2017-2018 Catalog 
    Jun 03, 2024  
2017-2018 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


Browse the entire list of course offerings below, or use the course filter search to view a course or selection of courses.



  • GOVT130 CM - Presidential Primaries, Nominations, and Elections

    This course will familiarize students with the process of presidential selection in the United States, including both party nominations and the general election. Special attention will be paid to recent election campaigns and the ways in which they illustrate broader course materials.

    Prerequisite: GOVT 020 CM 

    Offered: Occasionally

    Credit: 1

    Course Number: GOVT130 CM
  • GOVT131 CM - Heroes, Villains, and Clowns

    This course examines the meaning of heroism, villainy, and clownishness as they occur in western politics, literature, plays, and film. Drawing on materials in all media, including biography, history, fiction, poetry, plays, and cinema, the course studies specific individuals and works of art, ancient and modern. Among the individuals and works studied are: Churchill, Nero, Nixon, Faust; the movies Shane, and From Here to Eternity; the novel Anna Karenina; and the play Medea.

    Prerequisite: GOVT 020 CM 

    Offered: Occasionally

    Credit: 1

    Course Number: GOVT131 CM
  • GOVT132 CM - Development Aid in Practice

    This course analyzes the conceptual, policy, and operational debates in the field of development, so that students can better understand development as a profession, as an institution, as an ideology, and as a concrete set of practices and norms. It deals with issues such as power, community, state formation, gender, technical assistance, and conditionality. More generally, this course seeks to connect or translate social science insights into to the practice of development and vice versa, understand concrete practices through the lens of theory.

    Prerequisites: GOVT 020 CM  and instructor permission

    Offered: Every year

    Credit: 1

    Course Number: GOVT132 CM
  • GOVT132E CM - Politics and Economics of Natural Resource Policy in Developing Countries

    This seminar course addresses the question of how countries dependent on natural resources ought to husband these resources and invest the proceeds productively. It employs the policy sciences framework to explore the political and economic-policy challenges of minimizing the abuse of resource endowments due to mis-pricing, corruption, intra-governmental conflicts, and perverse governance arrangements. It examines why governments seem to abuse natural resources willfully, what forms of privatization hold promise for better resource use, what fiscal and governance arrangements are optimal for the relationship between government and state natural-resource agencies, and whether resource abundance is actually a “curse” rather than an advantage for a country’s economic and political development. The cases will be drawn predominantly from Africa, Asia, and Latin America. Also listed as ECON 142 CM .

    Prerequisites: ECON 101 CM  and GOVT 020 CM 

    Offered: Every other year

    Credit: 1

    Course Number: GOVT132E CM
  • GOVT133 CM - India in Asia: Democracy and Development in India, China, and Pakistan

    This course introduces students to the history and politics of countries in South Asia in a comparative framework. Despite the recent increased international attention to the countries of the region, South Asia continues to puzzle scholars, policymakers, and journalists alike.  The so-called “problems” endemic to the countries in South Asia – the tendency to use violence to resolve conflicts, potential of nuclear conflict, and radical political change – must be placed within the domestic, historical, and international context of the various countries in the region.

    Prerequisite: GOVT 020 CM 

    Offered: Occasionally

    Credit: 1

    Course Number: GOVT133 CM
  • GOVT133E CM - Democratic Politics and the Military in Latin America

    This course explores the changing dynamics of Latin American countries in the process of change from authoritarian to democratic political systems, and how that is influencing the role of the military in their societies, the changing missions of the armed forces, including drug-related violence, and civil-military relations.

    Prerequisite: GOVT 020 CM  

    Offered: Every other year

    Credit: 1

    Course Number: GOVT133E CM
  • GOVT134 CM - Mexican Government and Politics

    An introduction to major themes, historical patterns, political institutions, and developmental issues facing Mexico.

    Prerequisite: GOVT 020 CM 

    Offered: Every other year

    Credit: 1

    Course Number: GOVT134 CM
  • GOVT134E CM - Democratization, Violence and Change: Mexico’s Political Transformation

    Examines current political conditions in Mexico, focusing on influential obstacles to its transition from an electoral to a consolidated democracy, including organized crime, violence, political sovereignty, the legitimacy of electoral and governmental institutions and processes, and the role of media.

    Offered: Every year

    Credit: 1

    Course Number: GOVT134E CM
  • GOVT135 CM - Comparative Politics of the Middle East

    This course offers students a broad overview of current political themes in the Middle East and North Africa—one of the most talked about slices of political geography on the globe. Starting with the issue of colonial legacies and concluding with the future prospects for democracy and development, the course covers a range of themes, including: authoritarianism, popular uprisings, oil, gender, political Islam, and foreign intervention.

    Prerequisite: GOVT 020 CM 

    Offered: Occasionally

    Credit: 1

    Course Number: GOVT135 CM
  • GOVT136 CM - The Politics of Radical Movements in America

    Radical politics from 1620-2016, including the separatist radicals, the revolution, American Utopianism, abolition, suffrage and feminism, labor radicalism, anarchism, socialism, and communism, “New Negro” and black power, and queer liberation.

    Prerequisite: GOVT 020 CM 

    Offered: Every other year

    Credit: 1

    Course Number: GOVT136 CM
  • GOVT138 CM - Religion, Politics, and Change in Latin America

    An exploration of the impact of religion, the Catholic Church, Evangelical Protestantism, and new religious movements on politics in the region, including influential consequences for democratic transition and consolidation.

    Prerequisite: GOVT 020 CM  

    Offered: Occasionally

    Credit: 1

    Course Number: GOVT138 CM
  • GOVT139 CM - Development, Power, and Globalization

    This course analyzes the relationship between globalization and development with reference to a diverse group of developing countries. Different dimensions of globalization—economic flows, international rules and organizations, and role of international aid—will be studied. We will also analyze how the concept of development has changed over time and evaluate it from the perspective of different social groups. We examine the impact of globalization from the perspective of different countries focusing on some large developing countries such as India, China, Brazil, as well as smaller countries such as Guatemala.

    Offered: Occasionally

    Credit: 1

    Course Number: GOVT139 CM
  • GOVT140 CM - International Politics of Nuclear Weapons

    Nuclear weapons have the potential to cause extraordinary devastation and require enormous resources to produce. How have these deadliest of all weapons changed international politics? This course will begin with a historical overview of the development of nuclear weapons and a practical introduction to the weapons and their effects. In the first half of the course, we will discuss the strategic implications of nuclear weapons; the reasons states proliferate; nonproliferation efforts; and the use of nuclear weapons in 1945. The second half of the course will be devoted to case studies of states with past or present nuclear weapons programs.

