due to the danger presented by open flames, candles, fire pits, or any other flame may not be used on the CMC campus unless they are used as part of a campus event and approved by the Director of Student Activities. Barbecue areas are provided near certain residence halls, but personal barbecue grills are not allowed on campus. See Cooking under the Appliance Policy for more information.



CMC seeks to create a living and learning environment for students that is conducive to development, interaction, and a healthy well-being for all students living in a communal space. No pets or animals, other than fish in a maximum of one, 10-gallon tank per student are allowed in student rooms. Animals/pets other than fish constitute a violation of the Residence Hall License Agreement which all CMC students sign upon entering CMC.  Possession of an unapproved animal on campus may result in disciplinary action through the CMC student conduct process and possible removal of the animal from campus.

Service & Emotional Support Animals

CMC will permit service animals and emotional support animals in on-campus housing as a reasonable accommodation through the process described below.

Some CMC students with disabilities may be prescribed and/or require the use of a service animal or an emotional support animal. Determination of whether an emotional support animal will be permitted in on-campus housing is made on a case-by-case basis, through an interactive process involving the individual requesting the accommodation and relevant campus personnel. In all cases, the needs of the individual are balanced with the impact of an animal on other campus residents, members of the CMC community and visitors. A student who requires a service animal does not require Approval from the College.  

Service Animals

Under the Americans with Disabilities Act, a service animal is defined as a dog, or in some cases a miniature horse, that has been individually trained to do work or perform tasks for an individual with a disability. The task(s) performed by the animal must be directly related to the person’s disability. Animals whose sole function is to provide comfort or emotional support do not qualify as service animals.

False representation of a service animal is a violation of California Penal Code 365.7. A student found to have falsely represented a service animal will be in violation of the CMC Student Code of Conduct and will face disciplinary action through the student conduct process and possible removal of the animal from campus.

Emotional Support Animals (ESA)

Under the Fair Housing Act (FHA) and U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), an Emotional Support Animal (ESA) is an animal that provides emotional support that alleviates one or more identified symptoms or effects of a person’s qualified disability. ESAs are not pets and are not considered service animals under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA); rather, they are animals that have been prescribed to provide necessary support or companionship to a person with a qualifying disability.

Process for Requesting an ESA

A qualified student with a disability, (i.e., has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities) who is requesting an Emotional Support Animal (ESA) should request a meeting with the Assistant Dean of Students for Disability Services & Academic Success. The student shall provide a completed Request for Accommodations Form and supporting documentation explaining how the animal will be necessary to offer the student equal opportunity to access and enjoy Claremont McKenna College on-campus housing in a way that would not otherwise be possible. A student is not permitted to live with an ESA on campus until given written approval by the Assistant Dean of Students for Disability Services & Academic Success.

Handler’s Responsibilities in CMC On-Campus Housing

Handlers are responsible for their service animal or emotional support animal at all times.

All Handlers are required annually to provide documentation that their animal complies with all local laws pertaining animal licensing & registration, vaccinations, and owner identification. A vaccination certificate or letter indicating an up-to-date rabies vaccination from your veterinary health provider will be required. See the Claremont Municipal Code for current local laws.

Removal of Approved Animal

A handler may be required to remove their service animal or ESA if there is a violation of College policy.


Room Decoration and Modification

Students are encouraged to personalize their own living spaces, but must observe the following guidelines. Nails, screws, and tape that may damage any surface are not permitted for use and may result in damage charges. We recommend that you use 3M Command products as they are uniquely designed not to damage surfaces. They are sold at The Hub Store and Huntley Bookstore as well as many off-campus retail locations. Student rooms must be restored to the original condition upon vacancy. Any unauthorized modifications will be removed and any resulting damage will be repaired at the student’s expense.

Room Draw

Returning students select rooms for the following academic year during Room Draw, held in the spring semester. A random lottery number is computer-generated for each student according to their class year. Those with the lowest numbers will select first in each class beginning with rising seniors, rising juniors, and rising sophomores. A student who is not on the campus for the Room Draw process should assign a proxy who will be given the responsibility for selecting their room. All returning students must go through Room Draw, including those who wish to live off campus the following year. Off-campus living is a Room Draw option and only a limited number of students can choose that option. Any students already living off campus must still attend Room Draw if they wish to reselect that option for the following year. Room changes will not be made for returning students who have chosen their room during Room Draw except in situations determined to be exceptional by the Assistant Dean of Students/Director of Residence Life.

