RLST156 CM - Revolt and Reform in Early Modern Europe

This course examines the origin and development of various reform movements in early modern Europe, including Protestant (Lutheran, Calvinist, Swiss Reformed, Anglican) and Radical groups (Hussites, Swiss Anabaptist, Mennonite, Socinian, Anti-Trinitarian, Spiritualist), as well as Catholic (Capuchin, Carmelites, Jesuit, and Spanish vs. Italian movements) and Humanist groups (Italian Renaissance and northern European versions). It will analyze key religious figures, major political events, and social controversies in order to understand the ways in which the religious reform prompted, supported or resisted social change in early modern Europe.

Offered: Every other year

Credit: 1

Course Number: RLST156 CM

This course information is from the 2024-2025 Catalog. View this catalog.

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