    Prerequisite: GOVT 020 CM  

    Offered: Occasionally

    Credit: 1

    Course Number: GOVT140 CM
  • GOVT140C CM - Made in India: Economy and Society of India

    This course examines the political, economic, and cultural institutions that give birth to Indian entrepreneurs through detailed case studies of diverse economic organizations in India. India’s combined experiment with democracy, regional diversity, and fast economic change is unparalleled in the world. This course focuses on one important cause of India’s rapid growth: the role of its homegrown entrepreneurs. Indian entrepreneurs have deep links in Indian society, polity, and the economy. Through detailed case studies we will explore the roots of India’s recent successes and challenges across different arenas. We will focus on traditional success stories but also on India’s informal sector and social entrepreneurs.

    Prerequisites: GOVT 020 CM  and GOVT 060 CM 

    Offered: Every other year

    Credit: 1

    Course Number: GOVT140C CM
  • GOVT141 CM - The Politics and Craft of International Journalism

    Journalism not only records history and world events but shapes them as well. Urgent breaking news, daily wrap-ups and thoughtful analyses impact global understanding and policy, and provide an early framework for the historical record. This course presents the fundamentals of news reporting, sourcing and writing, and applies them to assignments the media face every day overseas: spot news and briefs, daily stories on deadline, feature writing, and reporting on political, business, diplomatic, military, social, cultural, sports and other subjects. Students will train to interpret international events and present them in professional journalistic formats.

    Prerequisite: GOVT 020 CM  

    Offered: Every fall

    Credit: 1

    Course Number: GOVT141 CM
  • GOVT141B CM - East Asian Political Economy

    The rise of East Asia has reshaped the global economy. Many theories try to explain this phenomenon. This course examines the economic development models adopted in Japan, Taiwan, Korea, Singapore, Southeast Asia, and China. It explores the complex and dynamic relationship among political institutions, government policies, industrial strategies, and the business community. The objective is to provide a theoretically informed survey of East Asia’s political economy landscape and familiarize students with the most important issues concerning the economic relationship between the East Asian region and the world, in particular the United States.

    Prerequisite: GOVT 020 CM  

    Offered: Every other year

    Credit: 1

    Course Number: GOVT141B CM
  • GOVT142 CM - International Political Feature Writing

    This is a longer-form journalistic writing class on international political topics. The course covers researching, interviewing and writing about subjects including migration, pollution, unrest overseas, cross-border disputes, international military and security issues and war in a clear, well-organized style. Students will write drafts for detailed feedback and reworking, similar to how correspondents work with their editors, as they gain a new eye to following global political events and sharpening their journalistic writing skills. 

    Prerequisite: GOVT 020 CM  

    Offered: Occasionally

    Credit: 1

    Course Number: GOVT142 CM
  • GOVT142A CM - Regionalism in East Asia: History and Its Prospects

    This course examines the evolving pattern of regional integration in East Asia since the end of World War II, paying special attention to the legacy of Japanese colonialism and the rivalry between China and Japan in the region. In particular, this course will focus on the imbalance between economic interdependence and the level of political cooperation in the region. We can observe the growing power of nationalistic, conservative political groups in domestic politics and the ongoing fierce territorial disputes in the region. This imbalance between economic and political integration provides many intriguing questions in regard to the prospect of East Asia in the global political economy. Students will explore these questions and other relevant issues by reviewing the historical trend of regional integration in the areas of economy, politics, and security. South East Asian countries will also be reviewed in terms of the relationship between ASEAN and East Asia.

    Prerequisite: GOVT 020 CM 

    Offered: Occasionally

    Credit: 1

    Course Number: GOVT142A CM
  • GOVT142E CM - Chinese Politics

    The primary objective of this course is to help students both acquire the basic knowledge of politics and political economy of the People’s Republic of China and to develop the analytical skills to understand and explore the underlying factors that shape Chinese political institutions, culture, politics, and social movements. The focus of the first half of the course is on understanding the causes that have contributed to the outcomes of the key political events in China and on analyzing the long-term consequences of these events. The second half of the course examines some of the most important and intellectually interesting topics in contemporary Chinese politics, society, and economy, such as politics reform, democratization, mass media, civil society, corruption, social conflict, ethnic minorities, sustainable development, and China’s experience viewed from a comparative perspective.

    Prerequisite: GOVT 020 CM 

    Offered: Every other year

    Credit: 1

    Course Number: GOVT142E CM
  • GOVT143C CM - International Political Economy of Money and Finance

    This course seeks to provide students with an overview of several key international monetary and financial policy issues. We will begin with an historical overview of the international monetary system, from the gold standard to the contemporary monetary system. We will then examine how financial globalization affects the national policy autonomy of advanced industrialized countries. Subsequently, we turn to the international monetary experience of developing countries in the global economy, focusing on Sub-Saharan Africa and Latin America, post-Communist states and Asia, paying particular attention to the causes and consequences of the major financial crises.

    Prerequisite: GOVT 020 CM 

    Offered: Every other year

    Credit: 1

    Course Number: GOVT143C CM
  • GOVT144A CM - Sixties Movements

    This course explores the movements that led to the social, cultural, and political upheavals of the sixties. They include movements on the left, such as campaigns for civil rights, participatory democracy, gay liberation, and feminism, as well as movements on the right, such as the Goldwater insurgency, Campus Crusade, and the anti-abortion campaign. It further explores how movements work and why some succeed, while others fail. It also pays special attention to the ways in which these movements have remade American democracy and considers their place in our constitutional democracy.

    Prerequisite: GOVT 020 CM 

    Offered: Every other year

    Credit: 1

    Course Number: GOVT144A CM
  • GOVT144B CM - Comparing Social Movements Across the World

    This course attempts to understand similar expressions of collective protest, referred to as “social movements”. Analyzing a variety of such movements in both the West and the developing world, we will explore the following questions: What social and political conditions give rise to such movements? How do social movements affect political institutions and vice-versa? What determines their success or failure? What is the impact of social movements both on public policy and on patterns of everyday interaction? In short, we will be concerned with the relationship between social movements, political institutions and public policies.