Roommates and Room Change

Students are assigned roommates with similar habits and priorities. The success of any roommate situation depends largely on likes and dislikes regarding music, sleep, cleanliness, borrowing and lending, and study habits. New students experiencing difficulties with their roommates are encouraged to try to work out the problems themselves and if necessary, to ask the Resident Assistant to mediate the conflict. If the Resident Assistant is unable to resolve the conflict, the student may wish to contact the Assistant Dean of Students/Director of Residence Life. Room changes for new students will not be considered until October 1 of the fall semester. The College may place a new roommate into any empty room space at any time during the academic year. Students will receive 24 hour prior notice when a new roommate will be moving into their room. After 24 hours the new roommate will be allowed full access to the room.

Safety and Security

The residence halls are locked at all times and may be accessed using a student ID card. All residence halls are equipped with a security system that allows access with the student’s I.D. card. It is the responsibility of every student to ensure that the residence halls are kept securely locked. After entering or leaving the residence hall it is wise to check to make sure the door re-latches. Students may be fined $200 for propping doors. All propped doors, should be unpropped.

Most residence hall thefts can be avoided if students lock their rooms even when leaving for only a short time. Guests should be escorted at all times in the residence halls. Individuals who have no legitimate purpose in the residence hall should be escorted to the door and asked to leave. Students should immediately notify Campus Safety and the Resident Assistant after a theft has occurred or if they see any suspicious individuals.

All students should exercise caution when walking alone on the campus or in the community. Care should be taken to avoid dark areas and, if at all possible, students should avoid walking alone or at night. The “blue light” telephones help make the campus a safer place. Tampering with these telephones will not be tolerated; a fine of $200 and/or disciplinary action will follow.

Single Occupants in Double Rooms

A single occupant of a double room may normally select a roommate of his or her choice or accept a roommate assigned to the vacant space.

If one resident vacates a double or triple room, the remaining resident(s) must be willing to accept another roommate or move to another room, at the discretion of the Assistant Dean of Students/Director of Residence Life. The College reserves the right to determine how many rooms may be used as partial capacity rooms.

Smoking Policy

All CMC residence halls and student apartments are smoke-free; this includes hallways, stairwells, and balconies and terraces. Smoking in a residential building or tampering with a smoke detector will result in a $200 fine and/or disciplinary action.


There are limited storage areas available in the residence halls during the academic year; storage in these areas is at your own risk. You should plan on storing your personal items, including boxes and suitcases, in your residence hall room or apartment. Contact your Resident Assistant to see if space is available.

There are no student storage facilities on campus over the summer break, when a student takes a leave from the College, or when a student graduates. You must remove all of your belongings from campus when you leave for the summer, if you take a leave of absence, or when you graduate. Some students elect to store their belongings at a local storage facility or contract with a storage pod company.

Storage Pod Policy: If you decide to contract with a storage pod company, please note the following guidelines. You and your storage pod company need to be aware of and comply with the following regulations:

  • All storage pods must be registered with the Dean of Students Office. It is your responsibility to register your pod prior to its delivery to campus.
  • A limited number of spaces are available for storage pods and these will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. You will be told your delivery spot upon completion of registration and must make sure your storage pod company delivers your pod to your designated spot.
    Note: Storage pods may not be placed in the interior of the campus or in either of the Bauer lots. Storage pods should not be placed on public property on the exterior of the campus. Storage pods may not be placed on sidewalks or in fire lanes.
  • Your pod must display your name, as well as your storage company’s name and contact information.
  • Your pod must be delivered and removed within the approved dates for that semester. Generally, the approved dates will be 4 days prior to the opening of the residence halls and removal will be within three days of delivery. Specific dates will be distributed each year on the DOS website and via email.

Failure to comply with these guidelines will result in a $100 fine to your student account as well as removal of the pod at your expense.

Substance Free Residence Hall Policy

Stark Hall is a “substance free” residence hall. No alcohol, tobacco products, or illegal drugs are allowed in the building by anyone, including guests and nonresidents. Penalties for violations of the Substance Free Residence Hall policy may result in fines and/or disciplinary action.

Windows and Screens, Balconies, and Rooftops

The removal of a residence hall window screen is prohibited. Such behaviors present a danger to the safety and security of our residence halls and members of the campus community. Students who remove a window screen or who are found using a window as a point of entry or egress will be fined $200, will be responsible for any costs to restore and/or repair the screen, and may be subject to disciplinary action.

Any student found on the roof or window ledge of any College building in areas other than those designated for use as a balcony will be fined $200, will be responsible for the cost of any repair required, and may be subject to disciplinary action.

Throwing or dropping objects from windows, rooftops, or balconies of any campus building is prohibited. Such behavior endangers the lives and safety of students, staff, and visitors. 

Winter Break Housing

The residence halls are closed during Winter Break except for student-athletes who are required to return to campus early. Residents of the student apartments may remain in their apartments over winter break. Athletes must work with their coaches to make sure that they go through the necessary procedures to arrange for Winter Break housing. International students who cannot return home during the Winter Break may contact International Place about possible options in the local area. See Early Arrival Policy for more information.