    Prerequisite: GOVT 020 CM 

    Offered: Every other year

    Credit: 1

    Course Number: GOVT144B CM
  • GOVT144D CM - Democracy in Developing Countries

    This seminar explores the various underlying factors associated with the emergence of democratic political institutions in developing countries as well as analyzes representative cases of transition to democracy in the last century. Students are encouraged to critically examine theories of democratization and question their relevance to the actual historical cases. The seminar intends to generate lively discussions among students and between the students and the instructor on the most important questions about how democratic institutions emerge, evolve, and consolidate themselves in countries that do not necessarily have the most hospitable conditions for such institutions. The reading assignments and classroom discussions should enable students to have a comprehensive, albeit basic, understanding of the theoretical literature on democracy in general, on the relationship between democratic institutions and government performance, on variations of democratic institutions, on the causes of the breakdown of democracy, and on democratic assistance from external actors.

    Prerequisite: GOVT 020 CM 

    Offered: Every other year

    Credit: 1

    Course Number: GOVT144D CM
  • GOVT145 CM - Globalization and East Asian Capitalism

    This course examines the interaction between states and markets in modern Japan, Korea and China, paying special attention to the similarities and differences in the course of economic development and each government’s attempt to reform its economy in response to globalization. The course will explore how each country has commonly achieved rapid economic growth, while developing substantially different models of economic development due to the peculiar institutional environment of each country. Similarly, the course will also explore the economic reforms pursued by each country in response to economic globalization, and how they resulted in different outcomes due to their unique institutional settings.

    Prerequisite: GOVT 020 CM 

    Offered: Occasionally

    Credit: 1

    Course Number: GOVT145 CM
  • GOVT145E CM - Security Studies

    This course will introduce students to the study of how states provide for their security through the use of military force. The course will first explore the origin and nature of threats to states’ security. It will then examine the key military implements and strategies that states employ in attempting to deal with these threats. Finally the course will study several historical cases of military conflict in light of its earlier theoretical and strategic findings.

    Prerequisite: GOVT 020 CM 

    Offered: Every other year

    Credit: 1

    Course Number: GOVT145E CM
  • GOVT146 CM - Chinese Foreign Policy

    Examines China’s contemporary foreign policy with emphasis on its structure and processes and on the consequences of its rise in world affairs and analyzes China’s relations with the United States, Japan, Korea, Russia, India, Europe, and other countries and regions. It focuses on such issues as diplomatic negotiations, economic interdependence, containment strategies, and constructive engagement.

    Prerequisite: GOVT 020 CM 

    Offered: Occasionally

    Credit: 1

    Course Number: GOVT146 CM
  • GOVT148 CM - Leadership in Politics and Diplomacy

    Through the study of biography, autobiography, political and diplomatic history, and classical and contemporary theories of leadership, the course examines the actions of leaders in the United States who were active in important ways in conceiving and carrying out American foreign policy.

    Prerequisite: GOVT 020 CM 

    Offered: Occasionally

    Credit: 1

    Course Number: GOVT148 CM
  • GOVT149 CM - Foreign Relations of the United States

    This course will provide insights into the processes and dynamics of US foreign policy, with an emphasis on the complexities of foreign policy-making and contemporary foreign policy issues. The course introduces many of the ideas underpinning American foreign policy and examines how governmental and non-governmental actors drive the country’s agenda and its implementation. Students will become familiar with key debates about the US national interest, global challenges, US foreign policy goals, and the means by which they might be achieved.

    Prerequisite: GOVT 020 CM  

    Offered: Every semester

    Credit: 1

    Course Number: GOVT149 CM
  • GOVT150 CM - U.S. National Security Policy

    In this course, we will engage with both theory and case evidence to analyze U.S. national security policy. We begin by examining the concepts of national security and vital interests. How are they defined? Who defines them? How have they changed over time? We will examine how national security policies are developed and applied. We will explore the ways in which policy decision making involves complex trade-offs among competing goals and values, and will practice policy decision making ourselves through a policy round-table session and a National Security Council simulation.

    Prerequisite: GOVT 020 CM  

    Offered: Every year

    Credit: 1

    Course Number: GOVT020 CM
  • GOVT150E CM - Diplomacy and Military Power in U.S. Foreign Policy

    The course examines instances in which the United States has sought to combine diplomacy and military power to accomplish the ends of policy. They include World Wars I and II, the Korean, Vietnam, and Gulf Wars, as well as interventions in Lebanon, Somalia, Bosnia, Haiti, and Kosovo. The course is based on readings in the classics of strategy and diplomacy, such as Clausewitz and Thucydides, and of the works of more recent strategists and historians, including George Kennan, Bernard Brodie, Colin Gray, Albert Wohlstetter, and John Lewis Gaddis.

    Prerequisite: GOVT 020 CM 

    Offered: Occasionally

    Credit: 1

    Course Number: GOVT150E CM
  • GOVT151 CM - The United States, Israel, and the Arabs

    Emphasizes U.S. responses to the Arab-Israeli dispute, Cold War competition with the Soviet Union, the politics of oil, and the major wars in the region since 1945. It includes the role of Britain and France in the disintegration of the Ottoman Empire, and the independence of the states of the contemporary Middle East.

    Prerequisite: GOVT 020 CM 

    Offered: Every other year

    Credit: 1

    Course Number: GOVT151 CM
  • GOVT151C CM - Nations, Nationalism, and State-Building in the Middle East

    This course offers students an in-depth look at the emergence of nationalism and the processes of state building in the Middle East and North Africa. The first section of the course reviews seminal theoretical works and defines key concepts related to nations, nationalism and the technologies of state building. The second section of the course uses case studies from Middle Eastern countries to examine core issues related to nationhood, including: the relationship between nationalism and colonial legacies, religious nationalism, the failures of pan-Arab nationalism, diaspora nationalism, and the politics of nationalism in “state-less” societies.

    Prerequisite: GOVT 020 CM 

    Offered: Every other year

    Credit: 1

    Course Number: GOVT151C CM
  • GOVT152 CM - U.S. Policy in Asia

    A study of the dynamic development of U.S. policy toward Asia in diplomatic, strategic, economic, and cultural fields and of the opportunities and challenges faced by the United States in the Asian Pacific region. Special attention is paid to the emerging issues of political realignment, regional security, economic interdependence, and cultural diplomacy.

    Prerequisite: GOVT 020 CM 

    Offered: Occasionally

    Credit: 1

    Course Number: GOVT152 CM
  • GOVT154 CM - Policymaking in International Organizations

    This course examines the nature, processes, and implications of official international organizations and their growing role in international affairs. How and why does multilateralism arise, what are the relationships between official international organizations and the member countries, how do they make decisions, what implications do these processes have on international cooperation and conflict? The course will focus largely on international economic organizations such as the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, and the World Trade Organization, but will also focus on mutual security and environmental organizations.

    Prerequisite: GOVT 020 CM 

    Offered: Every year

    Credit: 1

    Course Number: GOVT154 CM
  • GOVT156C CM - War

    This course is a great books seminar on war. Students would be expected to read one book a week and then meet once weekly to discuss how the text illuminates the use of war as an instrument of politics, the evolution of warfare (perceptions, strategy, tactics, players, and technology), and the ethics of war. The books selected cover war from ancient times to modern as well as internal and international warfare. The course provides a comprehensive overview of war for students of international relations and for those interested in security studies more specifically.

    Prerequisite: GOVT 020 CM 

    Offered: Every other year

    Credit: 1

    Course Number: GOVT156C CM
  • GOVT156E CM - War II: Film

    Innumerable excellent films have used depictions of war to examine politics, power dynamics, international relations, institutions, ethics, history, social evolution, leadership, identity, community, and human nature. This seminar course will rely on a combination of films, readings, and research to deeply examine these issues in light of contemporary international security. This course serves as a complement and supplement to War, but stands independently.

    Prerequisite: GOVT 020 CM  

    Offered: Every year

    Credit: 1

    Course Number: GOVT156E CM
  • GOVT157S CM - Special Topics in International Relations

    This course examines special topics in international relations. The topics will vary from year to year.

    Prerequisite: GOVT 020 CM 

    Offered: Occasionally

    Credit: 1

    Course Number: GOVT157S CM
  • GOVT160 CM - Statesmanship and Leadership

    A study of the phenomenon of statesmanship, its relation to political life, and its status vis-a-vis the philosophical life, and of the profound change from statesmanship to the modern concept of leadership. The course has two parts: readings in political philosophy, and readings in political history and biography that examine the lives of actual statesmen and leaders.

    Prerequisite: GOVT 020 CM 

    Offered: Occasionally

    Credit: 1

    Course Number: GOVT160 CM
  • GOVT161 CM - The Natural Law

    An inquiry into the idea of natural law as expounded and criticized by ancient, medieval, and modern political philosophers. Readings from Aristotle, Cicero, Aquinas, Hobbes, Kant, and others.

    Prerequisite: GOVT 020 CM 

    Offered: Every third year

    Credit: 1

    Course Number: GOVT161 CM
  • GOVT163 CM - Democracy in Crisis: the Statesmanship of Abraham Lincoln

    This course will consider the obstacles to emancipation posed by democratic institutions and how Abraham Lincoln attempted to overcome them without vitiating those institutions. Readings will be taken primarily from the speeches and letters of Lincoln and his contemporaries.


    Offered: Every other year

    Credit: 1

    Course Number: GOVT163 CM
  • GOVT164 CM - Political Rhetoric

    This course is devoted principally to examining the classical understanding of political rhetoric and the problems and possibilities connected with it. Readings are Plato’s Gorgias and Aristotle’s Rhetoric. In the final part of the course, some famous speeches from the American political tradition are examined.

    Prerequisite: GOVT 020 CM 

    Offered: Occasionally

    Credit: 1

    Course Number: GOVT164 CM
  • GOVT165 CM - Political Philosophy and History

    An examination of the turn from nature to history as the ground of politics, philosophy, and being, and of the significance of this turn for the conduct and understanding of modern politics. Readings in Kant, Hegel, Marx, Nietzsche, Weber, and Heidegger.

    Prerequisite: GOVT 020 CM 

    Offered: Occasionally

    Credit: 1

    Course Number: GOVT165 CM
  • GOVT166C CM - The Politics of the Gig Economy: Entrepreneurship, Technological Innovation, and Politics

    This course introduces students to ongoing technological, political and economic transformations that are redefining the meaning of work, prosperity, innovation and entrepreneurship in post-Industrial capitalist economies. The course covers: foundational texts of political economy; theoretical debates about capitalism, profit, property, and inequality; entrepreneurship, technological innovation, and government regulation; and domestic and international public policy debates.

    Prerequisites: GOVT 020 CM  

    Offered: Every two years

    Credit: 1

    Course Number: GOVT166C CM
  • GOVT167 CM - The American Founding

    An inquiry into the character of the American regime as intended by the Founders. The method of the course will be the close reading of the writings and speeches of the Founders, supplemented occasionally by secondary accounts and interpretations.

    Prerequisite: GOVT 020 CM 

    Offered: Every third year

    Credit: 1

    Course Number: GOVT167 CM
  • GOVT168 CM - Black Intellectuals: Debating Race in the Age of Obama

    In post-civil rights America racial inequality remains an enduring problem and source of controversy. This class explores that problem and controversy through the writings of the nation’s most influential black intellectuals. They include liberals, conservatives, and many iconoclasts who are not easily placed on any political spectrum. As these differences suggest, disagreements among our nation’s most prominent African American intellectuals run deep. They disagree, for example, over such fundamental questions as the significance of racism in modern America and the best means of achieving racial equality. Their varied perspectives have enriched and shaped our national conversation about race, and they continue to help all of us think more deeply about racial inequality-America’s most enduring social and political problem.

    Prerequisite: GOVT 020 CM  

    Offered: Occasionally

    Credit: 1

    Course Number: GOVT168 CM
  • GOVT169 CM - American Political Thought I

    This course will examine the emergence in America of revolutionary ideas about law and politics and their embodiment in wholly new forms of government. The course will then consider the implications and contradictions in these ideas and institutions, as revealed in the debates leading up to the Civil War.

    Prerequisite: GOVT 020 CM 

    Offered: Every third year

    Credit: 1

    Course Number: GOVT169 CM
  • GOVT170 CM - American Political Thought II

    This course will examine the transformation of the American idea of natural rights and natural law under the influence of Social Darwinism, Progressivism, and Pragmatism, as well as the emergence of modern American liberalism and conservatism in their distinctive modes. The effort throughout will be to understand the significance of these developments for the philosophy, and conduct, of republican government in America.

    Prerequisite: GOVT 020 CM 

    Offered: Every third year

    Credit: 1

    Course Number: GOVT170 CM
  • GOVT171 CM - From Theocracy to Democracy

    This course will examine the historical conditions and theoretical presuppositions of modern secular society, or how democratic principles came to replace theological claims as the basis for political legitimacy in the Western world. Readings will be drawn from the Bible, Luther, Calvin, Hobbes, Locke, Montesquieu, Thomas Jefferson, Mirza Abu Talib Khan, Tocqueville, U.S. Supreme Court cases, and contemporary writings concerning modernization and democracy in the Islamic world.

    Prerequisite: GOVT 020 CM 

    Offered: Every other year

    Credit: 1

    Course Number: GOVT171 CM
  • GOVT171C CM - Religion and Liberalism: Enlightenment Approaches to Comparative Constitutional Secularism

    This course offers students an engagement with the major debates in political philosophy and constitutional practice over religion, liberalism, and secularism. Major themes include Enlightenment and post-Enlightenment debates over religious church establishment, toleration, and official state secularism; multiculturalism and religious immigration in the EU; and comparative constitutionalism and secularism in an era or religious revival and globalization. Readings include Enlightenment thinkers such as Hobbes and Locke, contemporary political theory (John Rawls), and theories of multiculturalism and religious revival and migration in Western liberal democracies. Case studies include American disestablishment and Supreme Court First Amendment jurisprudence, EU multiculturalism, and secularism in comparative contexts (focusing on Turkey and India).


    Offered: Occasionally

    Credit: 1

    Course Number: GOVT171C CM
  • GOVT172 CM - Political Philosophy and Foreign Policy

    After a brief consideration of contemporary debates on moralism versus realism in foreign policy, the fundamentally different positions of Aristotle and Machiavelli on the relative status of foreign and of domestic policy are examined. The course concludes with Thucydides, the relation of domestic institutions to foreign policy, and the role of justice in foreign affairs.

    Prerequisite: GOVT 020 CM 

    Offered: Every other year

    Credit: 1

    Course Number: GOVT172 CM
  • GOVT173C CM - Russian Politics

    This course provides an in-depth study of Soviet and post-Soviet Russian politics. The course begins with an analysis of the Communist system and analyzes the nature of the regime, its sources of legitimacy and sustenance, and the reasons for the system’s decline. The course then examines Russia’s post-Soviet period in order to understand the successes and failures within political and economic liberalization. In this course, we will examine the transformation of political institutions, national identities, and economic systems that followed from the collapse of the Soviet system. While this course reviews the main historical events in Russian politics, the main focus of the course is to evaluate Russian political developments within the context of theories in political science on democratization, national identity, and the role of ideology in political and economic regime change. The course concludes with a special focus on Russian energy politics and the evolution of Russian foreign policy toward Eastern Europe and the “Near Abroad.”

    Prerequisite: GOVT 020 CM 

    Offered: Every year

    Credit: 1

    Course Number: GOVT173C CM
  • GOVT174 CM - Topics in Political Philosophy

    A topic of enquiry will be chosen to reflect current challenges and concerns in the field of political philosophy.

    Prerequisite: GOVT 020 CM 

    Offered: Occasionally

    Credit: 1

    Course Number: GOVT174 CM
  • GOVT174C CM - Politics, Philosophy, and War: Xenophon’s Political Philosophy

    Xenophon, like Plato, was a student of Socrates. But Xenophon led a more active life, traveling to Persia where he became general of an army of Greek mercenaries. This practical bend is reflected in the Anabasis, describing his adventures in Persia, and the Education of Cyrus, an account of how to conquer the world that earned Machiavelli’s approval. Yet Xenophon also wrote the Memorabilia, a work devoted to a consideration of Socrates and his more contemplative way of life. This class will consist of a close reading of these works with particular attention to the tension between the political and philosophic life.

    Offered: Occasionally

    Course Number: GOVT174C CM
  • GOVT175C CM - Psychoanalysis and Politics

    This course examines how the discipline of psychoanalysis can prove useful in the understanding of political behavior and political thinking. Concern with the relation between psychological investigation and political activity has a long history, and goes back to the portrayal of Achilles in The Iliad and Suetonius’ investigation of perverse leadership in The Lives of the Twelve Caesars. In its modern form it originates in Freud’s 1921 essay, “Mass Psychology and the Analysis of the Ego.” In the realm of political science, Harold Lasswell (Psychopathology and Politics) studied politics through psychoanalytic ideas, and he has been followed by many other political analysts.

    Prerequisite: GOVT 020 CM 

    Offered: Occasionally

    Credit: 1

    Course Number: GOVT175C CM
  • GOVT177 CM - The English-Irish-American Political Triangle

    This course will study the relations between England and Ireland from the sixteenth to twenty-first century, and the triangular relations between England, Ireland, and America from the eighteenth to twenty-first century. While emphasizing the political, social, and diplomatic relations between these three countries, the course will also examine the cultural influences that grew from the triangular relation.

    Prerequisite: GOVT 020 CM 

    Offered: Every other year

    Credit: 1

    Course Number: GOVT177 CM
  • GOVT178 CM - International Law

    International law is the law of nations, but it can also be the law applied to individuals, relationships, and transactions that cross national boundaries. It addresses norms concerning the use of force and the conduct of war, while also covering such discrete areas as international trade and investment, human rights, environmental protection, ocean resources and maritime issues, and international crimes. This course provides a broad introduction to international law, including the sources of international law; the relevant actors, including states, international organizations, individuals, and non-governmental organizations; dispute resolution and enforcement of international law; and its specific application to discrete topics.

    Prerequisite: GOVT 020 CM 

    Offered: Every year

    Credit: 1

    Course Number: GOVT178 CM
  • GOVT180A CM - Political Reading and Writing I

    In this semester the emphasis is on political reading and writing that is intended to support a political candidate. During the first half of the semester we will read examples of political writing that are mainly intended to support a political position or attack a political opponent: (1) op-ed (2) a longer newspaper or magazine editorial in support of or opposition to a political position, cause, or person. (3) an advertisement for a political candidate meant to appear on TV, radio, or social media. (4) a blog. (5) A direct mailing soliciting contributions for a political campaign or a political cause. (6) a biographical profile of a candidate for a political office. (7) a letter to an editor. (8) A statement of personal and political convictions given at the close of a debate.

    Prerequisite: GOVT 020 CM 

    Offered: Every other Fall

    Credit: 1

    Course Number: GOVT180A CM
  • GOVT180B CM - Political Reading and Writing II

    In this semester the emphasis is on political reading and writing that is intended to support a political candidate. During the first half of the semester we will read examples of political writing that are mainly intended to support a political position or attack a political opponent: (1) op-ed (2) a longer newspaper or magazine editorial in support of or opposition to a political position, cause, or person. (3) an advertisement for a political candidate meant to appear on TV, radio, or social media. (4) a blog. (5) A direct mailing soliciting contributions for a political campaign or a political cause. (6) a biographical profile of a candidate for a political office. (7) a letter to an editor. (8) A statement of personal and political convictions given at the close of a debate.

    Prerequisite: GOVT 020 CM 

    Offered: Every other Spring

    Credit: 1

    Course Number: GOVT180B CM
  • GOVT181 CM - Crime and Public Policy

    Assesses the nature and adequacy of government’s response to the crime problem in the United States. Specific topics include the extent and nature of the problem; the response of police, prosecutors and courts; the nature and extent of punishment imposed for criminal behavior; the philosophic basis for punishment; the role that public opinion does and ought to play in guiding criminal justice policy; and the performance of representative institutions in meeting the crime problem.

    Prerequisite: GOVT 020 CM 

    Offered: Every other year

    Credit: 1

    Course Number: GOVT181 CM
  • GOVT182 CM - Church and State in American Constitutionalism

    Over two hundred years into the American experiment, issues of church and state continue to divide the nation. How far reaching is “the great separation” between church and state? Does it require the development of a secular citizenry? Is it consistent with claims that America is a Christian nation? The vexed relationship between church and state is at the heart of public debates regarding education, marriage, and numerous other issues. To illuminate current debates we will examine the philosophical and political arguments for separation and how these have played out over the course of American constitutional history.

    Prerequisite: GOVT 020 CM 

    Offered: Occasionally

    Credit: 1

    Course Number: GOVT182 CM
  • GOVT185 CM - The Supreme Court and Criminal Procedure

    Intensive analyses of major judicial opinions on the Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, and Eighth Amendments, focusing on search and seizure, self-incrimination, right to counsel, and other procedural rights of accused persons.

    Prerequisite: GOVT 020 CM 

    Offered: Occasionally

    Credit: 1

    Course Number: GOVT185 CM
  • GOVT186 CM - the Death Penalty Debate in Philosophy, Religion, Law, and Popular Culture

    This course will examine key issues in the debate over the death penalty throughout Western history, with an emphasis on the current debate within the United States. Focusing on the crime of murder, readings will begin with the ancient legal codes of Hammurabi and Moses and extend up to the most recent court decisions and social science research in the United States. The course will cover the most important philosophic and religious arguments for and against the death penalty, as well as all the major critiques currently leveled against the practice of capital punishment in the United States. Readings will also cover the treatment of the death penalty in popular culture, including ancient Greek plays, the plays of Shakespeare, the debate among the Romantic poets of the 19th century, Clarence Darrow’s classic attack on the death penalty in the 1920s, and modern Hollywood treatments.

    Prerequisite: GOVT 020 CM  

    Offered: Every other year

    Credit: 1

    Course Number: GOVT186 CM
  • GOVT187 CM - Women and the Law

    The purpose of this course is to explore whether and how gender matters in American law, and to examine the constitutional and statutory legal doctrines that apply in sex discrimination claims. More specifically, the course will (a) examine the ways gender has affected citizenship status; (b) address major constitutional themes that are invoked in sex discrimination cases and their evolution across time; and (c) consider how alternative schools of legal thought address these issues. Particular attention will be paid to employment law, reproductive rights, family law, and criminal law.

    Prerequisite: GOVT 020 CM 

    Offered: Occasionally

    Credit: 1

    Course Number: GOVT187 CM
  • GOVT189 CM - Seminar in Legal Studies

    An interdisciplinary seminar focusing on selected contemporary problems in the law. Examples include: (a) constitutional interpretation, (b) development of the rule of law, and (c) presidential war powers. The topics will vary from year to year.

    Prerequisite: GOVT 020 CM 

    Offered: Occasionally

    Credit: 1

    Course Number: GOVT189 CM
  • GOVT191 CM - Public Policy Since the New Deal

    This course will examine the development of American public policy starting with the Great Depression and Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal. While offering a broad overview of economic and social policy in this era, the course will focus particular attention on the New Deal of the 1930’s, the Great Society of the 1960’s, and the Reagan Revolution of the 1980’s. The course material will also illuminate how policy is the product of the interaction of people, ideas, politics, and events.

    Prerequisite: GOVT 020 CM 

    Offered: Every other year

    Credit: 1

    Course Number: GOVT191 CM
  • GOVT192 CM - Liberalism and Conservatism

    The course examines the character of the political opinions calling themselves liberalism and conservatism, from their emergence in the 18th century to their flourishing and possible decline in the 20th century and beyond. Though the course will focus on their American forms, it will contrast these with the appropriate British and Continental counterparts. Throughout, attention will be paid to the variety of doctrines within each school of thought, and to what unites as well as divides the politics of liberalism and conservatism as a whole.

    Prerequisite: GOVT 020 CM 

    Offered: Occasionally

    Credit: 1

    Course Number: GOVT192 CM
  • GOVT193 CM - Presidential War Powers

    This course is a research seminar on presidential war powers. It focuses on the legal issues surrounding the use of force by American presidents, including whether the president may on his own authority introduce American armed forces into combat overseas (as many presidents have done), and what powers the president may exercise domestically when the nation is at war. May he, for example, suspend habeas corpus, relocate and intern American citizens, seize private property for military purposes, order “unlawful combatants” to be tried by military tribunals, or spy on the communications of American citizens with foreign enemies - all of which American presidents have done. An overarching issue throughout is the perennial tension between law (“a government of laws and not of men” - Massachusetts Constitution of 1780) and human discretion (“the good of the society requires, that several things should be left to the discretion of him, that has the Executive power” - John Locke, 1689).

    Prerequisite: GOVT 020 CM 

    Offered: Occasionally

    Credit: 1

    Course Number: GOVT193 CM
  • GOVT196 CM - International Human Rights

    This course introduces human rights as a dominant field in international law and international relations. It examines historical origins of the concept, international legal underpinnings, and dynamics that have driven its expansion and limited its success. The course focuses on international actors operating under the United Nations including the Security Council, Human Rights Council, and bodies monitoring treaty obligations. It also covers regional human rights systems, including Europe, Latin America, and Africa. Specific topics include: torture, racism, disappearances, genocide, LGBT rights, hate speech, women’s rights, and economic, social and cultural rights. Broader themes involve the tensions between the universality of human rights and cultural relativism, state sovereignty, terrorism, armed conflicts, and whether human rights law has made a positive contribution to the actual realization of human rights.

    Prerequisites: GOVT 020 CM  and GOVT 178 CM , or permission of instructor

    Offered: Occasionally

    Credit: 1

    Course Number: GOVT196 CM
  • GOVT199 CM - Independent Study in Government

    Students who have the necessary qualifications and who wish to investigate an area of study not covered in regularly scheduled courses may arrange for independent study under the direction of a faculty reader.

    Offered: Every semester

    Credit: 0.5 or 1

    Course Number: GOVT199 CM


  • HIST017 CH - Chicano/Latino History

    See Pomona College Catalog for course description.

    Credit: 1

    Course Number: HIST017 CH
  • HIST025 CH - All Power to the People!

    See Pomona College Catalog for course description.

    Credit: 1

    Course Number: HIST025 CH
  • HIST028 CH - Revolution and Intervention

    See Pomona College Catalog for course description.

    Credit: 1

    Course Number: HIST028 CH
  • HIST031 CH - Colonial Latin American History

    See Pomona College Catalog for course description.

    Offered: Every other year

    Credit: 1

    Course Number: HIST031 CH
  • HIST032 CH - Latin America Since Independence

    See Pomona College Catalog for course description.

    Credit: 1

    Course Number: HIST032 CH
  • HIST034 CH - History of Mexico

    See Pomona College Catalog for course description.

    Credit: 1

    Course Number: HIST034 CH
  • HIST040 AF - History of Africa to 1800

    See Pomona College Catalog for course description.

    Credit: 1

    Course Number: HIST040 AF
  • HIST041 AF - History of Africa from 1800

    See Pomona College Catalog for course description.

    Credit: 1

    Course Number: HIST041 AF
  • HIST050A AF - African Diaspora in the United States to 1877

    See Scripps College Catalog for course description.

    Offered: Every other year

    Credit: 1

    Course Number: HIST050A AF
  • HIST050B AF - African Diaspora in the United States since 1877

    See Scripps College Catalog for course description.

    Credit: 1

    Course Number: HIST050B AF
  • HIST051 CM - Modern South Asian History through its Literature, 1700 to the Present

    This course uses South Asian literature in English translation to recover a picture of social, cultural, and political life in the period 1700 to the present. The literature includes diaries, poetry, novels, and essays. It gives us data on the everyday life of the period, but also on questions such as, What was the experience of modernity? and, How are gendered and class identities experienced? Students will read literature but learn how to think historically.

    Offered: Occasionally

    Credit: 1

    Course Number: HIST051 CM
  • HIST052 CM - South Asian History: An Introduction

    The history of South Asia (modern-day India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka & Nepal) includes equal parts of dramatic narrative and controversies in interpretation. Who were the Aryans? Is Emperor Akbar’s popularity as a synthesizer of Hindu-Muslim interests justified? What does Buddhist sculpture tell us of gender relations? How old really is Indian “classical” music and dance? Why did Partition take place? This course will expose us to the rich historical narratives of the area, usually from primary sources, and equally to the complex interpretations of political, social and intellectual questions. The semester will be divided between three periods (Ancient, Medieval and Modern) of South Asian History for convenience.

    Offered: Every year

    Credit: 1

    Course Number: HIST052 CM
  • HIST053 CM - Everyday Life in South Asia, 1700 to the Present

    This course is the second of two parts of an introduction to the civilization(s) of historical India, or present-day status of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, and Sri Lanka. These three hundred years consist of complex changes in the economy, social structure, and the values of this life and an after life. The course looks at the agencies of change such as colonial law and education, mass media and technology, and demography. The main focus, however, will be on the experiences of people of this change and the emergence of new identities.

    Offered: Occasionally

    Credit: 1

    Course Number: HIST053 CM
  • HIST054 CM - Bread and Circuses: The Politics of Roman Private Life

    This course explores various categories of Roman culture that defined both private lives and the public image of society. Topics include wealth, patronage, gender, slavery, violence, and death. By examining a variety of primary sources - histories, poetry, letter, and urban fabric - we shall better appreciate the ways in which private life in ancient Rome was a public performance.

    Offered: Every year

    Credit: 1

    Course Number: HIST054 CM
  • HIST055 CM - The Middle East: From Muhammad to the Mongols

    This survey is an introduction to the pre-Modern history of the peoples of the classical Islamic lands, from North Africa to Central Asia. The course will cover the time period from the rise of Islam to the Mongol invasions of the 13th century and their aftermath, examining topics such as geography and environment, relations between nomadic and sedentary peoples, the formation of Islamic law, science and philosophy, and the relation between the rulers and the ruled, the state and its subjects.

    Offered: Every fall

    Credit: 1

    Course Number: HIST055 CM
  • HIST056 CM - The Middle East: From the Ottomans to the Present

    A survey of the social, political, and economic history of Islamic societies since ca.1500. Beginning with an examination of the Turkic “gunpowder empires,” the course then explores the ways in which capitalist market economies, European penetration, and nation building projects transformed the region during the 19th and 20th centuries. Subjects include state and society under the Ottomans, Safavids, and Mughals; colonialism and imperialism, capitalism and the integration of the region into the world system; responses to the West; the territorial settlement of the Middle East and the emergence of the Mandate System after the first World War; nationalism; the question of Palestine; and the modern revival of Islamic movements.

    Offered: Every spring

    Credit: 1

    Course Number: HIST056 CM
  • HIST059 CM - Civilizations of East Asia

    The rise and development of Chinese (Sinitic/Confucian) civilization from neolithic origins to its full maturation in the 18th century and the struggle of countries on the periphery of the Chinese cultural zone - primarily Japan and secondarily Korea and Vietnam - to retain distinct cultural and political identities while borrowing aspects of Chinese culture. Themes include state building, the changing role of women, cultural and aesthetic traditions, religious values, and political patterns. Special attention is given to divergent paths of pre-modern development which helped condition 20th-century approaches to political/economic modernization.

    Offered: Every year

    Credit: 1

    Course Number: HIST059 CM
  • HIST061 CM - The New Asia: China, Japan, and Indonesia in the Modern Era

    Revolution, state building, modernization, and socio-cultural change in four representative cultural zones of Asia. The first part of the course examines imperialism and de-colonization, socio-religious reform movements, changing gender roles, and dynamics of political revolution. The second part explores the new forces which have reshaped the countries: the passing of charismatic leaders and revolutionary development strategies, the Japanese/East Asian economic model, and problems defining culture.

    Offered: Every year

    Credit: 1

    Course Number: HIST061 CM
  • HIST068 CM - Disasters in the Ancient Mediterranean

    The timeless monumentality of the ancient Mediterranean often conveys a sense of durability and resistance to change, but ancient societies were also proverbial for disasters, both natural and human. Poised on a fragile balance between plenty and crisis, disasters strained resources at every level, but ancient communities were nevertheless surprisingly resilient. This course explores a wide range of disasters - earthquakes and volcanoes, floods and drought, plague and famine, fires and riots, sieges and sackings, military catastrophes and genocide - to better understand the capacity of ancient communities to respond to adversity. How enduring was the impact of disaster, what resources were mobilized in response, and what were the psychological strategies for coping?

    Offered: Every other year

    Credit: 1

    Course Number: HIST086 CM
  • HIST071 CM - The Making of Medieval Europe: 800-1300 CE

    This course offers a broadly based inquiry into the late-classical, Germanic, Judeo-Christian and Islamic cultures that constituted Europe and the Mediterranean from the Carolingian Empire which emerged after the fall of the Roman Empire to the height of medieval Christendom in the 14th century. Designed to provide students with an overview of the history of Europe and the Mediterranean from ca. 800-1300, the course will explore such topics as the consolidation of “barbarian kingdoms” after the fall of the Roman Empire and the emergence of the Church as a governing institution; the rise and importance of monasticism; medieval notions of sexuality, ethnicity, and identity; the transformation of the feudal state into commercial economies; Byzantine, Islamic and western Christian scholarship; kingship knighthood and the Crusades.

    Offered: Every year

    Credit: 1

    Course Number: HIST071 CM
  • HIST072 CM - The Making of Early Modern Europe, 1300-1800

    This course provides an introductory overview of European society from the late middle ages to the end of the French Revolution. The major events examined include the Black Death in the 14th century and the spread of smallpox in the New World in the 16th; the Renaissance, Protestant, and Catholic Reformations; the place of Jews and Muslims in the European imagination; intellectual and scientific movements; colonization of the Americas; the French Revolution and the rise of nationalism; and changes in gender relations and the family.

    Offered: Occasionally

    Credit: 1

    Course Number: HIST072 CM
  • HIST073 CM - The Rise of Modern Europe, 1750 to the Present

    An examination of the major issues in the rise of modern Europe from the 18th to the 21st centuries. Major topics include the secularization of culture, the industrial revolution, imperialism, the rise of the modern nation state, and rise of new political-economic systems such as capitalism, democracy, fascism, and communism. The course concludes by examining the devastation of two world wars, Europe’s post-war recovery, and Europe’s new relationship with the world.

    Offered: Every other year

    Credit: 1

    Course Number: HIST073 CM
  • HIST078 CM - Museums and Leadership: Past, Present, Future

    Museums count among the greatest institutions ever created. Yet they are more than repositories of knowledge and human accomplishment. They are national symbols, projections of power, and the embodiment of a people’s values. As such, they have often been at the center of political controversy. This course examines the history of museums and the challenges faced by their founders and leaders. Topics include the history of museums in the West; the debate over the possession of antiquities; the disposition of Nazi looted objects; the ethical challenges faced by the leaders of museums; and the future of museums.

    Offered: Every other year

    Credit: 1

    Course Number: HIST078 CM
  • HIST080 CM - Early America: From Invasion to Civil War

    This course will survey the history of North America from the sixteenth to the late nineteenth centuries. We will follow along as a small and diverse collection of ramshackle European settlements grew into wealthy colonies, how they fought for independence and established a united republic, and how that republic in turn grew into an empire. We will study this history not in isolation, but within the context of the Atlantic world, and the turbulent flows of peoples, goods, and ideas within it.

    Offered: Occasionally

    Credit: 1

    Course Number: HIST080 CM
  • HIST081 CM - Modern America, 1865 to Present

    This introductory survey course, beginning with the United States’ emergence in the late 19th century as an industrialized, urbanized society, traces America’s evolution into a complex, heterogeneous, “modern” state.

    Offered: Occasionally

    Credit: 1

    Course Number: HIST081 CM
  • HIST090 CM - Early American Capitalism: From the Market Revolution to the Gilded Age

    Between 1815 and 1900, the United States experienced a dramatic transformation, from a minor outpost in the Atlantic economy to the world’s leading manufacturer. The mass market and the large, private corporation became the defining features of American capitalism. This lecture-discussion class will examine the origins and development of that system, with particular attention to its social history. We will ask how diverse communities of Americans constructed, challenged, and were shaped by the expansion of the capitalist economy. 

    Offered: Occasionally

    Credit: 1

    Course Number: HIST090 CM
  • HIST095 CM - Introduction to Latin American Cultures

    This course is an introductory survey of the histories and cultures of Latin America, focusing on struggles for power between elite and popular groups from pre-1492 to the present day. It is divided in four broad sections: The encounter between Europeans and Indigenous peoples and structures of Colonial society; Latin American Independence and the meanings of independence for slaves, women, and others not considered full citizens of emerging nations; Twentieth century nationalisms, revolutions and dictatorships; and, contemporary social movements and politics in Latin America. This is a writing-intensive course geared toward Freshmen and Sophomores.

    Offered: Every year

    Credit: 1

    Course Number: HIST095 CM
  • HIST096 CM - The Amazon: From Cannibals to Rainforest Crunch

    From the time of the conquest, the outside world turned the Amazon into an imagined place to unleash their adventure fantasies about lost cities of gold and their fears about savage jungles and Indians. From a historical perspective, this course interrogates the creation of Amazonia from the nineteenth-century rubber boom to contemporary environmental campaigns. We analyze visual images, explorers’ accounts, ethnographies, novels, films, advertisements and environmental campaigns. The point is to understand how the Amazon and its people have been imagined externally and internally, and why certain narratives hold power in the Western world.

    Offered: Every other year

    Credit: 1

    Course Number: HIST096 CM
  • HIST097 CM - Human Rights in Latin America: Testimonies

    The course evaluates testimonial literature, a cross between oral history and biography, as a historical source to locate subaltern voices usually excluded from the official documents used to write history. We debate the truths and validity of such sources and use interpretative tools such as theories on subjectivity, memory and discourse analysis for using testimonial literature as a historical source. We also look at how testimonies have been used as evidence in human rights commissions and translated into mass media for national and international audiences.

    Offered: Every other year

    Credit: 1

    Course Number: HIST097 CM
  • HIST098 CM - The Americas: Cultural History of Transnational Relations

    This course examines the modern history of United States and Latin American relations. It employs a cultural approach to interrogate the processes of forming geopolitical distinctions in the twentieth century. While we examine classic cases of U.S. intervention in Latin America and Latin American cases of Anti-Americanism, the framework of transnational history provides a platform to examine hemispheric solidarities and exchanges through primary and secondary sources. Course themes include theories of development (modernization and dependency theories), human rights and Cold War politics, claims of imperialism and anti-Americanism as well as exchanges of popular culture and identities among the peoples and nations of the Americas.

    Offered: Every other year

    Credit: 1

    Course Number: HIST098 CM
  • HIST100 CM - Freshman Honors Seminar

    Selected topics in history. By invitation only.

    Offered: Every year

    Credit: 1

    Course Number: HIST100 CM

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